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Okay so we moved in with my parents to save money and because the market is insane rn. Then it turned out my grandmother couldnā€™t be independent anymore so my parents moved her down and are living in a house locally with her. Me and my partner were left in charge of my parents house and take care of their dog and two cats.
Within a month of us having the house to ourselves, my brother decides to move back from GA to ā€œsave money for a houseā€
The problem is that he is so ADD (unmedicated) he leaves a trail of chaos everywhere he goes. Heā€™s like Taz from looney tunes. When he cooks he uses every pot/pan/dish in the house then leaves them sit. Will leave food out so the cats get into it(the cats even smashed a casserole dish he left out.) He feeds the pets people food when Iā€™ve worked so hard to get them to eat their own food. Doors get left open and unlocked when he leaves to go somewhere. Several times the back door was left open so the dog got outside but couldnā€™t get back in when it was 20 degrees out. I did NOT sign up to be my brothers handler.
Then his gf comes to visit with her crazy untrained dog. Our animals stay stressed when her dog is around. They wonā€™t eat, the cats stay hidden, the cats have been have diarrhea because theyā€™re so stressed out. If her dog is allowed to roam the house he has ā€œaccidentsā€ on the carpet constantly. I have worked very hard to keep my parents house clean, not smelling like animals, and getting it organized. So much for that. Right before she came for the holidays my brother told me she quit her job now only does door dash. Great there is no hard fast deadline for her to leave now. She came the Wednesday before Christmas. First I was told she was leaving new years weekend, then I was told she was leaving today 1/2/23 but now sheā€™s not going until tomorrowšŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø I asked my brother point blank if she was going to show up and never leave. He assured me she would never stay past her welcome. But here we are. My partner and I are back to work and so is my brother. She is still here. Iā€™m going insane. She nice enough but I want my space and my routine back! The animals I am responsible for are constantly in a state of stress and I havenā€™t been able to 100% relax since sheā€™s been here. How tf do I kick someone out without causing and international incident?!? Was legit in tears from stress at work when I found out the departure date changed again.
I swear when we eventually get our own place Iā€™m never having guests over. Everyone who wants to visit will have to get a hotel. Fuck this shit! Any guest after she finally leaves will not be allowed to show up without prior approved check in and check out dates.
I just donā€™t understand why common courtesy is so often ignored or disregarded.
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Iā€™m really starting to dislike the holidays.
Trying to balance everyoneā€™s feelings, split time fairly between all the sides of the family. No one wants to feel like theyā€™re being put off. So no one ends up happy. I have to drive to 4 different houses and end up exhausted
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Can anyone relate? I was raised not to talk back, be respectful to adults and authority figures, not complain and certainly not to cause a scene. Now as an adult I struggle with standing up to shitty condescending bosses. I can have a perfectly sound counter argument in my head but it never makes it past my lipsā€¦.
How does one professionally tell someone to fuck off?
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Itā€™s funny when the boss comes and singles out 2 out of the 3 hardest workers and tells them they donā€™t help out, they donā€™t act like a team, and theyā€™re disappointing. All referring to a day the boss called out on. So excuse me?!What?!
3+ years of busting my ass. Burning myself out. And youā€™re gonna say I donā€™t do shit? Well letā€™s see what me not doing shit looks likeā€¦
Why do the hard workers get punished?
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So I have come to realize I am the person/family member that family members or friends come to when they need. Need me to listen, to make them happy, to entertain them , to give advice that they have no intention of taking, to fix their problems, to do favors, to lend them something.
I no longer have any patience, presence of mind, or desire to have to entertain anyone. just leave me alone. My human interaction schedule books are closed for the foreseeable future. I am fine I just need to not be needed
And that makes me feel guilty as hell
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Is there a site for crafty people? Like a collection of fabricators, sewing people, painters, costume makersā€¦ etc where they all trade tips and tricks of the trade?
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Representation of me lying on my resume with the guidance of my bestie.
Cobra Kai 03x06
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Why am I also just seeing this , am late to everything šŸ˜«
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The Treehouses at HoneyTree Farm
Frediricksburg Texas
Ā© HoneyTree Farm
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These ten ducklings were found orphaned and they were brought to a pet duck called Stella who had just hatched nine of her own two weeks prior. She immediately claimed the ten as her own.Ā 
via @thesassyducksā€‹ instagram
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ā€œMy dear Sam, you cannot always be torn in two. You will have to be one and whole for many years. You have so much to enjoy and to be, and to do. Your part in this story will go on.ā€
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lem me flop here
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The world is changed. I feel it in the water. I feel it in the earth. I smell it in the air. Much that once was, is lost, for none now live who remember it.
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Cute Halloween Prints byĀ There Will Be Cute
x / x / x / x / x x / x / x / x / x
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