iimagineibelieve · 10 years
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My 'Game of Thrones' book cover for my Graphic Design coursework! Really happy with how this all turned out :D
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iimagineibelieve · 11 years
Update on the Blog.
Hey guys, I know I don't have many followers but just so you know, I'm spending a lot of my time on my Graphic Design degree at the moment so I don't have many chances to post. I'm not letting the blog die, I will eventually post a lot more when I have the time and less stress :)
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iimagineibelieve · 11 years
Reading Festival 2013
So I've just come back from Reading Festival and I have to say without a doubt it was amazing. Biffy Clyro was probably the best live performance I've ever seen and I could have cried. Beautiful.
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iimagineibelieve · 11 years
So We Are the Ocean played my hometown yesterday and I met them all and I could have died they were that good. Such geniune guys too.
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iimagineibelieve · 11 years
Hey, bit random but your blog is awesome! I've just came across it but I really fucking like it man!
Haha thanks man! :D Definitely going to try and post a lot more often than I have been! :)
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iimagineibelieve · 11 years
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Holiday - Green Day
A gag, a plastic bag on a monument.
Once again if any of the images used belong to you let me know so I can credit you :)
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iimagineibelieve · 11 years
risarodil replied to your post: If you are going to use my artwork elsewhere please make sure I am credited, there's nothing more crushing than seeing pieces do better with thieves than they did on my blog. I worked hard on them, they may not be amazing but they are mine and I want them to stay so.
If someone reposted any of your work or used it in any way without your consent, you can report it to tumblr support and they’ll take down the post for you.
I would but my work was stolen from Tumblr onto Instagram, having the work on there would be good publicity if I was credited. I'll report it to them if the page doesn't respond to me soon. Thanks for the advice :)
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iimagineibelieve · 11 years
If you are going to use my artwork elsewhere please make sure I am credited, there's nothing more crushing than seeing pieces do better with thieves than they did on my blog. I worked hard on them, they may not be amazing but they are mine and I want them to stay so.
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iimagineibelieve · 11 years
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Wake Me Up When September Ends (Typography) - Green Day 
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iimagineibelieve · 11 years
your tumblr is fucking awesome
Cheers man! I haven't posted in a long time but I'm starting to get back into it now, hopefully when I start my Graphics course my work will get better but until then thank you :)
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iimagineibelieve · 11 years
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Green Day's Whatsername artwork I did as a present for a friend. If any of the images I used were yours let me know and I'll credit you! There were more but they were only repeated lyrics and I can only upload 10 photos at at time :)
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iimagineibelieve · 11 years
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Icarus - Bastille
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iimagineibelieve · 11 years
Just been accepted on my Graphic Design course! :D
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iimagineibelieve · 11 years
Purchasing artwork.
Over the past few months I have been having people ask if they can buy artwork from me. The answer is basically no, because I do this for entertainment, not money. If you want any of the images I post you're free to take them and post them if I am credited, or if you need different sized or altered versions just ask and I'll send you the image. Until I take my Graphics course, I really don't feel comfortable selling anything, but thanks for the offers guys, it means a lot! :)
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iimagineibelieve · 11 years
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Radioactive - Imagine Dragons
Just a quick experimentation with a new style :)
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iimagineibelieve · 11 years
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Poet - Bastille
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iimagineibelieve · 11 years
How do i go about buying this?
Buying what bro? :)
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