#Uno Dos Tre
pinockv · 8 months
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Faggot ☺️
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subrosa03 · 7 months
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GOD'S FAVORITE BAND - Green Day, through the years
I'm so so so excited for Saviors!
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paranoidseamonster · 2 months
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draw background characters with various personalities :3
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greendayauthority · 3 months
Song messages in the deluxe version of the ¡Uno! book
Nuclear Family
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'Pick a summer... and summer... take a peek at the salt water and who gives a fuck... ya know? That's where this begins'
Stay the Night
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'Haven't felt an impulse like this in eons. I guess that heart burn never goes away... just a bit caged'
Carpe Diem
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'"Too young to die?" Well I say "aren't all too young to die?" Does the future have enough time to live in the moment?
Let Yourself Go
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'How much can I pay you not to finish your story? You keep telling the same story over & over & over & over & over & over & over punch me in the fucking face!'
Kill the DJ
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'Ah yes, which leads us to this 4 on the floor. Sometimes I could drink my way through this era. Take pills & fuck the noise away. And dance in the ashes of nonsense.'
Fell For You
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'Wet dreams for the middle-fuck crisis. Keep your heart in a box with a lock on it for god's sake!'
Billie Joe also said something similar on the closing night of American Idiot on Broadway: 'Keep your fucking heart young, goddammit. Keep it fucking all comfy all the time. Don’t fucking stop, there’s a reason why that hand is holding the heart. It just keeps squeeze that motherfucker till it still bleeds every goddamn day.'
Loss of Control
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'Look how far we've come.'
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'✓ Beach ✓ Douchebags ✓ Sluts ✓ Bars ✓ Tattoo shops. How convenient!'
Angel Blue
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'It's better to just rip the band-aid off'
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'Baby has barely started!'
Sweet 16
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'I remember you drinking Olde English driving all the way out. Sunbathing at Pinole Shores. My Minnesota Girl. Always.'
Rusty James
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'I read your book... it was a piece of shit. You traded that spiked belt in for a killer job at Pete's Coffee. Way to go! By the way, I've always wanted to smash your fucking teeth in. 🖤'
Oh Love
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'Love like a good horror film.' / 'The tattoo wore off. More like "Oh well." I talked myself out of you. Even though I was never considered. Tension.'
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behindtheband420 · 3 months
(Just comment Saviors if that's your choice)
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deimosbreakfrost · 1 month
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mt preppy😍
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iamtryingtobelieve · 7 months
Everyone's drama queen is old enough to bleed now
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shortnsweetgf · 8 months
hello if you see this reply or tag it with 3 things that made you smile today no matter how silly you think they may be. please :)
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g-rillazxx · 1 year
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elbiotipo · 6 months
Bombita Rodriguéz (the 70s marxist guerrilla peronist and popular singer and TV entertainer from Capusotto) parents were an revolutionary troskyst clown who split from four previous comedian groups and an ultranationalist ultracatholic vedette who did a variety show with choral chants and burlesque
This might make you understand Peronism more or less, I don't know, I don't care
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pinockv · 10 months
That's what September sounds like
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billie’s voice in all the trilogy albums is amazing. as well as all the drumming and bass lines. people hate on these albums, and i can say that there are some questionable lyric choices, but it’s so underrated in terms of the actual sound. yeah, it didn’t sound like the green day people knew, but it’s just different. not bad! i absolutely love the sound.
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odinsblog · 2 months
Willie Bobo • Fried Neckbones and Some Home Fries
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greendayauthority · 11 months
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“¡Uno! is feeling like your heart is on fire. On the second record, you start losing control. By ¡Tré!, your heart will feel like a flamethrower. It gets really hot.” – Billie Joe Armstrong
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stgloria · 1 year
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reptil-enjoyer · 1 year
Talking about the concept art of Heath (G3)
Hey, so his concept art dropped today in the morning i think, and i wanted to say my opinion about it xP
(This is just me being autistic part 1000 of the series called my life)
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Honestly i LOVE those two designs, favs out of the six
The dark eyes of the second? Its looks so cool, it kinda fits way more on the idea of Heath beign the son of the 'Ruler of the Underworld' (Did they call him Satan or Devil or Hades in the show??). Its more edgy looking, it would clash with the personality he has maybe? Like in a good way
Not a fan of the more redish orange of the first, but it fits pretty god with the darkers spots (i think its like magna chunks?? Im gonna call it that). Those parts, chunks, spots, whatever, they can be interpreted as a skin condition he has, and this SO important to me, you NEVER see characters with that, because its hard to animate or "non important", but to a person like me (I have seborrheic dermatitis!) It means a lot.
I still don't understand why did they choose those colours for his clothes, it stands out but in an awful way, the light blue shouldn't be the main colour for his hoodie, it should be the complimentary one, and making the flames in orange to red gradient doesn't help AT ALL
Those two, the first one mostly, are the only ones that you can look at them and get Heath vibes, like you can recognize its Heath (lanky body shape, expressions and pose he's doing help with this too)
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I dont like those two i am SO sorry
I like that they went with more accesories with these, really liking the metal chain honestly (and the earrings!), and the black nails too, it fits him
I prefer the design with the buzzcut, i actually tend to use that as a HC in my drawings, still don't know why they didn't give him one in the show, because his bald head when his fire goes out doesnt look right at all :/
His design looks so good with black, it makes the fire stand out in a good way, his shorts and shoes look way better in here. But the vest? Im sorry, tge idea its cool but it fuck ups his silluette, hes too square looking, and it gives off a totally different vibe. Also the long pants with the same exact design as the shirt? It doesn't look good
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HE COULD HAVE BEEN EMO IN CANON 😔 (this is a reference to a HC of G1 Heath)
Those two are difficult, because I like them, they look good, truly they do, but the way they are drawn, like, their body shape? Mostly his face, he looks WAY older, like he looks idk 17? 18?
He looks so good with long hair i must say
In general, they give off more older brother/sibling of Heath; he doesn't look or give Heath vibes, nothing, nada
AND THAT WAS MOSTLY MY OPINION, SORRY THIS WAS SO LONG GOD, i muat say that different aspects of those designs would be better by separate, but bringing 'all the good parts' of those 6 designs isn't the solution to anything, at least in my eyes, thats all :P
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