{AP} Private & Selective Indie RP Blog for Michael from South Park. Read rules and about before interacting. Penned by Bon.
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
@retractedrequiem from x
Was he talking to a 12 year old? All he had asked for was for some advice on how to reach out to Stan, and suddenly the other was acting like he was straight out of a Snoopy cartoon.
He was too goth for this.
But he missed Stan more than he felt compelled to leave...
“Fine... On one condition. And that’s that we move away from these tracks.”
A stiff hand vaguely gestured towards the snow covered tracks, his eyes not even looking at them. They made him sick to his stomach. Made him unable to think clearly, and his chest to feel uncomfortably tight.
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“Oh. You’re all still here.”
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Hiya y’all, I’ve made a relaxed rp blog for Stephen Stotch over here
👉 @stephenstop 👈
and Imma pretty it up once time allows it... Go ahead and follow and maybe give this post a reblog 🖤
Say hello to one of the most fragile minded South Park residents there is...
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The color of my HEART was burnt to BLACK, just like THAT And I look at my BLOODY hands and THINK, ❝Why am I like this?❞
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“ Pete, baby, don’t listen to them.”
wow okay but imagine how fucking scary michael would be when someone picks on pete,,, considering he had to take anger management n shit
but here, have michael being a good bf and doin a protecc <3
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I only do these once every blue moon, but how about a starter call? Give this a like or reblog if you want a starter!
Mutuals only. No personal blogs. If I feel too overwhelmed I might get selective.
I am not responsible for Michael hurting your muse’s feelings, that’s on you as soon as you hit that button…
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I only do these once every blue moon, but how about a starter call? Give this a like or reblog if you want a starter!
Mutuals only. No personal blogs. If I feel too overwhelmed I might get selective.
I am not responsible for Michael hurting your muse’s feelings, that’s on you as soon as you hit that button…
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I only do these once every blue moon, but how about a starter call? Give this a like or reblog if you want a starter!
Mutuals only. No personal blogs. If I feel too overwhelmed I might get selective.
I am not responsible for Michael hurting your muse’s feelings, that’s on you as soon as you hit that button...
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i can still relate to you /;
“I dunno on what, but whatever it is, I’m sorry to hear it.”
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Me: :)
My brain: you don’t have a dick lol
Me: >:(
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what’s up im skylar, im 19, and i never fucking learned how to cope with dysphoria
#i became insane with long intervals of horrible sanity { musings }#// aint no coincidence his dress shirt is so fucking long
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Get to know my character through an ask!
🍰 - What is their favorite type of dessert or sweet? 🐢 - What type of animal would they keep for a pet? 🐙 - They are crossing the ocean. What are the circumstances and how did they get there? 🌎 - If money were no object, where would they live and what would they do with their life? (Ex: entrepreneur, playboy, philanthropist, etc) 🎂 - Do they celebrate their birthday? 🎓 - Are they well-educated? 📬 - A mysterious letter has just been found in their mailbox. How does your character react? Who would it be from? ⌚ - Is your character punctual or procrastinator? 💰 - Your character just found a fat sack of gold on a bench. What do they do with it? 👙 - Is your character trendy or do they just not give a damn? 🎠 - Your character is at the carnival. What kinds of rides or games do they check out to entertain themselves? 🔮 - Your character is having their future told by someone pretty shady. Do they call the fortune teller out or just roll with it? 🎃 - What is your character’s favorite holiday? 🎶 - What would your character say about your personal taste in music? 💒 - Does your character want marriage or a lifelong commitment? ♓ - Hey baby, what’s your sign? What would your character’s zodiac sign be and what qualities do they carry to make them fall under that sign? 🚼 - Does your character have or want kids? ⚠ - What has your character almost done that made someone talk them out of or convince them not to do it? ♿ - Is your character in some way handicapped? (This includes physical, emotional, and mental.) 💊 - Is your character on medication? If so, why? 🌞🌜 - Is your character an early bird or night owl? What makes them that way? 📚 - Does your character read? 📓 - If your character keeps a journal, what is the most secret thought they keep in it? 📰 - An obituary for your character was found in the local paper this morning. What did it say? 💢 - What frustrates your character more than anything? ✌ - Your character just made a trespass against someone else, how would they go about righting it given the chance? Or would they at all? 🍴 - What is the absolute worst meal your character has ever eaten? Were they verbal about it or did they just not say anything? 🍜 - Carnivore/Pescatarian/Vegetarian/Vegan/Other? What kind of diet does your character have? 💋 - Your character was just kissed by someone they can’t stand. Why and how did it happen? 😇 - What was your character’s last good deed? 😁 - Someone just tripped and fell in front of your character. Do they laugh or help the person up? 😨 - Your character just broke wind in public. Do they try to hide it or own up to it? 😍 - Your character’s lust object just passed right by them. How awkward do they get as they try to make conversation? 😒 - “Ugh! Not him/her/them/it again.” How does your character react to annoying people? 😂 - Your character is moved to tears. What’s a kindness that another showed to them? 😄 - What has ever made your character laugh so hard that they almost passed out? 😈 - What’s your character’s favorite cuss word? 😏 - Is your character having a dirty thought right now? 🍺 - Cheers! What is your character’s favorite alcoholic beverage? What was the last thing they got smashed off of? 💫 - Your character is suffering memory loss after being knocked unconscious. What happens afterwards and how did it happen? 💡 - What is the best idea your character ever had? 💍 - Does your character wear any type of jewelry? ⛪ - Is your character religious or spiritual in anyway? 🎱 - Your character and a talking raccoon walk into a bar… 📼 - An interrogation tape emerges regarding a recent interview with your character. What are they being questioned for? 👟 - Is your character into personal fitness? If so, what’s their exercise routine? 📺 - What would your character’s favorite TV show be? What’s their favorite genre?
🍀 - Does your character carry a good luck charm? Do they believe in luck?
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aggressive reminder that if i reblog a meme, you are more than welcome to send it in. we’ve never interacted? send a meme. we have 17.5 threads? send a meme. i just sent you a meme? send me a meme.
when in doubt, follow this flowchart:
have i sent a meme?
(no) –> send one!
(yes) –> send another one!
i am thirsty for memes. this has been a psa
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Send some hearts to tell my muse how yours feels about them.
❤️: Wants or is in a romantic relationship with them.
💛: Loves them platonically.
💚: Is a little jealous of them.
💙: Feels pretty indifferent towards them.
💜: Finds them sexually attractive.
💖: Finds them aesthetically attractive.
💗: Finds them romantically attractive.
💞: Feels attracted to them, but can’t work out if it’s platonic, sexual, or romantic attraction they’re feeling.
💝: Looks up to them as a role model.
💓: Is intimidated by them, but wants to be friends with them.
💔: Hates their guts.
💘: Doesn’t really like them, but doesn’t flat-out hate them either.
#ways to pass time before our inevitable demise { memes }#// i think this is a p good one if we dont have stuff established yet uvu
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