Hard Liqour Mixed With A Bit Of Intellect
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ihatetosayitbut-blog · 7 years ago
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ihatetosayitbut-blog · 7 years ago
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10/10/17 (via torii__nicolee)
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ihatetosayitbut-blog · 7 years ago
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ihatetosayitbut-blog · 7 years ago
The Fall / H.S au Chapter 1
The dim light of the morning seeped through my window. I peek at my clock and it reads 6 am, but I was already up. I think it's a stretch to say I have insomnia, I just don't sleep that much. I never saw it as a problem, there's no sad story of why, there's no nightmares- I just don't sleep as much as other people do.
I had already been up and made my coffee from the kitchen - quietly I might add. Just because I don't sleep well doesn't mean my roommate has to suffer.
I'm in my third year at Boston University and share a flat with my friend Nat. We met at a party freshman year and immediately took to each other. She's been here through everything, all the tests I was nervous to take, all the boys that couldn't stay.
Scratch that- all the boys I didn't want to stay. Nat was just like any other person I was friends with. She's had her fair share of heartbreak, I've helped her get ready for dates with boys, I've eaten countless pints of ben and jerry's with her when it didn't work out. But I have never had those problems.
It wasn't that I wanted my heart broken, or that I think I need love to feel complete, I just want to feel something, anything.
It's safe to say I have given up on dating for the time being. Over the past 3 years I only did casual flings, because I didn't like being known as the girl who had broken hearts since her freshman year.
I quickly threw a sweatshirt on from my messy floor and stumbled out into the living room and opened up one of the many books I kept strung throughout my room- 'Milk and Honey' by Rupi Kaur. To say this book frustrates me would be an understatement. I don't understand half of it, but the notion of these poems are still devastatingly beautiful. My eyes skim over a poem that seizes my breath, 'love will come, and when love comes love will hold you, love will call your name and you will melt, sometimes though, love will hurt you but love will never mean to, love will play no games cause love knows life has been hard enough already'.
I immediately put the book down and ran my hand through my hair. I can't help but feel frustrated. But I will be patient, I won't look for love because if I'm meant to find it- it will find me. I hear Nat's door creep open as she strolls into the living room, throwing her messy blonde locks into a bun.
"Morning bitch did you make coffee?"
I stifle a scoff, "I made myself some I'm your best friend not your slave, but check the pot there might be a little left"
She mumbles a quick 'rude' and sits down on the couch.
"Did you hear about the party down on Elmwood Ave tonight? I heard it's gonna be insane, Ian's probably already pregaming"
Ian is one of my closest friends, but also Nat's occasional hookup when they are drunk and lonely. "I wouldn't put it past him, as long as he doesn't get have to get his stomach pumped again I'll come"
Last weeks party ended in Ian doing one too many shots and a trip to the emergency room, safe to say everyone's buzz was gone by the end of the night.
"Ugh I swear I could've killed him, I'll be on him like white on rice tonight because I'm not cleaning up anyone's puke especially his, but he should be mildly tame because he's showing the new kid around today I doubt he wants to scare him off before he even unpacks his shit" she says with a sigh.
"Wait what new kid?" The last new kid Ian showed around ended up running for the hills once he found out how Ian parties.
Nat rolls her eyes ,"I don't know some British boy he's taken under his wing, but maybe if you're lucky he'll be cute"
I groan and throw my head back. "Nat don't even think about it I'm serious, just leave be alone with a bud light and I'll be fine"
She throws her pillow at me and I throw it right back at her. "Rory you can't hide from boys forever, I know you haven't had the best of luck but you shouldn't give up"
Here we go again. Nat cares more about my love life- or lack there of than I do.
"Seriously just leave it I'm not going to look for anything just drop it and let's have a nice time tonight" I quickly try to change the subject before she dampens my mood.
She finally cracks a smile and drops the subject. "Fine, lets watch Netflix until it's time to get our asses up". I get up and grab blankets and she makes quick work of putting one tree hill on, our favorite show no matter how many times we rewatch it.
After many hours of watching the yummy Scott brothers we finally get up to get ready. I stare at myself in the mirror, my blue eyes stare back at me running along my appearance. I've never hated the way I look but I've never loved it either- I was okay with it. I curled the ends of my long chestnut hair and after many attempts I manage winged eyeliner. As for my outfit I put on my favorite pair of black high waisted skinny jeans, and an off the shoulder white cropped shirt.
Nat straightened her golden blonde hair and opted for a black flowy sundress. We locked up and quickly hailed a cab.
After about 10 minutes we pulled up to the already large house party. Drunken frat boys scatter throughout the house and we make quick work of finding Ian. He's by the keg, no surprise there.
"Well if it isn't my favorite ladies, thanks for gracing us with your presence" Ian pulls Nat into a bear hug that I manage to sneak out of.
"Oh shove of dickhead we aren't any later than usual" Nat pushes him off.
"Oh babe you wound me" he banters with her while I grab a bud light off the table and sit on the counter beside my idiot friends.
While Nat and Ian continue to banter I scan the party. There's the drunken couples practically dry humping on the makeshift dance floor, the football team playing yet another riveting game of beer pong, the usual scene. That is until I feel shivers run up my spine as if someone's watching me.
My breath gets caught in my throat when my eyes meet his emerald ones. He's leaning causally on the door frame- eyes burning into mine. He runs his hands through his curly brown hair, tattoos covering his body in the most mouth watering way. We continue to eye each other until he tries to stifle a small smirk. I quickly avert my eyes as I realize I've been staring. I try to put my attention back on Nat and Ian but I can't concentrate on a word they are saying.
All I can see are his eyes. They were the kind of green mint ice cream gets jealous of. The kind of green that distracts you from everything around. His eyes were the kind of green that get noticed even when you can't see them because his eyes bored straight into my entire being. I could feel his presence getting closer without risking a peak back at him.
"Guys let me introduce you to my new best mate from across the pond or whatever the expression is. This is Harry Styles" Ian pulls him into our small circle but I still don't look up from my beer. I hear Nat make her introductions but I'm still so thrown off by him I'm afraid to look. Suddenly it gets quite and I force my eyes to meet his. He wears a stunning small and leans against the counter I'm on.
"Hey I'm Harry Styles" he mutters while making devastatingly intense eye contact with me. I take a swig of my beer to muster up enough courage to utter just two words to this boy.
"Rory Haven" I say shortly with a small nod. His eyes don't leave mine. "Pleasure to meet you Rory Haven" his silky accent mutters with a wide grin. I unknowingly tilt my head to try to get a read on this boy who has for the first time in my life actually renders me speechless. We continue sizing each other up for God knows how long and his happy smile transforms into an amused one.
It seems as though are moment doesn't go unnoticed by Nat and Ian, as Nat clears her throat with wide eyes and throws me a wink. I clear my head of all previous thoughts as Ian lets out an understanding laugh "Oh be careful with that one Styles she'll break your heart" he says without thinking. Instantly my heart plummets and Nat smacks him on chest "You fucking asshole". Ian's eyes widen with realization and he mutters out an apology. "Shit Rory you know I don't think before I talk, especially after a few beers I'm sorry".
Harry looks between us all with a confused but interested expression. I know Ian didn't mean it the way it came out, he tends to speak before he thinks so I try not to pay it any mind. "No worries Ian".
I quickly clear my throat, stumble off of the counter and excuse myself to the back yard for some fresh air. I ignore the loud music and lean my head back against the wall.
I'm not trying to be dramatic, what Ian said is okay he's just thick headed. My needing air has more to do with the stifling appearance of Harry whose presence alone nearly suffocated me.
A tap on my shoulder wakes me out of my thoughts and a concern looking Nat peers down at me.
"You okay? I already tore Ian a new one and told him to fuck himself tonight because I won't be touching him" I instantly let out a laugh. "I'm fine Nat seriously it was just a little hot in there".
She lets out a scoff and lets out a smirk. "Um a little hot in there? You could cut the sexual tension between you and British boy with a butter knife and you guys only said two words to each other. You guys were totally eye fucking". My eyes grew wide as I instantly shake my head.
"No way I don't know what that was but that definitely not it. I mean it Nat don't go getting any ideas." She taps me on the shoulder sympathetically, "Cmon Rory the first step is admitting that you and British boy will be in the sack faster than Ian can finish a six pack"
Before I can muster out a reply she heads back into crowded house and I close my eyes and take another deep breathe to try to clear my head. Come on Rory get your shit together.
But closing my eyes doesn't help at all because every time I do I see those bright emerald eyes boring into mine. I can't get it out of my head. It wasn't just a look that said he wanted me. It was like he was trying to read me, like he was boring straight into my soul. The thought alone sends shivers down my spine.
When I finally open my eyes to head back into the house I see him standing across from me- a thoughtful expression on his face. I take a quick breathe in to mentally prepare myself for his nearly suffocating presence.
A genuine smile makes its way onto his face as he runs his index finger along his lower lip- instantly drawing my attention to his mouth.
He smirks at me and I clear my throat.
"Would you like to go for a walk with me Rory? It's a bit loud in there."
Without thinking through my reply I quickly respond, "Why?"
He looks puzzled for a second before composing himself, "Why what?"
I drew my bottom lip between my teeth and his eyes immediately dart to my lips. "Why do you want to go for a walk with me Harry?"
He takes a brace step closer to me and he instantly clouds my senses. "You could say that I'd like to get to know you if you'll have me". I meet his eyes with a puzzled expression.
"Well why do you want to get to know me?" I can't help but blurt out. An amused expression hazes over his face.
"You sure know how to make a guy sweat Rory Haven", he playfully shakes his head. I can't fight the smile that breaks across my face and he immediately beams back at me, and it takes my breath away.
He holds his hand out towards me, "Lets try this again, because I'm warning you I won't give up so easily" he jokes, "Would you do me the honor of going for a walk with me Rory?"
My smile grows even wider if possible but I try to stifle it, but I know he noticed. I tentatively placed my hand in his and a shiver ran through my body. He firmly clasped his hand in my and lead me through the back yard. And I couldn't help but get the feeling that whatever this is- it's only the beginning.
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ihatetosayitbut-blog · 7 years ago
The Fall / H.S au Prologue
'I didn't want to fall in love. I didn't want to need someone. I really didn't want anything. But then he appeared- and I started wanting everything'
Rory Haven never knew why she had never fallen in love like everyone else had , she hadn't even come close. Maybe there was something wrong with her- or maybe she was incapable of such a feeling. That is until she meets him. Suddenly he filled the void in her heart where no one else could reach. And she realized it had always been him, even before her eyes met his emerald ones.
I never understood why I was so incapable of loving someone. I mean I'm 21 years old and have never been in a relationship. At first it was all fun and games because I'm still so young, but I had never looked at someone and saw the sun, or ached when I was away from them.
I had never gotten my heartbroken, felt butterflies or gotten jealous. Every time I started to see someone I just couldn't get there emotionally, it was never on purpose and it had always portrayed me as the villain- the girl who strung guys along until I was bored with them.
Some people would call me every college guys wet dream, someone who wants no emotional attachment. But that's the thing- it's not that I didn't want to it's that I couldn't.
But I hadn't yet realized why. I hadn't yet realized that I needed a love that consumed me. I needed to fight with them, I needed passion, I didn't want it to be easy, I needed someone to challenge me and someone that enamored me. Someone that made me question things I never had before.
That was when I met him. The boy who I looked at and saw the sun. The one I wouldn't mind losing sleep for. The one I could never get tired of talking to. The one whose presence alone I could feel in my bones.
I suddenly felt the things I read books about.
The boy that changes everything.
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ihatetosayitbut-blog · 7 years ago
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ihatetosayitbut-blog · 7 years ago
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Woman // Harry Styles
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ihatetosayitbut-blog · 7 years ago
If it comes tomorrow, I have my bag packed. If I have to wait till I’m 60, so be it. I’m serious. We’ll be like the Eagles and never stop.
Niall, on if the call came in to re-form 1D (via cathuniverse)
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ihatetosayitbut-blog · 7 years ago
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Too Much To Ask
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ihatetosayitbut-blog · 7 years ago
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Austin - 11/10
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ihatetosayitbut-blog · 7 years ago
person: oh you write? are you any good?
me: yeah I guess
also me: he furrowed his brow, his brow furrowed, brow furrowing, his brow knit together, a wrinkle creased his brow, his brow browed browingly, brow—
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