Hello everyperson! I post things here. I will post pictures that i find humorous (not everyone will find it tasteful), music that i enjoy, and things (such as infographics) which i find intriguing or neat. Yes, i just said "neat." I don't agree with everything that i post. In fact you'll find that sometimes my posts are in direct contradiction to one another philosophically or otherwise. I just post things that i enjoyed in some way and which i thought others would enjoy as well. Here is my other blog where i have all my writings--essays, experiments, papers, and poetry: http://ignoranceandwisdom.wordpress.com/
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
Vanilla ice cream inside hollowed out apples, topped off with brandy caramel

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"Christian, Jew, Muslim, shaman, Zoroastrian, stone, ground, mountain, river, each has a secret way of being with the mystery, unique and not to be judged."
Rumi (via fuckyeahrumi)
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There are hundreds of paths up the mountain, all leading in the same direction, so it doesn’t matter which path you take. The only one wasting time is the one who runs around and around the mountain, telling everyone that his or her path is wrong.
- Hindu Teaching
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I will be using this to benefit people as much as i can.
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i got 3 hours in.
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This is my favorite song, and also my favorite artist. The song is First Snow by Emancipator. Look him up. And you can expect I'll be adding more of his work here.
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Enlightenment is being; being is unity; unity is love; love is God.
- Self (Jacob Abuhamada)
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The purpose of life is to find the gifts you've been given; the meaning of life is to give them away.
- Unknown
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Well, i'm generally accepted by everyone to be intelligent and kind, so i must be seen by various women as either a nerd, ugly, boring, a dater of whores or secretly gay. i don't date whores and i'm not gay so i must by default be one of the first three, haha.
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Merry Christmachanukwanzayule!!!!
Gotta love the holidays.
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Perhaps the greatest newspaper article title i've ever seen.
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My musically gifted friend Domenic made a chord using all tones of an octave, yet maintaining a consonant sound. I know: It's fucking ridiculous.
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