ignimancer · 7 years
I am… not a chronologically locked rp blog.
That means that if you talk to me to establish that we want to ship our muses, or have a particular relationship or type of report between them, I am 1: totally okay with multiple threads of varying length and styles with you and 2: will probably jump around in the supposed ‘timeline’ of our muses relationships in order to keep things interesting/ make ask prompts work.
For example, we may be writing an intro thread with our muses, but if you wanna send me a thing for like… a first kiss that may happen months down the line (and shipping is what ur up for) go ahead and do it! The way I see it, separate points on a timeline are FUN to RP because then you can look back later and figure out how they connected/ try to work in little details that make them flow together. 
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ignimancer · 7 years
Drovi šypsena nušvietė Ignis veidą po Prompto žodžių.
          -”Gal tau ką nors atnešt?” nepaisant visko, jis tikrai nerimavo. 
                          O jeigu jis apsinuodijo?
Bet Ignis stengėsi to neparodyt, nes vis dėlto jis tikėjosi geriausio. Vyras palinko artyn savo mylimojo ir atsargiai nubraukė jo miego suveltus plaukus nuo akių.
           -”Ar tau dar leist kiek nors pamiegot? Nes atrodai tikrai pavargęs...” 
Prompto nenorėjo net pajudėti. Viskas erzino. Garsai, kvapai, netgi antklodės tekstūrą nervino jo odą. Kai išgirdo tylų beldimą ir Ignis balsą, atrodė, jog akimirką dar viskas blogiau bus. Tačiau…
Ignis tonas buvo švelnus. Kaip šaltas kompresas ant karščiuojančios kaktos. O ne, pagalvojo Prompto, jau tikriausiai iš tikrųjų karščiuoju, jei tokie palyginimai.
Blondinas išgirdo artėjančius žingsniu ir beveik tikėjosi būti išverstam iš lovos,  tačiau klausimas padėjo atsipalaiduoti. Ignis nepyko ir tikriausiai ir nepyks, tik dabar jaudinsis.
          “Ne,” atsakė Prompto, iškišdamas pavargusį veidą iš po antklodės. “Bet kai dabar tu čia, jaučiuosi truputį geriau.”
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ignimancer · 7 years
Kad ir koks nuostabus buvo vakar vakaro pasimatymas su Prompto, Ignis jau tada nutuokė, kad kažkuriam iš jų bus negerai vėliau. Gal vis gi nereikėjo lankytis naujoje vietoje, apie kurią jie nieko nežinojo.
Ignis buvo vienas iš tų žmonių, kurie atsikelia anksti, nors ir nėra tam priežasties. Kaip visad jis nuėjo virtuvėn ruošti pusryčių. Žinodamas, kad Prompto nesikels anksti jis neskubėjo, bet po kurio laiko jis pradėjo nerimauti.
Lėtai atidarydamas duris jis pastukseno į duris porą sykių mėgindamas prikelti blondiną.
               “Labas rytas, Prompto. Gal jau būtų laikas keltis iš lovos?” žinoma, jis negalėjo labai pykt ant Prompto tai jo ždodžiai skambėjo gan švelniai.
Ignis žvilgtelėjo į laikrodį ant naktinio stalelio - 10 valanda ryto.
                “Jeigu nori, pusryčiai ant stalo.” su tais žodžiais Ignis beveik uždarė miegamojo duris, bet neišgirdęs joko atsakymo jis žengė žingsnį kambarin.
Tyliai jis atsisėdo ant lovos krašto šalimais Prompto.
                 “ Ar tau viskas gerai?” Ignis tyliai paklausė.
Prompto buvo įsitikinęs. Altisia bus jo kapas.
Blondinas jau net nebeatsiminė ką jis vakar užsisakė restorane, bet jo skrandžiui tai akivaizdžiai nepatiko. Tai laimė, jog Noctis vestuvės dar buvo gerą savaitę į priekį. Iki to laiko praeis… arba ne. Prompto galėjo dabar tik tikėtis, jog Ignis nenuraus jam galvos už gulėjimą lovoj visą dieną.
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ignimancer · 7 years
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“But then again, some traditions are old, and outdated. They could use a little sprucing up!” It was a new age after all. After everything that had happened, a lot of things were subject to change. 
Luna nodded, seeing the place up ahead. “Yes, I’ve passed by it a few times on various errands. I’ve always wanted to go.” Her hands clasp together happily. Plants would always improve Luna’s mood. They reminded her of home. 
“it’s quite beautiful, isn’t it?” She speaks again as they approach. Looking up at the taller plants that are reaching towards the sunshine. “They move according the the sun’s position. When I was a little girl. Ravus used to find it funny to spin the pots around. But like this they’d always find their way back to the light.”
The adviser glanced at Luna surprised. He couldn’t guess what kind of person Ravus actually was, so hearing such a tidbit of trivia about him was interesting. But above that, he was glad that they had such a warm relationship between them; he was almost jealous.
            “Flowers sure are beautiful.” Ignis spoke under his breath, feasting his eyes on the beauty in front of him. 
He gave Luna some time to look around on her own. meanwhile he went to scout ahead on his own but not too far from the oracle.
              “Have you found anything you like?” he called out to Luna but he didn’t approach her. His eyes were darting the forget-me-not in front of him, melancholy reflecting in his eyes.
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ignimancer · 7 years
The kind hearted gesture as he tuck the gift placed an even greater smile on her face as they tuck of the scarf around their neck and wrapped it round her’s. She was a bit confused at first bit one would not expect any less of the gentleman that the advisor was. She wasn’t particularly cold given her work involved outdoor a lot and she was used to rougher weather and colder temperatures but none the less she accepted the nice gesture slightly touching the soft material of the scarf. It was even warm already. she even voice his concern for her health and found it hard not to chuckle but didn’t seeing he even was taking off his gloves to offer her to warm her palms and she gratefully accepted them with of of her hands. 
Idea for tea was more than nice but… “Wouldn’t I be holding you back. You were on your way out if I’m correct.” She said feeling a bit shy. Then again she did want to see him open her present. It might of not been anything grand but she wanted to know if he liked it or not. 
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“If you have time I’d gladly have some tea tho.“
Ignis shook his head. He didn’t mind company at that moment; his mind wasn’t focused on anything anyway. He once again picked up the present bag into his hands.
            “A little break for both of us will do only good.” he offered a smile. 
He looked towards the livid city behind him, at people who were walking around shivering in the cold.
            “Come, we shouldn’t stand about.” Ignis encouraged them to move. “Do you perhaps like chamomile tea?”
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ignimancer · 7 years
Ignis pretended to think for a moment, placing his index finger next to his lips. After a mere moment he grinned.
             “I shall keep that a secret.” there was a glint of playfulness in his voice.
He had a date on his mind. There was an open ice rink a bit deeper in the city. He wasn’t exactly sure if Noctis knew how to ice-skate but even if he didn’t teaching would be no problem. 
             “But now, do get ready. And be sure to wear warm clothing.” Ignis leaned down to give Noct his good morning kiss. “You won’t regret it.”
     Noctis really did enjoy seeing Ignis like this, not often did they get to share moments where the other could express his joy, it meant a lot to him. ❝ Alright fine, keep your secrets. ❞ Noctis teased, at the sudden kiss though his expression changed to stunned for all he could do was give a shy smile.
             ❝ Aye, Aye Captain. ❞ With that, he went over to where all their clothing was stored and started to put out all what he needed to wear. A long sleeve shirt this time, accompanied by a heavy jacket. His usual pants would suffice, all Noctis needed to add was his hat and his gloves.
                    ❝ Ready when you are. ❞ Though he was still finishing up getting dressed, he acted as if he had already won this race to the finish.
Seeing Noctis become shy was like a gift that kept on giving. And because it didn’t happen too often he treasured it every time.
When the prince ran off to get dressed Ignis made sure to use the spare time to at least make some tea into a thermos bottle. He hadn’t gone outside yet but it was forecast that it would be cold that day; it was snowing. He put the bottle in a backpack that he would make Noct take with him.
             “Are you sure?” Ignis inquired as he peeked through the corner to check on his lover. Of course Noctis was bluffing and just because of that Ignis was in no rush as he was already all ready, save for putting on a coat.
But after grabbing the backpack with the tea and a few snacks he moved to the hallway.
             “Please take that backpack with you.” he pointed at the item on the floor before taking his coat and a scarf from a hanger to get dressed.
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ignimancer · 7 years
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I’ll try to respond to things now, I swear.
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ignimancer · 7 years
*Slides in* Hello~
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ignimancer · 7 years
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I’ll try responding to things tonight. But I make no promises.
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ignimancer · 7 years
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If anyone wants to have some light and easy RP or something you can hit me up on Discord
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ignimancer · 7 years
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I dunno if I’ll have the willpower to come here tonight
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ignimancer · 7 years
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My present to @Golden_Asp in @ignoctsecretsanta. Dear Golden, your fics have influenced my drawings before and I was just about screaming when I saw that I got to be your secret santa. I hope you enjoy this little Ignoct sweetness even though (just as you wrote yourself) I tend to lean towards the bittersweet every time. I hope you’re having a beautiful Christmas and I wish you a happy new year with lots of Iggy and Noct ^-^
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ignimancer · 7 years
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I’ll probably do some guidelines’ updating tomorrow. I don’t even remember what I have there but essentially:
I will be RPing romance with anyone who wants. But proper shipping will have to be approved by both parties. I may not always accept, keep that in mind as well. I do not mind having reoccurring characters as people write them differently so it will not be the same. However, if you’ll keep on sending romance asks and whatnot - I will respond to them, sometimes going with it, sometimes not. We have to talk things out, really.
I hope I won’t sound elitist by saying this but: I wish to upkeep some kind of standard here. Meaning length of responses. While I occasionally can go along with one-liners I often avoid them.
I am not mutuals-exclusive, but if I do not know your character or know of them extremely little - there’s little to no chance I’ll respond to you. Unless you’ll be kind to enlighten me. I hope for your understanding.
These were the main points I wished to address for now. But when I’ll have time I shall revamp my guidelines’ page.
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ignimancer · 7 years
The cat ears perked up together with the newly gotten tail. It felt oddly nice. Even his face gave it away by becoming bright red.
           “You can’t be serious.” Ignis gave Noctis a jaded look. But at that moment, as if being sentient, the tail poked into his line of sight.
His mind refused to believe it but... There were more impossible things. He’ll just go with it for now.
           “Do I even dare to ask why and how..?”
@ignimancer from [x]
Something was terribly off. He had no way of checking it as there was no mirror around. But there was something new about him. Something twitched atop his head, unconsciously; reacted to sound and perhaps even gave off his confusion.
For now, he will try not to mind it. But something told him that not everything was alright.
         “Do I look weird..?”
Noctis could not help the look of curiosity on his face. Reaching up, he gently placed his hand between the two ears and scratched. The hair around the ears was much softer than usual but certainly not unwelcome.
Remembering he had a question to answer, he broke out of his wondrous stupor.
“Uh… Kinda? I mean, you have cat ears now.”
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ignimancer · 7 years
"Purr" >:3c
Send “Purr” for my muse to grow cat ears and a tail for one thread
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Something was terribly off. He had no way of checking it as there was no mirror around. But there was something new about him. Something twitched atop his head, unconsciously; reacted to sound and perhaps even gave off his confusion.
For now, he will try not to mind it. But something told him that not everything was alright.
          “Do I look weird..?”
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ignimancer · 7 years
Send "Purr" for my muse to grow cat ears and a tail for one thread
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ignimancer · 7 years
Okay, I’m not going to send anyone anything but any of you are free to follow my personal Twitter and follow my meme production there.
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