ignatiusgraves · 3 years
It’s sad how much of what is taught in school is useless to over 99% of the population.
There are literally math concepts taught in high school and middle school that are only used in extremely specialized fields or that are even so outdated they aren’t used anymore!
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ignatiusgraves · 3 years
Hermit crab, but it’s a soul that moves to bigger and bigger discarded bodies as it grows
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ignatiusgraves · 3 years
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ignatiusgraves · 3 years
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so can we start hunting down white liberals now or what
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ignatiusgraves · 3 years
a shit ton of prompts for enemies to lovers (2)
warning: contains nsfw
your enemy has just saved you from dying, and while tending to your wounds, you ask them ''why didn't you kill me?'' to which they reply ''because i don't think you deserve to die.''
tracing a knife against your enemy's chest, pressing at their heart, but losing your train of thought when they snatch the knife from your hands, pulling you closer by the waist
you and your enemy kiss each other in front of your crew, making it clear nothing is going to tear you apart, no matter the lengths they go to keep you apart
you're about to leave the room, but your enemy slams the door shut, and with one hand on either side of your head, barricading you against the wall... cue the reckless make-out session
sword fighting with your enemy, only to end up on the ground, with their body pressing into yours, your hands pinned to the ground
telling your lover you hate them and they just laugh, because they know you're spewing bullshit
carving your enemy's name into your dagger
you're not sure why, but somebody just threatened to hurt your enemy, and you have to bite your tongue, being seconds away from strangling them for even suggesting to attack and kill your enemy
somebody has threatened to harm you, so your enemy kills this person, in secret. nobody knows what happened, or how this person died. your enemy won't tell anyone. until one day, you get into an argument, and you've just told your enemy that you can't trust them, they would kill you first chance they get, only for your enemy to say: ''who do you think killed that guy?''
the leader of your enemy's crew is threatening to kill you, and your enemy is faced with a decision — it's either you or their crew. you think you're toast, but instead, without hesitation, your enemy stabs/shoots their leader. it will always be you.
you're laying next to your enemy in bed, pulling a weapon from their pants, throwing it to the ground before rolling on top of them
your enemy's crew has kidnapped you and your friends. as you're tied up, you plead with your enemy to let your friends go. they hesitate at first, but then do as you say
during a passionate kiss, you bite your enemy's lip, actually drawing blood, which only turns them on even more
going from ''don't touch me'' to ''touch me'' and your enemy not being able to take their eyes off of you as you undress them
your enemy is wounded, bleeding from their chest, but they don't have anywhere to go. you (reluctantly) agree to bring them home. as they take off their shirt, you get a good look on their body... and then, as you bandage them up, you get to touch their chest, and as your eyes lock with your enemy's, your hands start exploring their body, and a couple seconds later, you're staring at each other's lips...
you've just been shot, you're bleeding out, and your enemy is freaking the fuck out, dropping the ''i love you, i can't lose you'' card, begging you not to close your eyes
your enemy refuses to lend you, or anyone, their gun. until one day, you're the only one who's allowed to touch it
you're upset one night, and in need of comfort. you subconsciously show up at your enemy's house, but as they open the door, confused as to why you're here, you backtrack, saying it was a mistake, and that you shouldn't be here. you start walking away, but your enemy calls your name, telling you to come inside ''we can go back to hating each other tomorrow.''
your enemy has a child, and you bond instantly with them, which drives your enemy nuts, but for the good of their child, they can't say anything
you and your enemy is forced into fake dating. it doesn't work. you're ruining the entire operation because you can't stop bickering with each other
for one night, you and your enemy give into temptation and sleep with each other, hoping it will solve the tension building between you. it does the opposite.
you've been tortured, you've got bruises all over your face. seeing this, your enemy caresses your cheek, asking ''who did this to you?''
you and your enemy kiss each other to prove there's nothing going on between you, but you get so caught up in each other, you prove the exact opposite
you and your enemy just slept together. nobody can find out about this, or you'll never hear the end of it. your enemy on the other hand, does not at all seem to care.
''i hate you.'' ''say that again.'' you can't say that again. your enemy is now so close to you, that if you were to bend forward, you'd be kissing.
returning a priced procession to your enemy: ''i want something in return.'' ''what?'' ''you.''
pressing a knife against your lover's throat while expressing your undying hatred
sharing a bed with your enemy, and being told ''stay on your side or i'll set this whole bed on fire'' only to wake up the next day with your enemy's arms wrapped around you
will probably make a part three because i've got angst and tension filled kisses [x]
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ignatiusgraves · 3 years
Comments: This is such a good fic, I can’t wait to see where it goes!
The writer: 
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ignatiusgraves · 3 years
i wish all trans girls a very kissed on the face by someone they love
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ignatiusgraves · 3 years
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Credit: @pet_foolery
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ignatiusgraves · 3 years
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ignatiusgraves · 3 years
a while ago i attended this lecture on autism. guy in the audience said he had many of the symptoms that were presented and asked what should he do to get treatment and possibly a diagnosis. instead of answering his question the psychologist went on a tangent about how “the clinic reigns all powerful over guesswork”, and how actually it has become a trend amongst little children on the internet to claim that they are autistic for cool points, and that this hurts real autistic people. no she didn’t tell him how to get his symptoms looked into, she just made it very clear that to her, aknowledging your own symptoms is bad and evil and hurts the poor real mentally ill people.
an ex-friend of mine, then a psychology major and by now probably a full psychologist, once lectured me on how horrible and bad it was that i told her “i probably have some sort of neurodivergency”, and that if i were her patient she would never give me a diagnosis because “you aren’t like this now, but i know that if you get a diagnosis you’ll use it as an excuse to start treating people badly. that’s just how mentally ill people are.”
same ex-friend was extremely disgusted when she found out that fans sometimes make neurodivergency headcanons for characters that have the same symptoms as they do, and that authors sometimes write books with neurodivergent protagonists in stories that don’t focus on that (ex: she seemed horrified that percy jackson has adhd?)
multiple psychologists i’ve seen on facebook agree that they should refuse to treat patients that say “i’m here because i have symptoms of a disorder and wonder if i have it”, and that a patient should arrive to a psychologist as a blank slate.
school psychologist asked me how i was feeling about my trauma situation and i told him i thought my friends would leave me. instead of addressing the issue he said that that no i didn’t, that i was lying, that i had searched “bpd symptoms” online and now i was faking symptoms because i wanted to have bpd, that he shouldn’t have told me he suspected i had a personality disorder because now look what was happening. no, i didn’t search bpd symptoms online. yes, my friends left me, it was a completely founded belief and not a symptom, let alone a faked symptom.
so the next time you hear someone saying they’re “anti self-diagnosis” i want you to understand what they’re saying. what they’re saying is:
- i don’t want people to be aware of their own symptoms
- i don’t think my patients should have access to any information that doesn’t come from me
- i don’t think neurodivergent people should learn how to cope with their symptoms and live “normal” lives
- i think neurodivergent people should be denied a diagnosis because the moment they get one they will become evil and dangerous
- i don’t think people who don’t look like a stereotype could possibly be neurodivergent, even if they have all the symptoms, so i think they are faking it for attention and should be denied treatment
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ignatiusgraves · 3 years
Disabled people shouldn't have to be just as capable and productive as abled people in order to be considered human and valuable.
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ignatiusgraves · 3 years
In highschool I wrote a story about a middle-generation of stellar travelers. Their parents were born on earth and left as children, and the middle generation will not live long enough to see their destination. They live their entire lives on the ship and I wrote about them trying to find their place in everything. They will never know blue skies and warm beaches and open fields with warm breezes. They’ll never know birdsong or crickets or frogs. They’ll never hear the rain on the roof of a dreary day. I never could find the right way to end the story. I wanted it to be a happy ending, but I didn’t know how to do it.
I realize now that it was a book about me dealing with depression before I even knew it. Looking back at how blatant the projecting was, it’s obvious now. It wasn’t then.
In the story, the middle-generation people are lost. They’re apathetic. They’re just a placeholder. The only job they have is to keep the ship running, have kids, and die. As the middle generation of people began becoming adults, suicide rates were skyrocketing. Crime and drug rates were jumping. This generation was completely apathetic because they felt that they had no use.
In the story, a small group of people in the middle-generation create the Weather Project. They turn the ship into a terrarium. They make magnificent gardens and take the DNA of animals they took with them and recreate them and they make this cold, metal spaceship that they have to live their entire lives on into a home. They take what little they have and they break it and rearrange it into something beautiful. They take this radical idea and turn the ship into a wonderful jungle of trees and birds and sunshine.
And I realize now how much it reflects my state of mind as I transitioned from a child into an adult while dealing with depression. You always hear “it gets better” and “when you’re older things will be easier” and I was so sick of waiting for it to get better. I was in the middle-generation stage. And I was sick of it. I was so sick of waiting.
When I was in highschool I didn’t know how to end the story. I didn’t know how to have a happy ending. I didn’t have the life experience then to finish the story in a meaningful way. I didn’t know how to make it better for these middle-generation characters.
But now that I’m older, I’m learning. That if you sit and wait for things to get better, it never will. You have to take your life and break it apart and rearrange it into something beautiful. You have to make the cold metal ship into the garden that you deserve. You have to make your own meaning. You have to plant your own garden.
You have to teach yourself that being happy is not a radical idea.
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ignatiusgraves · 3 years
there's also loveonblackwomen by shavonda sisson u could be donating to that gives funds directly to black women and enbies and has personally saved my ass multiple times
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ignatiusgraves · 3 years
“ngl” implies that there are times when you’re gl.
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ignatiusgraves · 3 years
Please stop breeding :) faces, they might be cute but they have trouble breathing. Please consider the :-) breed or the :^) breed instead. They have the same temperament as the :) breed but with none of the breathing problems.
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ignatiusgraves · 3 years
When people asks questions like “Do trans men hold privilege over cis women” all i can think of is that post where op says “this is how you all think privilege works” and its a pokemon damage type effectiveness chart
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ignatiusgraves · 3 years
at least can all we agree that the original gay flag with the magic and sex colours is BEAUTIFUL and it should make a comeback
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