ifuckgiantrobots · 6 years
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ifuckgiantrobots · 6 years
The most intense Transformers dream I have ever had: Starring Rodimus Prime.
Today during a late afternoon nap, I had the most intense Transformers-related dream I have ever had since being introduced to Transformers about 15+ years ago.
It was clear something terrible had happened to me. I am not sure if I was just severely injured or recently dead but I had bloodstains on my clothing. There was a group of bots around me ( the majority looked like the main crew of the Lost Light comics ) while Rodimus was kneeling next to me and begging Primus to help / save me.
( quick note: despite the background characters appearing to be their LL character designs and personalities, Rodimus in my dreams was more reminiscent of his G1 cartoon character-version: bigger / bulkier and older / gruffer looking, with a deeper voice. )
Anyways, the part of how I am miraculously healed / resurrected is hazy now, so let’s chop it up to a primus-fucking miracle; however, the next part is still crystal-clear, even as I write this hours after the dream has ended.
I am sitting in Rodimus’ alt-mode, clinging to his safety-belt for dear life ( even in my fucking dreams I have a dark-sense of humour ) as Rodimus is hightailing it back to what I assume is the LL ship. I can quickly tell how he is pushing himself too hard, the speed straining his larger form - not too mention the physical and emotion strain my death / near-death must have caused him.
I suggest slowing it down but before I can finish he simply answers with an even no. I find this odd for Rodimus and simply ask him why not? He tells me with a gruff voice how he will not stop or slow-down until we are someone safe and private so he can hold me again.
Honestly, my heart still melts and it is hard to accurately convey the emotion I was feeling in the dream or how he sounded so emotional but direct at the same time while simply telling me he just wanted to hold me.
I twist around and hug the seat and say, “you know saying stuff like that is what made me fall in love with you when you were Hot Rod.”
You know, with all the fucking transformers porn I see / read, would it kill my subconscious to give me some PWP dreams every once in awhile?
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ifuckgiantrobots · 6 years
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ifuckgiantrobots · 6 years
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ifuckgiantrobots · 6 years
OKAY- Google has failed to answer my question, so I tURN TO YOU, DECEPTICON QWEEN! What is the Decepticon Cause exactly (throughout most/any of the continuities), and what is the Autobot Cause (the same as 'con)? I know 'Bots are all about protecting humans nd crap, but before that? When the war started, how their respective causes grew and changed over the millennia this war has been going on? (because the causes would definitely change gradually over time, right?) What am I missing??
Simplified, there are two main causes the Decepticons embrace at the beginning of the war:
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1) to end the oppression of the lower caste Cybertronians in the caste system of the Golden Age and / or overthrow a corrupt government ( usually The Council ).
2) conquer the known universe.
In my experience, the first one is generally the widely canon one; the second, it seems, is used in a few television shows ( like Armada ) as more of a quick motive for the Autobot / Decepticon war so they don’t have to spend time with backstory. *
* though this may significantly change in the comic-adaptions of such television shows, I don’t know.
The Autobots on the other-hand usually appear to have one major cause at the beginning of the Great War:
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1) combat the Decepticons.
Combating the Decepticons can seemingly take two forms — trying to stop the Decepticons and help them understand that fighting will not bring about the peace and equality they started fighting for, or to simply keep Cybertron / the Universe safe from them.
With regards to their ideals and fraction cause changing over time, there is evidence of that in many of the series.
One of the best examples is Transformers Animated.
From what I understand, the Great War may have started due to a corrupt government / unfair caste system; however, the show actually starts after the Great War, so now the Decepticons are taking revenge against the Autobots whom exiled them from their home planet.
Another example of the shifting of their cause is stated in the television show Transformers Prime: in it Optimus references how he along side Megatron tried to combat the caste system / corrupt government together, but further stating that “in war ideals change“, and that the fighting seem to have corrupted Megaton’s noble ideals.
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Again, these are simplified versions of how I understand their causes — I have not watched all the television shows ( mostly the newer web-series ones ) and I have yet to touch any Transformers comic series ( I am working on it, okay? ).
/ Something that may further add to the above notions, is not all individual Autobots and Decepticons choose their respective side for the same reason as the fraction’s cause /
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I really hope I answered your question( s ) and didn’t fuck up all the lore ( after about a decade+ it’s sometimes hard to remember what is canon and what is fanon??? ).
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this blog’s ASK BOX is always open.
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ifuckgiantrobots · 6 years
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ifuckgiantrobots · 6 years
OKAY- Google has failed to answer my question, so I tURN TO YOU, DECEPTICON QWEEN! What is the Decepticon Cause exactly (throughout most/any of the continuities), and what is the Autobot Cause (the same as 'con)? I know 'Bots are all about protecting humans nd crap, but before that? When the war started, how their respective causes grew and changed over the millennia this war has been going on? (because the causes would definitely change gradually over time, right?) What am I missing??
Simplified, there are two main causes the Decepticons embrace at the beginning of the war:
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1) to end the oppression of the lower caste Cybertronians in the caste system of the Golden Age and / or overthrow a corrupt government ( usually The Council ).
2) conquer the known universe.
In my experience, the first one is generally the widely canon one; the second, it seems, is used in a few television shows ( like Armada ) as more of a quick motive for the Autobot / Decepticon war so they don’t have to spend time with backstory. *
* though this may significantly change in the comic-adaptions of such television shows, I don’t know.
The Autobots on the other-hand usually appear to have one major cause at the beginning of the Great War:
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1) combat the Decepticons.
Combating the Decepticons can seemingly take two forms — trying to stop the Decepticons and help them understand that fighting will not bring about the peace and equality they started fighting for, or to simply keep Cybertron / the Universe safe from them.
With regards to their ideals and fraction cause changing over time, there is evidence of that in many of the series.
One of the best examples is Transformers Animated.
From what I understand, the Great War may have started due to a corrupt government / unfair caste system; however, the show actually starts after the Great War, so now the Decepticons are taking revenge against the Autobots whom exiled them from their home planet.
Another example of the shifting of their cause is stated in the television show Transformers Prime: in it Optimus references how he along side Megatron tried to combat the caste system / corrupt government together, but further stating that “in war ideals change“, and that the fighting seem to have corrupted Megaton’s noble ideals.
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Again, these are simplified versions of how I understand their causes — I have not watched all the television shows ( mostly the newer web-series ones ) and I have yet to touch any Transformers comic series ( I am working on it, okay? ).
/ Something that may further add to the above notions, is not all individual Autobots and Decepticons choose their respective side for the same reason as the fraction’s cause /
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I really hope I answered your question( s ) and didn’t fuck up all the lore ( after about a decade+ it’s sometimes hard to remember what is canon and what is fanon??? ).
( divider )
this blog’s ASK BOX is always open.
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ifuckgiantrobots · 6 years
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ifuckgiantrobots · 6 years
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ifuckgiantrobots · 6 years
To add -
Literally anyone ever: “Why do you like robots / aliens so much?”
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Literally anyone ever: “Why do you like Rodimus so much?”
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ifuckgiantrobots · 6 years
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ifuckgiantrobots · 6 years
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❤❤❤❤❤❤ BARRICADE! ❤❤❤❤❤❤
The Transformers Fandom right now
One side: 🐝omg🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝sotiny🖤💛🖤💛🖤💛
The other side: STARSCREEEEEAAAAMMMM ❤❤❤💦💥🔥💦🔥❤💦💥👌❤💦
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ifuckgiantrobots · 6 years
Rodimus: “Sometimes I wonder where I’d be without you.”
Ratchet: “Dead, probably.”
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ifuckgiantrobots · 6 years
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ifuckgiantrobots · 6 years
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over-heated and grumpy?
--- just like Ratchet gets when Rodimus is trying to flirt with him ( Primus! where does he get these pickup lines? ) and Drift is watching them both with an adorable smile on his faceplates?
im alive i swear
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ifuckgiantrobots · 6 years
Cosmo: “Oh, and also, I’m screwing your dad.”
[ the ] casseticons: “You’re doing WHAT?!”
Cosmo: “Oh, so you were listening to me. Good.”
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ifuckgiantrobots · 6 years
Y/N: “I wish you could block people in real life.”
Rung: “Restraining order.”
Whirl: “Murder.”
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