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Food for the day! A bowl of papaya soymilk with weetbix for breakfast. Asparagus love for lunch. And a wrap (that's about to be wrapped), for dinner #fitness #foodporn #120daysjunkfoodfree #srieats
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Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner.
My tumblr feels really dead with just the reblogs. Since i love eating, here's a journey through a good day of cooking. (a good day, which is pretty rare btw)
Here's something I love to have each morning. Weet bix with milk. Its easy, fast carbs to whip up early in the morning. 
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And since breakfast is done, its always good to accompany it with a small snack. Here's one of the things I like, especially after a workout
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I rarely get to have toast. So its really great to have it after my workout. This was something i whipped up recently. Orange, grapefruit mixed with 1 table spoon of greek yogurt. Mix in some organic honey and crushed walnuts&almonds. Lay them on a multi grain bread slice and let the juices soak into the bread before you dig in. (i'm drooling)
Well then comes lunch (if you're still hungry that is). I love veges and protein for lunch. Fills you up and its so hearty. 
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Here's some Kale, with my favourite way of cooking beet root, some herbed chicken breast and a sunny side.
The beet root is a stir fry. 
First to roast some spices such as cumin, coriander seeds and fennel. Put them into a traditional "stone" and pound them. Then heat the pan with olive oil and toss them in. Add in slices onion and stir it around. Throw in the diced beetroot, some chilli powder, salt and give it a stir. Pour in some hot water and let it cook. Once its as cooked as you want it to be, remove it from the wok and stir in a table spoon of greek yogurt. Add in a chopped bunch of coriander and a squeeze of lemon juice if you love it sour. (thats a mouthful)
But being a women, we always need a snack after lunch or mid day. So here's something I tried experimenting on. (totally made today, but frosting needs to be thicker)
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These are some awesome pancake rolls with strawberry frosting. 
Pancake is simply 1 banana, 1/2cup oats, 1/2 teaspoon baking soda, 2 egg whites, 2tablespoons of almond/soy milk and honey (if you want). Give it a good blend and you can start pouring it on your pan. I use coconut oil as a base instead of butter (its healthier apparently but im still getting used to the taste of coconut oil. it taste soooooooo musky?).
The frosting is simply blended strawberries stirred in with greek yogurt and cottage cheese. Add honey if you want it to be sweeter.
Normally after all this food i dont think anyone would have an appetite for dinner. But I'm always hungry so dinner is a must lol. I guess the easiest thing to do for dinner is a salad or to just throw some meat onto the plate with vege ( i hate preparing for dinner, no idea why. I like having my dinners out or just having yogurt & fruits excessively instead lol).
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Some ideas above if you need. 
Feels really weird penning down my 'recipes' but i'm glad I did. Hopefully it helps some people and its definitely helping me cause I have a memory of a fish. 
YEAP OKAY. Thats a typical day of eating well (which i obviously dont fully follow through with). But what matters is that you're happy when you eat. 
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The dark chocolate pwo snacks i made ytd, topped with yogurt blueberries and dunked on with passion fruit. Watermelon & kiwis on the side plus a papaya soy milk blend. #srieats #foodporn
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