idahonua · 3 years
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How can Irish businesses and citizens show actual solidarity with Ukraine?
A few thoughts, inspired by those shared on Twitter by Con Traas.
Today, Europe is buying gas from Russia.
Today Europe is buying coal and oil from Russia.
Today Europe is directly funding the destruction of Ukraine, through our inaction, if not our actions.
The European energy network is interconnected.
Currently 55% of Germany’s gas comes from Russia.
Currently 52% of Ireland’s electricity is generated from gas.
If we use less gas, less electricity, less energy, our “unused” gas can be used in continental Europe and our direct funding of Putin and his Oligarchs can be greatly reduced or even stopped.
How can we do this ?
Turning down our heating thermostat by one or even two degrees will greatly reduce energy consumption.
Turn off lights, drive slower. expect hotel rooms and restaurants, shops and offices, to be a little cooler.
Businesses, change all bulbs to LED and turn off unused equipment, turn down the thermostat and wear an extra layer.
Our European neighbours are walking to Poland, with what they can carry, is it too much to ask us to wear a fleece at home?
Now is the time for solidarity, now is the time to act, now is the time to stand with Ukraine.
And if you are a bar, restaurant, hotel, or off license, please, take that well known Russian vodka that is owned by an Oligarch, off your shelf and buy an Irish or EU Vodka.
Thank you for reading this, now let’s all act and follow David McCullagh’s interview with the Russian ambassador and start showing that we care.
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idahonua · 3 years
The end of a chapter, the continuing of a story.
21 years ago, today, we signed the lease for Idaho on Caroline Street.
We have seen off economic collapses, Celtic Tigers, changes in currency, SSIAs, volcanic ash clouds, 9/11, main drainage schemes, awards, storms, a pandemic, property booms, property crashes, floods, resurfacing, politicians, USC, levies, curfews and whatever your having yourself.
You, have been our friends, our customers, our inspiration, our drive, our reason and our motivation.
We both feel that now is the perfect time to bow deeply and leave the stage.
The pandemic created chaos, but also created change and allowed us to bring Idaho back to the personal and sharply edited place that it was when we opened.
We think that Idaho has been as good, these last two years, as we have been since we opened and that now, is the perfect time to say stop.
We have nothing left to prove, here.
Our incredible team, led by Colleen, have been our foundation, our strength, our friends, our everything.
We have sold our premises, in an off market deal to Dermot O’Sullivan.
The premises will become Greenwich.
Opening on Tuesday 25th January.
(We have arranged with Dermot, that we will honour Idaho vouchers presented in Greenwich.
We have no immediate business plans.
M would like to take a year out, enjoying friendships, her glasshouse and her farm.
I will be available for political lobbying, consultancy, social media and coffee.
We have many ideas, for the Idaho brand, all low volume, sustainable and country based.
But that’s not for now.
Until then, Thank you for the trip of a lifetime, it’s been epic and you’ve been wonderful.
See you soon.
Much love as always.
Richard and Mairéad Jacob
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idahonua · 3 years
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Today’s Menu
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idahonua · 3 years
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Our Menu...
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idahonua · 3 years
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idahonua · 3 years
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No major hints about our summer menu yet...
But it will be seasonal.
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idahonua · 4 years
A few, carefully chosen words to our Taoiseach.
We have now been closed for about 9 months of the last year.
There are 480,000 people unemployed because of this pandemic, 150,000 of those, in hospitality.
We understand that we are closed to keep our fellow citizens safe, (we closed before we were directed to last year.)
We understand the seriousness of this pandemic.
We understand the terrible cost to so many.
We understand.
We don’t understand why 5,600 people flew into Ireland from countries on Covid warning lists last month.
We don’t understand why you still haven’t worked out a quarantine plan.
We don’t understand the communication shambles.
We don’t understand the contempt that you show to half a million people.
All we ask of you, is leadership, We don’t expect dynamism, just leadership.
Do not offfer a pay rise of €82k to a senior health manager, the same week as you tell a senior hospitality manager that you are taxing her €350 a week pandemic payment.
Do not allow our managers, chefs and floor staff to find out through leaks and whispers to journalists, that they are now part of the long term unemployed.
Do not pretend to understand our pain, when your salary still lands each month and your pension is still paid by the tax on our pandemic payment.
Do not pretend to understand what it’s like to find that the business you built, the career that you chose, the future that you planned, are worthless in the eyes of our government.
Do not pretend, lead.
Get your ministers and advisors together, form a cogent plan, go on national television, look us in the eye and tell us what it is and why we are doing it.
This morning, nearly half a million retail workers, musicians, hotel managers and former taxpayers are waiting, waiting for you to lead.
Waiting for you to tell us that there is a plan.
Waiting, at home, with the last vestiges of hope as company.
Yours sincerely
Richard Jacob
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idahonua · 4 years
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Bruncheon menu
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idahonua · 4 years
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Our Christmas Bruncheon menu
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idahonua · 4 years
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Our Christmas #Bruncheon menu for IDAHOHOHO !
We reopen on Friday 4th December.
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idahonua · 4 years
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Toosday Bruncheon
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idahonua · 4 years
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Saturday Bruncheon
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idahonua · 4 years
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Friday Bruncheon
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idahonua · 4 years
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Thursday menu
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idahonua · 4 years
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Toosday Bruncheon
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idahonua · 4 years
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Saturday Bruncheon
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idahonua · 4 years
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Friday !
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