worm enthusiast
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hypmic imagines ☆requests are OPEN☆ / NSFW tagged as ns-fw
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ichirostitties · 5 years ago
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Happy Birthday to Big Bro in the House Yo!!!
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ichirostitties · 5 years ago
o also stan ichikuu. godtier ship. bye
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ichirostitties · 5 years ago
o btw i wrote 2 things on ao3  uhhhhh here’s tha link if u wanna check that shit out anyways im gonna bounce PEACE
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ichirostitties · 5 years ago
I now want to lick Ichiro's tits.
oh god what have i done
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ichirostitties · 5 years ago
Hewwo! I saw your Ichiro tiddy post so how about an imagine with Ichiro's s/o laying down on his chest and groping his chest, please? (A little nsfw with Dom Ichiro?)
ok fuck i k now im jumping ahead a few asks but god i cant NOT do this rq anymore please help me oh ym god. sweats.,,,,i havent written smut in a whiLE OH BOY spicy stuff makes me go like oiihghfksdfh. yeah im a sucker for big boobs esp ichiro boobs so what big titty go bounce bounce
Ichiro titty time ft. dom Ichiro ;) (slightly NSFW)
It had been such a long, tiring week and all you wanted to do was relax with your boyfriend. Fortunately, you got to do just that what with him being free that evening, and as per usual on a Friday after school, Jiro and Saburo were out with friends - well…Saburo was out playing chess with people he liked a little more than others. More…associates than friends - until later, so you the two of you had his place to yourselves. It was perfect; the two of you lay on his couch watching some anime he had to catch up on due to his busy week (although you didn’t really know what was going on in the show, you loved seeing him so happy so you went along with it), you splayed across his broad chest and him resting his head on the armrest (although his legs were slightly too long and his feet hung off the end). From your spot atop Ichiro, you could feel each breath he took in the rise and fall of his chest. 
Your boyfriend was wearing only his jeans and that white hoodie with the weird zippers. Through that single layer, you could hear his heartbeat, speeding up whenever a tense scene occurred, and slowing back down when the action was minimal. You took a moment to just listen, the sounds of the television fading into the background…it was such a peaceful moment. You almost melted when you felt one of his hands move to tangle itself in your hair, playing with it distractedly as he switched to the next episode. 
“Ichiro…” you murmured against his skin. “…Love you,” you smiled when he glanced down at you. His cheeks flushed red, but to his credit he didn’t avert his gaze, simply smiling gently. “I love you too, [Y/N].”
He went back to the next episode of the show, assuming you were into it too, but…to be honest, you felt in the mood for something a little different, and not just because you didn’t have a clue what was happening. 
Ichiro was always easy to sway - he was a total sucker in that regard - but when it came to you he was even more so. You didn’t want to manipulate him exactly, but if you wanted his attention…it was very easy to get (lol ichiro simp). Being in such close proximity to his chest made you feel things, and to be honest you hadn’t had many chances to do these kinds of things with him because you were both so busy. The opportunity had presented itself at the perfect time, and so you took it.
Quickly glancing up to see he was still enraptured in the anime, you pulled his top zipper down to expose his big fat fucking tits pecs. They were certainly impressive. You didn’t know when Ichiro found the time to work out but surely he did, there’s no way this could be his natural body, right? 
Your hands glided across his stomach and up to cup his chest, squeezing softly. Above you, Ichiro let out a gasp of surprise, but thought nothing of your actions and continued being enraptured in his show. 
…Clearly this boy was more dense than you’d originally thought. Was he just going to ignore you? You supposed you didn’t mind too much; after all, this was one of the few times he got to fully relax, but at the same time, you wanted his attention in more ways than just watching anime together (as lovely as that was).
You decided to simply continue your chest-squeezing, almost kneading him as you got lost in the feeling, but soon it proved to not be enough. Especially with him being so absorbed in the show he had little to no reactions. Yeah, you were horny over feeling up your boyfriend’s rack. Life’s too short to care. Taking it one step further, you lifted yourself briefly to pull his hoodie up past his chest to fully expose his abdomen. You took a moment to stroke his stomach with one hand - he was slightly chubby there and it was very cute. You couldn’t get enough of Ichiro. Pressing kisses across his body, you hoped he would notice something was up very soon. You continued to massage his pecs, the feeling of the supple skin underneath the palms of your hands something you might get addicted to.
To your utter surprise, Ichiro actually noticed when your mouth latched onto one of his nipples. He let out a groan as you sucked it gently and looked down, spotting the situation you’d gotten yourself into. His face flushed a dark red as he realised how unaware he’d been of your intentions this whole time: he’d thought he was just getting a nice massage! 
“I uh…u-uh…[Y/N]…uhh…” he had no idea what to say. No one ever said Ichiro was a master of speech. You kind of got the gist of how he was feeling though, especially when you started to feel something hard poking at your thigh.
“Jeez, you finally noticed,” you said in exasperation after pulling off of his nipple. “I didn’t know you were that dense, Ichiro.”
He pouted. “I was just concentrating on my show, y’know! It’s important stuff.”
You smiled. “I know. I was kind of hoping we could do this kind of stuff, though…” you blushed a little. “We don’t get many chances to.”
Ichiro perked up at that, seeming a little more confident. So you’d wanted to do this stuff more? He hadn’t been super confident in his ability to please you because he didn’t get much chance to practice per say, but hearing that…maybe he should just go for it and try more new things on a whim.
Pausing the show, he sat up and pulled his hoodie off fully. Oh, he new exactly what he wanted to try tonight.
“You wanna do more things like that?” he loomed over you, and suddenly your positions were switched. His eyes had darkened with lust, and you felt a shiver run down your spine at the look he was giving you. “I can indulge you, if you want…”
And suddenly his lips were at your neck, kissing and biting and sucking. You groaned, grinding against his thigh, your hands going back to grope at his chest. 
“Ahh…it feels nice when you do that, [Y/N], but…be good for me and keep your hands to yourself for now, yeah?” 
Grasping your wrists in one of his large hands, he pinned them above your head and moved to kiss you, almost shoving his tongue down your throat. He’d never really been this forceful before, but you loved the more confident side of him.  
“Yes, Ichiro…” you panted, getting quite desperate to remove your lower layers at this point. It seemed Ichiro was too, if the way he was grinding his hard-on against you was anything to go by. 
Lifting himself for a brief moment, Ichiro rid himself of his jeans and you of your top and shorts, leaving the two of you only in your underwear. 
Moving himself back over you, he slid his fingers slowly down your stomach as he appreciated the view below him. You let out shaky, uneven breaths as he got closer to where you wanted him. 
“You’re lucky you’ve been so good for me, [Y/N],” he growled, his gaze intense. “You’re in for a long evening…”
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ichirostitties · 5 years ago
hewwo welcome back ! i hope youre well and that youre feeling okay during quarantine ☺️ can i request a doppo going to work and not realizing before he left that he has hickies on his neck from the night before cause uhh yknow 😳
hi!! yup i’m actually doing well since uni’s on break for an extra week over lockdown :) so more time to feed the hypmic/reader tag because i really missed doing this stuff lol. also ooh..a spicy rq. nice 🤠
Doppo hiding hickies at work
-the morning after you and Doppo’s..eventful night was unfortunately a stressful one. he had slept through his alarm after having fallen into a very deep sleep due to an incredibly satisfying night; it was lucky you had been there to wake him up or he would have been done for
-he’s in such a rush that he didn’t notice the red marks on his neck, and it’s only while he’s adjusting his appearance while waiting for the train that he notices
-he feels an insane amount of horror and fear bubbling in his stomach. oh god. he’d left in such a rush he hadn’t bothered to check if any marks from the previous night were visible. oh god oh god oh god
-he takes a deep breath to calm himself before boarding the train. surely no one would notice? no one really looks at his neck, right? besides, his collar is probably high enough to cover most of them
-it was wishful thinking, but it was all he could do. he was dreading arriving at work. surely his coworkers would notice, his boss would notice, and they’d all talk about him behind his back and judge him and hate him and he’d get fired and-
-his thoughts were cut off by a text message from you. he sighed. you always seemed to have the perfect timing for pulling him out of his bad headspace when his thoughts got the better of him
[doppo! i’m so sorry, i forgot to tell you but you had some marks on your neck from last night ^^’ i wasn’t sure if you had time to cover them up, so i packed some concealer in your bag. you were so fast i didn’t have time to tell you! have a nice day, love you
-breathing the loudest sigh of relief, doppo quickly texted back a reply full of many apologies and thank yous before checking his bag and realising that yes, you had in fact packed concealer for him
-his heart swelled with relief and love for you before he realised that he still had to get to work before he could reach a bathroom, but...it was better than nothing, he supposed
-his cheeks turned red as his mind filled with memories of last night. today was friday, so...surely tonight you guys could have a repeat of thursday night? he wanted to show his gratitude to you in more ways than one...
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ichirostitties · 5 years ago
hi welcome back!! i missed you and your writing ;0; if its not too much to ask , can i request jyushi pining/having a huge crush on someone thats a few years older than him?
WHAT THAT’S SO CUTE TYSM 🥺 yes ofc u can! jyushi is 100% babey he’s soo cute
Jyushi pining HCs
-pls help him. jyushi has never felt like this for someone before and he is a DISASTER he has no clue what to do
-he’s not very confident in himself like..at all, so there’s a good chance he’d find it hard to talk to you at all, especially considering the age gap
-despite the two of you being friends, he was sO nervous around you he basically stuttered through every word. It wasn’t so bad when you were with other people, but when you two were alone?? oh boy
-he’d always kind of had this crush on you ever since you met him a few months back, but recently he’d realised the intensity of his feelings for you. he has no idea how to handle this. he considered telling kuko, but..that probably wouldn’t end well considering he didn’t think kuko was the type of person to be very good at this stuff either, but he’d probably end up asking hitoya for help
-he tries to act more mature around you. that means no more crying or whining!! you haven’t seen him shed a single tear in ages and you think that’s a little strange, but nowhere near as strange as the way he seems to choke up whenever you two are alone
-jyushi probably cries into amanda at night, blubbering about how he just wants to hold your hand so bad omg pls spare this babey,,
-sometimes he has to hold himself back because he wants to be held by you so bad!! you’re so comforting and kind to him, and he’s just some big crybaby with no self-confidence (THIS POOR CHILD SOMEONE HELP HIM). how is there any chance that you’d return his feelings? he doesn’t believe there are any, so he resigns himself to longing looks and sighing every time he heads home knowing another day has gone by where he can’t hold your hand
-kuko actually notices but decides not to say anything (for once he keeps his mouth shut lol i love kuko he’s so chaotic) because he wants jyushi to do something for himself!! but he’s cheering him on from the sidelines
-you notice something’s up with him. of course you do; he’s always been quite emotional and nervous, but you had never seen him this stressed over anything (his lack of tears is so obviously an act to you, but your’re more worried than anything), so you decide to just cut to the chase and ask him what’s bothering him
-one day after mucking around during bad ass temple’s training (and watching jyushi get many beatings from mr kuko harai), you join him on his walk home after and ask him if anything in particular has been plaguing his mind recently
-jyushi has a heart attack out of sheer nerves and shock and has to be rushed to the hospital that’s it that’s the end
-ok just joshin. he turns bright red and feels his heart rate increase tenfold. he gulps and stutters that nothing’s wrong, why would anything be wrong?? but tears are already forming in his eyes
-worried you’ve made him upset, you quickly apologise and move to wipe the tears from his eyes with your sleeve, but jyushi completely freezes up and ends up spilling more tears
-he can’t hold it in anymore!! he sobs out a very tear-filled confession of which you only understand half, but hearing words that sound like “really” and “like you” makes something click in your head
-you shush him and gently brush his bangs out of the way of his forehead, leaving a soft kiss there and pulling away before giving him a small, shy smile
-jyushi is shocked out of his sobs and straight into silence as you say that you think he’s really sweet, how did he work himself up over this so much? and you take his hand in yours and squeeze it, easing all his doubts when you ask him why you’d be hanging around him so much if you didn’t like him? 
-jyushi breathes out a huge sigh of relief, then feels tears welling up in his eyes again from how happy he is that you like him too and starts blubbering again about how happy he is because he thought he was too immature for someone older and cooler like you
-you let out an exasperated sigh but continue smiling nonetheless, pulling jyushi into a hug and assuring him that you like him despite his flaws, and that you kind of appreciate how true he is to himself, and find it very endearing even when he switches to Other Jyushi mode (that’s what im calling it. Jyushi 2)
-anyways u guys start dating and make it work and the slight age gap turns out to be a problem entirely created in jyushi’s anxious and scared mind! but this was supposed to be just pining then i got carried away but whatevrrfghghjshg pls love jyushi aimono he deserves everything good in life!!!!!!
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ichirostitties · 5 years ago
ok so im..currently workin g on a spicy ichiro/reader i’m gonna upload 2 ao3 once it’s done..pls look forward to ichi-nii content as well as regular shitposting topped with some imagines
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ichirostitties · 5 years ago
welcome back!! ssfdtksfnsjr can I request a sasara with a s/o who's been a longtime fangirl of him, pleaseeee
yo yeah ofc!! sasara is so funky pls give him love
Sasara with a fangirl S/O
-you had a big fat crush on mr nurude for such a long time! you really loved his shows and attended them every time he had a new one on
-there was one day in particular he required someone from the audience for a demonstration, and WOW he picked you?? nice bro. and after he saw you up close he was like..*sweating emoji*...and thought you were really cut - especially your reactions to everything - so after the show he approached you and asked if you wanted to get dinner sometime maybe? (and ofc you said yes)
-and ever since then you two have been dating! omg cute! you’re delighted to finally have the opportunity to get to know him more and it’s even better hearing the stories that inspired his routines in full detail
-he’s really happy with you!! he loves having someone around who appreciates him for who he is both on and off stage
-you’re really surprised to find out his jokes off-stage are aWFUL compared to his on-stage jokes. he really went from john mulaney to amy schumer in like 2 mins
-you still go to his shows, the only difference now being you get occasional secret cheesy smiles thrown your way and off-hand comments only you would understand
-as a big fan you know a lot of his routines, but being able to be around him when he’s coming up with new ones/modifying old ones is super interesting, so much so that you don’t mind hearing older ones over again
-basically u guys are comedic duo. very cute 10/10
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ichirostitties · 5 years ago
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ichirostitties · 5 years ago
goodnight i love ichiro
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ichirostitties · 5 years ago
ichiro’s titties
boobs in my mouth
you’re nothing
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ichirostitties · 5 years ago
Welcome back!! Do you write for the new divisions as well?~ if so can I get domestic headcannons with DotsuHon amd Samatoki~ Thank you~。^‿^。
yeah i do!!! im love the newer divisions! kuko’s actually my 2nd fave tied with doppo ehehe. and yes. sasara the literal clown 
Domestic HCs - Sasara, Rosho, Rei and Samatoki
-having chill time at home with sasara is so much fun!! even if his jokes are terrible the atmosphere is super light and you feel so comfortable
-i feel like..he likes to try stand-up routines on you to see your reactions sometimes. he’s pretty confident in himself though, and sometimes he likes keeping things to himself if he knows you’re going to one of his shows
-you help him come up with routines sometimes actually!! or..give him advice since he’s a bit of a Big Deal and definitely knows what he’s doing
-he likes watching movies with you. if you feel like relaxing, he’s really good at helping with that (what with the terrible puns and all lol)
-he’s either really good at cooking or absolutely terrible, no in-between..idk i just get that vibe from him lol. he knows how to make some pretty good stuff but sometimes he just..goes wrong somehow and it’s suddenly not lookin too hot. 
-while he’s not exactly manipulative per say, he’s quite good at saying things in a certain way to get you to do what he wants lol. like if he wants you to rest because you’ve been working hard all day and just don’t seem to know when to quit, but you’re being stubborn he’s good at convincing you to take a break or just go to bed for the night in a roundabout way, for example. he cares a lot about you!!
-one time you woke up to him just lying there with a clown nose on and you turned around and went back to sleep immediately
-probably owns a clown car you get to be driven around in
-in all seriousness being with sasara is so much fun, even if you don’t fully live with him yet, cause he’s just vibin?? all the time even when times are bad he always has jokes to tell to make you feel better
-oH HE IS SO SWEET just being around him makes you go like ooOOOHHH
-as a teacher he’s really realllyyy helpful if you get stuck doing..well anything really. he’s good at giving advice (although he doesn’t seem to think he’s anything special..bruhhhh)
-surprisingly funny!! he doesn’t seem it on the surface, but he used to be a comedy duo with sasara of all people and he can be really entertaining when he gets over his self-consciousness around you
-almost every night before bed you guys have a sort-of routine where you read a book for 30 mins-an hour and discuss it a little. as a teacher he has to be well-read i assume, and you decide to join in because reading is Fun and Cool (in fact..did you know you are reading this right now? how meta. ohh ok im interrupting this imagine to give you guys a random fact. did you know bees sting other bees? they have guard bees that hang around the hive and sting intruders. waot why did i feel the need to say that ok back to imagines).
-he makes really good hot chocolate! for both of you. a total uwu moment
-you guys totally adopt a cat (maybe a black cat?? black cats are good!) to take care of together and it’s so cute!! he doesn’t mind what you name it as long as it isn’t Sasara 2
-big titties in ur face
-seriously where do u think ichiro got his rack from??
-anyways. living with rei is...interesting. he’s totally loaded from not taking care of his sons being a conman, so the place you guys share is quite luxurious
-he really REALLY lays on the charm for you. when he doesn’t have ulterior motives he can be really sweet. He cares for you a lot
-he’s good at taking care of tasks around the house, like he’ll make sure everything is done by lunchtime so you guys can just relax for the rest of the day (and he can keep scammin ppl lol)
-oh he’s really good at cooking!! like so talented almost hifumi level what da hell you feel like every day is a good food day
-is up for almost anything, he kinda just goes along with whatever on his days off cause he’s quite busy and doesn’t mind doing anything to relax
-BUT. if he decides you’re even slightly tired or sick or anything watch out because he’ll make you rest immediatel y and there goes all your plans of just fighting through it to get stuff done. He’ll get you anything you need and stays by your side if you aren’t well, and if you’re tired and having trouble sleeping he’ll hold you until you can (he has big yamada titties it’ll be nice trust me i motoroboat ichiro’s titties on the daily)
-he really cares about you despite his seemingly manipulative and false exterior. he’s a bit of a bastard at times but you love him anyway and his times being sweet n kind more than make up for his fucky times. just being able to have a taste of a normal life is lovely for him so he really appreciates you!!
-ok domestic life with samatoki is kind of weird!!! because he’s a yakuza member and knows all these dodgy people you have all sorts coming over quite frequently, including juto and rio which is at least nice for a change from the usual
-he loves you so much and he’s so afraid of losing you (ow my heart!) so he’ll do anything to make you happy, whether that be doing all the chores on a day where you’re feeling lazy or refusing to leave your side if you show even the slightest hint of feeling bad or off in any way - since his mother killed herself after killing his father, he’s really really cautious when it comes to making sure the people he loves are okay and knowing they’re loved
-at the same time he’s so bad at chores lol he gets so angry so easily. you have to help him sometimes because he accidentally pulled the washing out of the dryer too hard when it got caught on something and ripped it and now he’s boiling with rage and you hear him grumbling to himself and come in and have to calm him down aND stuff like this happens at least twice a week lol
-you’re a little weary of the yakuza who keep randomly showing up but he insists that the ones who know where he lives are the ones you can trust, so you take his word for it and once you warm up to them it honestly isn’t that bad. it makes the house more lively, especially when it’s been a particularly bad day
-sometimes you can’t seem to cheer samatoki up when his thoughts get the better of him, so at times like that it’s just best to give him space. you guys know each other well and know when to respect each others boundaries (though you have to remind him of this sometimes)
-when you wake up to him he’s always holding you, even if you guys have had a fight; he never wants to lose you ok i went and made myself emo thanks me
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ichirostitties · 5 years ago
hewwo welcome back!! i hope you’re well! can i request hcs of samatoki spending quarantine with his s/o? (to be thematic lolol)
yoo thanks yeah i’m good n i’m back!!! ok oh boy quarantine time! let’s just         J U MP right into it
Samatoki spending quarantine with his S/O
-ok this is cute as hell because you and samatoki only moved in together recently so you’re still kinda getting used to each other but aren’t completely sick of each other yet either
-and samatoki’s a busy dude, so you guys never really got to spend a lot of time together. this a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for you guys to save the world by bonding at home!
-i feel like samatoki would probably want to go out a LOT to check on people (aka nemu) but fortunately you can convince him just calling is fine. he gets pretty sulky about not being able to leave at first though lol
-he gets bored pretty easily but you guys decide to start more creative projects together and it becomes a lot more bearable! actually it’s really cute how much you two appreciate the time you get to spend together now
-he’s really reeeaaally touchy and clingy. like..more than usual. he isn’t even tsundere anymore because there’s no one else around to see for him to be embarrassed by except you, and he gets over that pretty quick when it hits him that you’re the only person he’s gonna be seeing. so get used to samatoki cuddles!!!
-you guys end up making a lot of cool things to put around the house! and making nice food and such!! he’s never had such a good time doing simple domestic stuff and before you know it a whole week has gone by
-grocery shopping?? not an issue. he’s intimidating in general and pretty well-known in the criminal world so no one’s trying any funny business
-you learn a lot about him too! he opens up to you more when you guys are just chilling (especially at night/in the evening) and you feel safe enough to open up to him in return.
-this whole thing just brings you guys even closer and you manage to have a lot of fun even when it feels like the world is a total disaster at the moment by enjoying the small things in life.
-and if ur feeling spicy..u get to know him in a lot of uh..o ther ways lol
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ichirostitties · 5 years ago
nvm pt 2
tumblr ate all my asks so yeaH LOL IM JUST VIBIN TIL STUFF COMES THROUGH 
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ichirostitties · 5 years ago
-ok so. generally i’ll write anything as long as it’s hypmic related!! i can write for any character except the stage play dudes cause i know nothing about them lol (their music is good tho).
-i don’t have a max character limit for asks!! people usually stop around 5 anyway so it’s fine ^^ but for scenarios (like my proper writing as opposed to funky headcanons) it would be best to keep it to 1 or 2 characters max.
-NSFW is allowed ofc (horny bastards), just not for jiro or saburo cause 1. they’re underage; and 2. i’m like..a fair amount older than them (esp saburo) so it just feels weird writing for them in general but i’ll do my best if it’s necessary lol
-if you’re wondering what kinks i won’t write that would be:
intense bdsm (like whipping and stuff..no thanks ahahah. idk how to describe exactly where i draw the line it’s like..the moment it starts involving blood (+ wax play is too much for me ee) - the one exception being kinky biting because come on who doesnt want to be absolutely rawed by a vampire)
ddlg..u know the stuff i cant stand daddy kinks im only slightly sorry that stuff is wack
just anything involving vore im saying this half as a joke but oml you never know. vore is too wacky like the bad wacky i cant do it
-just imagines!! if im feeling spicy i might write character/character but that would be on ao3 rather than here ^^
-ok i knowww this is like uGHH but i feel kinda uncomfortable writing intense yandere stuff. i really don’t mind more implied things like headcanons, but going into detail makes me go eeee so i may be picky with that stuff :’)
-god please no incest or pedophilia that stuff is..yeah it’s self explanatory. gross lol
And that’s all I think!! Thanks for reading and i’ll do my best to keep this running!!!!
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ichirostitties · 5 years ago
and im workin on a rules thing!!! generally idm writing whatever but i’ll get a proper rules thing out dw
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