ibulale-blog · 6 years
hey i’m fuckin uh....not dead
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ibulale-blog · 7 years
hey y’all! i’m going on spring break and i’ll be without my computer, so no icons! that being said, i wanna write still so consider this a plotting/para call ! !
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ibulale-blog · 7 years
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she has always been soft.  it is in every inch of her being,  and she knows that her hope will always press on even when she is faced with a lost case.  ngozi is no different,  hope that she cannot let go of,  made even more wounding still by memories of days in the sun when their worlds surrounded each other.  she must go.  she must go and think of the queen mother and the princess,  do what is best for wakanda.    “  you always have a choice,  ngozi,  remember that.  ”    at least she may pretend those words are a warning,  and not a plea for the other woman to join them.  it is all she may offer,  as weak as she can be when she is seeking to help her country.  the space now present between them clears her head,  gives her a moment to breathe and move away from words that she might say if pride were not so present.  she knows what she must do.     “  may bast smile on you,  sister.  ”    no matter the consequences,  no matter what she must do.  she does not seek any harm to this woman,  not when they once were such friends.
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                         a wry smile twists full lips into the closest approximation of a true feeling she can come up with these days. even without mirth, the laugh that exits her mouth is a stranger to her ears, foreign and unwelcome. “and i have chosen the path of safety.” she knows it is a lie even as she speaks it. there was nothing SAFE about the foreigner’s rule, nothing about him that did not SCREAM danger.  she backs away further from the woman she’d once called sister and then, finally, turns her back on her, the conversation is over. still, she manages a quiet, “-and may she smile on you as well.” before disappearing back into a shadowy corner of the palace. 
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ibulale-blog · 7 years
hey yall! this weekend was great but exhausting for me so thank all yall for your patience! i’ll be answering asks and replies tonight along with iming people back. thabks!
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ibulale-blog · 7 years
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ibulale-blog · 7 years
“he pressed kisses to my mocha choca latta ya ya skin”
you know a white writing a fic when “me being one of the only people of colour here”       black a word we say fuckers.
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ibulale-blog · 7 years
hey y’all, i am hella exhausted after a full day of class, so drafts props won’t be done until later tonight if at all. 
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ibulale-blog · 7 years
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𝐘𝐎𝐔 𝐌𝐀𝐃𝐄 𝐘𝐎𝐔𝐑 𝐏𝐄𝐀𝐂𝐄 𝐖𝐈𝐓𝐇 𝐃𝐄𝐀𝐓𝐇 𝐋𝐎𝐍𝐆 𝐀𝐆𝐎.     the fire,   the ice,   the nothing.   it all comes back to you,   a tangle of lives woven from threads of false hope,  martyrdom,  makeshift kindness.  you know the truth.   you’ve seen it with your own two eyes,   &   you judge as god judges.   you are your own god.   your own martyr.   IT IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY,   THIS WORLD OF YOURS.  don’t lose your way.    //     IND. MCU KILLMONGER • PENNED BY AZZY !
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ibulale-blog · 7 years
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“If they will not listen to your tribe, they will not likely listen to mine.”
W’Kabi stroked his chin in thought. The mining tribe was being purposely uncooperative, possibly due to their reluctance to follow the new king. If that were the case, then they needed some diplomacy lest there be a strike that they could not afford.
“Has your grandmother spoken with their elder?”
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                         “-it is not a matter of TRIBE, w’kabi. it is you they respect.” more than me are the words left unspoken, but she knows she need not say them. the girl born of charm and grace she’d been under t’chaka’s rule, perhaps that girl could've talked the mining tribe into moving, but that girl was gone and it seemed she’d lost her SILVER TONGUE. she issues the border tribe man a tight smile. “my grandmother has decided to defer to my judgement in these matters.” in truth, the old woman wanted nothing to do with n’jadaka and his plans. she’d trusted ngozi to smile and grease palms and do the rough work, but her talents were failing her. it seemed cooperation had become her only safe haven. 
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ibulale-blog · 7 years
‘ time doesn’t obey our commands ’
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                         “-I KNOW THAT.” it’s harsher than it needs to be, much harsher than it should be to one she calls sister, but ngozi has never been good at saying goodbye. not when they were small and nakia’s father would take her hand and start guiding her back home; not now when she’s about to leave indefinitely. “…i just…” a sigh and ngozi hangs her head, dark mass of coils obscuring her eyes. “i know.” they sit on a hill just outside of the city limits, the stars and the lights of birnin zana melding together so that she can’t see where the sky ends and the land of her people begins. their skin glows blue-black against the swath of night, illuminated only by their kimoyo beads, still glowing insistently in the dark. “just for tonight, let’s pretend we CAN.”
from this meme // accepting !
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ibulale-blog · 7 years
"Time doesn't obey our commands."
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                          “-another thing that DOES NOT LISTEN.”  she is fresh from the academy of maths and sciences and so young. too young, perhaps, to serve as the financial advisor to the king, but she was qualified. she knew there were rumors of NEPOTISM at play, but they were silenced before they reached her ears. she had so much to prove and so little time to do it in; it is a wonder the last financial advisor did not succumb to the strain. she shuffles down the wide corridors beside the older man toward the throne room, scrolling through reports on her kimoyo beads as she does. “at any rate, i work best under pressure.” 
from this meme // accepting !
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ibulale-blog · 7 years
‘ it takes courage to grow up and become who you really are ’
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                          AH, COURAGE, that thing bright and flaming that had eluded her for so long. ngozi was not ashamed to be a coward, so used to living in the darkness was she, but she’d been dragged into the light, laid bare. she had not expected anyone to follow her up and out of wakanda, had not expected anyone to care whether she had lived or died during n’jadaka’s last stand but HERE WAS NAKIA, voice light and heart full of hope for what she could be. but what was she, stripped bare of all her bluster and power? what was she but a feral thing with wide eyes and teeth that had long since ceased to be SHARP? she looked sickly, heaped there in the corner of some no name bar in some american city that had been unkind to her. bast help her, who was she? “I’M SORRY.” one tear drop hits the table, and then another. “I’M SO SORRY.” she was something soft and pliant that had tried too long to become steel and was finally breaking under her own strain. she wanted to go back to when they were children, still warm-hearted, running through the long grass with the sun at their backs. she wanted peace. “I WANT TO GO HOME.”
from this meme // accepting !
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ibulale-blog · 7 years
sentence prompts ➝  poetry starters
‘  life— the thing that happens to us.  ’
‘  you owe no one your forgiveness.  ’
‘  how’s that for a happily ever after?  ’
‘  silence has always been my loudest scream.  ’
‘  when I die, do not waste a minute mouring me.  ’
‘  “no” is short for “fuck off.”  ’
‘  you shine brighter than all the starlight there has ever been or ever will be.  ’
‘  i bet you regret making an enemy out of me.  ’
‘  we cannot control what we remember  ’
‘  i don’t even believe in people.  ’
‘  it takes courage to grow up and become who you really are  ’
‘  i am a world of uncertainties disguised as a girl.  ’
‘  whatever it is that stirs your soul, listen to that. everything else is just noise.  ’
‘  i like the disaster of the night sky, stars spilling this way and that as if  they were upturned from a glass.  ’
‘  resist much, obey little.  ’
‘  be patient and tough; one day this pain will be useful to you.  ’
‘  i am a dreamer with empty hands and I like the chill.  ’
‘  i deserved someone who was willing to stay  ’
‘  you’re everywhere except right here and it hurts  ’
‘  time doesn’t obey our commands  ’
‘  girls like her were born in a storm.  ’
‘  only the brave and the broken are kind in this world.  ’
‘  people aren’t born sad; we make them that way.  ’
‘  some people are born with tornados in their lives  ’
‘  there is nothing scarier in their minds than a girl who knows the power of her flames.  ’
‘  tell them to be proud of every bit of themselves—  ’
‘  some are made of witchcraft and wolf and a little bit of vice.  ’
‘  these scars have never diminished your worth, they are the stories that make you whole.  ’
‘  and you say you are broken, but broken mirrors like you create the most beautiful patterns of light.  ’
‘  but what could you possibly see in her?  ’
‘  everything, I see everything in her, because the stardust that makes her is the same stardust that makes me.  ’
‘  did you really think she was a tender flower you could trample upon, and damage her very soul?  ’
‘  you clutter my mind  ’
‘  i close my eyes and see infinite galaxies  ’
‘  i long for a life i have control of  ’
‘  and all i have now are memories that feel like dreams  ’
‘  don’t be afraid of getting hurt  ’
‘  you have to fight to be alright  ’
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ibulale-blog · 7 years
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                                                “ miss me with the  BULLSHIT ”
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ibulale-blog · 7 years
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                           “-but isn’t it hard for him to hunt like that? with only ONE EYE?”
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     ‘ – it may be hard to believe , but some people just do not wish to be helped or saved. ‘  ( @ibulale. )
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ibulale-blog · 7 years
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                         dark eyes don’t leave the floor. to show her face before the king she had BETRAYED took audacity, the lengths of which stretched the limits of belief even for her. she lowers herself into a deep traditional curtsey and speaks in a small voice. “MY KING. i am tired and wish to return home.” self-imposed her exile may have been, but ngozi had no illusions about her circumstances. she was no longer WELCOME in wakanda, certainly not in the golden city.
@ibulale​​ liked [x] for a starter
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♚—- SOFT brown eyes were now wary, narrowed at the last person t'challa thought to see – here of all places. ❝what have you come here for?❞
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ibulale-blog · 7 years
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happy blackout from your fav round™️ mun. what a great day to remember that black visibility does now and always will matter. we are the ones we’ve been waiting for ✊🏿✊🏿✊🏿
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