ibara-no-hana-blog · 8 years
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Oh. Then no, I don’t do that. You must be confused.
"I think I may have seen you somewhere..."
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‘Are you sure? Because I haven’t seen you before.’
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ibara-no-hana-blog · 8 years
“I Swear I Know You” ||
“Well it’s still different from high school,” thought Hana as she found herself with quite a large break between lectures, and decided to find a coffee shop to get some cake or something to eat.
Before she could even get off campus, however, she found herself bumping into someone much taller than herself. ‘Watch where you’re going,’ she muttered, trying to step to move out of the other’s way.
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ibara-no-hana-blog · 8 years
I said bang. Wait... [actually presses the thing and it makes the ‘click’ sound] There.
-holds toy gun- -monotonously- Bang.
[stares at her and questions this entire situation] Was?
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ibara-no-hana-blog · 8 years
‘The same too you,’ said Hana, ‘I should ask if you had to be somewhere fast, because of how fast that bicycle was going.’
The New Girl || Open
“That’s college: fun,” she responded, a hint of sarcasm also showing through her voice. She stood her bike up. “Glad you’re mostly unaffected by this mishap, then.” 
The other didn’t seemed too thrilled either way. Should she break this off as fast as she could? Her shame didn’t want to be more of a sore if the other didn’t want to have anything to do with her, but for now, she soldiered on. “Kasia. Nice to meet you.” 
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ibara-no-hana-blog · 8 years
[does not compute]
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Um... What?
"I think I may have seen you somewhere..."
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‘Are you sure? Because I haven’t seen you before.’
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ibara-no-hana-blog · 8 years
Don’t worry about it, I said!
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[wow that seemed a bit snappy, whoops can’t take it back] Have you even really tasted the... whatever this is? I don’t think it’s really coffee.
“Oh, God, sorry! Let me buy you a new one.”
[she’s just spilled her (awful) coffee bumping into this girl, thank goodness it wasn’t too hot]
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I can buy it myself, if I wanted to, it wasn’t even that good. American coffee is so bad.
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ibara-no-hana-blog · 8 years
‘Great, thank you,’ she said a little sarcastically, ‘if things keep going like this it should be fun.’ The other girl didn’t look to be hurt too bad, which was fine. Hana crossed her arms. ‘いいえ, I’m fine,’ she said, ‘it was lucky that I have some time until my next class.’
‘I guess I should introduce myself, since you ran into me. I’m Hana.’
The New Girl || Open
She kept her snide comments to herself this time, taking the girl’s hand and composing herself as she pulled herself up. “Same goes for you, really. Call it a… cautionary tale.”
While she dusted herself, she mindlessly made small talk. “Well, ignoring that, um, mishap, welcome to campus.” She shifted her weight. Sore bum, some scratches on her legs, but it’s not like she’s never broken skin. And since the crash was more of a tip-over than head-on impact, looks her bike was mostly fine… “Hope you’re not late for something. Any help I can provide to make it up to you?”
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ibara-no-hana-blog · 8 years
"I think I may have seen you somewhere..."
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‘Are you sure? Because I haven’t seen you before.’
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ibara-no-hana-blog · 8 years
Hana let out her own small scream of surprise as she stepped away quickly from the incoming bike, and watched helplessly as the girl on said bike crashed to the ground. Looking around, she walked over to her and held out a hand to help her up.
‘You should watch for people trying to walk next time,’ she said, ‘you’re lucky it’s only my first day on campus.’.
The New Girl || Open
Nothing like the wind in your hair after a long day.  Kasia had her helmet on and the road was mostly clear; a little speed won’t hurt anyone. Nothing will go– WRONG! WRONG! THIS WAS A MISTAKE-  
Kasia screamed and swerved around the girl as best she could. Fortunately, the girl she grazed was probably not harmed badly, but unfortunately, the turning/breaking/speed combo proved too much for her bike. She groaned, pulling herself into a sitting position at the crash sit. “Fuck. Shit. Sor–How about next time watch where you’re–ugh.” 
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ibara-no-hana-blog · 8 years
“Oh, God, sorry! Let me buy you a new one.”
[she’s just spilled her (awful) coffee bumping into this girl, thank goodness it wasn’t too hot]
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I can buy it myself, if I wanted to, it wasn’t even that good. American coffee is so bad.
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ibara-no-hana-blog · 8 years
First Meeting / Icebreakers
“Hi, I’m ______.”
“Oh fuck! Are you okay?”
“Crap! Sorry about that! Wasn’t looking where I was going. Here, I’ll get you a new jacket…”
“Need a ride?”
“How are you?”
“Seems like we’re gonna be stuck on this train for an extra three hours.”
“What’s your name?”
“Thank you.”
“You just saved my life!”
“Move the fuck out of my way.”
“Watch where you’re going!”
“Would you like anything?”
“You’re gorgeous.”
“Do I know you?”
“Uh, that’s my spot.”
“Oh, God, sorry! Let me buy you a new one.”
“Is that your dog? He is so CUTE!”
“Here, take my seat. You look tired.”
“Checking in?”
“Can I sit here?”
“May I buy you a drink?”
“I can spot you, if you want.”
“How’d you even get stuck in a locker, anyway?”
“Can you turn it down?! Some of us are trying to sleep!”
“Hi, I’m your new roommate.”
“I think I found your dog. Is he yours?”
“You look cold, take my jacket.”
“Hey, I think the mailman gave me your mail by mistake? [Name], right?”
“You’ve had a guy/girl over every night this week! And you’re really loud! You know how I know? I know because I live below you!”
“So, your kid apparently punched my kid in the face.”
“Bride or groom?”
“Can you switch seats with me? I can’t see!”
“Okay, look, if you’re gonna be airsick, aim the other way.”
“[Sir/Ma'am], if you don’t stop being rude to me, I’m going to give you decaf.”
“Don’t drink that! I saw some guy slip something in there.”
“Hey, is he bothering you?”
“Don’t give up your day job.”
“…Dude, your fly’s down.”
“I think you have the wrong number.”
“I’m [muse’s child]’s teacher.”
“[Muse’s child/younger sibling] was in my yard again!”
“Get out of here! This is my hiding spot!”
“SHUT UP. And learn to stay on key.”
“Good Evening/Afternoon/Morning/Day/Night.”
“Watch where you’re going!”
“Is this seat taken?”
“Here you dropped this.”
“You remind me of someone.”
“Will you be taking this?”
“May I take your order?”
“How are you?”
“You look familiar, have we met before?”
“Be careful next time.”
“Hey, could you help me?”
“Help me!”
“I’m so sorry!”
“Are you alright?!”
“I know we’ve never met, but I think you’re beautiful.”
“I think I may have seen you before…”
“Hey! Watch it!”
“Oh my god are you okay?”
“Have we met…?”
“Were you at that one party?”
“Remember me?”
“I know you don’t know me but I love your shirt.”
“Quick, pretend to look like you’re talking to me.”
“Hey, is that your dog?”
“Service takes forever here.”
“Don’t mean to sound cliche, but do you come here often?”
“I wouldn’t sit there if I were you.”
“This is gonna be a long plane ride.”
“Can you turn that music down?”
“People are trying to sleep!”
“I’m your new neighbour.”
“Is that who I think it is?”
“Be quiet!”
“Is that your son/daughter?”
“I’ve read about you.“ 
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ibara-no-hana-blog · 8 years
The New Girl || Open
‘Breathe, Hana. You can do this. You are calm and not going to let anything get in your way.’
Is what Hana tried to tell herself as she walked around her new school. It certainly was nice, possibly on par with her old school, but there was a certain... air about it. Maybe it was because she was in a foreign country?
As she was pondering and wandering, she failed to notice that she was about to step in front of a student’s bicycle going past at quite a fast speed.
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ibara-no-hana-blog · 9 years
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My friends and I are all back together, yay~!
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ibara-no-hana-blog · 9 years
She’s a little bit scared and a little bit scarred and extremely terrified that someone might see how she feels.
VàZaki Nada (via vazakinada)
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