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nomzamomajolaotblog · 2 years ago
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The quote above reflects on how perspective is dependent on the knowledge that we have. “Knowledge that can be gained by reading articles, watching videos, speaking to someone but the knowledge that we gain from experience is one that is in its raw form. Having perspective “gives us a better understanding and greater empathy. It reduces bias, judgment and reduces conflict” (Edwards, 2021). In the 4 weeks that I have spent in the community of Kenville, I have been enlightened about how crucial it is for one to clean their lenses and open their eyes to see what is in front of them. From the under-malnourished children, smiling innocently, unknowingly, to the old men and women who look so existentially exhausted. As a student doing OT, I have had to find perspective by gaining the knowledge produced by the raw experiences faced in the community which happens when you explore very deeply and critically everything and everyone around you. The political injustices people face in the community continue to chain the members of the community. we as OT should stand as advocates, we need to practice the principle of beneficence more often, be the gap standers, and more importantly be the agents of the change we want to see.
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Walking into Kenville I did not know how much the community is affected by the injustices rooted in our government system which fails them everyday, how poverty really impacts a person experiences, choices and thinking. “With poverty in South Africa affecting more than half of the population via widespread food insecurity (and related malnutrition) and unemployment rate around 25-30%, it makes it particularly difficult for local populations to afford any medication at all, even less a costly therapy” (Poverty in South Africa - Taming Globalization and Inequalities, 2013). Poverty in the community is something that almost all the members have in common. The image above reminds me of a client I recently met in the clinic who had deep superficial thickness burns, on his head neck and hands. Looking at the little boy I could feel my heart being distraught. When I looked at the mother, I instantly had a picture in my head of what had happened thinking it was a parent or child being careless which led to the burn. When I interviewed the mom and client, I found out both the mom and client experienced an electric incident from a wire that fell on the mother. The mother further explained that when the wire fell on her she thought of saving her two children. She managed to get the little one to open the door and escape, but the son chose to cling on her and the electric shock got caught on his clothes and burnt him. The mother watched her child get burnt, because she was also in shock, she was paralyzed physically but could feel all the pain inside. Many might blame certain people in this incident maybe God, the mother, the child for not listening, the father not being present or even the electric wire. But I blame the government who continues to rob people of their rights. The mother and child should not be living in that type of environment when a huge portion of taxes paid by fellow south Africa is said to be in housing. Because of the dishonesties of the government and system, that little boy will have this scar for the rest of his life and that mother will continue experiencing post-traumatic stress. As OTs knowing and see the injustices, we need to use our tool of advocacy instead of judgment and perceived notion. It is important that we alert the clients of the rights that they have and the claims that they need. Whether it is by contacting the social worker or the community councilor and filing a complaint on behalf of the client. I have leant that As Occupational Therapists we should be gap standers, with the power that you have you can cause waves, whether it you are a student or in comserve or a qualified OT. We need to stand in the gap between our client or members of community and injustices that they face, that continuously imprison them of the privilege of being safe in their own environment.
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Looking at the image above I am reminded that during this week I faced an ethical dilemma. A client experienced a seizure at his workplace which the environment had heavy appliances that he is required to carry ,my first answer was the client to quit his job for his own safety. I had realized thinking that I was applying the principle of non-maleficence, I failed to implement the principle of beneficence to the client, his situation and context. “Beneficence includes all forms of action intended to benefit other persons” (“Occupational Therapy Code of Ethics and Ethics Standards (2010),” 2010). I did not think of the fact that depriving the client of work would mean that I am depriving him of an important occupation as well a source of income. I leant that is important to know exactly how the therapy we give to clients will translate into the client’s real-life situations and not just be guided our emotions and what we see ourselves as right. We should rather explore other avenues such as contacting a social worker for the client and maybe getting in contact with his employer to see if we can make a plan. We need to practice the principle of beneficence regardless of your own ideas, thoughts cultures and ethical beliefs.
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You must push yourself to become the best version of yourself and give as much of yourself as you can because community block forces you to be vulnerable and step beyond your comfort zone. This is what I discovered after my first week in this block. To be honest, it won't be simple, and you'll make mistakes along the way, but in my opinion, community helps you become a self-reliant and well-rounded occupational therapist. Making errors is a crucial component of learning as well.  “Without mistakes, we lose countless opportunities to gain valuable knowledge and learn lessons” (, 2015). I had to reflect a lot on the Occupational therapist that I want to be during this block. It has forced me to think of advocacy, think Cleary about the treatment I choose, and critic my thoughts and ideas when relating them back to how the client integrates themselves into their own community. As Occupational Therapists we are not bystanders, but we are Gap standers so let us be the change we so desperately want to see in the profession.
Poverty in South Africa - Taming Globalization and Inequalities. (2013).,even%20less%20a%20costly%20therapy.
‌ Occupational Therapy Code of Ethics and Ethics Standards (2010). (2010). American Journal of Occupational Therapy, 64(6_Supplement), S17–S26. (2015, August 8). This Is Why You Should Be Proud of Making Mistakes - LifeHack. Lifehack.
Edwards, N. (2021, December 13). The importance of gaining different perspectives - Dandelion Training & Development. Dandelion Training & Development.,bias%2C%20judgement%20and%20reduces%20conflict.
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nomzamomajolaotblog · 2 years ago
“The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) aim to transform our world. They are a call to action to end poverty and inequality, protect the planet, and ensure that all people enjoy health, justice and prosperity. It is critical that no one is left behind” (Sustainable Development Goals, 2021). SDG goals cater of human life and well being. These goals were made to help achieve the certain areas of life which impact many people in the world negatively due to the depleting and lack of resources, knowledge and initiative in the world. In occupational therapy health, nutrition, Gender equality, employment and education form a huge part of our practice as they contribute to the person’s occupation and well being. it is important that as the profession we start take initiative to sustaining indicators that are devised in these goals.
Goal 3 of the SDG goal plays a huge part in Occupational therapy itself as the profession aims to promote well-being in all shapes of the client’s life through occupation. In the Kenville Community we have observed that the people of the community have little knowledge and depth about health issues that pertain maternity, child development, chronic conditions, nutrition, and substance abuse.  We intend on using information and communication to our best advantage within the community, by reaching the masses through health promotion and doing therapy “here and now”. We have realised that people within the community have common issues and we plan on integrating that by creating an interactive approach where we also allow for the community to interact with each other on common issues. This will be done by hosting events within the community in an accessible place like the local clinic where we will have speakers who are part of the community, local councillors, area manager as well as different health science disciplinaries. By inviting the members that are in politics, these issues can be brought forth and the community can gain sponsors and further improve service delivery. These events will provide crucial information about the common issues being faced and the way forward. While doing health promotion at the clinic I observed that talking to people (which was the approach I was using) rather than with people can make a difference in promoting health. we intend of providing people with fulfilling knowledge about their health as well as their right to health in a comfortable and familiar environment.
The sustainable Goal 4  In the community of Kenville, we have seen a gap in the creches within the community who are not properly stimulating children from the ages of 2-5 years old. The students at Kenville have planned to assist at the new day care which they intend on equipping the children in the community with skills such as fine motor skills, gross motor skills, hand function, holding of a pencil, basic concepts like shapes, numbers, and colours. As the OTs we plan on upskilling the creche teachers on activities to stimulate cognitive, sensory motor as well as and gross motor skills that they will be able to use with the children at the creche, not only the OT students with the kids but making it sustainable by involving the teachers in what we are doing as they are the ones who will stay with the children. This goal also “aims to provide equal access to affordable vocational training, to eliminate gender and wealth disparities, and achieve universal access to a quality higher education.” (Goal 4: Ensure Inclusive and Equitable Quality Education and Promote Lifelong Learning Opportunities for All, 2022).  In both Marian ridge and Kenville as projects we intend on having a career informative day where we will be promoting career planning and seeking. This will be done by hosting an event in their school hall where we will invite certain profession, universities, FETs, companies that will guide the students on identifying their skills and strength. This is to be able to navigate whether they are more in the academic aspect or skills based which will provide clarity on whether they apply at a university of FET as well as exploring business ideas so that we include every type of learner to explore all opportunities available. This will help kids to be able to discover themselves futher by being included and given opportunities.
as to Goal 8, The kite project in Kenville aims to provide vocational opportunities in the community for people that are unemployed. This project intends on equipping the employees with financial skills, administrative skills and business skills. The kite project allows for the employees to earn an income through sales that are made that will help them to be able to provide for themselves and/or their families.
Goal 2 refers to. This objective encourages the creation of new and inventive methods for producing food that is healthier and richer in nutrients. At Kenville, we plan to teach people about the importance of nutrients, especially mothers with young children (healthy food for babies and mom while breastfeeding to prevent SAM and MAM), by creating videos and pamphlets that will be available to clients waiting in the cue. The introduction of food list planning, where we will have a list of foods that are inexpensive but contain the necessary nutrients, will help us achieve this goal. In order to ensure that the community receives food that is nutrient-rich and safe for consumption, the food list will also be promoted as a component of food parcels distributed in the area. We'll also encourage clients to plant fruits and vegetables in their own yards, or, if that's not possible, in the community space, they can plant a garden that the whole community can access.
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Concerning goal 5, the initiatives carried out, such as the kite and work skills training, do not discriminate against women or men; rather, they help anyone in need without regard to the identity they choose “Women who do find work are usually employed in vulnerable employment (often characterised by inadequate earnings, low productivity and difficult work conditions) compared to men. 5,8% of employed women occupy management positions, compared to 9,8% of employed men” (Statistics South Africa, 2022). We intend on making the payment equal and fair toward the person work, enabling fair opportunities.
“The butterfly effect is the idea that small, seemingly trivial events may ultimately result in something with much larger consequences” (Chandler, 2020). In the community of Both Kenville and Marian ridge we are hoping that the small changes that we as the OT students aim to achieve will have a great impact in people’s lives. Not only on how they live but also on what they think and what they need to know what health and well being means in their lives.
Statistics South Africa. (2022, August 23). Nearly half of SA women are out of the labour force in Q2:2022 | Statistics South Africa.
Chandler, N. (2020, August 7). What Is the Butterfly Effect and How Do We Misunderstand It? HowStuffWorks; HowStuffWorks.
Sustainable Development Goals. (2021).,enjoy%20health%2C%20justice%20and%20prosperity.
Goal 4: Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all. (2022). ISGlobal.
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nomzamomajolaotblog · 2 years ago
The Injustices and Future of OT
Occupational Therapy is one of the most insightful and profound professions in the world that investigates the human being as a multidimensional sphere. One that has expanded the definition of occupation from smaller to larger scales and succeeded in encapsulating the true nature of our human engagement. Due to a lack of exploratory initiative, there is a clear knowledge gap in the profession, which prevents practitioners from understanding the true political, cultural implications and social events that affect people on a daily basis. Future generations of occupational therapists need to be given the baton to use their more varied and sociocultural perspectives to create new frameworks that not only reach the client but also encompass his entire world.
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“The concept of justice has been demonstrated, particularly explicitly or within other ideas. Relating to human rights and those structured currents. According to Habermas, emancipatory interest is connected to self-determination. Priority should be given to autonomy before any foreign power-seeking submission” (Habermas, 1982). In occupational therapy, injustice has been stigmatized as being one the biggest barriers preventing people from engaging in their desired occupations. The obvious denial and straightforward application of injustice in practice led occupational therapists to believe that they were political and social correctors, but in reality, the field has been slow to acknowledge the need for change. OT fails to first recognize the injustices present in their system of practice. They are unable to comprehend how a person's beliefs, perceptions, and emotions are influenced by the various facets of their life. It's important to remember that a person's identity is fundamentally shaped by their culture and their environment. In the OT profession, there is a lack of diversity and the initiative to make a more diverse theory. The direct interpretation of how and when to treat a client (in a ventilated room with windows and running water, with electrical appliances) Most Occupational Therapist fail to treat under certain circumstances that the poor experience everyday. We want to be “comfortable” in a place where even the people we treat are uncomfortable in ,but have been forced themselves to be comfortable as the world only offers them such. In Kenville community when I had first saw the living conditions of the homes and creches being exposed, passing by and seeing someone else’s whole house with just one glare when I have a full fenced home. Predominantly black Africans are still living in the consequences of the apartheid system, I began to think “how do we do home visits and treat in such a small space that is uncomfortable” and then I realised that my first instinct would have been to stop therapy and go to the clinic. What does that make us as occupational therapists?  are we are unable to treat in the exact same environment we want to adapt ?. As the future generations we are much privileged , we might not be rich historically through the hard experiences but we have been given the gift of freedom. We need to be autonomous and not seek submission from better facilities but we need to change perspective by invading the rules . Have that session in that little shack, go to the river and fetch water -doing what is best for the client. We need to leave therapy having experienced a big portion of the client’s life.
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In a YouTube video Frank Kronenberg states that "It seems to be that in OT we regard that man is a given, being human is a given for all. All humans are born equal in dignity and rights but historically there is so much evidence that has shown us that , that is not the world that we live in. Some people are regarded more human than others and therefore as a consequence have more resources and opportunities to sustain and live their lives , whereas others are deprived of that”( link: In  human development  we are taught that Adequate nutrition, clothing and shelter forms part of the human development criteria not bearing in mind that most people of colour are deprived of those “necessities” from the minute that they are born. It is an injustice that the OT profession does not consider the politics that have such a huge role in our lives. Yet certain factors as such are excluded when defining a being’s development. “More than six out of ten children (62,1%) are identified as multidimensionally poor, according to a report on Child Poverty in South Africa released by Statistics South Africa today” (Statistics South Africa, 2020). Looking at this statistic we already should know to view someone with an assumption-based approach. In the Kenville new clinic, I came across a mother who was well dressed and had two children who looked healthy and happy and I based treatment on the assumption that the kids were orientated to crayons and colouring books, only to find out that they are being raised in a poverty stricken household living not with their mother but their grandmother who is unable to buy the children crayons. We as people in the profession of OT need to learn that privilege comes with a cost, in a South African point of view at a cost of lives and those lives are still carrying that trauma and consequence.
Cultural sensitivity in OT is an injustice in the profession, we need more raw literature that is new and wide that will guide practice that is more community based and that allows interaction between these different cultures and settings, this will help a better and cohesive relationship between therapist and client. We need to change perspective in how we view culture. It does not end at an Indian or Zulu dance but it is enriched in the values and beliefs that people hold on even when the world is against them.
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“In New Zealand rather than attempting the difficult task or developing culturally competent practitioners in a society of many diverse cultures, some health professions have moved to develop a workforce that is culturally aware, sensitive and above all safe in attitude and behaviour” (Jungersen.k ,2002). Let us all move to being politically , socially and culturally sensitive and aware. We have been given a job that serves people needs and meanings. This is what I see when i look into the future of OT, As the future generation if the baton is not being handed to us, let us run the race without it, in a different lane and aim for the finish line, let us explore and develop Occupational Therapy as we should know it.
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nomzamomajolaotblog · 2 years ago
A Mother and Child, two equatorial parallel lines crossing along the border of the earth, together yet apart.
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The bond between mother and her unborn child is one that is incomparable, the interchanging and intertwining of the two souls in one body carried at the source of one of a woman’s most treasured organ that gives the ability to be one with a new life as she becomes the source of oxygen , with the hope and possibility that it will be a part of the many amongst its generation that will form a part of the change that we need in the world….. that we need in the future.
Maternal health is a crucial practice as it increases the chances of good maternity, the state of pregnancy not only takes a toll on a woman physically, but it so does emotionally, psychologically, and socially. Maternal health promotes sufficient care for both the mother and unborn child, ensuring that simultaneously their needs are being met. This is something that should be mandatory in the health care system worldwide as it is the anchor to a successful and safe prenatal stage, childbirth, and postpartum stage. Maternal health includes access to sufficient health care services, adequate nutrition, emotional support, preparation for the post-partum and education on childcare.
 Unfortunately, woman have been robbed of that accessibility – this we see mainly in the lower economically developing countries mostly in Southern Africa, Statistics show that in 2020 the lifetime risk of maternal death in low-income countries as a whole was 1 in 49, compared to 1 in 5,300 in high-income countries. Among regions, women in sub-Saharan Africa face the highest lifetime risk (1 in 41), which is approximately 268 times higher than in Western Europe  (Maternal Mortality Rates and Statistics - UNICEF DATA, 2023). When we take a look at these statistics, I am taken back to my experience with a 21 year old mother of a 9-month-old baby who seemed to be raising a healthy baby girl. I had asked for consent to do a development assessment with her child and very trustingly she handed me the baby who had reached all her milestones and showing normal development , I followed with questions about the baby for the rest of the session and realised a minute or two before I ended the session that I had not even bothered to ask how she is coping , and when I did she shared a heart breaking story of her pregnancy and I realised that she had postpartum depression 3 months after birth. That is when it hit me that as health professional practising and non-practicing, postnatal and postpartum depression is seen yet it goes undiagnosed because the focus shifts quickly into the immediate needs of the child and It’s development, growing in a financially unstable home and the mother is neglected when she is the first source of the child, forgetting the unexplainable connection that mother and child have which further illustrates that when the mother’s health is compromised this directly affects the child. As occupational therapists our role in maternal health is to address life role transitions, role attainment in the adjustment to motherhood and how the body and mind impact function and performance in daily occupations (OT in Maternal Health, 2023) . but as practicing OTs we expect mothers to immediately reintegrate into the community and society putting on a façade that they know what they are doing and assume to provide information solely which benefits the child but why not the mother? Are we not regressing the child’s health if we fail to see the importance of maternal health? Mothers need the emotional support in support groups, education on prevention on self-harm, building confident through goal setting which is what we as occupational therapy can enforce.
On the other hand childcare is prioritized more in Therapy especially within the community setting as communities have learnt how to care for the young ensuring the children’s safety and education this is evident in the community of Kenville, as I have observed that many of the community members have started a day centre which assists children mostly who have parents that are employed and work long hours by providing shelter and protection during the day – this indicates growth in our society and a realization of how communities have the ability to come together and solve their common everyday difficulties but this requires some pioneers in the community setting that as Occupational therapists, we can be able to take part in promoting good child health by training these pioneers in the community on how to attain different skills such as teaching cognitive stimulation, by the kids engaging in early education of basic concepts such as shapes and colours as well as gross motor skills by providing a safe and conducive environment for the  children to explore the occupation of play. Child care at Lower economically developed countries is constantly failed by the government who acts oblivious to the fact that the poverty chain is an endless cycle. The World Health Organization (WHO) indicates that half of the deaths of children under the age of five years are caused by undernutrition. In addition, malnutrition in children’s early lives may lead to stunted growth, which is detrimental to cognitive performance ability, thus impairing school and work (WHO, 2009). In South Africa Maternal education levels can affect child health through two main channels (mechanisms or pathways). Firstly, it is indirectly affected through increased income – through mothers being in the labour force (Lindeboom et al., 2009; Aslam & Kingdon, 2012) ���which could provide better choices in terms of the affordability of care and increased prospects of better care. Secondly, a child’s health can be impacted directly through maternal health literacy (Lindeboom et al., 2009).
Without the proper resources available the child’s health is compromised, nutrition plays a huge part in the growth of a child as long as our government fails to recognize these issues food insecurity will become our new pandemic.
In this blog it is made evident that maternal health levels can affect child health through two main channels Firstly, it is indirectly affected through increased income – through mothers being in the labour force (Lindeboom et al., 2009; Aslam & Kingdon, 2012) –which could provide better choices in terms of the affordability of care and increased prospects of better care. Secondly, a child’s health can be impacted directly through maternal health literacy (Lindeboom et al., 2009). This proposes the thought that if the government and the health care system work together in ensuring that maternal health care is treated as an essential and if health service simultaneously provided with child health care, we might just be able to change our future and our children are the future and the change, but it has to start with us.
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reference list
Reference List:
arguijo, crystal. (2018, June 24). A Mother’s love. A Fathers’s love. Pinterest; Pinterest.
Briltz, V. (2019). SOAR @ USA SOAR @ USA Student Capstone Projects Student Research.
Child poverty in South Africa - summary. (2020, July 7).
HEE. (2022). AHP Careers in Mental Health- Occupational Therapy in Perinatal Services [YouTube Video]. In YouTube.
Maternal Health Quotes. QuotesGram. (2023a).
Maternal Health Quotes. QuotesGram. (2023b). QuotesGram.
Maternal mortality rates and statistics - UNICEF DATA. (2023, February 27). UNICEF DATA.,Europe%20(1%20in%2011%2C000).
OT in Maternal Health. (2023). Motherhood OT & Family Wellness.,how%20people%20occupy%20their%20time).
What is postpartum depression? (2022).
World. (2023, February 22). Maternal mortality.; World Health Organization: WHO.
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nomzamomajolaotblog · 2 years ago
Advice to my future self as a person and an OT
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A wise man once said " Destiny is not for comfort seekers, Destiny is for the daring and determined , who are willing to endure discomfort , delay gratification and go where destiny leads" T.D jakes. Life is full of endless opportunities that await for us but fear of the unknown takes over , it is important to seek comfort in discomfort because in true essence that is when we grow, that is when we evolve that is when we become greater. Do not be afraid of greatness.
As an aspiring future Occupational Therapist, you have chosen the journey of being a mender of hope, dignity and function, who helps one reach their utmost potential through dynamic methods, you are an enabler of independence, a facilitator of grit. It is not easy being someone people will have to depend on especially with their lives , you will be expected to know everything about everyone , you will even be expected to perform miracles which is not always possible, it will be important for you to firstly reflect on why you want to be an occupational therapist , feed your passion daily by remembering the change that you were able to and are still going to make in people's lives , that will help you to be able to see the bigger picture because once you know you remember the giants you have killed , you will reach for mountains.
Knowledge is key, do not forget to thrive when seeking knowledge, this can be done through reading several articles, speaking to other medical professionals, reading books etc. You can never know too much. We are told from an early age that knowledge is the key to success: If we learn, we will achieve. If we set our sights high when establishing our goals and objectives and work hard to equip ourselves with the knowledge to accomplish our goals, great things will happen. In front of each of us lies an endless number of possibilities as long as we pay attention to what is taught, apply what we learn, then never stop learning throughout life.
When we confidence in in ourselves, it kicks into gear all sorts of psychological processes that help us achieve our goals, manifest our dreams, and increase our well-being. But the flip side is also true. Lack of self-confidence or lack of belief in ourselves means we are less likely to act, to change, or to push to make things better. As a result, when we expect to fail, we are actually more likely to fail (Bénabou & Tirole, 2002). we gain confidence from several things and several way , it is important that you have a good support system as well, it can be family , friends , a partner etc, that will help you when at times you don't feel like your best, which is normal when on our journey of success.
Always prioritize your mental health, that is the first thing that will make or break you in terms of your work and wellbeing. this can be done by ensuring that you have balance in your life, you make time to do the things that you like, you surround yourself by those who you love as well as positive energy. being a helping hand can be draining and can require a lot mentally physically and emotionally therefore ensuring that you do things that will restore all of these components is important.
all in all , you have made it this far, do not give up no matter how hard the journey is always remember who you are and the power that you hold in those occupational hands.
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nomzamomajolaotblog · 2 years ago
occupational barriers experienced in mental health in South Africa.
In South Africa, mental illness is widespread. 58% of visits to general practitioners are for ailments brought on by or made worse by mental or emotional difficulties, according to the SA Association of Psychiatrists.
One in ten people will suffer from disabling anxiety and one in four will develop depression over the course of their lifetime. One percent of the population has Schizophrenia and up to three percent has bipolar mood disorder. (Johannesen 2021) Mental health patients in South Africa nevertheless experience considerable stigma and discrimination not only socially and at work, but also, in the treatment of their illness by some service providers and many medical schemes, this I was able to experience at a certain placement was placed in last year during my second year with a client and his family who had little to no understanding of what a mental illness is. As one of the lower economically developing country, South Africa has not been exposed to the correct education regarding mental health and care for people how have mental illnesses, this is evident in how some family members of a client are still unable to identify what men illnesses are as well as the cause.
Education is one of the occupational barriers that I feel negatively affects mental health in South Africa, as people are not being taught enough whether in school and out of school this can also be done in hospital where the health worker can have a workshop with some patient as well as their family members within the heath care facility where they can be given a better understanding of what mental illnesses are and what causes them , as well as the most common ones that people present with and how to care for someone.
 Financial resources are another occupational barrier which limit the clients in South Africa to firstly receive the best care possible with the correct resources such as a safe and conducive environment for people who are residents at facilities. This limits the resources available for constructive use of leisure time such as games that stimulate cognitive functioning. This causes occupational imbalance in the client's lives, this also makes them lack quality of life in their daily activities, reducing their functional prognosis.
Medication usage and non-compliance
Many patients discontinue taking medication after hospital admission due to certain aspects. (Schierenbeck, I 2013) medication at some stage of their illness. Their four top reasons were the belief that they could handle the problem on their own; the fact that they did not want to become dependent on drugs; that they felt better and stopped medication without consulting a doctor; and that they didn’t like the side-effects of prescribed medication. This is an occupational barrier as the client is unable to control their symptoms therefore being unable to participate in mostly IADLs that require higher cognitive functioning.
Mental health in South Africa is still huge issue in South Africa, the lives of those who are mentally disabled are not prioritized as much as they should be, they have limited opportunities and are not being taken good care of, I hold the Government and Heath team responsible for this issue as they are the ones who need to ensure that these lives are protected.
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nomzamomajolaotblog · 3 years ago
Standing on the edge of becoming an OT- Reflections on your journey thus far
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“The real voyage in discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes but, in having new eyes” by Marcel Proust. This quote mirrors my journey as a future Occupational Therapist at the University of KwaZulu Natal thus far, it merely justifies what I have learnt, which is that this occupation explores the client not only as a distorted figure that needs adjusting or fixing but in a holistic way in which the OT must develop new eyes that have the power to explore the client within their world and through their eyes.
Occupational therapy is a client-centered health profession concerned with promoting health and wellbeing through occupation. The primary goal of occupational therapy is to enable people to participate in the activities of everyday life. Occupational therapists achieve this outcome by working with people and communities to enhance their ability to engage in the occupations they want to, need to, or are expected to do, or by modifying the occupation or the environment to better support their occupational engagement. (WFOT 2012). When I started fieldwork in 2nd year, I struggled to grasp the definition of OT, integrating the theory and putting it into practice. within my first week at the psychiatric placement, I was In, I found it hard to interpret findings of assessment and looking at how they impact the client (client-centeredness), my client was diagnosed with mental instability but seemed to be functional during assessments and when performing activities with him. This created a lot of confusion in terms of how the diagnosis impacts the client's occupations, until I received collateral information from the caretakers informing me about the client’s history and background in which he merely mentioned, This allowed me to be able to relate to the client and looking at how he communicates, interacts and socializes I realized I looked at what the client was able to do but not how the client does it, after this encounter with my previous client I am now able  to investigate the underlying factors that affect the person and their occupation within their environment.
In third year, physical block I found to be more adaptable and less confusing since the progress of the client is more visible and easier to tract therefore you are able to detect whether your intervention is working or another method needs to be used. I learnt the important of ensuring that the assessments are done properly and evaluated which makes the planning process more clear. what i found difficult were clients who refused treatment , according to S. Hassan (2019) " OT is still not well-known or understood and people lack knowledge and awareness of the OT profession" therefore clients were sometimes reluctant to therapy, but I used tools of educating and the by the way approach to help the client understand more of why treatment is important and why they are receiving it.
I am still enjoying this rollercoaster of a journey to find out what more can do as a future Occupational Therapist to make a difference in the client's life whilst seeing the world in their eyes.
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