ISO Certification Body
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Integrated Assessment Services provides ISO 22000 Certification services in Mumbai for a quite long time.
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IAS adalah salah satu lembaga sertifikasi CE Mark terkemuka di India membantu Anda mendapatkan Penandaan CE (CE Mark) dan memberikan Sertifikasi Penandaan CE ��� Sertifikat Kesesuaian Eropa untuk produk Anda dengan Pelatihan Penandaan CE untuk pemasaran di mana saja di Komunitas Eropa.
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Praktek Manufaktur yang Baik Saat Ini (cGMP) diberlakukan oleh Badan Pengawasan Obat dan Makanan AS (FDA). cGMP menyediakan sistem yang memastikan desain, pemantauan, dan kontrol yang tepat untuk proses dan fasilitas manufaktur. & nbsp; Kepatuhan terhadap peraturan cGMP menjamin identitas, kekuatan, kualitas, dan kemurnian produk obat dengan mengharuskan produsen obat mengendalikan operasi pabrik secara memadai.
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Integrated Assessment Services Pvt Ltd provides ISO 27001 Certification in Delhi and has nearly a good number of clients for the same. ISO 27001:2013 certification indicates the necessities for building up, executing, working, observing, inspecting, keeping up and enhancing a reported Information Security Management System inside the setting of the organisations general business dangers.
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IAS adalah salah satu lembaga sertifikasi CE Mark terkemuka di India membantu Anda mendapatkan Penandaan CE (CE Mark) dan memberikan Sertifikasi Penandaan CE – Sertifikat Kesesuaian Eropa untuk produk Anda dengan Pelatihan Penandaan CE untuk pemasaran di mana saja di Komunitas Eropa.
Penandaan CE adalah standar Eropa untuk sertifikasi produk. Istilah ‘CE’ adalah singkatan Prancis untuk “Conformite Europene”, yang dalam bahasa Inggris disebut “European Conformity”. Tanda CE, yang ditempelkan pada suatu produk atau kemasannya, dianggap sebagai bukti bahwa suatu produk telah memenuhi persyaratan standar Eropa yang diselaraskan.
Penandaan CE berarti “Penandaan CE adalah standar Eropa yang menyatakan bahwa produk organisasi dan kemasannya sesuai dengan undang-undang Eropa yang ditetapkan”.
Tanda CE pada produk menunjukkan bahwa suatu produk telah memenuhi persyaratan kesehatan, keselamatan, dan lingkungan UE, yang juga memastikan keselamatan konsumen. Penandaan CE adalah Wajib untuk Produk, yang akan ditempatkan di negara-negara UE. Komisi Eropa menggambarkan Tanda CE sebagai paspor untuk barang yang akan dijual bebas di pasar internal Eropa.
Produk apa saja yang wajib ditandai oleh Penandaan CE?
Produk yang membutuhkan penandaan CE termasuk adalah
Keamanan mainan
Alat kesehatan
Peralatan listrik,
Peralatan terminal Radio dan Telekomunikasi
Peralatan Elektronik
Peralatan tekanan,
Peralatan gas
Alat pelindung diri dll
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Praktek Manufaktur yang Baik Saat Ini (cGMP) diberlakukan oleh Badan Pengawasan Obat dan Makanan AS (FDA). cGMP menyediakan sistem yang memastikan desain, pemantauan, dan kontrol yang tepat untuk proses dan fasilitas manufaktur. & nbsp; Kepatuhan terhadap peraturan cGMP menjamin identitas, kekuatan, kualitas, dan kemurnian produk obat dengan mengharuskan produsen obat mengendalikan operasi pabrik secara memadai.
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Empowering Assurance Systems Pvt Ltd (EAS) conducts ISO Lead Auditor Training in Ahmedabad for various standards such as 9001:2015(QMS), 14001:2015(EMS), 18001:2007(OHSAS), 22000:2005(FSMS), 22000:2018(FSMS-updated), 27001:2013(ISMS), 22301:2012(BCMS), and above all the most recent standard ISO 45001:2018(OHSMS) and 45001:2018  Migration lead auditor training.
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Pelatihan Lead Auditor ISO 9001:2015 Sertifikasi IRCA
ISO 9001:2015 Lead auditor adalah orang yang berkualifikasi dengan menjalani program pelatihan 5 hari, yang memiliki wawasan mendalam tentang standar ISO 9001:2015 dan metode audit ISO pihak ketiga sesuai dengan pedoman untuk sistem manajemen audit ISO 19011:2018.
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Sistem Manajemen Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja (OHSMS) menentukan proses untuk terus meningkatkan kinerja Anda dan pada saat yang sama, mematuhi undang-undang. Pelatihan Auditor Internal ISO 45001 menyediakan kerangka kerja untuk mengintegrasikan sistem manajemen OHSMS dengan mulus dengan rencana bisnis Anda secara keseluruhan. Kursus Pelatihan Auditor Internal ISO 45001 adalah spesifikasi sistem manajemen kesehatan dan keselamatan kerja internasional yang memberdayakan organisasi untuk mengendalikan risiko dan meningkatkan kinerjanya.
Durasi: 2 hari Metode: Sesi kelas dengan latihan.
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IAS menyediakan layanan audit Sertifikasi ISO untuk berbagai standar internasional. Di luar dari Standar-Standar ini, sertifikasi ISO 13485:2016 menetapkan persyaratan Sistem Manajemen Mutu perangkat / peralatan Medis yang secara konsisten memenuhi Pelanggan dan persyaratan peraturan yang berlaku. Organisasi semacam itu dapat dilibatkan dalam satu atau lebih tahapan siklus hidup, termasuk desain dan pengembangan, produksi, penyimpanan dan distribusi, pemasangan, atau servis perangkat / peralatan medis.
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ISO 22301 Internal Training Program in Jakarta
ISO 22301 Internal Training Program in Jakarta
Layanan Penilaian Terintegrasi Pvt Ltd adalah Organisasi Pelatihan ISO terkemuka yang melakukan berbagai Kursus Auditor Pimpinan dan berbagai kursus Auditor Internal dalam hubungannya dengan saudaranya terkait Pemberdayaan jaminan Systems Pvt Ltd.
Ini adalah program pelatihan 2 hari yang dilakukan melalui auditor utama terdaftar yang berpengalaman sebagai staf pengajar. Paket termasuk makan siang dan materi kursus. Hari terakhir program, semua kandidat harus mengikuti ujian. Calon ditinjau selama kursus dan melalui tes akhir
Dianjurkan agar delegasi memiliki pengetahuan sebelumnya sebagai berikut:
Pengetahuan tentang persyaratan ISO 22301
Pengetahuan tentang prinsip dan konsep manajemen kontinuitas bisnis berikut
Tujuan dan manfaat analisis dampak bisnis
Prinsip penilaian risiko dan analisis
Strategi kesinambungan bisnis yang khas
Opsi tanggapan kontinuitas bisnis
Metrik kinerja, pemantauan, dan pengukuran kinerja BCMS
Latihan dan metodologi pengujian
Modul 1: Tinjauan BCMS
Module 2: Tinjauan persyaratan ISO 22301
Module 3: Dasar-dasar audit
Module 4: Peran auditor, tanggung jawab, pengetahuan dan keterampilan
Module 5: BCMS Audit – tinjauan
Module 6: Perencanaan audit BCMS
Module 7: Melakukan audit
Module 8: Melaporkan dan menindaklanjuti sebuah audit
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Sertifikasi ISO Green
Sertifikasi ISO Green
IAS menawarkan sertifikasi Hijau adalah standar internasional yang merupakan inisiatif dari United Academy of Business (UAB) Inggris dan mengakui upaya hijau masyarakat pada umumnya. Green Certification Standard menunjukkan persyaratan kemampuan organisasi untuk memberikan produk & layanan yang tidak memiliki dampak buruk yang signifikan terhadap lingkungan & masyarakat. Persyaratan Standar Hijau dinilai mengikuti Standar Internasional untuk memperhitungkan, memantau dan melaporkan Tanggung Jawab Sosial Perusahaan (CSR).
Fitur Utama dari Sertifikasi Hijau:
Memberikan Produk Hijau Pertahankan Proses Hijau untuk memberikan ketentuan Produk atau Layanan Menyediakan Sistem Hijau menuju Bisnis yang Berkelanjutan Jadilah Organisasi Netral yang Berpotensi Karbon.
Fokus utama sertifikasi hijau adalah untuk membuat lingkungan hijau dan atribusi ke tempat kerja yang aman dan praktik kerja.
Netralitas Karbon Produk Hijau Proses Hijau Sistem Hijau Optimalisasi Sumber Daya
Tim profesional IAS memiliki keahlian dalam menerapkan standar sertifikasi hijau di organisasi Anda untuk keberlanjutan yang lama di antara para pesaing. Kami berkontribusi dengan Anda yang ramah untuk menggunakan sertifikasi hijau di organisasi Anda dan menunjukkan bahwa Anda sangat serius dengan lingkungan dan masyarakat.
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How you can benefit from an energy management system
ISO 50001
Electricity bills are a big cost for business owners. The good news is that improving efficiency can help reduce the cost of electricity bills and bring significant benefits to business people. According to IEA’s 2018 energy efficiency report, energy efficiency improvements since 2000 have prevented a 12% increase in energy use in 2017.
From installing LED lighting to upgrading heating and cooling systems, businesses can implement a range of strategies to lower their energy footprint and at the same time improve property value and reduce operating costs. Other solutions include but are not limited to building sealing and insulation, power factor correction, and improving the quality of supply. This does not mean that you need to change some of your expensive assets. However, before acting, you should understand your energy profile to know which energy reduction strategies will best suit your business needs. This can be provided by energy management systems.
Here are some reasons why you should have an energy management system for your business.
1.) Know Your Energy Needs
Here’s an energy management strategy that will help you understand your consumption patterns i.e. when you’re using your energy most intensely and which kinds of processes or equipment are contributing to this.  You can pinpoint your energy waste with advanced data analytics.
Hence, reduction in your consumption will transform costs to savings and better your consumption patterns. In addition, if your business has operations in different locations, energy management systems will provide benchmarking across your offices/ branches/depots/ shops, etc.
2.) Improve Your Power Factor To Reduce Your Electricity Bill
An energy management system will also show your active and reactive power data which you will need to understand your power factor.
Power factor represents the relationship between real and apparent power.
Power factor is between 0 and 1, and a higher value means higher efficiency.
There are several types of power factor correction equipment like capacitors, static compensators, etc. which are used mainly for reactive power compensation and voltage regulation. Capacitors are generally a good fit in industries because of relatively cheaper installation costs compared to other measures. However, capacitors should be designed and sized properly to avoid the amplification of harmonics (resonance phenomena) generated by disturbing loads such as arc furnaces, welding machines or rectifiers. To avoid this, either harmonic filters or static compensators can be used.
3.) Track Your Energy KPIs To Reduce Your Operational Cost
Building energy performance can also be improved by effective energy management systems. Different business segments have different performance criteria; for example, consumption/m2, kWh/occupant rate for hotels, etc.
The energy management system also enables to set a target value like targeted electricity consumption/month and targeted cost/month so that deviations will be easily tracked and identified.  In addition, an energy management system provides a comparison between the previous and the current situation for energy efficiency assessments and helps to systematically develop KPIs.
4.) Reduce Your Electricity Demand Charge
A demand charge is a part of the commercial bill where a daily charge is determined by the highest power demand (load) observed during a certain timeframe during the day in a specified period. It is usually the maximum demand at a 15- or 30-min interval and calculated on kVA or kW. Your electricity bill will mostly be influenced by the highest demand for used energy at this particular point in time.
One of the main reasons kVA demand charges are being introduced is to encourage customers to improve their power factor. A poor power factor places higher demands on the electricity network. As you can see below invoice, the network demand charge in kVA contributes has the biggest portion of the total electricity bill.
5.) Being Aware Of Your Solar System Health
Owning a solar system will give you a big chance to reduce your electricity cost and demand charges, but it is very important to know if your solar system is working as expected.
The energy management system will send production in real-time, so if there is any failure in your system, you will get a notification and you will not wait for your next electricity bill to take action.
The energy management system will also give expected and actual production values to track your system performance for previous and current periods.
6.) Your HVAC System Is Under Control.
HVAC is one of the biggest energy-consuming equipment and needs to work efficiently.
Heating Ventilation and Air Conditioning (HVAC) is generally responsible for a significant proportion of total building energy consumption. A typical system accounts for approximately 40% of total building consumption and 70% of base building (i.e., landlord)
7.) Energy Consumption In Buildings
Load disaggregation option of the energy management system will provide more insight about your HVAC and other energy consumed equipment load details. Reduction in energy use of HVAC can be achieved, and some of the strategies are:
Change or clean your HVAC filters
Identify optimum set points
Identify energy waste times
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Kosher Certification in Indonesia
For a product to be kosher certified, and to qualify for a kosher certificate, each ingredient, food additive and processing aid used in its production must also be kosher. Additionally, to be kosher certified, the production process must be suitable for kosher requirements and therefore it must be approved by a kosher auditor. Products may be rendered non-kosher if their production lines and equipment are also used to manufacture non-kosher products.
Learn more about Kosher Certification.
As instructed in the Bible, not all animals and birds are kosher. Common animals that are kosher include: cow, goat and sheep. Common animals that are not kosher include: pig, horse, camel and rabbit. The same applies to birds. Most poultry is kosher. This includes: chicken, turkey, goose and duck.
In order for meat and poultry to be kosher there are additional requirements. These include slaughter in accordance with Jewish law and removal of blood via salting or roasting. This must all be done under strict rabbinical supervision. Retail products containing any animal or poultry derived ingredient are assumed to be non-kosher unless certified by a reputable kosher agency.
Dairy products must come from kosher animals. In countries where the source of milk is guaranteed by civil law (e.g. in the EU and USA), some Jewish authorities allow milk products without full-time kosher supervision. Some communities still require their milk to be fully supervised; and this is known as Cholov Yisroel. Cheese products do not fall under the general dairy category, and require full-time kosher supervision because rennet is often derived from an animal source.
Eggs are only kosher if they are from a kosher bird and do not contain any blood spots.
Kosher fish are species that have fins, and scales that are easily removed. Common examples include: salmon, tuna, sole and plaice. The scales of a sturgeon are extremely hard to remove – hence it is deemed to be not kosher. Common examples of non-kosher fish include: all shellfish, eels, shark, monkfish, huss and catfish. Roe and fish derivatives such as fish oil and gelatine must come from kosher fish.
Food that does not contain any meat or dairy ingredients is known as Parev. For a food to be kosher certified as Parev it must also not share production equipment with meat or dairy products when these are produced at a temperature above 40°C. Parev foods may include egg and fish.
On the whole, parev foods present fewer kosher complexities than either meat or dairy foods.
All insects are considered strictly non-kosher. To ensure the absence of insects fruit and vegetables have to be thoroughly inspected and cleaned. Use of pesticides may be insufficient as these may kill the insects but not remove them.
Every spring, the Jewish people celebrate the festival of Passover for 8 days. During this time Jews may not eat any leaven or fermented food or drink made from the following five grains: wheat, barley, oat, spelt and rye. Jews also may not use dishes, utensils or cookware that have been used for these grains.
Many Jewish communities also refrain from ‘Kitniyot’ during the Passover period. These are legumes or pulses which include corn, soy, rapeseed, peanuts, beans and rice.
we offer a complete Kosher audit and certification and compliance program that also covers the following complementary services:
Gap analysis
Technical support and advice – for potential practical and in-factory implementation challenges
Training – face-to-face, online, or using a blended approach our modular courses cover technical, regulatory, national and international Kosher requirements and their practical implementation
Kosher Check is an internationally recognized and accepted Kosher certification agency that offers an industry-practical and transparent approach to Kosher food certification that includes clearly written general compliance requirements, step-by-step technical support and guidance. One of the first agencies to certify companies in Asia, IAS has a direct presence in 6 countries and partners in 14 other countries to provide ISO certification, ISO training activities to its customers.
Offering a full range for of food safety and quality services, in addition to our Kosher food certification services we also audit and certify compliance with global food industry standards such as FSSC 22000, BRC, and HACCP.
Contact IAS today to discuss your Kosher certification requirements.
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Have you assessed your business security risks lately?
ISO 27001 information security management system
There are numerous ways an organization can protect against cyber-crime. Choosing an internationally recognized standard that provides an auditable method of monitoring, protecting and managing information is one option.
Achieving ISO 27001 Certification provides a framework of policies and procedures that will help prevent a security breach and limit the impact of a cyber-attack.
Using experienced consultants, you will be guided through the process, identifying any risks and tailoring the management process to your individual requirements. This will help to keep costs and disruption to a minimum should an incident occur.
Other benefits include:
Customers and business partners will have more confidence in your ability to keep their information safe.
Continuity of supply following an attack.
More reliable systems for storage of information.
ISO 27001 provides for a regular auditing procedure so you can continually improve your processes and keep up to date with the latest security measures to stay one step ahead of the criminals.
Whether you run a small business or a large organization, the need for an IT security risk assessment cannot be ignored. Many people don’t conduct security risk assessments, which increase the likelihood that they’ll experience a data breach. If you haven’t conducted a risk assessment lately, here are five reasons why you may want to do it as soon as possible
1. Avoid security breaches.
Regardless of how sophisticated your system is, you’re never immune to cybersecurity threats. Hackers, malware, viruses, and cyber criminals are always looking to take advantage of any loopholes and weaknesses in your system. Conducting security risks assessment helps identify gaps in your defenses and ensure that your team of experts repairs them before any data is corrupted. By conducting a security risk assessment, you can protect data from being compromised.
2. Protect your reputation.
Without frequent assessments, the risk of security breaches is high. That could affect how prospective clients and employees view your company. With looming security issues, your business seems less trustworthy, which in turn affects the number of people willing to keep doing business with you. With regular security risk assessments, the risk of data breaches is highly reduced, consequently securing your position and relationships with stakeholders.
3. Reduce overall costs and budgets.
Handling the fallout of security breaches and their consequences (such as lawsuits) might eat up a good chunk of your budget. Additionally, using the lowest level of security measures may be inefficient if the security gaps remain uncovered. To avoid wasting a good fraction of your funds on recovery costs, a security risk assessment is a must. The assessment allows you to plan ahead and decide what fraction of your budget is adequate for IT security.
4. Avoid violating privacy and data laws.
In most cases companies that handle sensitive data (such as PHI and PII) are required by law to abide by security and privacy laws (e.g., HIPAA). Failing to conduct security risk assessments is likely to result in a violation of these regulations. In cases where security breaches have occurred, there is risk of legal action being taken against you. To avoid non-compliance, it is important for you to conduct security risk assessments.
5. Increase productivity levels.
Without security risk assessments, most organizations operate with the fear of possible IT security breaches,which reduces efficiency and productivity. Without the proper knowledge and equipment to handle cyber security threats, you and your employees are likely to keep wasting time handling preventable issues. To reduce stress levels related to security concerns for your employees, conduct a security risk assessment today and watch productivity levels increase.
Businesses affected by cyber crime
There have been some high profile cases:
Hackers managed to access an eBay corporate account to gather user’s personal information.
JP Morgan Chase
A neglected server provided access to contact details for its account holding customers.
Home Depot
Payment systems were infected with malware that allowed hackers to steal credit card details.
Employees’ responsibility
It is not just about server access; employees are much more mobile these days and carry around company information on laptops and mobile phones. Data is stored on removable media which can be copied or lost.
Malware can infect company computers and mobile phones. To protect against these risks, you will need to establish policies to ensure employees know what they should and shouldn’t do.
Steps for a successful risk Management:
Identify Your Information Assets
Identify the Asset Owners
Identify Risks to Confidentiality, Integrity, and Availability of the Information Assets
Identify the Risk Owners
Analyze the Identified Risks and Assess the Likelihood and Potential Impact if the Risk Were to Materialize
Determine the Levels of Risk
Prioritize the Analyzed Risks for Treatment
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Benefits of Taking QMS Lead Auditor Course in Jakarta through IAS
How to Choose:
First of all, you must find a course that is accepted worldwide, because your personal certificate (in case of successful completion) depends on this.
Courses are normally organized by accredited (approved) bodies like certification bodies (UQAS, JAS-ANZ, etc.) or approved training organizations (IAS ,EAS, etc.) and run by approved lecturers (tutors). However, there are many “approved” and “accredited” organizations, but some of these approvals are only valid in the country where that body is located, or regionally accepted, or accepted in various countries based on multilateral agreements and so on. It is probably a good idea not to invest your money and time into courses that give certificates accepted only “somewhere,” but not everywhere.
As of now, the only globally accepted certificate for Lead Auditors comes from courses that are run by IRCA (International Register of Certificated Auditors)-approved organizations. So, first of all, you must find an organization that runs ISO 9001 LA courses under IRCA accreditation. Note that official ISO 9001 LA courses cannot be organized by person, but only through the above-mentioned organizations or organizations which have a partnership with approved organizations.
The prices of the courses differ greatly from country to country and depend on local market trends. Note also that during the approval process you are usually not paid by the certification body.
Hence, if you are looking to develop the required knowledge and skills to carry out Internal Audits with the applicable management system standards then you can get registered for this course. This ISO 9001 Lead Auditor Course will fill all the needed practical skills into the trainee that are very much essential for becoming a competent lead auditor in an organization. Learn more at http://ias-indonesia.org/pelatihan-auditor-utama-iso-9001/
This updated ISO 9001 training course provides participants with the knowledge and skills to perform first, second and third party audits of quality management systems against ISO 9001 in accordance with ISO 19011 and ISO/IEC 17021, as applicable.
What Will You Learn?
After completing your ISO 9001:2015 auditor training course, you will understand:
The purposes and business benefits of a quality management system, quality management system standards, management system audits and third party certification
The role and responsibilities of an auditor in planning, conducting, reporting and following up on a quality management system audit to establish conformity (or otherwise) with ISO 9001, in accordance with ISO 19011 and ISO/IEC 17021, as applicable
Students taking this course should have prior knowledge of:
Management systems, including the core elements of a management system, the responsibilities of top management and the Plan, Do, Check, Act (PDCA) cycle
The fundamental concepts of a quality management system and the seven quality management principles of ISO 9000
The requirements of ISO 9001 and its commonly used quality management terms and definitions
This course is certified by the International Register of Certified Auditors.
Trusted ISO 9001:2015 Training from IAS
As a leader in professional training, we draw on years of global experience. Our courses are delivered by specialists who will support you on your professional journey.
Contact us today to book your place on our ISO 9001:2015 quality management systems auditor/lead auditor training course.
IAS provides ISO 9001: 2015 Main Auditors Training in Indonesia. We have good experience in conducting real-time audits and trainers have in-depth knowledge of the subject matter and are ready to offer in-house training as part of an open course to create a confidential environment to share the experiences of other delegates. . Training materials and packages for IRCA ISO 9001 Main Auditor Training in Indonesia by IAS are prepared by experts in designated fields who have been involved in developing standards. Successful completion of the ISO Quality Management System Major Auditor Training course intensifies the delegation's learning experience and helps to gain in-depth knowledge of the subject matter.
Here are a few of the benefits than an individual can avail by undertaking an ISO 9001 Lead Auditor Course:
All the students or employees who have completed the course will be effectively able to apply ISO 9001:2008 standards to a set of process in an industry or an organization.
All the individuals who have taken such kind of training will be qualified to understand and identify all the objective evidence in any process of the company. By the early identification, the process will be rescued from lateral conformities that can both add up cost investment and time needed for the completion of the process accurately
Through this informative course all the individuals will get the expertise to effectively use their interviewing skills and hence will be capable of deploying the right personnel at the right position in the company process.
The persons who undertake such program will be able to correctly identify which requirement of ISO 9001:2008 applies to which given set of findings or process. Hence, they will be able to effectively implement the industry set standards.
The reports generated by the qualified personnel will be clear and precise post this training program.
Key Benefits of the ISO 9001 auditor course
Be confident in effective ISO 9001:2008 audits and QMS compliance
Manage risks and maintain and improve global quality standards
Be confident that your organization can rely on ISO certified lead auditors
Build employee awareness of quality standards and associated responsibilities
Benefit from regular ISO 9001 audits to improve performance
Build customer confidence with greater efficiency and assurance standards
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Steps  to follow  in  IATF 16949:2016 Internal Audit
IATF 16949
It seems that the internal audit is seen by many as a waste of time, just another box to check to keep up with an organization’s IATF 16949 Certification. The more optimistic of these people may believe that they are simply duplicating what the registrar will be doing when the internal audit could be so much more – a more frequent and a more thorough look at your processes than the registrar could ever have time for. On the negative end, the internal auditors are sometimes viewed as detectives looking for trouble, and employees feel the need to protect themselves by providing false data or hiding important information.
The internal audit process: 5 main steps
The reality is that the internal audit is invaluable to a process owner, bringing fresh eyes to look deeper into the process to find improvement opportunities – helping to create a faster, more effective and more efficient process. Read on to learn the five basic steps to an internal audit, and best practices to help process owners take advantage of areas of possible improvement.
1) Plan the audit schedule.
Crucial to the success of the internal audit process is developing an internal audit program, or audit schedule, and sharing it with the process owners. The IATF 16949 standard requires all QMS processes to be subject to audit during a three-year period, and knowing when each process is scheduled for audit allows everyone to be prepared. The internal audit program needs to take into account the complexity and significance of each process, prioritizing based on past performance, risk, and level of importance.
But, like all good plans, the internal audit program needs to remain flexible. Complaints from customers, changes to processes, and nonconformities – both internal and external – could indicate the need to review and adjust the program.
2) Plan the process audit.
Now that you have a basic outline of your audit plans, and roughly when each process is scheduled for audit, it’s time for the internal auditor to sit down with the process owners and confirm the best time to review each process. The auditor should look back at past audits to determine if he needs to follow up on any concerns or issues, and the process owner can point out any areas he would like the auditor to focus on. The process owner should see a benefit from the audit process – not worry about being “caught” doing something wrong.
3) Conduct the audit.
Before beginning the audit, the auditor should again meet with each process owner to confirm that the audit plan is feasible and that everyone is ready. Then, the auditor can begin to gather the information he needs through employee interviews, observation, review of documents and records, and analyzing key data from the process. The point of this information gathering is to make sure that the process follows what is written in the Quality Management System, and that it produces the desired results. Any areas that do not have evidence of proper functioning should be identified, and – even better – the auditor should make note of any aspects of the process that could be improved.
4) Report on the audit.
Once the auditor has gathered and analyzed the required information, a closing meeting should be scheduled with each process owner to discuss any problem areas in the process, and also any changes that could be made to further improve the process. These findings need to be documented in record form right away for future reference and follow-up. When the auditor shares positive findings and possible improvement opportunities, and not just the nonconformities, the process owner will be more accepting of the results, realize the greater benefit from the audit, and learn ways to improve the process.
5) Follow up on nonconformities or potential improvements.
Of course, identifying problems and areas for improvement is of little value without appropriate follow-up. Once corrective actions have been taken, it is critical to ensure that any problems have truly been resolved. And, if aspects of the process have been improved due to opportunities discovered during the audit, then finding out just how much improvement has been realized will motivate process owners to aim for continual improvement.
The key to a successful internal audit? Focusing on process improvement.
When the internal audit is seen as a way to look for potential improvements to processes, rather than just another box to check to stay compliant, an organization can reap tremendous benefits. Process improvement is a crucial part of any Quality Management System based on IATF16949, and it should be a key focus for any company that wants to implement and maintain an effective, efficient QMS – and realize savings in both times and money in the process. So, don’t think of the internal audit as a waste of time (or worse yet, a search for mistakes); think of it as one of the best ways to continually improve your processes.
Visit us to get Certified
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