iammohitps-blog · 5 years
US vs. THEM Wither though stand ?
Both consonance and differences takes time to develop. The consonance developed over the ‘Idea of India’ advocating fraternity, diversity and pluralism is of ancient origin. Another consonance being developed for ‘idea of new india’ calls for division and exclusion. Both the ideas have created differences in country, politics, families, friends and even in an individual.
The champions of Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA) and protesters of the Act have their own arguments and it is to the wisdom of the reader to draw their understanding.
The Act gives relief to a section of illegal migrants who entered India to save themselves of persecution. The Act has made citizenship criteria easy for non Muslims. But it’s not like that India hasn’t given citizenship prior to the Act. The Citizenship Act, 1955 prior to the amendment had all the ways to become an Indian citizen. What CAA has done is to make citizenship process quicker for non Muslim . Non Muslims can become Indian Citizenship by staying in India for 5 years while Muslims will have to stay for 11 years. Moreover, the main part is that the act provides an ‘amnesty’ to all non muslim illegal migrants prior to 2014 to acuire Indian Citizenship while it excludes the Muslims to their own fate. All the cases against non muslims will be void while they will remain intact for muslims. The law tacitly says that non muslims are refugees in grave need of  Indian Citizenship while Muslims are illegal migrants needed to be thrown out.
It’s a paradox that CAA supporters invoke humanitarian clauses for non Muslims while keeping a blind eye at Muslims. They invoke Gandhi to salvage their side. If the intention is pious then what can be the reason for the communal tension and onslaught on Muslims after the passage of the Act?  How can such moral disparity exist in a same person ? Can I say that hate for one is far greater than the love for another ? Can I also say that the whole support architecture rest on communal hatred ?
Let’s now move to those who detest CAA. There are two groups here, one is that who believes that the Act impinges on the secular credentials of Indian Republic, who denounce the act which has religious basis and thus needs to be withdrawn. And there is another, who along with the above argument also faces the danger of  losing citizenship and becoming stateless.
Thus, we have three groups those who are rejoicing potential exclusion of many more than the inclusion for a handful, another who is fighting to retain India’s secular credentials and last and most vulnerable who wants certainty of their future and retain their citizenship.
Its for you to decide where you stand and then take a stand as nothing is apolitical today.
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iammohitps-blog · 5 years
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#quotes #political #indianpolitics #sansad #parliament #thisiswhatdemocracylookslike #prilaga #democracyatwork #india #democracy #saveourdemocracy #government #politics #democracynow #newpolitics https://www.instagram.com/p/B5Du3q_ANbF/?igshid=y8ph51awci4e
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iammohitps-blog · 5 years
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#endpoverty #equity #wellbeing https://www.instagram.com/p/B45uPiPgY-2/?igshid=10rxp2p0xbdi3
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iammohitps-blog · 5 years
Attacks on Nehruvianism : Ideological misgivings or Ideological Emptiness ?
A set of ideas propounded by a person or a group, inherited or self originated with a set of followers forms the basis of an ideology. Gandhism as an ideology is often contested but triumphs as far as the idea of India is concerned. The country fought for its independence on the principles of truth and non violence and Nehru laid its foundation post independence on liberal democratic principles of secularism, equality, cosmopolitanism, liberty and among others. If Gandhi was the ideal then Nehru formed the real. If Gandhi was hypothetical then Nehru was practical. If Gandhi was law then Nehru followed and implemeted those principles in the formation of the country.
Nehru was a man ahead of his times. He read enormously, wrote immensely and travelled the world immeasurably. All this made him develop an outlook ready to embrace the modern liberal principles of rule of law, democracy, liberty, justice, equality, freedom of speech and expression etc. Having established a bond with them he was out to cement them in the foundations of independent India. The objective resolution of 1946, defining the aims of Indian Consitution was based on these very ideals. The Constitution of India formed was a modern constitution admired across the world. Its efficacy can be judged from its pluralist approach to link and accommodate disparate Indian populace, its ability to evolve with changing times and its unrelenting relevance.
The ideals described above were an outcome of 18th century. They may have been evolved by western philosophers like Locke, JS Mill, Montesquieu etc but they were not in vogue in western societies too. They were new to them as well. A lot of western countries were running on feudal lines with authoritarianism and subjugation and so was India. On the periphary the British administration was running on modern lines with parliamentary system, organised police and army, rule of law etc but the core of India was living with a dominant- subservient relationship. A few set of wealthy and rich belonging to ‘upper’ castes had a say in all affairs while others were living under their hegemony. Amid this muddle the country woke to freedom.
With the ouster of the British, the country could have gone in the hands of an authoritarian regime akin to Mughals, could have gone on the lines of its neighbours with military dictatorships or could have gone with princely class regaining their reign. But India did not choose that path. India went for a written constitution formed on liberal lines delegitimising the old feudal order, all women and men of the country unaware went to vote for the first time and freedom fighters went in the election field giving the masses the choice to choose or reject them. The tenets of democracy since then have seeped into our psyche so deeply that elections are held to choose a trade union leader or a municipal councillor. The freedom of expression is excercised widely by everyone to raise their opinions. The transition of power post election is smooth without any coup or violence. The armed forces maintain a distance from political affairs. Many will contest and disagree but cannot ignore the contribution of Jawahar Lal Nehru in the orientation of the country towards this modern path. The leadership of Nehru in pre and post independent India buttressed the strong foundations of India. In true words, he is called the architect of Modern India.
The reason Nehru is denigrated and maligned today by the ruling government because they consider ideals of modern democracy as foreign and antithetical to Indian culture . They envisage a ‘NEW INDIA’ with an old order comprising caste hierarchy, irrational beliefs, disdain for logic and scientific temper, brahminical domination, dalit subjugation, minority marginalisation and pure dictatorship. To realise this ‘project’ Nehru and his tall ideals stands as a grand impediment. Wide propoganda machinery is working incessantly to smear Nehru and also rebuff all that he stood for.
What does it all show? It shows the paucity of thought in the present regime. They do not have an ideology for a future India. To reject everything happened in the past and attempts to change what has already formed the basic structure of Indians is an impossible task.The democratic ideals are not just tools for governance instead they have formed the Indian way of life. The unity in diversity is the basis of Indian state and not unity in uniformity. The country is moving ahead embracing individualism and liberalism with Supreme Court holding the guard freeing Indians with each successive judgements– decriminalisation of Art 377 regarding same sex relationship, recognising privacy as fundamental right, recognising live in relationships, limiting the scope of Aadhar only to subsidies and assuaging fears of its misuse, decriminalising adultery, allowing women in Sabrimala temple, expanding the scope of right to information in high judiciary etc.
With the closure of Ram Mandir issue it is hoped that the communal polarisation and hindutva deployed for political gains will take a beating. The country has never fallen prey to Hindu Rashtra project judged by its secular credentials. The country has rejected to go back in time and opted to move ahead.The country has rejected to go back in dark ages and opted to move ahead on progressive lines. The economy is in a tailspin with highest record of unemployment, low manufacturing output, and dismal fiscal positioning,defeating the ache din gimmick .There is nothing new the establishment has to offer now neither intrinsic nor instrumental. The countering of an existing ideology is the new ideology of the ruling class. They should get out idelogical emptiness for their own survival.
On a last note, there may not be Nehru today but his ideals resonate in millions of Indians. It is because of which the country remain undeterred and speaks truth to the power without fear. An example is me today.
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iammohitps-blog · 5 years
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#children are like buds in a garden and should be carefully and lovingly nurtured, as they are the future of the nation and the citizens of tomorrow. Only through right education can a better order of society be built up - JL Nehru #childrenday #india #education (at Jhansi) https://www.instagram.com/p/B418pKRBY9b5HHyp_SOBqn5DHl7G9R9TzFrkUY0/?igshid=m84b56lmn6x8
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iammohitps-blog · 5 years
Rightists and Policy of Exclusion
The clear yet blurry demarcation on the basis of 'us' versus 'they', common among political sloganeering is not India specific but universal. It is clear because it differentiates on national, cultural, religious and ethnic lines but blurry because of common concerns and expectations for a safe and secure livelihood.

It is evident from past and present that immigration has yielded positive results for economies of destination countries. The presence of Indian national has contributed to the United States and European IT sector, the presence of Indians in Gulf Arab states contributed to their oil and construction sectors and among others. The remittances and experience brought back have benefitted the home country. There are allegations of loss of local livelihood but the interdependency continuum shows that the net result is mutually conducive.

These fears which are emotional and not greatly substantial are played by politicians across the world as an ensuing emergency requiring immediate help. The anti-immigrant jargon is played on a loop and is more evident before elections. India has recently joined the club amid hue and cry.

The moves to exclude the immigrants from Indian soil citing security and economic concerns are not backed by any evidentiary proof. The perception that Assam has a great number of immigrants got belittled by the recent citizenship exercise. The buoyant numbers among crores turned out to be just 19 lakh - a minuscule fraction. The claims to deport Bangladeshi immigrants back to their country and simultaneously assuring Bangladesh’s PM Sheikh Hasina that none of it is going to happen speaks of deep hypocrisy and double standards. Nepal, a Hindu dominated country has been a part of Indian security and domestic works set up. Its nationals do not require a visa and enjoy public recruitment, but to my surprise and dismay, there are no voices for their exclusion. The discrimination on self-comforting religious lines is a blink on the constitution and against the idea of India - Vasudhaiv Kutumbakam. The whole world is a family. Rabindranath Tagore’s dream of a borderless world gets cruelly crushed.
The Indian subcontinent has always been an integrated unit with economic and cultural exchanges. The territorial boundaries and their makings decades ago have deeply hurt the people both emotionally and economically. The bifurcation of India and the creation of Bangladesh was a jolt to this integrated supply chain. Major cotton fields went to Pakistan, jute fields to Bangladesh while the food grain dominated regions stayed with India. This disruption has left people stranded off guard. The only remedy insight is a free regime for human and goods movement for a flourishing trade of bygone era.

The rightist groups are myopic and indifferent to the abundance the free regime can offer. All eyes at electioneering evoking emotional sentiments are all and only they have. Today this policy of exclusion is international but may become intranational and that will be a true menace. The addiction to this policy creates division and further division. The preference for own state persons is an example. In the course of time, a person working in Bengaluru may be asked to go back to Jhansi or a person studying at Delhi University doesn't allow students from other states. Who knows?
The key to these issues is India’s growth at a faster pace and with the vision of Indian Prime Minister of $5 trillion economies by 2024 we can certainly be hopeful. The growth India performs will be accommodative domestically and also trickle down to her neighbors.

Till then instead of taking everything our politicians say on face value we must ponder over and have our individual judgments.
A policy of inclusion cannot be expected from Indian rulers but from Indian citizens. It can certainly be hoped from them.

Hope doth harm none.

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