Dunbar's Girl
90 posts
I am in love with the beta with I. E. D problems, Liam Dunbar.
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
iamdunbarsgirl · 5 years ago
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a gentle reminder © thepouf
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iamdunbarsgirl · 5 years ago
Do you guys cry when you listen to “Long Live”? I always start with a huge smile on my face but as the song goes by a lump on my throat comes in and then the tears start. I love the song so much but I always end up crying like a baby. My mom loves this song and is one of her favorite songs by Taylor and this part “Promise me this, that you’ll stand by me forever. But if, God forbid, fate should step in and force us into a goodbye. If you have children some day, when they point to the pictures please, tell them my name” makes me think a lot about her and even though I’ve loved Taylor before she did, we share this. And I always get excited to tell her what’s going in the fandom and how Taylor is doing and stuff like that. So yeah, just let me know if you cry like a baby with the song too🙃
@taylorswift @taylornation
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iamdunbarsgirl · 5 years ago
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Yesterday I did my first purchase on @taylorswift’s website. The rep tour merch came back for the weekend and I really had to, even though it wasn’t my size. No one understands how much this tour helped me during one of the hardest times in my life (I had some “complications” with my heart condition and I felt really down) and as I’ve said before, every single day for months all I did and all that made me happy were the videos of the show and photos of swifties meeting Tay at rep room. I really wanted to get some merch back in the days but it couldn’t really afford it, this time it was a little easier because the prices were really “affordable” (not that much cause I live in Peru but whatever💁🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️). Weird thing here is that my birthday is in July (20th) and I was looking at every page I could think of the wax seal necklace or the blanket to see if I could afford it and give myself a little gift so when I woke up and saw @taylornation’s IG story I freaked out. So yeah, thank you for bringing one of the most iconic merchandise ever🖤
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iamdunbarsgirl · 5 years ago
I’m a little late for the ME! year anniversary BUT I just found this and hi 👋🏻 hope you’re all having a nice Mother’s Day with your mommas and hope you’re all healthy and safe✨♥️ @taylorswift
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iamdunbarsgirl · 5 years ago
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#never has stiles been so sexually frustrated
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iamdunbarsgirl · 5 years ago
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Lydia, you’re so smart, I could kiss you right now!
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iamdunbarsgirl · 5 years ago
omg this is literally the most beautiful thing i have ever seen. everything about it is perfect & flawless
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iamdunbarsgirl · 5 years ago
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Happy reputation day, my fellow Swifties and best friend @taylorswift. So glad that we got through a great era that started out as a reflection of how stupid people can be, how awful can they act just to profit. This era was really uplifting to me, Ive been going through a rough time because of my heart condition and anxiety and depression, literally during the rep tour the only thing that made me feel good and smile were the videos of the show and fans meeting her, and obviously me wishing I could meet her someday and just tell her “hi best friend, thank you for all these years of friendship. Here to many more” I am so grateful because even though I have been a silent fan on this fandom, my love for her has been there since day one back in 2008 so I’m just so glad, because I think this era was the one where we showed the world that we will stick with her, forever and always. Anyways, there’s a line that got stuck with me since I heard this song and I think this is what I want to have from this whole era... “I’m doing better than I ever was” I LOVE YOU TAYLOR, thank you for still creating art for us. Be happy, always💕
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iamdunbarsgirl · 5 years ago
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I couldn’t be more proud of this human right here. She deserves this and every single award she’s nominated for. She’s worked all the way up to where she is today. She’s shown us the purest love and friendship an artist can have with their fans and she breaks those barriers every. single. time. I’ve learnt so much from her and I’ve been a hopeless romantic -will always be- because of her and I’m just so happy that I got to find here 11 years ago. I’m so glad that I’ve stayed here throughout the good and bad times. I just can’t wait to see her be the happiest girl on earth and all the good things this era will bring. Thank you for giving us the chance to be your friends for this long. Thank you for 13 years of pure magic and art. I love you, @taylorswift 💗 @taylornation Yeah, this is kind of a late #13yearsoftaylorswift post but also I AM VERY EXCITED FOR THAT. THAT MEDLEY WILL BE THE DEATH OF US.
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iamdunbarsgirl · 6 years ago
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Chris Evans
(* = smut)
Head canons
Steve Rogers Halloween
One Shots/Imagines 
Take Your Time*
I Wanna Be Yours *
Bad Day 
Welcome Home *
Troubled Words
Airport Connection
First Time *
Rainy Nights *
I Told You Not To Fall In Love With Me *
Morning Lust *
Good Boy*
Thanksgiving Day
All To Myself*
Care For You*
Christmas Morning*
All Too Well
Day with Daddy Chris
Comforting Touch
Quiet Quickie *
Face Sitting*
Visiting Home
Staying Warm
Mind Stillness
Sebastian Stan
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(* = smut)
Eyes On You (in progress - updates Weds. @ 7pm EST)
Eyes On You, Pt. 1
Eyes On You, Pt. 2
Eyes On You, Pt. 3 *
Eyes On You, Pt. 4 *
Moving into a new apartment building was exciting, and the boy next door may surprise you. 
Sweet Lovin’ Pt. 1
Short stories about being married to mechanic Sebastian in the 1950s/60s!
What You Need *
Call Out My Name*
Closer To Me*
Wasted Times *
Need You Now *
Never The Same
Stay With Me *
God Is A Woman*
Only For You *
On My Mind *
Head canons
Waking Up Next to Sebastian
Both Boys
Movie Night *
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iamdunbarsgirl · 6 years ago
Okay, so I’m still seeing posts from people who are confused about the time traveling in Endgame. I’ve already made a post about this so I’ll try to summarize all the main points.
1) Going back in time doesn’t change your own present day. All it does is create a new timeline, which is pretty much an alternate universe. Think of the new timeline as a branch from the main timeline, with the starting point being the moment when the time travelers arrive. The events of the past movies can’t be altered in any way.
2) When Ancient One says they’ll be dooming her new reality by taking away the Infinity Stones, she means that the Avengers could potentially be crippling the alternate universes they are creating with their travels. Think about it, without the Time Gem, Alternate 2012 Doctor Strange won’t be able to defeat Dormammu. That’s why the Avengers have to return the gems by the end of the movie.
3) That said, they didn’t erase the new timelines they made. Erasing the alternate universes would mean the Avengers would have to erase all the trips back to the past (erasing the starting point). Which we already know they can’t do since they can’t undo their past actions. What they’re actually doing is making sure they aren’t dooming any of those alternate universes to an apocalyptic future. Go back to the Doctor Strange example, by returning the Time Gem to Alternate 2012, the Avengers made sure Alternate 2012 Doctor Strange can defeat his universe’s version of Dormammu.
4) MCU Nebula is able to shoot and kill Alternate 2014 Nebula since by that point, Alt Nebula became her own person. She exists on a separate timeline / universe. Using Arrowverse terms, think of Alt Nebula as her doppelgänger.
5) The Avengers are able to return to their own timeline due to the Ant-Man GPS, which is set to the moment they leave to the past. Like Scott says, it’s a “round trip”.
6) Steve Rogers did not live in the MCU past. The Russos have already confirmed that Steve created an alternate 1946, in which he settles down with Peggy and presumably destroys HYDRA before they grow inside SHIELD. After growing old, he uses the Ant-Man GPS and jumps back to the MCU timeline to give the shield to Sam. Agent Carter is still canon, Steve settled down with Alt 1946 Peggy. That being said, the exact point where Steve jumped back to the main timeline is unclear.
7) Going back to point four, that’s why Thanos of 2014 is able to arrive in 2023. Thanos of 2014 is now his own person due to the actions of the Avengers. The only time we see main, MCU Thanos was the opening scene. Think of it like this; there are two versions of Thanos we see in the movie and they’re from two different universes.
8) Yes, this does mean that the Gamora we now have is a doppelgänger of the main timeline Gamora. It’s pretty much the same character but without any of the character development from the Guardians movies and Infinity War. It’s not “our” Gamora but “a” Gamora. Unfortunately, unless Soul World can be opened, main universe Gamora is still dead (maybe this is where Adam Warlock comes in?)
9) Main universe Gamora was sacrificed for main universe Soul Gem. Main universe Black Widow sacrificed herself for Alternate 2014 universe Soul Gem. Two different universes, two different Soul Gems.
10) The Avengers created five alternate universes as a result of their travels (2012, 2013, 2014, 1970, 1946). Alt 2014 might actually be peaceful since they lost their Thanos.  EDIT: correction, there’s six alternate universes. Clint’s test run, when he called for Lila and she went downstairs.
11) If the idea of alternate universes and timelines is confusing, I recommend reading up on multiverse and how Marvel (and DC) incorporate it into their writing. Doctor Strange already mentioned the multiverse, Endgame is where we start to get into the concept.
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iamdunbarsgirl · 6 years ago
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💛King of my heart, body and soul🖤
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iamdunbarsgirl · 7 years ago
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iamdunbarsgirl · 7 years ago
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Sooooooo I know it’s been a while and u probably are not here anymore but… bae and i are doing great and we wanted to share this candid of us and just say hello 👋🏻
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iamdunbarsgirl · 8 years ago
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Bae just sent me this😍😍💜💜
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iamdunbarsgirl · 8 years ago
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Dylan Sprayberry defending Cody and Tyler on twitter.
Call it friendship goals 🤘🏼
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iamdunbarsgirl · 8 years ago
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Bae cooking for me😍 I’m so in love with him💕
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