iadoreshane · 4 years
Hey! This is my first post, as you can see. Hehe
Idk what I'm gonna post on this but I'll list a few things here:
Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency
More Mongeese
Yeah as I said I really dont know.
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iadoreshane · 4 years
I finished my first year of stardew!!! And I proposed to shane at the start of year 2!!! We are getting married on the 9th. Aaaaaa I'm soooooooo excited!!!! He's just so cute and cares about you so much!!! Soon him and his chicken will be moving in!!! And I will need to eventually upgrade my house again so I can create 2 children!!!
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iadoreshane · 4 years
Would y'all be interested in a weekly shane fanfic? I'm not the best writer nor do I have anyone following me so idk why I'm asking but I'd be more than happy to start a Shane & the farmer fanfic!!!
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iadoreshane · 4 years
Awwwww this is such a cute animation!!!
I always love watching the junimos take away the bundle after its completed, ngl imma be sad when I finish all the bundles :(((
Credit goes to the very amazing artist!!
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a bundle is done!!
i’ve been playing A Lot of Stardew Valley lately
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iadoreshane · 4 years
Nawwwww look at this cutie holding their knife!!!!!
Credit to the artist like usual!! <3
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b good or else
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iadoreshane · 4 years
Three (3) of my favorite things all in one picture!!! SDV, Shane and Junimos
Super big credit to the artist for such amazing fan art!!
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I still cant get enough of this game, its so relaxing.
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iadoreshane · 4 years
Credit to the artist! <3
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I made a little Junimo animation for you guys to celebrate reaching 500 followers!! Enjoy~
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iadoreshane · 4 years
I love myself some pride art and what's even better than that? JUNIMO PRIDE ART!!!!!
Fun little fact: If I were to have any fictional creature as a pet, I would pick a junimo!! What would y'all pick?
Like always big credits to this amazing artist!!
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Made a bunch of pride Junimos!!!!!! Feel free to use them for anything with credit
(Side Note: please don't start discourse on this post. If u do I'm blocking u)
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iadoreshane · 4 years
Aaaaa isnt he just gorgeous!!!
TW⚠️ and sdv spoilers
I'm sooooo happy to be helping him through depression and a drinking addiction. He definitely deserves the best! The moment I saw him at the cliff debating whether he should jump my heart sunk soooo deep, I'd do anything to make this adorable boyo happy!!!!! When we went to that gridball game and he kissed me than apologized and blamed it on the beer I got sooooo happy!!! <3
As always massive credit to this very talented artist!!!
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Found an old Stardew Valley comic in my sketchbook today, so I decided to color it.
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iadoreshane · 4 years
This is such a good drawing of Shane!!
I really love him wif all my heart <3
Credit goes to the amazing artist!!
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Shane from Stardew Valley, for my friend Kiwi!
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iadoreshane · 4 years
This story made me have sooooo many emotions!!! I got so sad reading about Penny and Shane all to find out that Shane was really waiting for the farmer!!!
15 w/ Shane apologizing to the farmer
1462 words - Shane x GN Farmer (pre-relationship) [WHOLESOME ALERT]
#15 “Please stop and listen to me.”
The farmer steps into the clearing in the woods, dressed for the flower dance. This is their second ever flower dance and they know exactly who they are going to ask to dance: Shane. Last year he had originally declined, forcing them to instead take up Emily’s kind offer instead, but now they are better prepared to ask him.
Shane has grown a lot over the last year and the farmer has actually gotten to know him to the point that now they are actually friends. The farmer knows Shane isn’t one for dancing, but when they mentioned it the week before he had given them a small smile and mused to them with a “maybe” behind a suppressed chuckle of amusement and slight rosy cheeks.
The farmer goes around and greets their friends in town, complimenting everybody’s attire and mentioning how beautiful the weather is to keep conversation light. Time always seems to stop during town festivals, but that is just because of how fun they are; time flies and before you know it, its 10 pm and everybody has to head home.
Across the clearing the farmer spots Haley practicing her dance moves as Alex watches, the slightest hint of color across his cheeks as he tries to keep his calm composure. Close by, relaxing in the shade of a tree, is Shane. He is watching Jas play with Vincent near by, his body completely relaxed.
The farmer excuses themselves from their conversation with Gus about his cooking before they begin to move across the grass towards him, their smile growing into a genuine grin. His face is freshly shaven, his shirt is free from wrinkles, and his tie is miraculously not already undone. He has cleaned himself up so nicely, and the farmer secretly hopes they are the reason behind it.
As the farmer approaches they can suddenly see Penny standing on the other side of the tree, her hand over her mouth to stifle a giggle. She leans across the tree towards Shane and whispers something close to his ear which makes his calm expression crack into a smirk, an eyebrow raised at her before he begins to chuckle.
Penny proceeds to laugh but Shane beacons her back in close where he whispers something back. She throws her head back into a fit of giggles, serving a perfect slap to Shane’s shoulder playfully as he continues to chuckle, his smile radiating.
The farmer stops advancing towards him, their smile thinning away. They don’t know how to react, and before they know it, watching Shane and Penny converse for who knows how long, Mayor Lewis calls for the dance to begin.
The farmer watches as Shane glances around before scratching the back of his head and looking back to Penny. He offers his hand to her and she takes it, accepting his offer.
The farmer’s heart drops into their stomach, their jaw falling slightly agape in disbelief. Had they read Shane wrong this entire time? Was his “maybe” really just a polite way of declining their offer to dance last week? The farmer feels their body tense, unable to move their limbs as the couples of youth line up to dance.
If it wasn’t for Emily once again swinging in, heading quickly over to the farmer and taking their hand to line up with the others, they would have probably just watched the premiere like an idiot, all alone on the sidelines.
“Is everything okay?” Emily whispers to the farmer as they dance, but the farmer is at a lost for words, turning on auto-pilot as they dance and completely zoning out of the whole song. Their thoughts are buzzing wildly in their head, a thousand and one thoughts fighting to be the central point that they don’t even notice Emily whispering to them as they dance with one another.
Soon after the dance is done, the farmer is sitting in the grass with a cup full of punch, deciding they want to be left alone. Leaving a festival early was always deemed as rude, so they stay only to make polite chatter with whoever ventures over to them and to keep an eye on Shane and Penny.
Time crawls by but the Sun finally sets and the air becomes cold, signaling to all the villagers that it is time to head home. The farmer stands up and helps clean up the decorations with Gus and Lewis, packing away everything into boxes and putting them away in the back of Lewis’s pickup truck for him to drive back to town.
By 11 o’clock everyone is gone and the farmer walks home alone. Wanting to get home as soon as possible, they take the short cut by Marnie’s ranch to their property, assuming Shane is already asleep.
The farmer hugs themselves to keep warm as they see the lights of Marnie’s house in the distance, breaking free from the shroud of the forest’s trees into clear view. The farmer begins to walk faster to quickly pass by her house, but to their unfortunate luck they hear the home’s door swing open and somebody’s footsteps in the grass.
“Is that my neighbor sneaking by?” Shane’s voice calls out to them, catching the farmer red handed. They step dead in their tracks, knowing they can’t make a run for it to their farm if they ever want to be able to face Shane ever again.
Taking in a deep breath, the farmer calls back, “yeah, it’s me! Just heading home!”
“You have a second to talk?” Shane asks, pulling on his jacket and approaching the farmer with a friendly smile on his face. 
“I don’t have anything to say to you,” the farmer’s words come out bitter, harsher than they intended them to be. Their words cause Shane to stop in his tracks, his smile falling away and a confused chuckle arising from his throat.
“Did...” he chuckles awkwardly. “Did I do something to make you upset?”
The farmer bites the inside of their cheek and turns their head away from him, unable to think of what they should blurt out next.
“I didn’t really get to see you at the dance,” Shane continues, shifting his weight from one foot to the other. “I was looking for you but-”
“But you were too busy flirting with Penny,” the farmer cuts him off, their tongue soaked in poison. They don’t know where these harsh statements are coming from, the words forcing their way out of their mouth before they can take them back.
Shane’s jaw falls agape in surprise before shaking away the punch the farmer had just thrown at him. “What are you talking about?”
“It was obvious, Shane,” The farmer sighs heavily, believing Shane was playing innocent. “You even asked her to be your dance partner- I thought you didn’t dance, Shane. That’s why you declined me last year, remember?”
“Please, stop and listen to me,” Shane’s voice sounds hurt, his eyes begging the farmer’s to meet his gaze. The farmer falls silent, their eyes darting around his, allowing him to speak. “Penny and I were watching Jas and Vincent playing and she was telling me embarrassing stories about them in class, not wanting them to hear. I told her some stories of Jas at home too. She is Jas’s teacher and we never really talked before because of the whole ‘drunkard’ thing,” he sights heavily. “I was waiting for you to come ask me to dance like you said you would. When I didn’t see you, I guessed you finally realized what a loser I am and changed your mind, so I asked Penny because I knew you would probably dance with Emily and Marnie would kill me if I didn’t participate.”
He drops his hands to his side in defeat, having said his piece of the story. The farmer is now left without words, their thoughts changing from targeting Shane to now targeting themselves. They were so stupid, having read everything wrong- doubting Shane...
“Shane,” the farmer meets his gaze, a frown across their face. “I’m so sorry.”
“I’m sorry too,” Shane sighs, opening his arms for a hug as the farmer quickly rushes to him to accept it. They share a tight hug, the tenseness from the entire day melting away into thin air as they realize how stupid they both had acted.
“Can I still have that dance?” the farmer whispers into his shoulder after a long pause.
“Maybe,” Shane chuckles softly, unable to hold back his smile. “Only if you promise not to tell anyone we are dancing out here in the dark like idiots.”
“Your secret is safe with me,” the farmer smiles, the two of them slowly letting go with one another.
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iadoreshane · 4 years
This is pure beauty <3
Big credits to the artist for drawing Shane and Jas amazingly!
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I married Sebastian, but Shane’s my best friend, so I’d want him to be the god-father. So, once again Shane gets saddled with god-fatherhood of a kid that looks like it could be his.
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iadoreshane · 4 years
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This account is purely so I can fangirl over shane from stardew valley, I may end up posting some pictures of my farm too <3
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