#sv junimo
azuneekun 10 months
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Stardew backgrounds!
Rainbow Junimo 馃寛 馃崗馃崕
Stardrop Saloon Menu 馃崟 馃嵑
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its-sakurachan 2 years
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here's the link, if you're interested! 馃挆馃挆
they're available in lots of different kind of products! shirts, mouse pads, pillows, stickers, etc! 馃挆馃尭馃悡
you can find them next to my other sdv designs! 馃挆
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anxiouscryptid 2 years
Named me and Leah鈥檚 kids Juni and Mo 馃槀馃挌
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ikeychain 23 days
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Happy Pride!
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spinjitsuburst 5 months
holy shit i've spent the past four real life days trying to beat a minigame in stardew valley and i couldn't beat it until today i was doing it and i zoned out while thinking really hard about the logistics of vengestone production and distribution prior to the events of crystalized and i beat it moral of the story zone out and think about a very specific aspect of ninjago you can accomplish anything
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dunyun-rings 2 years
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M. Rasmodius, also known as the Wizard of Stardew Valley 馃敭馃崗
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wolves-in-the-world 2 years
quinn, holed up in the arse end of nowhere feeling morose and missing his sometimes-team, knowing it'll be a month at least before it's safe to visit them again, can at least receive phone calls when they're free to talk and exchange texts with them the rest of the time.
he finds a cool rock while clearing stone from the property and sends parker a photo; she sends him a photo of some diamond cufflinks she just swiped at a fancy party. hardison texts him that the rock's a geode and might have something even cooler inside.
he keeps texting him, suggesting ways to get it open until quinn gives up and goes and has a conversation with a rather confused clint - "my nephew's got an interest in science," quinn says, and that helps - and can send hardison a photo of what's inside.
(it's four different cool-rocks-that-are-maybe-geodes, by that point. one of them turns out to have been hiding some pretty cool purple crystals. quinn's just irritated that alec was right.)
he trips over a rock and stubs his toe while exploring his farm and, look, he's dealt with much worse than that and still kept the client's secrets, but he's very glad this time that no-one's around to hear him swear.
he stubs it again trying to get back to the farmhouse when it starts getting dark. he tells himself that absent active proof of a sniper setting up on his property, he isn't going exploring like that again.
the next day his toe's turned some very impressive colours. he texts eliot a photo.
when he's putting on his game face and greeting the townsfolk to get it over with, vincent tells him "momma told me not to talk to strangers" and quinn's thinking good, yes, I don't particularly want to talk to you anyway, kids are difficult, and then the kid follows it up with "but you seem nice" and quinn has to keep his smile fixed in place while dying inside.
harvey and then gus are very much cases of establishing a good relationship with the local doctor and bartender (a good protocol anywhere). they're distressingly normal, but quinn's starting to expect that around here.
evelyn calls him 'dear' on sight. quinn's gonna offer to carry her groceries the second he gets a chance to.
he's very relieved that SOMEONE in this town is showing an appropriate level of wariness, though. that the someone in question wears clothes made of sewn-together leaves... well, at this point, quinn can live with that.
with the rest of them... he's trying not to, he knows eliot makes faces when he talks like this, but basically in his head he's going "child, civilian, civilian, child, the most civilian civilian I've ever seen while ALSO being a child..."
it's not that he's a danger to them. there's no point in this being his hideaway if the townsfolk don't think he's normal and safe. he's just a little twitchy about it. they're soft and squishy and he's worried for them.
like leah. she's not his responsibility so it's a very quiet thing but he's anxious on her behalf that she lives alone in the woods. but it's not like he doesn't understand wanting privacy. he can't help but wonder if she's running from something, though. hell, do people even go and live in a place like that (like his own cabin) if they're not running from something? is she really just here because she likes the place?
he could work his way towards liking it, actually. the valley's beautiful. it's satisfying going to bed tired, in a simple kind of way that jobs often aren't. and he's seen a cat on his morning rounds occasionally - they have an agreement, they leave each other alone.
it's just, despite it all, he's looking forward to the day he can taste eliot's cooking again.
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not-poignant 1 year
How hard is it to reconcile game differences in SV between writing the story? I think it's cool that Alex couldn't be healed by potions, but that means Sebastian can't either in the mines? (Looking forward so much to the next chapter too, Mayor Lewis can suck it)
Ahaaaaa it is hard to reconcile some of those differences, anon!
Tbh I deal with a lot of it by not overthinking. Or by just deciding what I'm going to include (real people pick up the stock overnight and it's not generally Mayor Lewis) or what not to include (healing potions).
And yeah I don't imagine Sebastian can just guzzle down some seaweed and health potions in the mines for example, like the in-game mechanics. I think he can get hurt, he can take some degree of magically influenced food / drink to help a little, but there's a cost to it all. (The cost in my mind being that he has to fuel accelerated healing with calorie intake). But if Sebastian is gutted in the mines and doesn't get out in time, he dies in the mines. He doesn't wake up the next day at Harvey's with some of his items missing from his backpack.
It's been a royal pain in the ass keeping the gold coin currency of Stardew Valley and if I was rewriting the story I'd change that. Right now it's kind of novel that everyone's just using like, coins though. Heavy too! Try not to overthink the conversion rates in my story or SDV because they're both really annoying lmao.
For the most part, I don't have to think about a lot of those differences, or they're funny to me. It's funny to me to imagine that farmer Martingale doesn't exactly pass out at 2.00am, he just becomes so non-functional that he's basically useless, which is hilarious to Sebastian because he's not affected by it. Or I love the idea that it's 'suddenly' winter, and it suddenly happens because of an abrupt blizzard overnight and then bam, snow. These quirks are amusing or endearing to me, and that's actually a lot of fun.
Thinking more about the specifics of like 'well what about Junimos, what about this, what about Sebastian and magical items' etc. I mostly just try to stay focused on the thrust of the story, which is Sebastian and Alex's relationship. So if it's relevant or interesting it'll be included, and if it's not, then I don't care about it and I (try to) stop thinking about it!
Also yeah, Mayor Lewis can suck it. I didn't intend to make him as much of a villain as I have, but in my latest game I got the solid gold Mayor Lewis statue and as I put it on my farm I was like actually...this neocapitalist douchebag can get bent, lmao.
But yeah, a lot of my policy is 'don't overthink it until I have to or until it's funny to me' lmao
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dragonindigo245 4 years
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Can I offer you a Junimo in these trying times?
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spac-e-b0y 5 years
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I鈥檓 officially 19!! I鈥檒l probably draw something about it later but rn I鈥檓 so happy that my joyfriend got me the Juninho plushie I鈥檝e been wanting forever!!
(He/Him/They/Them pronouns please!)
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ikeychain 8 months
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Abbytober Day 24 - Beachwear!!
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ask-smoork-farm 5 years
Have you, like... explored the community center as of late? You might find something interesting in there.
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arlyis 6 years
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a bundle is done!!
i鈥檝e been playing A Lot of Stardew Valley lately
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stardewaddiction 6 years
I love how differently everyone interprets Junimos,
Some are straight up apples and others are like cubes.
They're all so cute!
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My Farmer's Fanart along with Shane and his little helpers Junimos. My headcanon is that once they were married and she being a witch; she gave Shane a potion that would allow him to see them as well- although without the awful taste or hallucinations that Rasmodius did give her XD-. * Original Game: 漏 Eric Barone / Stardew Valley Fanart / OC Farmer: 漏 Hoshi Sakurai
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yokoyas 3 years
yeah you know what fuck mayor lewis ive done more for pelican town in like 2.5 years than he has the entire time he鈥檚 been mayor and not only that but i can buck up and marry the woman im dating instead of making our relationship into the town鈥檚 worst kept secret you better shape up old man bc my wife and i own so many swords
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