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i3spells · 6 years ago
self love spell
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items needed:
Frankincense incense (for purification)
One black candle (charged with absorbing negativity)
One white candle (charged with positivity)
One white rose
Light the incense. Light the white and black candle while thinking about the concept of balance. Think about the balance you need within for self-love. Once the candles are lit, place the white rose in front of the candles. This white rose is an offering to the Divine within yourself, and a reminder that you are deserving of love. Now say the following repeatedly, six times:
“Of love, I am worthy
Of love, I am deserving
Of love, I am filled.
Of love, I am.”
As you repeat the above chant, you’ll note how the lines bleed into one another so soon it sounds like a circular phrase where you are saying, “I am worthy of love, I am deserving of love, I am filled of love, I am of love.” Finish the last round with “So mote it be, blessed be.” (or not it’s really up to whatever you’re comfortable with)
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i3spells · 6 years ago
Emoji Spell to help you speak confidently! (I used yellow & sunflower bc they promote positivity & confidence) 🗣like to charge🗣 🌻reblog to cast🌻
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i3spells · 6 years ago
Roadblock Remover Spell
This spell is intended to clear up negative situations or blockages that are in your way that may be stopping your desires from manifesting.
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One white candle (symbolizes purification, cleansing)
A piece of paper
A pen
Herbs corresponding to cleansing/banishing, such as: ⚬ sage ⚬ sandalwood ⚬ bay leaves ⚬ dragon’s blood ⚬ rosemary ⚬ lavender ⚬ basil ⚬ yarrow ⚬ mugwort ⚬ black or red pepper
🕯 On the piece of paper, write the negative emotions you’ve been feeling. Go into detail about how stuck you’ve been feeling, and how you wish to break free from whatever or whomever has you in it’s web.
🕯 Place the candle on top of your petition.
🕯 Sprinkle the herbs you chose to use on top of the candle. As you are doing so, visualize the purpose of each herb. Feel the doors in your life opening, your desires now coming to you with ease rather than with delay.
🕯 Light the candle, sit in front of it, and meditate on what you wish to happen after this spell. Imagine yourself getting what you want, the blockages melting away like ice on hot pavement.
🕯 Command it to get out of your way. This is your life, you have the power to pick and choose who and what you want in it, so do it. Do this verbally or mentally, whichever you see fit.
🕯 Allow the candle to burn down completely, or, you can leave it on until you feel the blockages were removed. If you choose the second method, you can light this same candle again if you feel the need to ever again.
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i3spells · 6 years ago
✨Friendship Spell Jar✨
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What you will need:
🏔Himalayan Salt
🍊Orange Peel (fresh recommended, but mine are dried)
📝Written Spell or Sigil
🌿🍑Representatives of you (I chose my favorit herb: rosemary, and my favorite tea: peac)
🕯Yellow Candle
Select a small container or jar, start with your pink salt for the base of the spell. Salt is good for protection during spells, but in this case is especially useful for protecting you from bad people and toxic relationships down the road. Pink specifically corresponds to friendship and relationships, but white salt can be subsituted!
Next coat your salt in honey to attract a well caring person to your life.
Roll up your written spell or sigil (this can be anything from a small poem to a list of what youre longing for) and dip it into the honey. I also recommend writting your spell in yellow or pink.
Add orange peels to symbolize change im relationships and finish the contents with things you correspond with. This may be things such as your favorite herbs, tea, crystals, flowers, dried fruit… something that another person can be attracted to you specifically by.
Lastly seal your jar with a yellow candle. Yellow is a very strong correspondent with friendship, but pink will work aswell, or all purpose white! If you can’t burn candles tie a ribbon around your jar.
Let the jar charge.
Hide the jar somewhere special to you: in your locker, dresser, make up drawer, behind your favorite books on your book case, in the soil of your favorite plant… etc.
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i3spells · 6 years ago
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I made some dried orange peel today! It is very fragrant and 1 orange makes about 2 tbsp of orange peel.
I peeled an orange (make sure you get as much pulp off as possible), cut it into tiny pieces, preheat oven to 200 F, bake them on parchment paper for about an hour or until they are dry, or leave them out for 4-5 days. So easy to make and made from what you usually throw away! 
🍊Orange Peel Correspondences: love, luck, money, house blessing, prosperity, joy
Planet: 🌞Sun
Element: 🔥Fire
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i3spells · 6 years ago
Hey there! I've recently been eating a lot of oranges lately (don't ask lol) and have been wondering what to do with all of those peels. Are there any witchy correspondences to them or spells/rituals/potions/etc that I can do with them? Thankyou, have a marvelous day :)
Yes, there are magical uses for orange peels. My main correspondences for them are motivation, energy, cleansing, and happiness. Color association takes a huge role in those. I see it being used a lot for divination, abundance / prosperity, and glamours / beauty as well. [Themagickalcat] lists the correspondences for orange peels are as follows:
“Magickal uses include love, divination, luck, money and house & business blessing. Add to love sachets to help someone make up their mind. Use in sachets & amulets to bring luck to business negotiations.”
I hope that helps!
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i3spells · 6 years ago
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i3spells · 6 years ago
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I save orange peels from offerings for incense & spell work.
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i3spells · 6 years ago
Hey sweetie how can I use orange peels in (easy) spells? Like combined with things that you can find around a household?
Orange peel is super-good for luck and money-drawing spells. String those peels on some thread and hang them to dry, then you can put them in all kinds of charms for those purposes, or simply use them by themselves in a luck or money bottle.
If you put the fresh peel in a bottle of bland oil and tuck it away in a cool, dark place for a couple of weeks, you can make your own orange essential oil too. Just check on it every few days and make sure it’s not growing any mold or anything, then at the end, strain the oil through a paper towel into another jar or bottle for storage.
If you’re more into cursing and somebody’s really messing with your life, you can write their name on a scrap of paper and pin it to a whole orange, then bury the fruit in a planter. As the fruit rots, so will that person’s ability to do you harm.
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i3spells · 6 years ago
There's a balance and a magic to the madness, don't question it, don't doubt it, and if you think you know me, chances are you're far from it.
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i3spells · 6 years ago
Self Love Spell Jar
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Spell Intent: To promote self love.
Spell ingredients: 
A jar
A self love sigil
Pink ribbon (to promote the healing of emotions)
Salt (to absorb positive energy, to cleanse negative energy, to protect)
Cloves (to drive away negative energy, to increase self confidence)
Rosemary (to cleanse negativity, to increase self love)
Clear quartz (to promote healing)
Rose quartz (to promote self love)
Timing: I recommend doing this spell on a Sunday at noon to harness the sun’s full energy and promote empowerment, strength, healing and courage.
Instructions: Begin by grounding yourself. I chose to listen to some relaxing music but how you choose to do it is up to you. Next, set up your space as you normally would, for me this involved lighting some candles and gathering my ingredients.
The order in which you put the ingredients in the jar doesn’t really matter, but if you want your jar to look like mine read the following steps. 
Begin by writing your self love sigil on a piece of paper that will fit in the jar (you can use the self love sigil I’ve shown in this post, or you can create your own). Roll that piece of paper up and tie it with a pink ribbon. Next, add salt to the bottom of the jar until you have an amount you feel comfortable with (for my jar I used about 5 teaspoons of salt). After that add cloves and rosemary on top of the salt, again adding as much of each herb until you feel you have enough (in my case I used 2 or 3 teaspoons of each). Once you’ve added the salt, cloves and rosemary, place your rolled up sigil inside the jar. Place the clear and rose quartz around the jar (you could place them inside the jar, but I don’t recommend that as, if you are placing the jar on a windowsill as I advise later, it could bleach the rose quartz. I only used the crystals as I was casting the spell).
Now that you’ve added all the ingredients, say the following, “I love my health. I love my wealth. But most of all, I love myself.” Repeat this as many times as necessary. I wrote this chant to acknowledge that it’s okay to have material wants and needs. In fact aspects like how healthy and how financially stable you are can affect your happiness, and that’s perfectly fine. But it’s also important to remember that your happiness does not have to depend on those factors. After you’ve said the chant as many times as you need, seal the jar (this can be using wax, a cork or just the normal lid) and tie a pink ribbon around it. Place it on a windowsill, preferably somewhere where you spend a lot of time, to invite and encourage positivity and love to enter your life.
And voila, the spell is complete!
I hope you enjoyed reading about my very first spell and if you use it please let me know, I’d be excited to see how it goes for you!
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This spell was written by me from information from my personal grimoire. Please do not repost!
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i3spells · 6 years ago
Does anyone know any spells or magickal uses of lemon zest?
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i3spells · 6 years ago
Selenite (A stone/crystal a day Series)
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Selenite: Named after the moon goddess Selene, associated with angelic magic, wisdom, emotions, creativity. It is called a “stone of truth and honesty”, and can help if you are stumped and need to find your path or make a decision. It is a type of gypsum (soft mineral sulfate), so it can be damaged really easy. Don’t cleanse with water or salt! (photo credit: J.Southern Studio)
Element: Water
Uses: angels, deciding, wisdom, opening your mind, creativity
Rituals: Yule, moon rituals
Combine with: moonstone, sage, sunflowers, sweet grass
Daily Applications: Wands/towers in meditation area to help in talking with the divine, and purify the area’s energy. Keep near/on you for creative inspiration. For angels, use it under your pillow for receiving messages from angels. Use it to attract someone.
Colors: white
(Note: Everyone uses these stones in different ways, use in the way you feel best. Please don’t attack this information, I have researched different sources to put these guides together for newbies as well as for study purposes for myself. This does not apply to everyone. Thanks to all the lovely sources I pulled so much helpful information from ♥)
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i3spells · 6 years ago
spell to help stop intrusive thoughts
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i3spells · 7 years ago
“Men fear witches because they take their power from the earth without poisoning the soil.”
— howitzerliterarysociety (via thatkindofwoman)
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i3spells · 7 years ago
Self Love masterpost for witches
❤ Bath Spells:
ROMANCE MYSELF BATH SPELL - For showing yourself love, care and romance.
SOOTHING BATH SPELL - For calming stresses and anxiety.
LOVEY DOVEY BATH - To draw romantic vibes and fall more in love with yourself.
SELF LOVE BATH - It is important to remember that you are loved.
PEACE BATH SPELL - Turn worrisome thoughts into a peaceful mind.
❤ Simple Spells: 
SELF LOVE SPELL - For realisation of worth.
SELF LOVE AND HEALING SPELL BOTTLE - Heal your heart and make more room for self love to grow.
A SPELL TO ALLEVIATE SELF HATRED - Get rid of self-hate.
SPELL FOR EMOTIONAL HEALING AND MOVING FORWARD -  Let go of things that are keeping you fro self love and care.
❤ Banishing Negativity:
SELF LOVE / BANISH NEGATIVITY SPELL - End negative thoughts about yourself.
BANISH NEGATIVE ENERGY SPELL - Send away negativity that is interrupting your self-love.
❤ Glamour Spells:
I AM RADIANT - Boost self love and confidence.
CONFIDENCE AND BEAUTY SPELL  - Feel good about yourself!
FOUNDATION BEAUTY SPELL -  Increase self-esteem and confidence, and let your true inner beauty shine through.
CONFIDENCE MIRROR SPELL - See your beauty and worth when you look at yourself.
❤  Battles/Jars/Sachets:
SELF LOVE SACHET - Long term self love keepsake.
SELF LOVE JAR - Ritual and keepsake.
“SELF LOVE” SPELL JAR - I am lovely, I am divine, I am kind.
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i3spells · 7 years ago
Quiet Rain Spell
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A soft mind clearing spell. 
You Will Need
Rain [as in it’s raining outside or you have a rainstorm playing on your computer/TV]
An open window
Do this
Sit before the open window. Close your eyes. Breathe in, hold for 4 seconds, breathe out. Repeat 5 times. Open your eyes. Listen to the rainfall. If you are observing actual rain, smell the scent of it hitting the ground and let it encompass your being. You are at peace. Your mind is clear. 
Happy witching!
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