I am asking you to endure it.
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[ID: youtube comment from Hal Sawyer:
My favorite relic English still used everywhere is the word “the” used in phrases like: “the more I look at this, the stranger it seems, or “the bigger they come, the harder they fall”. This “the” is not the article of any noun, it is a different word, a conjunction descended from the old English “þā”, pronounced “tha” which means either “when” or “then”. Back in early Middle English the structure “if - then” had not taken over and if you wanted to express an if - then relationship you said “þā whatever, þā whatever”, meaning “when such-and- such, then such-and-such”. “þā” sounds almost the same as “the” and the spelling of the two converged, but the meaning remained totally different. “the more, the merrier” literally means “when more, then merrier” or “if more, then merrier’; same as centuries ago.
end ID]
this is so cool
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Imagine showing up to work one day and people are like “jesus fucking christ there’s a corpse in here”, herd you to the back room and everyone who sees you also agrees that there is now a dead body where you are sitting, with the appropriate amount of shock and disgust about it. You figure it’s some kind of a prank that they’re pulling, but also the people that you know aren’t into pranks, or aren’t very good actors, are treating you like a corpse. They go weirdly back and forth between talking about you as if you’re not there, and politely asking you to stay still while they figure out who you’re supposed to call in case of a dead body randomly appearing.
Paramedics show up, study you thoroughly and agree that while they can’t see any apparent sign of death, you are, indeed, dead, and ask you to climb aboard the ambulance. You’re taken to the temporary corpse storage that hospitals have.
On the way there you ask them whether this kind of shit happens often, and while they won’t look at you, the paramedics agree that they’ve never had a talking corpse before, though they won’t question the fact that you’re moving on your own.
You’re eventually led to a morgue, where you’re shown a slab to lay on, and at this point you don’t really even question it, you just climb onto the Corpse Shelf and lay down, maybe have a little nap, with no idea what’s going to happen next.
Then you wake up to someone walking into the morgue, who has the shit scared out of them when you move, and they’re like “dude what the fuck, you’re not supposed to be here, this place is for storing dead bodies” and when you’re like “aw man sorry I thought I was a dead body” they have no idea whether you’re joking and they don’t care, you’re just chased out of there.
And you just kinda go home and take a shower, show up to work normally the next day and nobody questions it.
And basically that’s probably how those ants feel when scientists spray them with the Pheromone That Dead Ants Smell Like, and just hang out at the dead-ant-pile until the smell wears off.
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This happened to me yesterday so I decided to draw this LOLL listen... I just got nothin better to do 😌😌
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i know alec baldwin is gay but he has really racist energy
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I hate it when people say unreasonable things using nuanced, reasonable language. that's fucking cheating
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There’s no need for NSFW tags when there’s no work to be safe for
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hey so my friend made a piano cover and it’s really good and i think you should all listen to it! srsly u’ll love it
dw it isn’t christmassy lol
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It’s not here anymore but you can find it on youtube and y’all have to watch this I love it so much omg
The Boy Who Couldn’t Swim- A guy arrives in Coppenhagen in set of finding his mother, who he has never met, and along the way makes a friend. Eng sub, short. EDIT -The original video was taken down this is all I could find, it’s almost a trailer :P I found it again :D
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“YOUR GAY” they shouted. “DUDE YOUR GAY!!!” i ignored them. it wasnt until i got home that i realized my gay had escaped. those kind men were trying to tell me he was running away
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other ppl on tumblr: have cliques groupchats @ each other all the time 
me: lonely hermit talks to myself reblogs memes
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me when i look in a mirror: goddamn, im hot
me in the selfie camera: wHO is this hideous bEASt
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The genZ mood is missing playgrounds the moment they’re gone. Where’s my massive jungle gym? I get that we’re supposed to start maturing when we move on to middle school, and that we should prep for college in high school- but if anything, playgrounds should be scaled to bigger and better. Give me a massive slide! A rock climbing wall! Jumpy bridge!!! Adults will say “kids these days not moving or staying outside” and give us no cause to. PE is the only miserable excuse for physical activity we have and honestly fuck that. If wanting to hop onto a playground is immature then screw it, I’m immature but at least I’m fun.
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