I’ll read Any fanfic
5 posts
Regardless of if I’m in the fandom or even know the thing it’s based on
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
i-readanything · 4 months ago
Hi. Someone recommended me your blog and I really do like what you’re doing. It’s so nice. I have a fic in mind, based on the anime / manga series K-Project, but the fic I would like to send is the third part of the series since that one has the least engagement. I do give background information throughout the fic but would you rather I still send the first fic first or is it alright to send the third one of the series just like that? Thanks a bunch in advance and I hope you have a wonderful day.
Hello! I’d prefer to read the whole series, but my review can definitely be focused on the third fic in there if that’s what you want! Unless the works in the fic aren’t too reliant on reading the other works. Either way, regardless, my review will be specifically on the fic you request 👍
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i-readanything · 4 months ago
Check out the Unsounded fandom, lots of great stuff over there.
Sure! Any specific recommendations? Otherwise I’ll just sort by Most kudos and pick whatever catches my attention
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i-readanything · 5 months ago
Your blog seems really cool! IDK if you've gotten any requests yet. If not, I'd be honored to kick off the chain. My fic's called Fullmetal Alchemist: Reconnection, as you would assume, it's for the Fullmetal Alchemist fandom. Not by any means finished, only the first few chapters are posted. It's gonna be a longfic :)
Thank you so much for the request!! You’re my first official request, so I’m very excited for this :D
So! Fullmetal Alchemist, a show I really only know through fanfics. I’ve seen the first few episodes of each version, but I’m absolute pants about finishing shows, so I’ve never seen the full thing.
Overall thoughts:
I’ll give this fic 4 stars! The writing was solid, I’m really hooked on the story, and I’m looking forward to see how the mystery unravels! For someone who hasn’t seen (the majority of) Fullmetal Alchemist, I understood most of what was going on besides for some minor details. I’d love to do a follow up review once the fic is finished, so keep an eye out for that. I say, check it out!
More in depth thoughts down here vvv! Wanna submit a fic? Check my pinned post!
First impressions:
The summary definitely caught my attention! I don’t get to read em too often, but time skip plot lines are always pretty interesting. Especially one as long as this! 12 years is a big jump, and I’m interested in seeing how the characters react to that. Also, Mustang got murdered? What the heck happened there?? I’m definitely curious heading into this!
After reading:
Gonna try not to spoil anything (spoilers beneath the cut for specific thoughts!) but the fun thing about fics like this (tagged original characters, show I’m not super familiar with) is that I haven’t a single clue who is and who isn’t an original character. A pretty prominent example is the main group the fic starts focused on! I know Alphonse, Edward, and Winry, but May? Not a freakin clue. Overall though, none of the OCs stuck out to me like they didn’t belong in the universe, and it was all written pretty well!
As of reading this, it currently has 4 chapters and 16,603 words, and took me about half an hbomberguy video to finish. Besides for some minor things (whatever the heck Alkahestry is, some mentioned past events), I was able to pretty easily understand what was going on. It definitely helps that, since the pov characters so far have been pretty removed from where we are now, most things are explained to them. I’m pretty invested in the story so far, and I’ve subscribed so I’m looking forward to seeing how it all plays out :)
It’s also made me wanna check out more FMA fanfiction in general! Thank you for the submission :D
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i-readanything · 5 months ago
Wanna submit a fic for me to read? You’re in the right place!
Generally speaking, I’ll try just about anything. From your fluffy little one shots to your 100k+ multi chapter angst no comfort beasts of a fic, I’m willing to take it on!
But I do have some boundaries regarding this, ones that I don’t think will really pop up but better to say and not risk it!
1. No porn no plot type deals
- This is entirely because I just. Don’t care for that! I’m aroace, I don’t find that stuff fun or exciting to read. It’s mostly just awkward. This extends to cover things like kink fics, lemon, smutty stuff, whatever- if the main point of the fic is sexy times, I’m just not gonna read it!
2. No one shot collections
- Kinda. I’m not super interested in reading a fic that’s just 30 or so unrelated one shots. If the prompts are all incorporated into one story- great! I’d love to check it out! But otherwise, that’s 30 mini fics all glued together into one heap. I’ll pass.
3. Nothing crazy long
- Now, it’s often a point of contention between me and my free time, but I love longfics. I adore getting drawn into a story and resurface 200k words and a week later a changed man! But uh. A million words is a bit much! So just be conscious of how long your fics are if you want them read in a timely manner. I think the longest I’ve read in a “reasonable” time was around 700k words? But even then, that’s a bit much!
4. No xreader stuff
- I’m fine with self inserts, OCs, whatever! I just don’t care for reader fics, it’s not my jam and I just can’t get into em. Second person fics don’t apply btw I mean expediently with the reader character as the focus. On the other hand, I adore self inserts! Isekais! OCs! I think they are absolutely fascinating, so please do send those my way :D
That should be all! If you have any questions, feel free to ask! And to submit a fic, either message me or send an ask ^-^
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i-readanything · 5 months ago
Hey! If you found this blog, you may be asking yourself: what? Do you mean?
I mean it. I will read Any fanfic.*
I honestly really just love reading, and it’s really fun to pic random fics and pretend it’s a book I pulled off the shelf! Short, long, shippy, angsty- anything. I will truly read anything- except the real spicy stuff. Sorry lads, I’m aro/ace, it’s just not fun for me!
What will I be doing with this blog?
Mostly, I’ll be doing reviews of random fics I find, my impression of fandoms via their fics, or recommendations!
Wanna submit a fic for me to read? Go ahead! (*Just check this post out to see what I’d prefer ya don’t send! Dw, it’s not too big a list at all)
Wanna request a fandom be looked over? Absolutely! Currently, I’m reading Teen Wolf fanfic because my friend thought it would be funny.
Anything else? My ask box is open!
This blog is just that- a blog! Expect rambly posts reviewing things I find on ao3, chatting about my thoughts on fanfiction trends, and random recommendations if I find an especially good story. Don’t expect me to be correct about what’s really going on with a show, movie, book, or whatever. I get a lot of enjoyment outta reading fic for things I know nothing about! So if I make a blatant error, it’s probably because some author wrote their headcannon so well I didn’t even know it wasn’t canon!
Important tags:
#fandomreviews - my thoughts and opinions on a fandom or media based entirely on fanfic
#ficreviews - specific fanfic reviews, typically on how understandable they are to an outsider and how much I enjoyed it! Nothing serious here
#fandom:[name] - this is how I’ll tag the fandom / media the fic is based on, so if you’re looking for, I dunno, Life Series fics or Blue Exorcist or something, you’ll wanna look that way.
#ramblings - just random posts that don’t really fall into any other category! Could be anything from my thoughts on the trends of fanfiction over the years to hey, look at this picture of my dog! Isn’t she cute!
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