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ashley kim; 26; gemini future producer; ✩✩✩✩✩
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
hyunark · 4 years ago
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ashashbaby                           ♥ 138.1k likes ✏ 81.2k comments
✏  ashashbaby duality
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hyunark · 4 years ago
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hyuna ✧ roll deep (150820)
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hyunark · 4 years ago
hyuna wasn't the type to judge a book by its cover. it's bitten her in the ass way too many times for her to actually learn a lesson. so her being asked such questions wasn’t new. during the mga’s that had happened a lot of times, where someone looked pretty nice and innocent and ended up showing their teeth. it made the idol almost shiver. so who knew.
she nods her head at his questions “yes, i very much think so.“ she says, smile pulling on her lips. at the mentioning of the game she nods her head again “it’s a pretty savage game.“ hyuna admits. “are you playing with your friends or strangers? your friends might know you better and be sure that you are not trust worthy you know?“ she asks, brow raised “when i play it with my friends, we usually kick out the suspicious people even if they aren’t the imposter.“
❛ imposter
hyuna was never to judge a book by its cover. especially in the music industry. there were so many hidden gems within the trainees, too bad she didn’t get to see them train and do evaluations anymore. however, she definitely didn’t expect to have such a conversation during lunch. it wasn’t unwelcome tho. she makes herself comfortable across jordan, placing her tray and frowning ever so slightly.
“you have a very cute face, pretty handsome as well. why untrustworthy?“ the rappers asks, reaching for her water bottle and taking a sip from it. in reality, hyuna herself has been told she looks way too fake and untrustworthy, aftercall, who would be running after her dream of debut so so long? “did someone say that to you, or is it just a question?“
maybe it could be considered rude just to impose these sorts of questions on people. it was not really like he and hyuna were close friends, they had only occasionally said hello in the hallways of trc. but that was why she made the perfect target for his question. they weren’t friend and she didn’t really know him all that well so would be able to say what she really thought of him from a first impression. or maybe she would just say something nice to avoid hurting his feelings and seeming rude. 
“handsome? you think so?” he couldn’t help but grin just a little at this news, suddenly feeling rather self-important. though he wasn’t the biggest fan of being called cute, but he decided not to press the matter. instead, he simply shook his head, “no i’m just wondering. you know the game amoung us? every single time i get voted off first, even if i’m innocent. i just don’t think people trust me very much.” 
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hyunark · 4 years ago
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have you guys tried ⚠️ hyuna during RED photoshoot ⚠️ ? i thought 🗣 hyuna during RED photoshoot 🗣 lovely ! 👌
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hyunark · 4 years ago
hyuna was never to judge a book by its cover. especially in the music industry. there were so many hidden gems within the trainees, too bad she didn't get to see them train and do evaluations anymore. however, she definitely didn’t expect to have such a conversation during lunch. it wasn’t unwelcome tho. she makes herself comfortable across jordan, placing her tray and frowning ever so slightly.
“you have a very cute face, pretty handsome as well. why untrustworthy?“ the rappers asks, reaching for her water bottle and taking a sip from it. in reality, hyuna herself has been told she looks way too fake and untrustworthy, aftercall, who would be running after her dream of debut so so long? “did someone say that to you, or is it just a question?“
❛ imposter
 jordan wasn’t usually very big into mobile games, but when all his friends started playing amoung us, well, he couldn’t really be left out of all the fun. besides, he had always thought he was pretty good liar in the first place so it should be easy enough to pull in some wins. that had been the idea, anyway, but it seemed as though all his friends knew him too well and he was usually the first one ejected regardless of whether he was the imposter or not. which he supposed was fair, he was hardly very trustworthy. 
“oh come on! again?” he couldn’t help but complain out loud as, once again, he got himself voted off first, despite being a perfectly innocent crewmate. jordan simply huffed, putting his phone down on the table in front of him. then he glanced up, looking around for a moment to see who else was around. that’s when he spotted hyuna, beckoning her over with a quick waft of his head. “hey, quick question. do i have an untrustworthy looking face to you?” 
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hyunark · 4 years ago
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ashashbaby                           ♥ 134.9k likes ✏ 83.8k comments
✏  ashashbaby pink is underrated.
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hyunark · 4 years ago
being the workaholic that she was, hyuna did tend to forget she could relax. catch a break, a breather. this was nothing new, having someone take her out of her usual state of running late for lunch. however, it did surprise her to see that it was jongsuk. she welcomes him with a wide smile either way. “it’s not my choice to not show up! i promise!” she says, hands raised up in a defensive position.
it was pretty sad to hear that, she loved variety shows, however she wasn’t the best at them. she had a lot to learn before she felt comfortable enough to get out there more. “i wish i could come by more! it’s loads of fun!” hyuna insists, with a wide smile. “we should go get lunch?” she suggests, brows raised ever so slightly at jongsuk “my treat, for the fact that i’ve been missing so much, hmm?”
Time Pass ||
Jongsuk had enjoyed spending time with K.ARMA everytime that they had come to Idol Cafe. However, he’d missed seeing Hyuna on the show. It seems like almost since she joined, he hadn’t seen her around all that much, so he decided that since this was  a non promotional month for the group, he’d make the effort to seek her out. Maybe ask her to lunch, maybe actually hang out with her since he was sure that she had some time to spare him. 
He went on a quest looking for the girl, quite happy to chat with her. Finally finding her, he grinned. “Hyuna-ah!” he exclaimed, waving at her with a silly grin. “I figure you’d practiced enough, so I am here to steal you away!  Lunch is important and besides, I havent seen you around in ages!” he exclaimed, grinning at her. He then crossed his arms and winked at her. “After all, you are one of my girls! which means i must question as to why you’re not coming with the group to idol cafe the few times that the girls have shown up….actually, only four of the girls have ever showed up!” he exclaims, pouting a bit sad. 
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hyunark · 5 years ago
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here’s hyuna showing her titty. have a good day.
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hyunark · 5 years ago
it wasn’t often when hyuna got to experience this. such a pleasant sense of content washes over her in constants waves, she couldn’t even think of any other word to use but love. it was love what was in the air, linked with the faint scent of smoke from jaebum’s cigarettes. she could see the cats sleeping around the bed with them. this felt like home, a place she never wanted to leave.
there is a small sigh that leaves the idol once jaebum presses a kiss to her head, followed by a gentle snuggle into his embrace. however, the quiet moment is quickly disturbed by the vibration of a phone and she can't help but pout. there were many questions that popped in her head once he threw the phone. wasn’t he happy he was always busy? people were appreciating his art. his way of expressing them.
however, hyuna pushes those thoughts away pushing herself up on her elbows and looking down at jaebum with a slight tilt of her head. she leans in, pressing a kiss to his forehead, nose, finally her lips lingering on his. “you are, right here, right now.” she teases, grin pulling on her features and her eyes practically sparkling. “they can wait till tomorrow. you’re booked with me now.” she teases, smile reaching her eyes and turning them into crescents.
“when will you actually tattoo me?“ the questions comes out before hyuna can process it, however, she doesn’t regret it. if she was allowed, she would let jaebum tattoo every single inch of her skin.
with love.
☪ ╎ @hyunark ; 
it’s late, past midnight probably. moonlight creeps in through the blinds of jaebum’s other place, his studio. the music room is illuminated by lamp light, a stray candle flickers away in the corner and music plays in the background ever so softly as jaebum lays with the girl he loves in his embrace. nights like these came once in a blue moon, even despite months gone by, jaebum couldn’t get used to not being with hyuna every single day. he missed her like crazy. the days were easy, manageable but he missed laying with her in bed at night, talking about their day, tomorrow and the universe, everything inbetween. his chest hurts a little at the thought of it.
he was content like this, cuddled up together in his studio, accompanied by music, snacks and drinks. the smell of smoke hangs ever so little in the air, masked by a good smelling candle that’s had the shit burned out of it. jaebum presses a kiss to the top of her head and sighs, looking up at the ceiling and the shadows cast by the furniture of the room. beside his head, his phone vibrates. jaebum rolls his eyes, awkwardly reaching for and unlocking it in one motion.
“hello … can … i … please … book … an … appointment … with you?” jaebum reads slowly, his english not being the greatest. he sighs, locking his phone and tossing it across the room. it lands somewhere under his desk. out of sight, out of mind. “another booking.” he murmurs, running a hand through his hair. why a booking at this time? of all times? someone’s late night drunk desires, obviously. “i mean, i guess i should be grateful that people actually want my art on their body, but it’s late as fuck.” jaebum groans, looking at hyuna. “i just … wanna be with my girl right now.” 
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hyunark · 5 years ago
❝ just our date
She shakes her head again, chuckling.  “We can do a 50-50 date on our second date~” she wiggles her eyebrows and grins as she finally accepts the fact that Sejeong is insisting to pay for it.  She’s glad that Hyuna accepts it, because she really would feel bad for inviting her out to celebrate and then making her pay for her own food and drinks.  This really was special for her because she really hadn’t been able to do something like this before.
“I’m happy it was too, I think you’ve fit in really well,” it was true that Sejeong had been really sad when Sana had left, Sana having been one of the girls she was closest to through the group, but she was happy to give Hyuna a chance instead of trying to compare the two. Neither could control what happened, really, so not only was Sejeong not that type of person, it wouldn’t have been remotely fair even if she was.  “Well, I’m happy it didn’t take that long! We might have missed each other, then,” she laughs, taking a sip of her drink.  “What’s something you’re looking forward to doing now that you’re an idol?”
“yeah? lets go on many more dates then!“ she says with a wide smile. it was quite funny, really. hyuna didn’t think the other girls would ever accept her so easily. it makes her feel in ways she hadn’t yet experienced, and it made her the happiest she has ever been. the k.arma girls made her feel more special than she thought it was possible. 
“hearing you say that really makes my heart melt.“ hyuna jokes, smile never leaving her features. a light laugh leaves her as she nods at sejeong “i’m glad we didn’t miss each other. i really am. and the rest of the girls.“ she explains. a small hum leaves her as she thinks, what was one thing she was really looking forward to. “i guess being in a permanent circle of people? all the previous survival shows, companies, i always moved around. and to finally be set with you lovely people, it’s really been a blessing.“ it might have sounded cheesy, but it was what hyuna really thought about. “what about you? what did you look forward when you debuted?“
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hyunark · 5 years ago
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ashashbaby                           ♥ 122.1k likes ✏ 84.1k comments
✏  ashashbaby black & white
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hyunark · 5 years ago
❝ just our date
Sejeong had really wanted to make sure that from the get-go that Hyuna felt welcome in their group and once the two of them had started talking more, she realized that Hyuna was a lot of fun to spend time with, just like the other members and to her, it felt like she had been with the group almost the whole time.  So after the debut took place, she was more than happy to bring Hyuna out to celebrate.
“No, no, you’re not paying for anything,” she shakes her head with a grin.  “What kind of date would that be if I asked you to go on it and then made you pay, huh?  Besides, this is one of the only times in my life that I’ve actually been able to afford to take someone out to eat without worrying about my bank account overdrawing, so this means a lot to me too.”  It was true, Sejeong and her family had always struggled to make ends meet and now with debut and acting and everything, she was able to do this and it felt great.  “With your skills and being so pretty?  I’m surprised you didn’t make it before this! You should have been scooped right up.”
there is a loud whine that leaves hyuna when her roommate tells her she isn’t allowed to pay for anything. a pout places itself on her features as she playfully glares at sejeong, however it doesn’t take long before she gives in. “well, a 50-50 date?” the rapper asks with a raised brow. at the singer’s next words, hyuna just nods. she gets the idea of why this is important for both of them, and well, she will take sejeong out sometime as well.
a shy smile pulls on hyuna’s lips as she reaches to tug a strand of hair behind her ear. “well, maybe you’re right. but i’m happy it was with k.arma.” she explains, her smile only growing wider as she looks at sejeong. in reality, up until now, hyuna had a lot of regrets when it came to her trainee road. however, those quickly disappeared once trc popped up in her life. “never in a million years did i think, this would happen.”
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hyunark · 5 years ago
❝ update
hey peeps! 
i’ve started working now and its a 6pm-2am job, and i have yet to fix my sleeping schedule to that. i might be a tad more busy than usual, so replies would be coming rather slow from now on. i will still try and queue stuff up, but please keep in mind that i am gonna be a busy bean qwq 
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hyunark · 5 years ago
he’s not new to the idea of trainees and, well, now idols or about-to-be idols moving around from company to company but it still surprises him with each reveal. the thought process that goes into each one… he wonders if ceos and coaches liken it more to a chess board and pieces being moved across the board or about replacing a missing piece of a puzzle so it’s complete again. is it a game at all? that’s probably the first question he should start with but who cares? 
“i will! either way, i bet chanyeol’s gonna talk my ear off about it or somethin’. do you know chanyeol? i swear everyone in the company does or has heard of him. busy guy, my friend,” he jokes, but he truly does admire it. admittedly, his own sociability had dwindled, his usual friendliness trickling to nothing but a slow stream of reaching out to old friends to stay in touch compared to how he used to more actively track people down. 
the comment on her height leaves him chuckling and he holds a hand up, playfully checking his height compared to hers with an extended hand. “really? oh hey, come on, i’m the one who bumped into you. but ah… that does sound nice. i appreciate the idea. i do. but how about this, i’ll buy them now and you can buy the next round if you have time to stop by too. i’ll carry ‘em for ya if you want but it’s sad to tell the guys you bought our drinks and we can’t thank you in person! i’m sure they’d love to see ya come by. deal?” he grins, brows lifting a little as he holds a hand out to her. 
it was always a surprise whenever companies picked new members for their groups. if anything, hyuna still doesn’t  understand why trc picked her over a vocalist. she was more than aware about the fact that sana was a vocalist and well, to replace one with her.. seemed risky, but she really had no say. it was either this or waiting god knows how much longer. she already turned down nova, it was a matter of time before they gave up on her.
hyuna shakes her head quickly. unfortunately, she was never really given enough time to get to know the trainees. it was a bit upsetting, considering the efforts she put when it came to speaking to everyone in royal and nova. it was sad that her schedule hasn’t allowed her to do that. “unfortunately, i haven’t been able to meet all the trainees.” she purses her lips “if i had more time, i wouldn’t have met you here.” hyuna chuckles, free hand running through her hair. 
the idea from mason is really something she’s up for. god knew when was the next time she would have some free time, but she was more than okay with that. “yeah? okay, we can do that!” she smiles, nodding her head. “you got yourself a deal, don’t think i will forget either.” the rapper chuckles, smile only growing. at times like these, hyuna really wished she had more time “how about this. tomorrow, lunch time, here. i buy the drinks then. maybe some snacks as well-” she pauses for a short second “definitely snacks as well!”
pour up
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hyunark · 5 years ago
❝ just our date
hyuna can’t really believe the fact that sejeong went out of her way for this. it was more than just being nice in her opinion. the fact that the other girl dragged her out, to have a celebration date, for hyuna’s debut. yeah, she definitely teared up a bit. however, it was a really nice way to understand her situation. after so many years, she finally got to where she wanted, and she really couldn’t have asked for a better set of girls to debut with.
“hey, you took me out, let me at least pay.“ hyuna pouts as they wait for their meals to arrive. she could at least do so much for sejeong, but something tells her the other girl wouldn’t allow her to do that. “i can’t believe i actually made it.“ the rapper sighs, cupping her face in her hands and smiling widely at sejeong “can you believe i made it?“
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hyunark · 5 years ago
coming to training earlier was a thing hyuna just.. tended to do. there wasn’t a reason for it, but with the rare days of actually being in the building, compared to at broadcast stations, she enjoyed it. however, she wasn’t aware that there would be new trainee’s joining. that was always the most exciting time of the year, whenever the fresh meat would be tested if they had what it took to be trainees. 
today, specifically, she can tell it’s a new trainee that bumps into her. “oh-” is pretty much all hyuna can say  because it wasn’t a reaction she could really handle. it makes her blink, not sure if she did something wrong. once, twice, she scans the girl from head to toe before smiling sheepishly. “i’m really sorry, i should have been looking where i was walking.” she says, smile pulling on the corners of her lips a bit more.
“you good? didn’t hurt you anywhere?“ the rapper asks, brows raised.
♕. Stan Queen
starter for @hyunark
Usually, she has a lot better sense of direction. But for what it’s worth this isn’t under normal circumstances. This is the first day of her trainee life. The first time she has ever step foot into TRC. Her gaze kept bouncing the walls from one poster to another. This are the hallways where legends walked, cried heck poured out their sweat and blood to get where they are now. 
“Well shit.” She sighs to herself, walking backwards in between halls. Olivia arrived relatively earlier than she is appointed to meet with the management for administrative purposes. She did so with the intention to absorb everything, to actually feel the new beginning before the storm arrives. Unbeknownst to her, Olivia stumbles upon someone accidentally. “Oh I’m sorry-”
A loud gasp escapes her lips when she saw who she collided with. “Oh my god– oh my fucking god— K-Kim- HYUNA!” This is not how she wanted to react to her ultimate idol. Jesus Christ. 
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hyunark · 5 years ago
I’m Serious - DAY6
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