By-Carlos Hochhalter
One is a fractal expression of the infinite aspects of God we are all each an Avatar of the ultimate and through there physical incarnation they also discover there eternal identity god consciousness. what is to say of other parts of one’s multifaceted identity? such as for star seeds who have a “ human” incarnation as well as a star lineage while being an avatar of god?
This is the way in which god the universe is able to experience an infinite amount of experiences from an infinite amount of vantage points and experience it’s own multidimensional nature. within this experience of god experiencing herself/his self there is also familial identity such as race and heritage. these sorts of things matter yet ultimately do not mean that one should be against another due to there heritage and stand in the way of love being shared between people in regards too race be it romantic, platonic, or any other apparent “form” of love as love is the highest truth and the birth right of each and every sentient being. and all the universe is sentient as down to the molecular level love is vibrating in every atom of the universe. this universe itself is the love of two forces having had come together in a dance of complimentary opposites this is the dance of the two cosmic lovers.
this is not to say that a mature and sober minded reverence for one’s lineage there ancestors is inappropriate. A vast amount of power lies within one’s bloodline and a unique purpose for having had been incarnated into whatever particular bloodline one is born into. It exists as a code that is for each individual to discover themselves. the problem is that the mass of human consciousness has not reached a state in mass generally speaking advanced enough to be able to properly harness that power without having it overtake there senses and moral judgments. one can clearly access these dimensions of being and unlock their power and wisdom often referred to as ancestral wisdom if they can remain in the heart as being heart centered is the key to harmonic resonance and proper vision. This helps us reach our ultimate goal which is universal harmony and inter dimensional and galactic coexistence.
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The Gates of the Archons
By-Carlos Hochhalter
The archons are the “spheres” of influence each has a positive and negative that function as traits which one has to master integrate and embody. the negative traits of Venus would be something like lust and it’s positive would be love. one has to master and integrate the “fallen” aspect and embody the transcendent aspect and pass through its gate. there not necessarily evil this is a common anti cosmic gnostic attitude that actually further entraps you in the matrix. they are like levels in a game not something to hate and be an adversary “Satan” of.
One way to look at it as I believe the Greeks at a certain point looked at them was as angels that could also in there fallen aspect serve the function of what we would today coin as a “demon”. they could be called gods in a more in depth look at there nature they are cosmic aspects of God the inner processes of nature. the inner processes of god projected out into the holographic matrix they represent the different aspects of our inner eternal nature which are the aspects or parts of gods inner eternal nature. once one has fully integrated all the fractals of being and mastered there lower aspect and embodied there higher aspects one has fully embodied the nature of heaven and transcends back into the fullness of the heart of god.
The gnosis of Dao
One has the opportunity to in an instance perfectly be filled with this light of understanding by passing through what I would call the final gate the ultimate gate the gate less gate
The blackness of the void is then illuminated by the springing out of the eternal presence of being and non being and the apparent duality of the universe (god) is brought together and one becomes zero and one again.
In a song titled “world eater” by the progressive metal band “north lane” beautifully refers to this experience with the lyrics
“Emerging from the Void I Am reborn I see the world for what is really is, distorted visions of heaven I have discovered there’s hope in my heart for I Am One I Am love I Am bliss I Am everything everything you fear everything you’ve ever known but don’t be scared for I Am here”
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