hydeandseeker · 7 months
I  am Kelly, My family is in danger. They are trapped in a city in Gaza called Rafah. They fled there because my grandmother was diagnosed with cancer and the only chemo treatment she could receive was there. Due to a militia that is increasingly taking over the country and bombing hospitals, all of the disabled, sick and elderly had to flea to Rafah to get medical treatment. Hundreds of thousands of Gaza people fled out of Rafah earlier this week after the militia overtook the Gaza military. My family was unable to flee because my grandmother is elderly and sick.
As of yesterday, my grandmother, disabled aunt, aunt who is sick with Malaria and my two teenage girl cousins were trapped at the top of an apartment building that has been overtaken by militia. They are helpless.
My aunts are sick and they have been injured. My two cousins are just children. Please help my family.
i'm very sorry to hear that, kelly..
currently, i'm doing all i can from where i am donating what i can, but i really wish i could do more
what happened to you and your family is horrible and disheartening, and if there's anything else i can do, please let me know
for now, i really am hoping that your grandmother and her cousins will be safe soon, and i hope many others will also be able to find food, refuge, and necessary medical care
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hydeandseeker · 7 months
In case you lost it - a link to the eSIM donation guide. Even if you feel sick and powerless, you can at least do this. And even if you really, really can't donate, you can always at least share this and remind others.
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hydeandseeker · 7 months
Palestine Donation Links Masterpost
This is a masterpost of places to throw your money at to support Palestine. I'm gonna try and keep this updated as much as I can.
*** Please note, donating does not mean you should stop boosting Palestinian voices. Spreading awareness is JUST AS IMPORTANT as sending money since misinformation is one of the Zionist movement's most dangerous tools. ***
(Last Updated: 13-02-2024)
Palestine Children's Relief Fund
In addition, follow the PCRF on twitter (@/thePCRF) as they regularly post about opportunities to donate to support Palestine.
Doctors without Borders
Defense for Children Palestine
Palestinian Red Crescent Society
United Palestinian Appeal
Heal Palestine
eSims for Gaza
Care for Gaza (PayPal / GoFundMe)
Medical Aid for Palestinians
Islamic Relief USA
Help Gaza Children
Sulala Animal Rescue
Hirbawi Kufiyas
Palestinian Youth Movement
BDS Movement
Decolonize Palestine (Patreon)
Aid requests from Palestinians in Gaza:
Help Ahmed Saad get to safety
Help Lama AlJamous Evacuate
Support Khalil in Gaza
Help Yoseph and his Family
Surgery fund for Abdulaziz
Support Abdelrahim Alfarra
Help Yosef Kassab Evacuate
Safe Passage for Nadin
Help Yousef Yaser get treatment for cancer
Help Adel Al Zaharneh
Help Shaymaa's family leave Gaza
Evacuate Abood's family from Gaza to safety
Help Mohamed and his family evacuate
*** If you have any additional recognized and trustworthy places to donate, please either reply or send me an ask or DM and I will update this list! ***
In addition, Palestinians (both in Palestine and diaspora) can feel free to leave your paypals / ko-fi's / cashapps / venmo.... whichever you want in the replies.
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hydeandseeker · 7 months
Hello, am really sorry for sending you private message concerning my request in the ongoing situation in Rafa. The continuous bombardment and the ongoing genocide pose a significant threat to their well-being. What pains me even more is that due to the lack of medications in Gaza, my Mom, who is a type 2 Diabetis patiant and was scheduled for an urgent eye surgery, have had no access to insulin or any medical care for the past 3 months. Some of my family members sought refuge in the southernmost part of Gaza (Rafah) in tents. However, my parents, and sisters have no alternative place to stay, forced to remain in the Nusierat refugee camp, which is now the subject of continuous severe bombardment since christmas started.” Am on my knees requesting for your donations. Please help where possible.
i am so sorry to hear about that, and i'm trying to help where possible..
i really am hoping that your mom can get her medications soon, that your family can be safe, and that you can be provided the care and safety you should be provided with
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hydeandseeker · 7 months
palestine masterpost-masterpost
i've been trying my best to collect a bunch of links to other, more structured resources about the genocide in gaza, and what you, reading this, can do about it, that i'm going to compile here.
less and less people are talking about gaza every day, but it is still a very real crisis.
education, donations, speaking out, global links (masterpost)
links to contextual articles
for americans - state/congressional contacts
how you can help palestine - donations, petitions, campaigns, upcoming protests (masterpost)
non-politically motivated charity links
canary mission
petitions and congressional contact (masterpost)
education, current news, taking action, direct action and donations, current protests (masterpost)
small monetary actions
2700 ebooks on israel and palestine, available for free
thorough article by storiesfromgaza, dated 10/30/23
targeted boycott + bds
how to find state/congressional contacts, bds, email template, donation links
sudan and congo
egypt, us/uk/canada/europe congressional contacts
direct links to help palestine
educate yourself (twitter links)
translating gaza (instagram link)
bds/targeted boycott information
compilation of palestine info and how to support it (masterpost), dated 10/28/23
latest info as of 11/3/23 and large amounts of immediate action to take (masterpost)
history of palestine and israel - articles, books, films, social media (masterpost)
socials to follow
journalists in north gaza
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hydeandseeker · 7 months
Hi all
If you're unfamiliar, Lama is a 9 year old Gazan girl who is also known as Gaza's youngest journalist. She dreams of becoming a journalist as an adult and telling the world the truth about her people. Al Jazeera has featured her regularly in their news coverage on Palestine. Here she is in a Press Vest far too big for her. A role far too big for her.
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She and her family evacuated to the south of Gaza.
Israel Occupational Forces have begun bombing the south in earnest. Lama and her family is in danger, and trying to escape. There are high fees required to escape into Egypt, please help out if you can.
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hydeandseeker · 7 months
Shayma and her family needs help relocating to safety outside of gaza. She’s only 25 and holding together two of her passed sister’s children who are mentally drained after the passing of their mother and their other sister.
If possible please donate to her GoFundMe and share, she’s the sweetest girl and deserves the world. Her Twitter is @dpechesmode.
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hydeandseeker · 7 months
Oh my gosh
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This is pure evil. They say 12 employees participated in Oct 7th so they have to stop feeding the entire population????
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hydeandseeker · 7 months
Because my last post about this didn't get much traction, I'll say it in a text post.
There is an upcoming global strike for Palestine. February 18th to the 25th. Talk about Palestine and other injustices, call your representatives and email them, boycott companies and limit spending during the week. Get your grocery shopping in now and only buy essentials during the week, please. Limit interaction on posts other than injustices around the world. If you can, skip work or school, though this is a privilege not everyone has.
Edit: It is 18th-25th not 18th-24th!! If you've already reblogged this, please reblog this version instead, edits don't show on past reblogs
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hydeandseeker · 7 months
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Sharing a fundraiser for my friend's friend.
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hydeandseeker · 7 months
melissa barrera (the actress who got fired from the scream franchise for being pro palestine) has started a fundraiser with unrwa!
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hydeandseeker · 7 months
Y'all remember "cops aren't supposed to kill guilty people, either", right?
Palestinians who have done something wrong don't deserve to die beneath the rubble of their homes.
Palestinians who have done something wrong don't deserve to be shot with expanding bullets that cause massive tissue damage leading to amputation.
Palestinians who have done something wrong don't deserve to have their flesh burned away with white phosphorous.
Palestinians who have done something wrong don't deserve their fishing boats blown up.
Palestinians who have done something wrong don't deserve to see their husbands and fathers executed in front of them along evacuation routes.
Palestinians who have done something wrong don't deserve an anonymous phone call threatening to destroy their lives and families.
Palestinians who have done something wrong don't deserve to be detained for years without charges.
Palestinians who have done something wrong don't deserve to be tortured, starved, and sexually assaulted in prison.
Palestinians who have done something wrong don't deserve to be deprived of water.
Palestinians who have done something wrong don't deserve their olive trees to be uprooted while they look on.
Palestinians who have done something wrong don't deserve sixteen years of blockade.
Palestinians who have done something wrong don't deserve to be prevented from traveling for lifesaving medical care.
Palestinians who have done something wrong don't deserve this genocide.
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hydeandseeker · 7 months
I am so fucking scared. I feel that... you know it's not about death. I'm not so scared of death. I'm so scared of being displaced. I want to go back to my home--and I'm so near, by the way... Gaza is so small. But I can't go there because the Gaza Strip is cut into pieces, and vehicles and tanks are in the borders between these pieces so I just can't go anywhere inside my homeland. My place. And... it's unacceptable. It's unimaginable. You know I have never imagined before that one day someone would just grab me from my... my homeland. My place. And just throw me away and prevent me to come back.
By the way, we don't know if we could go back. If we could go back again. Ever. And I'm so scared that they could displace us from Gaza Strip to the desert. [Bisan's voice breaks, she breaks into tears] We will die in the desert because of hunger. They displaced us to Egypt. To the north of Egypt, to Sanari desert. People just die. We will die.
[Sob] I don't know why do you guys are watching without doing anything to end this. Just in the... just stop it. Just stop it. Stop it in any price, stop it in any cost. Just stop it for anything. Just stop this. It's a nightmare. I can't continue just thinking about the displacement more and more. It's a nightmare. And I can't-- I can't keep it alive while thinking of being displaced more and more.
I just wanna go back to my home.
-- Bisan in a heartbreaking voice memo on Instagram, 2.14.2024
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hydeandseeker · 7 months
Remember the 6 year old girl who was surrounded by Israeli tanks and the red crescent couldn't reach her? Her name is Hind Hamadeh. Here you can hear the phone call her 15 year old sister, Layan Hamadeh, made with the medics. She was killed exactly a moment later including all people in the car, except for 6 year old Hind who was stuck in the car with the dead bodies of her family, Israeli tanks and IDF surrounding her, shooting, preventing anybody to reach her.
That was last night (29.1.24). Today, still nothing. The fate of Hind remains unknown.
palestine red crescent ambulance team went to rescue her yesterday evening, but they have not returned as of now. We lost contact with them about 18 hours ago, and we still remain unaware of their fate and whether they succeeded in evacuating her or not.
Please, share Hind's story as much as you can on any platform. We need to know what happened to her. Put yourself in her place, how terrified she must be. Don't scroll past this.
This is Hind.
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hydeandseeker · 7 months
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hydeandseeker · 7 months
looking at (vetted) gofundmes for people trying to escape palestine and i don't know how many of you actually click on the gofundme links you reblog but i would like to point out, for what it's worth, just how amazing it is that so many have raised so much money. it may overall feel like a drop in the ocean but the fact that several gofundmes have raised tens of thousands of dollars is amazing. it is so expensive to leave gaza right now, and people still need money after they escape. but regardless of what propaganda the US, UK, canada, and other western nations are trying to pump out, people across the world are doing what they can to help these people survive. many of them are still very far from their goals (like this one and this one and this one) and some of them are very close to high goals (like this one), and some of them have reached almost double their original goal.
and that's not even addressing direct aid or organizations that take continuous donations for distribution of food, menstrual products, etc. the PCRF has raised $16,000,000 of their target goal of $20,000,000 to fund current aid and long-term relief efforts in gaza. ANERA's febuary 13th update discusses the material ways they helped palestinians today:
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(ANERA donate link)
my point is, it often feels like the world is turning a blind eye to palestine. but i would like to point out that there is an important difference between "the world" and "western political leaders and media narratives". a breathtaking amount of real people, the people who make up the world, are trying to help. in the face of israel attempting to commit genocide, the world is saying No. These people deserve to live. and literally sending millions of dollars internationally, through the internet connection that israel has desperately been trying to destroy.
it may not feel like it matters in the grand scheme of things. but to the people who get fresh clothes, or a hot meal, or blankets, or the kids who get new toys, or to the people who are able to bring their families to safety, it matters to them. go make someone's day better. i've linked so many options with ways to do that.
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hydeandseeker · 7 months
February started with false hopes of a ceasefire.
It is now February 15 and the largest medical facility in South Gaza, which sheltered ~2,500 people and had been under siege for two weeks, has been attacked. It is now completely out of function.
We are 21 days away from marking 5 months of ongoing genocide.
Here are several posts with numerous donation links & other ways to help. I’ll also include the tag I use for those posts, where you’ll find individual gofundme’s listed as well. There is also Operation Olive Branch, which has an excel sheet of numerous families in Gaza & how to donate to them + how to contact them. If you can afford it, please consider donating and please, please remember to scroll down to donate to families at the bottom of the list. If you cannot give, please simply share as many resources as you find.
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