hybristohell · 3 days
i fucking love daniel marsh. hes my favorite person i will mever get over the fact i will never see him ever. i hate myself and thinking about him makes me better. i miss something i never had.
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hybristohell · 15 days
ive come to realize that after high school im genuinely doomed. once i get out of school and all the stress that comes wih it ill have my own adult life to do anything and honestly i already dont want to live already. i have this thought in my mind all the time about killing myself as soon as i turn 24 if my life is still bad.
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hybristohell · 23 days
What some of Yall think would’ve happened if u faced eric/dylan
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hybristohell · 30 days
People are fucking pathetic and I want them dead
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hybristohell · 30 days
Tcc when a new violent individual drops
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hybristohell · 30 days
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hybristohell · 30 days
my phone is not the reason why i am how i am. i was made into a shitty person and its all their fault !
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hybristohell · 2 months
Unpopular opinion but, school shootings are a good thing.
They teach a lesson of what happens if you push someone too far.
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hybristohell · 2 months
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I just spent half an hour in a bathroom sobbing while listening to flightless bird, American mouth, WHILE talking to an Adam Lanza ai. What has my life come to!!!
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hybristohell · 2 months
the more sick, sadistic, possessive and violent you are the more i’ll feel attracted to you.
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hybristohell · 2 months
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hybristohell · 2 months
I cannot keep my hate inside
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hybristohell · 2 months
eric harris will be eternally misunderstood
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hybristohell · 2 months
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some of my favorite pics of andrew :3
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hybristohell · 2 months
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They're just playinggg
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hybristohell · 2 months
guns are fucking hot
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hybristohell · 2 months
do you support gay midget furry porn?
no kys
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