◈ ╬ Hxndofgod ╬ ◈
377 posts
| Blog for my OC Jedediah Liyorn | || Fandomless but ready to party|| ||| Affiliated with Amaranth |||
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hxndofgod-blog · 8 years ago
♕|| Tumblr let me stare at my drafts in peace and not post it randomly
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hxndofgod-blog · 8 years ago
“Kissing? Probably for the best I was away then. If you couldn’t already guess I’m not exactly the romantic type...”
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He wasn’t exactly a people’s person in general. Especially as a kid, though, throw a pet in his face and he’d be set for a week. 
“All on in all glad to see your doing well. a lot can happen in that kinda of time. Without you guys having my back I wouldn’t be able to give away with half the stuff I do.”
“Well, you missed a couple of birthdays but that’s all really … oh … and some weird kissing thing that happened as well. It was cute but also reminded both Kei and I about Koi.” The kissing day was fun but now Nina wouldn’t stop bringing up the kiss! Seriously, her blood pressure can only take so much!
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“You … probably would have had fun then.”
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hxndofgod-blog · 8 years ago
♕|| Senior year hit me a bit harder than I though it would, doesn’t help I didn’t give myself a chance to relax with the classes I took though.
So as I try to catch up on replies, like this if I owe you a reply because I probably lost it accidentally. Thanks!
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hxndofgod-blog · 8 years ago
“I mean according to some kids I met, you did.”
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Seemed the man was a bit pre-occupied but that wouldn’t stop him from digging up the truth. Those kids drove a pretty hard bargain and he wouldn’t give up the chance at a free candy bar.
“I guess they didn’t say you necessarily won though...”
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  [[ … ]] taking a step back, Kusuo politely bow to the inquirer before taking a few fast steps to pass them.
He prefers to be considered as a snob than admit that he was distracted and has no idea what they were talking about.
… ‘who annihilated Australia?’ Did he even heard them right?
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hxndofgod-blog · 8 years ago
ragingspacedad liked for a oneliner
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“Hey dude, news has it there’s a top secret smoothie shack around these parts. You know anything about it?”
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hxndofgod-blog · 8 years ago
Ecstatic to see the familiar face Jed bounded over with a quick hop, skip and jump ultimately hoping to give the girl a bit of a scare as a greeting. Of course, it didn’t seem to work out quite how he envisioned. He probably should have been less surprised when he found himself on the ground in pain moments later. 
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“Long time no see...”  Raising both hands in the air as a gesture of surrender, the young man wore an embarrassed grin. Next time he’d need to make sure not to prank a professional soldier. 
“Glad to see my second in command raring to fight, though I can honestly say I’m no match for you in any shape or form.”
┅ [☢] 
It’s too bright.
Cadet grey eyes struggles as she traverse through the path, a letter in hand and a slightly burned photo rests in her pouch. Although Mukuro prefers to stay out of sight, today she strides out in the open, ignoring her instincts to remain hidden. After all, she has a mission, a personal one but a mission nonetheless. Though, it was only by chance that lead her to this choice. 
There was talk about the Amaranth offices, a place where one might have their questions answered or to make requests. She has also heard about their complains about the place, it being inefficient but she still decided to go. It was better than wandering around the place with no purpose.
With this in mind, Mukuro snaps out of her daze when someone slams onto her and using her quick reflexes, the soldier reaches out to attempt grabbing the person and tries to throw them over her shoulders. Though when she reaches for her knife, Mukuro pauses at the face in front of her and blinks once.
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[☢] ┅ 
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hxndofgod-blog · 8 years ago
“It aint flatter, just what I’m thinking. Nothing wrong with a little bro to bro positivity.” Enough said on that matter really.
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“I think those kids went through quite a bit more than being disconnected from society,” He hadn’t taken A as someone who’s interests would be piqued by fine English literature. Perhaps it was less about the writing and more about the topic that she was going after...
“I doubt it would be too different, though if were going with stereotypes maybe they might have not so readily accepted a pig head as a prince of hell. I counter back to you, if everyone on Amaranth was stuck in that situation what do you think would have happened?”
“That’s so sweet of you, but flattery isn’t gonna get you anywhere.” Delving deeper into this conversation would require her to reveal some deep, dark, sentimental opinions that were reserved only for her.
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“Jedediah the Dratini. Has a nice ring to it.” With the she’s renamed the Pokemon, placing her phone down after checking for any other critters on her radar. “Least you didn’t lose your mind like… ah, what was it? The Lord of the Flies kids. You know, I wonder what would have happened if it were girls stuck on an island like that.”
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hxndofgod-blog · 8 years ago
♕|| Heyo buds! Yeah, right now life in the form of school is taking its toll on me along with a few other things. Making it hard to keep up motivation to do most things, I should be able to get everything together soon hopefully. I really dislike leaving so many drafts un-replied to and other replies I owe people n stuff.
So yeah, I’m doing fine but just a bit stressed as well as failing to manage my time properly (waking up at pre-6am is hell).
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hxndofgod-blog · 8 years ago
saikiku liked for a one liner
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“I’ve heard some pretty cool rumors about you, is it true you fought the entire population Australia?”
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hxndofgod-blog · 8 years ago
unluckyidol liked for a one liner
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“I bet you that I can chug this entire bottle of pure lemon juice! Actually, I’m going to do it regardless.”
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hxndofgod-blog · 8 years ago
♕|| Took a break for the first week of school to help me get re-aclimated but time 2 get back into the groove tomorrow.
+I still got plenty of drafts but might as well jump at the oppurtunity to interact with more people. Like this for a short one-liner thing!
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hxndofgod-blog · 8 years ago
“Heh... is that so?”’
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Jed gave an awkward smile, tentatively scratching the back of his head. Seems he didn’t complete understand Amaranth at all. His mind now racing with theories and possibilities yet without looking further into the matter he didn’t imagine they would help. 
“Guess I just took a rather long nap then, I’m sure it’s nothing to worry about, did I miss something?”
Looks like time really was a fickle thing when it came to Ama. A really fickle thing might she add. To her, it had been months since she last saw the blond but to him, it had been days. This was why she was hesitate to tell him the real date. He would react like this.
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“It … it’s been months since you were last here. Not days Jed. You’ve been missing a lot of things.”
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hxndofgod-blog · 9 years ago
“Hey now, sand is completely a step up from dirt! Sand is a refined mans dirt.” Jumping onto his feet Jed admired his work, nothing felt better than a good sand angel. After proper respect was given he turned to face the group. A large smirk lay evident on his face. Nothing beat squad trips and he wouldn’t let a moment go to waste.
“Besides, we have no time to waste, we haven’t even begun the list of to-do’s at every beach bonfire.” He even had a written list of activities he had dreamt. 
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“I have to say this, cooking set up is perfect for me. Large amounts of fire matched with very little kitchenware to damage.”
S’more Good Times
Crimson eyes were staring at her Leader, narrowing in confusion as she watched him make a sand angel. She herself would never do that because the feel of sand against skin wasn’t something she liked at all. It was too coarse. She hated that feeling. Hence why she couldn’t understand the blond at all who was smiling as he continued.
When words were exchanged, her head shot up a little; s’mores? Oh right, that’s why they were here in the first place. Now that the Guild had grown a little - one more member made a big difference after all, they decided to have a day (or night) out at the beach. Still, Nina being so close to the fire was a little worrying but she would allow that; just for today.
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“I’m fine with whatever really. I’m not a picky eater.” She was a chef after all; her being picky with food was ironic really. After a minute of standing over Jed, she headed over towards the fire, closer to the warmth. Okay, there might be a reason why she was here, to watch over Nina and to help out with the cooking but someone had to!
┅ [☢]
It was a group decision that led all of them here, on this sandy area near the water. Or so she was told anyways. Mukuro didn’t mind it. She isn’t one who sits about when there was nothing to do. After all, it’s better to start surveying the land that they were in rather than to sit and think about….stuff. 
The talk about food however does bring one word to mind and that was meat, nevertheless she would have to wait a little longer before the meal starts. But, she bring along a few rations just in case anything turns south. Though as she watches their leader, or should she say ex-leader, on the ground and rubbing himself in sand does raise a few questions. So, she decides to stay back with him.
“Isn’t this a winter tradition?”
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And as blunt as always, Mukuro continues with her statement. “Dirt is a good camouflage if you’re planing to escape an enemy as a last resort. But, doing it now without a foe in sight will only hinder your movements and line of sight.”
[☢] ┅
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hxndofgod-blog · 9 years ago
Continuing from X
“I think locking yourself away in your room would only worry us more.”
Besides, it had been years since he had lost gotten sick, it was petty use of his abilities but a use nonetheless. No point getting a cold if you don’t have to. In the end it made for perfect practice, and what better way to put together the fruits of his labor than to help a friend in need.
Stepping closer to Sera he carefully placed the back of his hand on her forehead. Well, the girl may have an affinity for fire but she most definitely had a fever, and a high one at that. Though nothing he couldn’t fix with a little effort.
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“Plus I think I may be of more use to you than you think, how about this, wanna be the first in the guild to know what my power is?”
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hxndofgod-blog · 9 years ago
“Well physically strong, yeah, but in general too. You’re a based gal.” Perhaps the comment would be taken as too forward? Naw, positivity was important. Nothing wrong with one best friend complimenting the other.
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 “Liberating, it’s like one of those videos about going ‘a week without a phone’ but forced. And rather boring really.” Jed watched as A fiddled around with her phone, unsurprisingly looking at someone tap the screen didn’t inform him of the apps mysteries. 
“Well If I remember Dratini is a dragon type, pretty strong at that, and little bit rare. It’d be an honor.”
“I don’t know if strong is the right word. I mean yeah, I can break a bone if you asked. Maybe a little out of touch with sentimentality?” Thanks to the unnecessary and gross feedback from loudmouths it wasn’t hard to tell they wouldn’t have minded if she was a little nicer.
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“Keep that up and I’m calling an old man. What’s it like living under a rock?” She tapped the Pokemon on her screen, taking a few seconds to capture the adorable thing before looking up.
“I don’t know, how does a Dratini named Jedediah sound to you?”
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hxndofgod-blog · 9 years ago
“Hmm, I suppose not.”
Jed shrugged at the girls comment, he was just passing by after all, none if his business. Guess the plan of using casually conversation  lines in abstract situations wasn’t well received. Fortunately, it seemed he could fall back on ol’ reliable ‘the Good Samaritan’ cliche this time around instead.
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“Of course! I might not be a veteran here or anything but I’m sure I’ll be of some service... unless it’s something illegal of course. So, what can I do for you?” 
₢ How annoying. Either way she’s found herself scoffing and almost rolling her eyes. Once she’s made sure her outfit is cleaned off from whatever dirt and nastyness she’s found herself in, she shoots the guy a glare, “I don’t think that’s any of your business.” Although it’s coming off tough and rude, there’s a bit of embarrassment in her tone. She’s not going to admit the reason why she was sleeping out here, like this. 
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She’s about to take a step forward. Probably planned on leaving this guy be, but then….WHERE is she? Which alleyway is this? Where’s that Spiral’s End or whatever the hell it’s called. Brown hues shifts over to look this guy quickly, “Oi…Help me.” At least she wasn’t above asking someone for help. 
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hxndofgod-blog · 9 years ago
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No, no, no that couldn’t be right. Sure, he was bad with dates and yeah he didn’t have an easy way to check a calendar but... being a couple months off didn’t make a lick of sense. Was it some other strange effect of Amaranth he wasn’t aware of? Mind scrambled about, Jedediah didn’t even get to enjoy the thought of A making him a gift.
“It was only a couple days ago we were at that rather... eccentric cafe together, did I drink something funny and sleep for over a month?”
“A-August?” Eyes blinked once, and then twice; but … August? Did he not know the date? August 4th was a while ago, a few days before her own birthday. He really didn’t know. Wait, that meant she missed his birthday too!! No, this was bad! She had to make something for him now! “L-L-Leader, it’s … today is … it’s August 27th.”
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“Some birthdays are exciting though,” She mused, a hand fiddling with the bracelet for a moment before she nodded; getting a gift from Nina, someone who was always so cold and whatnot was a special thing. The cookies were delicious as well~ “Maybe she’ll make you something too?”
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