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everything you want is already within.
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hvnishere · 23 hours ago
hey bestie are you feeling lost and aimless? me too!
Recently I’ve been feeling lost. I have no clue who I want to be or do in this reality. I’ve been in a constant state of limbo for longer than I can remember at this point—depression mixed with being obsessed manifestation for a few years has caused things to feel like a haze. I am always looking for the next thing; What should I manifest? Where should I shift to? What can I change? I haven’t been present in so long that whatever I’m manifesting wouldn’t even ground me. My head is in space and I am tired of it. This all has caused me to be annoyed with the law—not because I don’t believe in it though. I fully believe in the law and I always will. It just that I feel like I deserve a break from manifesting things.
Here’s the thing though, manifesting isn’t something that just turns off. You are always doing it, knowingly or unknowingly. I don’t want my 3D world to go crazy because I’m letting life happen to me. I thought about this for a second and realized it’d be best if I pivoted. I don’t need to manifest specific shit, I can just assume general things about my life and let things happen but everything that happens is within the guidelines of the assumption I created. For example, if I assume that my life is great, I’m happy, and grounded then that’ll happen. Good things will happen to me, I’ll be a happy person, and I’ll be grounded in this reality with my head out of the clouds. Doing this allows me to have room to think about what I want to do and figure out what it is. Part of me feels like my life path in this reality is to explore what it means to be pure consciousness. I think that’s definitely part of it but I feel like there’s something else there too and I need to find out what that is.
Now if you’re wondering if this would hinder the shifting experience, I’d argue that it could actually help if you let it. See, if you’re always worried about shifting it might make things harder for you because constantly fixating on something can make it feel so important or above you. There’s a difference in thinking about your DR because you like to and thinking about it because you’re unhealthily obsessed over trying to get there. You don’t need to constantly think about your DR to get there. Your current self and reality deserves attention and upkeep too. If you improve your current reality without trying via manifestation, then that can give you confidence in your abilities to shift. You shift with intention and assumptions and that’s also how manifesting works because it’s one and the same. If you can manifest a better current reality then you can manifest a shift. Same process, different outcome.
Oh and another thing! I feel like how I feel currently is a byproduct of depression. Depression used to be this visceral anger or deep sadness for me—I never thought it could be detachment and numbness towards everything around you. When I say I don’t care about a lot, I really don’t. Anything can happen and I won’t care about it. That can be a positive thing but too much of that means I’m literally so detached from reality that nothing matters. I don’t like that shit! It’s quite frankly boring. I want to do fun stuff and since I know the law I can literally do whatever I want?? Fuck being depressed. Admitting to this means I’ve been in a constant depression for *checks calendar* three years! Yipppeeeee!!
Anyways, I’m not announcing a break or anything! I just felt like sharing this with you guys and I’ll be slow on answering asks because I’m taking time away from always thinking about manifesting or shifting. I got books to read and things to do. I know now that I don’t need to be afraid of living this life just because I want things to change. Thanks for listening to me rant lol. My next rant will be a lovely positive update, I promise!
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hvnishere · 23 hours ago
well said!
setting intention (for shifting), a rundown
what is setting intention?
setting intention is telling yourself you will do something. essentially making a plan to carry out a specific action. for example, maybe before class i want to buy a coffee. so when i go to bed the day before, i say to myself "oh tommorow i'll buy a coffee before my class". and the next day before class, i have that reminder in the back of my head — to get coffee, and so i carry it out, and get coffee before class.
to put it another way: let's say youre invited to a party. the party is a few days away, but throughout the days leading up to the party — you buy a gift for the party host, you pick out an outfit to wear, you do your makeup the day of the party, etc etc. by doint all of that; you're setting the intention to attend the party for days leading up to it.
setting intention isn't complicated, we do it 24/7 without realizing. when you say you're going to do something, even something as simple as brushing ur teeth or showering — and then you do it, you're setting intention and carrying it out.
so, how do you set the intention to reality shift?
surely if you could just walk into your dr the same way you can walk into your bathroom and brush your teeth, you would do it right? well... you literally can, a lot of you have just been taught otherwise.
in the beginning of your shifting journey, im sure you heard about the raven method or something similar. im sure creators have told you "you must lay in starfish position and count to 100 or else it won't work". and while methods within themselves aren't necessarily bad or holding you back — the way you complete the method and view it, is.
i think a lot of you go into methods, thinking that completing the steps will make you shift, when really — it's the intention of the method outcome that gets you what you want.
put it this way: when you count to 100, say ur affirmations, etc. are you doing it with the intention to shift once the task is completed? or are you doing it thinking that counting will push you into your dr?
setting intention = something you plan to do. not something you might do, not a possible outcome, something you have a set plan to complete/achieve. saying affirmations or counting with the HOPE of it MAKING you shift, sounds pretty useless — because you're not actually planning to do it. you're not being stubborn enough. youre not persistent, you're simply hoping that when you say 100 you'll shift. but you need to KNOW it will. (if that's the method ur using.. this is just an example)
once again, put it this way: when i say "im going to get coffee after class". would it make sense for me to sit there and hope i go and get a coffee? girl what? no, of course not. im the one who has to make the decision, to get up and go and get the coffee. you're the one who has to make the decision you will shift and persist in it no matter what. intention has to be there no matter what.
to put it into a loa perspective for those manifesting they shift with ease, when you manifest something — you also intend. you think of a desire you want, you intend to manifest it, and then you carry out that intention by persisting in the belief that it is yours. see how simple the concept is?
so, how do you practice setting intention? how do you know you're actually intending?
now, this next part sounds like a process, and it usually is. most people spread reprogramming your mind out between a couple days, maybe even a week. but do not attack me for this.. you guys always complain you've been trying to shift for years! you constantly ask me for challenges or tips on how to shift/reprogram ur brain. so if a few days of this seems like too much work, don't do it. i'm not saying you have to. but remember youve spent so many years *hoping* you'll shift. what's a few more days reprogramming ur mind to work in your favour and in the end, *know* you will shift?  
i can't lie or sugar coat it, a lot of you are still in this 2020 shifting mindset where everything is over complicated. but you need to remember these circumstances don't matter, your mind,life,beliefs,etc can always be altered to benefit you. and that's what my goal with telling you this is, to help you take those steps into actually believing.
practice intention by focusing on your everyday actions before carrying them out. for example, before you shower — affirm "im going to shower" a few minutes before you actually do. just like how your subconscious manifests things by accepting repeated thoughts, beliefs, and assumptions as true. When you consistently repeat basic intentions like “I’m going to shower,” you’re training your subconscious to respond automatically to your commands. this builds trust between your conscious and subconscious mind, making it easier for your subconscious to accept things you've been taught to view as hard or unrealistic (such as reality shifting). This practice strengthens your ability to shift because it reinforces the idea that what you say or assume will happen naturally. 
another strong intention i would recommend practicing to train your mind (and convince yourself you actually have the power to do these things) is intending to wake up at a certain time. for example, before u go to bed, and/or throughout the day : affirm "i will wake up at 5am tomorrow" or similar affirmations.
now, once you feel confident in your understanding of intention — simply use it the same way you did everything else. when you're ready to shift, set the intention. affirm: i will wake up in my dr, i will shift, or similar affirmations that align with YOUR intention. decide that you WILL shift, domt hope dont wish dont "try". KNOW you WILL do it no ifs ands or buts.
what do i do if i don't actually shift after setting the intention tho?
i know this question will be asked so im answering it before u have the chance to say it 🤣 but all i'll say is going back to the coffee analogy; if i wake up and set the intention to get coffee, but i go and they're all sold out. should i decide im never going to go to that coffee shop ever again? should i think the café is never ever gonna sell coffee again? no... that would be silly. so why would anyone do the same for shifting? sure it might be frustrating that they don't have the coffee since you decided you were going to get it. but once you go the next day, or maybe 2 days later, and they're no longer sold out. you get the coffee — and your frustration has passed. you don't erase the concept of coffee, you simply go again.
p.s. im writing this very quick in the car, so i apologize if there's spelling mistakes! please correct me if necessary
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hvnishere · 1 day ago
sometimes i see a pic of my s/o and im like DAMN those are the lips i get to kiss???!???? yum 🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤
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hvnishere · 1 day ago
✷ the channel of love . ͏͏ ͏͏ ⸝⸝
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you are running on a channel of love. with you. with all the collective lives you have and will experience.
it’s a level of frequency you find yourself drifting on consciously. every script? a love letter to the version of you that you’ve made a commitment to. every idea tied to escaping this reality is more trust you’re placing in yourself, not a method. not a subliminal. you.
of course, this also applies to significant others, but aren’t they just your beauty reflected in another? you are tied to your magic, whether it’s what you physically see or what you can come up with, you are the creator. you are magic.
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hvnishere · 2 days ago
idk if anyone else is like this but in my home reality (this one) i’m not romantic like… at all. i am very anti-love and i don’t want a relationship whatsoever BUT in my fame reality i am so romantic it’s sickening. like loser levels of in love. yearning with all my heart like i am pathetic but here idgaf unless i’m thinking of my fame s/o 😭
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hvnishere · 2 days ago
i fear i will always recommend scripting in the invisible string theory trope into your drs whether that’s with your partners or your friends. like imagine getting to say you and your person have been destined to be together from the start. and you get to discover the proof of that which is a couple photos from your guys’ past with each other in the background which practically prove you’ve been heading for each other from the very beginning.
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hvnishere · 2 days ago
there's so many moots i wanna dm and be friends with but im so shy and they all seem so cool . . . . sighs
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hvnishere · 2 days ago
The Art of Returning: Coming Back to the Law
Well, it sure has been a while! The thing about me and this blog is that it's more of an archive for you guys (and myself as well) and I just log in when I feel like there is something new or relevant I want to share.
Anyway! Today I felt the urge to make a post about the idea of "falling off." I mostly want to address these kinds of questions/predicaments: "What do I do when I stop practicing the law?" and "What do I do when I stop believing in the law?"
It's happened more times than I'd care to admit in these past two years since I stopped posting regularly. I find that I'll have a lot of success and then I get comfortable there and stop being responsible with my routine. Then, by losing my routine, I slowly allow my senses and the outer world to dictate my state, and then you know how that goes...
Either way, it doesn't exactly matter how it happens, it only matters that we can get back on it and return to the place where we were before.
It's crazy how much reacting to (and living primarily in) the physical world affects your mental state. In my experience, it gets more and more negative if you're not aware of it, and soon enough, you become a pessimist, and you're constantly manifesting unlucky and negative aspects into your life. The great thing about this, though, is that you can change it. You are never stuck in a state. Whether the state is negative or positive, it is not immovable or unchangeable. Whatever you are experiencing, hearing, or seeing in your physical world is just a reflection of your state. So, since you have lost your belief in the law, you'll start to see more people criticizing and belittling people who do believe in the law. Maybe you will see more "failure" stories, and you may see more negativity in general surrounding the law. This does not mean that those things are true. They are simply what your self is reflecting onto your outer reality based on your self-concept. It may feel difficult to leave this state, but it's as simple as deciding you believe in the law again. You can just as easily return to that state of faith, trust, and power you had occupied before you stopped practicing. And I know this because I have done it myself. You will always have another excuse, another reason, and another fear that will keep you in this limited state. Just let go and return to that feeling.
For some people, I'm sure it's just as easy as intending to return to your desired state. That isn't my own personal experience, though. It can take some convincing. I approach this by re-learning everything I knew before. I need to first place myself in a calm mindful state (which is easier than immediately placing myself in a state of full, confident belief in the law) and start to consume my favorite content. I read Neville Goddard's Lectures and books, listen to Edward Art's YouTube channel, and read his main series, and then I begin to test the law. This is the best way to build belief in the law. Just test it with things that don't matter. Most people like to manifest seeing a specific color insect, getting free food, or finding a dollar on the street, but I approach testing differently before I do that. Instead of saying that I want to see a green car and then waiting to see it in my life, I just start to notice my surroundings. I'll begin to see that the thing I dreamed about the night before ended up happening, that something I was thinking about was brought up in conversation without my initiation, or that something I wanted to do is now planned by someone in my life. These things, which are not deliberately manifested by me, increase my belief in the law because I recognized that I did not even have to try to make things happen for my imagination to show me the truth in the law of assumption. Only then will I start deliberately manifesting because I feel much more confident that it will happen.
With this process, I have been able to go from a negative, unlucky, unfaithful person, to a fulfilled, lucky, and positive person within days (or sometimes hours depending on my own willingness to change). Just know that even the best of us struggle to stay on top of this way of life all the time. Remember there is very little effort in this process. It's really a letting go of your old self and allowing yourself to be open and receptive to the law again.
Hope you guys are doing well! See you again soon ♡
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hvnishere · 2 days ago
Hi. I must be misunderstood how manifestation works, hope you'll help me
So, something happened and at that moment I was having bad thoughts. Right away I started spiraling because I might be had an assumption that what I said/thought at the moment of that thing happening became true or were true and an assumption that assumptions could manifest thoughts instantly (actually, I don't think I had those assumptions, because as for the first one, I would say something good while that thing was happening and I would do that because I wasn't sure if it was my assumption or not, so I wanted not to put myself in danger or I just didn't want to trigger myself and overthink, and as for the second one, I was told that assumptions could manifest something even if we denied it, so I tried to avoid doing something in case if it was my assumption because I didn't want anything unwanted to manifest).
Was that possible? I mean it sounds stupid to me that at that very moment my subconscious was impressed enough to manifest/start manifesting those bad thoughts. And this is important to me to know because those bad thoughts were about "when my thoughts will compile enough, something bad will happen", so if it became true at that very moment, I don't know how can I stop it, because it means thoughts started to compile at that moment even this one:"my thoughts don't compile"
I hope I wasn't unclear, sorry for the long text
okay so hopefully what i say helps you out or brings you some form of comfort. if not please feel free to send another ask, you aren’t being a bother.
first, i’ll explain how manifestation works or at least the basics that you need to know (arguably the only thing you need to know). manifestation is simply creating an assumption and continuously believing in said assumption despite opposition or lack of evidence. it’s believing before seeing.
manifesting is a decision, even if you don’t realize you’re making a decision. a thought cannot manifest by itself—it requires you to believe in it and decide that it’s real. thoughts can’t go rouge and manifest on its own. assumptions and thoughts don’t rule you, you rule them.
second, i believe that the subconscious has nothing to do with manifesting. it’s a part of the brain and the brain cannot manifest. you are not impressing the subconscious, you decide and let the physical world take form. the subconscious does nothing during this process. if we didn’t have a subconscious we would still be able to manifest (ex: manifesting while in the void state/being pure consciousness). so no, your subconscious wasn’t impressed and it didn’t do anything. nothing has changed.
third, it’s never about what you’ve done, it’s about what you are doing. what are you deciding and believing in right now? just pivot.
okay now, if you want my advice: let everything go and literally start from scratch. there’s never going to be a time that you can’t ditch an assumption and assume something entirely different. it sounds like you don’t understand that you are in control of everything. you are the only one in control of your reality—not your thoughts, subconscious, emotions, doubts, physical reality, etc. nothing can happen if you don’t co-sign it. your subconscious didn’t do anything because it can’t. it can’t manifest, let alone manifest something without your consent. it sounds stupid to you because it isn’t true, it quite literally is stupid.
you clearly have zero conviction about if it happened or not, therefore we know it didn’t. you didn’t believe in those thoughts because you cannot consciously admit to believing in them. you didn’t decide it was true so it isn’t. you’re fine.
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hvnishere · 3 days ago
Me after long day of getting absolutely no work done, daydreaming about my dr, missing my s/o, scripting and scrolling on shiftblr
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hvnishere · 3 days ago
the law is about mentally living in the end. it’s yours and it’s already happened—there is nothing more for you to do. let it unfold.
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hvnishere · 3 days ago
the brain is not against you. ˖ . ݁𝜗𝜚. ݁₊
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the sole purpose of the brain, in my eyes, is to keep the body alive. before knowing the law, we were living on autopilot—we let life happen to us because we didn't know about the law or shifting. we needed our brain to help guide us through life and we needed to cling onto patterns of the past to avoid making the same mistakes in the future. we were confided to the borders and regulations of how the brain works—to change ourselves we must heal, do shadow work, go to therapy and maybe then we can be better or simply just something different.
once you learn about the law and put it into practice, you realize that you don't need this anymore—you don't need the brain to help you navigate anymore because you've been the one holding the reins. anything you believe to be true becomes true. a glorious fact to discover, but what about the brain? what is it supposed to do now?
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see the brain is like an overprotective parent whose kid (you) is going off to college and becoming an independent adult. the worrying never leaves and to the child it can feel overbearing—why do they worry so much when i know i have this? the thing is to the brain, much like those parents, you'll always be it's baby. it's essentially going through empty nest syndrome. that doesn't make the brain a bad thing, in fact, it just wants to help you out.
learn to coexist. it's not your enemy. if you view the brain as an entity working against you, you will always fight it. humanize it. let it freak out, it's all love. when you decide you're in your desired reality, it might get scared—of course it's freaking out, it's logical and manifesting/shifting isn't logical to it.
whenever the brain freaks out, pause and realize what's happening. it's just scared. you are not the brain and the brain is not you. this separation is scary to it but it doesn't have to be scary for you. tell the brain that it’s okay and remind yourself that you are not it. the thoughts it creates are there to protect you because you are stepping through a door that's unknown to it. the brain will never be aware of different realities because that's your job as you are pure consciousness. do not forget your job and your power. i cannot stress how important it is to identify fully with your power as consciousness, not the brain or body. it isn't necessary but it helps a lot—god wouldn't freak out so why are you?
remind yourself that you are the power and that the power is within you. contemplate this often until it sinks in fully. wake up and remind yourself that you are consciousness in a human body, not a human hoping to be heard by some outside source. remove your ego from the situation and see it as god, not a human. reclaim your rightful place and let the brain do it's thing. live with it, not against it. nurture and love it because it loves you, maybe more than you think.
if you only take one thing away from this post let it be this: you and the brain are two different entities and you’ve always had control—the only difference is now you know you do.
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hvnishere · 4 days ago
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hvnishere · 4 days ago
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hvnishere · 4 days ago
today i've started calling my fame reality my dominant reality instead of my dream reality because i want to shift there next (once i finish my script or before... i'm open to that too). it's been nice doing that! like i'm already there mentally and spiritually, so ofc it's my dominant reality.
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hvnishere · 4 days ago
beautifully said.
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‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎‎ ‎ ‎ ‎‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎‎ ‎there is a light and it never goes out
‎ ‎‎ ‎ ‎ ‎‎ ‎‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎‎shifting and manifesting aren't fragile things that crumble under the weight of your doubts. they don't disappear when your mind wanders off or feels a little skeptical. they're something more like the speed of light racing through the universe—steady, reaching you from afar. and they don't require anything; they simply need you to allow them to just be.
the universe isn't waiting for you with a clipboard, tapping its foot, asking if you did the right method, if your intentions were pure, if your mind was clean. it doesn't lean over your shoulder, scrutinizing your steps like that one teacher you hated, waiting for you to mess up. the light does not flicker when you doubt. it does not dim when you 'fail'. it stays just as it is.
you have been taught that the sky only opens for the righteous, that shifting and manifesting are a tightrope walk—one wrong step, and you fall. but tell me—does the moon apologize for what it does to the tide? "the world bends for no one" yet it bends for you, over and over and over again, without hesitation. you could run from the door flung open before you, and still, the light would wait for you to extend your finger.
maybe you have been knocking on a door that was never locked. maybe you have spent years sharpening keys for a gate that was never closed. maybe you sit at the edge of your seat, thinking the invitation has been lost, when really, it has been in your back pocket all along. you write apologies into the margins of your desires, convinced you must be better before you can step forward. but the light does not ask you to open your hands and show it what you've done.
and if you doubt? if you rage? if you say, "this is not for me, i am too broken, too lost, too late"? the light does not go out. if you whisper to your pillow, "i have done everything wrong," if you try to silence your longing, if you build walls around your heart, the light does not go out. even in the wreckage, even in the places where you swore no good thing could grow, the light lingers.
so march forward, with shaking hands, with your sleeves undone, with all the ways you think you are undeserving. it does not matter. the light won't go out.
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hvnishere · 4 days ago
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do nothing
there’s no expectation to do anything when manifesting. no need to affirm, visualise, script, or whatever. though, these are great techniques and methods. all you need is the feeling of knowing you have it. that’s it. you have it. declare it to yourself and and the world. your brain might try to find evidence against it but no, just don’t accept it. anytime you fear or stress about it, take a deep breathe, you have it
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