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huningan · 1 day ago
kiss roulette
inspired by the infamous "i want the k" meme by deactivated tumblr user tastcful. send 🎲 to generate a kiss! potential suggestive/nsf.w themes may appear
A kiss on the cheek
A kiss on the nose
A kiss on the forehead
A kiss to the top of the head
A firm kiss
A gentle peck
A romantic kiss
A platonic kiss
A kiss to the eyelid
A kiss along the jawline
A kiss to the neck
A kiss along the collar bone
A kiss on the chest
A kiss to the stomach
A kiss along the hips
A kiss in the rain
An upside-down "Spider-Man" kiss
A kiss while laughing
A kiss underwater
A rough kiss
WILDCARD! Dealer's choice :)
A french kiss/kiss with tongue
A kiss influenced by alcohol/other substances
A sleepy kiss
A kiss that's an accident
A kiss while one or both parties are crying
A kiss in greeting
A kiss in parting
A kiss to the back of the hand
A kiss to the palm of the hand
A kiss to the inner thigh
A kiss while someone watches
A kiss to a scar, birthmark, injury, or other marking
A kiss after a bite
A kiss against a wall
A kiss to the shoulder
A kiss to the back of the neck
A kiss while one party is carried
A tentative kiss
An impulsive kiss
A kiss out of spite
A clumsy kiss
A bloody kiss
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huningan · 1 day ago
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huningan · 2 days ago
alright who's going to take one for the team and kiss hunnigan.
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huningan · 2 days ago
thinking about hunnigan in relation to the word roost and how it's likely she's a good 'resting place' for agents to drop off. she's a steady presence in comparison to the horrors, vibes immaculate, calm. she doesn't mind existing in quiet company since she spends so much time in the dead silence of calls while directing missions. and that's all true until you disturb the residents of her nest and then she's 😤💢
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huningan · 2 days ago
PROMPTS FOR THE 5 LOVE LANGUAGES *  adjust as necessary, send 'reverse' for the reversal of action prompts
i'm very grateful for you.
you're very important to me.
you make me want to be a better person.
you're doing a good job, you know.
i can tell you're trying your hardest.
you constantly impress me.
what's going on? tell me everything.
i'm here to listen to you.
i love you so much.
you know you matter to me, right?
i don't know what i'd do without you.
you were right about everything.
if it matters to you, it matters to me.
i believe in you.
[ caress ] sender soothes a nervous receiver by stroking their hands up and down receiver's arms
[ absentminded ] sender casually takes receiver's hand in public, laces their fingers, and doesn't let go
[ shoulder ] sender listens to receiver speak and sets a hand on their shoulder while doing so, offering comfort
[ behind ] sender comes up to receiver from behind and wraps their arms around them, hugging them close
[ smack ] sender gives receiver's butt an affectionate smack as they walk past them
[ dinner ] at dinner, sender reaches across the table and takes receiver's hand
[ check ] sender reaches out to touch receiver, expressing concern for them
[ cuddle ] sender and receiver snuggle
i saw this yesterday, and i had to get it for you.
this reminded me of you.
you said you didn't have one... so i figured i'd get it for you.
i hope you like it. i picked it out just for you.
i loved making this for you.
i know you had a rough week, so i hope this makes you feel better.
it's all for you!
[ birthday ] sender brings receiver a present on their birthday
[ just because ] sender surprises receiver with a gift
[ grateful ] sender gets a present from receiver and expresses their utmost gratitude
[ flowers ] sender brings receiver a bouquet of their favorite flowers
[ candy ] sender gifts receiver with their favorite candy
i'm not going anywhere. i want to stay here with you.
why don't we spend some time together?
i'd rather be alone with you.
let's plan a vacation.
feel like taking a walk? the weather's nice.
i just want to be with you.
this weekend is all about us.
can we plan for some alone time?
[ walk ] sender and receiver go for a comfortable evening stroll
[ bake ] sender and receiver bake something together
[ decorate ] sender and receiver attend a painting class together
[ relax ] sender and receiver relax on the beach
[ craft ] sender helps receiver with a project they've been working on
let me get that for you.
i'll take care of it! i've got it!
you go and sit down. i've got this covered.
i've planned our entire trip. you don't have to lift a finger.
everything's all taken care of!
sit back down! i'll clean up!
i know it was stressing you out. that's why i took care of it.
i'll help you with that.
i watered your plants.
[ breakfast ] sender brings receiver breakfast in bed
[ blanket ] sender notices receiver is cold, so they bring them a blanket and drape it over their shoulders
[ jacket ] sender offers receiver their coat
[ soup ] knowing receiver is sick, sender brings them a bowl of hot soup
[ coffee ] sender brings receiver their favorite coffee order
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huningan · 3 days ago
@harperhydra / cont.
ingrid knows when she's being watched; that ever present feeling of people lurking over her shoulder while she works. something that you get used to. ordinarily though that's when she's working from command, not when she's brought her laptop to work in the quiet comfort of their office space. the lights are dimmed so late as it is, and out of the corner of her eye as another, and another, and another screen flash by — running through filters — the brighter lights catch helena's and bring them to her attention. for awhile she ignores it, only shifts her weight to sit more comfortably. out of the ordinary but not bothersome.
by the time initial program finishes running though and eyes are still on her, hunnigan speaks up. lost in thought, other says. fair enough. given with grace is a slight smile to acknowledge, hopes it conveys that they all have those moments. and she's glad to indulge conversation, but — ❛ a favor. ❜ is all she can supply. with search done and a plethora of results spat back at her, ingrid rolls her neck. everybody else has gone home. looks like she won't anytime soon. but helena? well . . . hunnigan fixes her with that look, the one that's driven by the thought: what's more important than you? her words don't necessarily betray it, either, ❛ calling it quits soon? ❜
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huningan · 3 days ago
"Pizza. Woah."
SET ASIDE IS A BOX WITH SLICES SAVED. she won't eat at her workstation for risk of grease infesting her keys. if he wants to sit & have what she's put away for him, he's given as much of an invitation as he's going to get — without looking up from the screen, she uses her foot to push a nearby chair his way, frees a hand to blindly scooch box to a reachable position from it. used to him as she is, it's mindless the way she humors him with a dry repetition, ❛ yeah. woah. ❜ to her credit, ingrid doesn't even roll her eyes. like slapping a band-aid over a bullet wound, but hey — who is she to beat down momentary joy?
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@realdeadeye / pizzagate 2025.
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huningan · 3 days ago
cooking ingrid’s backstory at work 😇
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huningan · 3 days ago
do yall think that ingrid is. you know 😳
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huningan · 3 days ago
in an email to all: ❛ agents we've been newfound trauma free for at least a week (groundbreaking, new record). the boss is ordering pizza — please accept it for what it is: a bribe to stay in this line of work despite the constant horrors <333 ❜ message signed off as roost, over and it.
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huningan · 4 days ago
"i'm not just going to sit here and let bad things happen."
@harperhydra / ?
explicit instructions had been laid: helena is on reserve, and only if she thinks it's absolutely required is ingrid meant to utilize her. reflected in her glasses is tracked agent, in her ears is the ambient tension that comes with a mission — across from her is the aforementioned backup. they all have their parts to play ; each one of them a vital organ, if one gets out of rhythm with the rest, well — it has a tendency to become a mess, doesn't it? and she's usually left behind to explain. not this time. but they have a way of being difficult to make see the bigger picture. ingrid sighs in preparation before raising her eyes enough to look at helena over the edge of her glasses but still catch if anything goes awry on screen.
TOO MUCH TIME WITH LEON, she thinks, but she says instead in that tone of hers she usually carries when dealing with either of the two of them: ❛ you're welcome to stand, agent harper. ❜ and she means that, genuinely. stand, walk, but — ❛ just stay nearby, ❜ with an apologetic smile. she's just doing her job. duty aside, she does know: understands the feeling of wishing you could do more. however, from where ingrid is sitting, helena is doing plenty as is. just being in the wings is enough for peace of mind. whether or not she can get that across before bleeding heart of the DSO beats way through and out of the building . . . ❛ in case something goes wrong and we NEED YOU. alright? ❜
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huningan · 4 days ago
PROMPTS FOR THE ONE WHO QUESTIONS EVERYTHING *  assorted dialogue for someone who always asks questions, adjust as necessary
so? what did they say?
are you going to tell me what really happened?
who was that?
where were you?
sorry, i ask a lot of questions.
i ask because i care.
i want to know if you're okay.
when did that start up again?
i thought you weren't seeing them anymore?
care to explain what you're doing here?
answer my question.
you're not telling me the truth.
what's wrong with a few questions?
what is going on over here?
i'm going to get to the bottom of this.
something's not right here.
when did you tell me that?
what on earth is that thing?
listen. did you hear that?
you just expect me to sit here and not ask questions?
i need to know what's going on.
there's something fishy going on around here.
no one will answer any of my questions.
what are you?
where did you come from?
who said you could do that?
when did you get back into town?
who told you that?
you're not telling me the truth.
i don't trust them.
there's more to this story.
i need answers.
that's all you're going to give me?
when were you planning to tell me the truth?
what's up with you?
who hurt you?
who did this to you?
why did we stop talking?
why did you stop answering my calls?
when were you going to tell me about this?
i'll ask the same question again and again if i have to.
you're not leaving here without telling me the truth.
i have to get to the bottom of this.
they're all lying to me.
this isn't right.
this doesn't feel right.
they're hiding something.
you're hiding something.
i ask questions because i'm curious.
i'd like to hear more about your trip.
are these questions bothering you?
i'm just asking. you don't have to answer.
i need to find out what's happening.
i'm not just going to sit here and let bad things happen.
but that's not true, is it?
you're lying to me.
i know the truth.
were you trying to cover your ass with that lie?
i'm always asking questions. it's what i do.
i'm a naturally curious person.
oh, i was just wondering.
does it bother you that i ask so many questions?
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huningan · 5 days ago
anyway my one big hunnigan thought is that she must be very exceptional at what she does if by the time she's 24 she's being trusted on the operation to rescue the president's daughter.
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huningan · 5 days ago
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WHAT ARE YOU ON ABOUT? you can't spare 30 precious seconds? regardless of my skills, i might very well die in the field - and field work is your jurisdiction anyway. it's also not the place to utilize the skills i possess. / #HUNINGAN: a low activity, highly selective blog for ingrid hunnigan from the RESIDENT EVIL franchise.
001. this blog will deal with themes already present in resident evil! anything triggering will be tagged appropriately using the format 'trigger cw /'. if there's something specific you need tagged just drop a message in & i'll account for it! general trigger warnings for: gore, cannibalism, body horror. 002. just be normal! usual etiquette applies. don't rush me, don't poke & prod, try to keep unhelpful godmodding to a minimum, etc.dni: minors, people who use / encourage ai / repost art, people who write d*b/n*ncon, are any of the phobes or ists. that's a block on sight. 003. interaction is welcome so long as we're mutuals. inbox prompts are always open & unprompted starters / asks are totally fine! these are usually the best way to start interactions with me & you're always welcome to continue them into threads!replies to threads are usually slower than to other forms of interaction but just be patient, they'll come! 004. i'm not here just to write smut, if that’s what you’re looking for i recommend a different blog; it's not entirely off the table, just not a massive priority/requirement for me! pre-established relationships are fine by me i.e one's that have already been made clear in the game's lore, confirmed by developers, etc. but i do prefer to eventually chat about our muses and flesh those things out! i am very multiship friendly! i am also very oc positive! hand 'em over. 005. my name is sara! ( she/her, 26, EST ) i work fulltime so activity will sometimes just be me yapping from mobile & otherwise a bit sporadic. i am white, ingrid is black; if there's anything in my portrayal that comes off insensitive please let me know through ims — it's never my intent to insult. 006. i'm a bit of a rambler and that carries into my replies which means they tend to get long ( 2-3 paragraphs minimum). with that being said: i never expect my partner to match length or format. write whatever you're happy with, i'll never take it as a slight. 007. PSD CREDIT: WAATSONED. all graphics posted here are made by me unless otherwise stated.
* i'm always willing to do research to get our muses interacting! if you don't see a verse here that fits & don't have one for resident evil, don't worry — this blog places ingrid in other verses freely, i'll cook something up. most 'verses' are more events that take place along her canon timeline. though i default to the remakes, this is mostly for characterization, and not so much for the nuances of events that took place. i'm flexible in that regard!
— 2004 and the aftermath: anything having to do with her guidance of leon through the events of r.e4, and events closely following his and ashley's returns to the states. she's a relatively fresh faced operations agent but she was hand-picked for the job due to her shown excellence.
— 2005 through 2011: covering the events of re: degeneration & re: damnation. hunnigan oversees these operations.
— 2011 and the aftermath: covering the events of re6. after the presidents death ingrid helps leon & helena fake their deaths, puts a tail on simmons, and feeds information to leon to assist in taking him down. the aftermath sees her both reprimanded and praised. she takes her long put off vacation after these events.
— 2012 to current: she's often found in leon's ear more than she is in person; on his dozens of missions, she's his partner from afar. catches the events of re: death island & it's manga adaption.
name:  ingrid hunnigan.
age:  24 ( RE4 ) / 33-37 ( DEGENERATION & DAMNATION, RE6, RE: DEATH ISLAND ), 45 ( current )
height: 5'6"
pronouns:  she / her
sexuality:  bisexual
eyes:  brown
hair: brown
notable traits: her signature pair of red eyeglasses.
occupation:  F.O.S agent ( 2003 - onwards ), primarily works on cases with leon but once the f.o.s became the hub for managing bioterrorism she's been available to help others as a sort of 'on call' agent.
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