Hungarian Aquarian
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hungarianaquarian · 5 years ago
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hungarianaquarian · 6 years ago
Full moon March 20th
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How is everyone doing with the full moon and spring equinox today? Lots of changes coming. Full moons have been at 0 degrees and next month is 29 degrees--meaning changes in energy. Full moons mean things coming to an end but also starting a new phase. 0 and 29 degrees mean moving from one energy state to a new one, often that is quite different from what we've been feeling.  Chiron is with the sun in this full moon aspect--so there is the wounded healer.  Time to end the pain and hurt and heal on the world axis--Aries/Libra.  This is a full moon that can affect the world, change the energy.  Aries, where the sun and Chiron are, is all about the self and “what’s good for me.”  The full moon is in Libra, though, opposite that--all about relationships, harmony, fairness and balance.  Energy is changing with the luminaries focused on the world’s opposing energies of self-absorbed (the despots, the pompous self-serving types) and the people looking for justice and fairness for all. Time to heal those wounds in the Aries (self-focused) end.  Change is coming in some  degree.
There is an angle of opportunity with this full moon that happened today.  The North Node in Cancer is at a somewhat wide orb that is 60 -ish degrees from the moon.  That means there is an opportunity that this full moon could affect the destiny of the world, the destiny of the home (home countries for us, our homes, the earth), 
On the other side of the moon in Libra, we have Jupiter at 24 of Sagittarius and that is also about international cultures.  But it is at a t-square to the sun and the moon along the world axis. It is stress related to changes that could have an effect on the higher level of the law, of philosophies, religions, cultures and even educational issues. Jupiter can expand those tensions and make them bigger or more important and on the other hand, Jupiter can also bring generosity or luck, but the t-square energy won’t make things easy. There could be a lot being broadcast about these world changes, legal matters, international travel, international cultures and religions and the challenges between groups that want equality and fairness and self-absorbed, self-serving people who may be doing harm, causing pain.  This will bring in changes and a need for healing, an opportunity for healing, and in some ways it will be a rebirth because something is coming to fruition in a new energy, possibly affecting the destiny of the earth, of how and where we live, with Jupiter expanding the energy --the way the womb expands to go out into new places, out into the world that is not necessarily familiar to us.  Pluto and Saturn in Capricorn is the hierarchical governmental structures--the top down, traditional authoritarian ideas,and those are going to be building up until 2020.  But not long after we will see Jupiter and Saturn meetup and move into humanitarian, social justice loving Aquarius. The maverick.  So yes, we are preparing to birth a new way of the world that could positively affect the destiny of our home--the earth--if we take action for justice, fairness, harmony and balance. 
We have Mercury retrograde connecting with Neptune this week, and that will be exact on Sunday, March 24 (Eastern Daylight Time).  Really watch out for what you say, don’t sign something that day --too much not being clear with Neptune blurring up and confusing things.  Fantasy seeming like reality.  Mercury going backwards in the sky and things not being completely as you thought they would be--or you think things are what you want, and later you will find out you were not given the right information or the agreement needs to be done over. So this week, you can review things, but realize that it is not the time for commitment or set-in-stone decisions because it will change or you will find out that you may have made a big mistake because you were seeing things all wrong.  
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hungarianaquarian · 6 years ago
Best match for Sagittarius with Leo Moon and Gemini rising?
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hungarianaquarian · 6 years ago
What’s mercury sextile mars sex like ??
Mercury sextile mars--passionate and talkative.  Saying passionate things.  Possibly talking ---mmm, dirty, or saying nasty things in the throes of passion.  Using swear words as a way of enhancing the passion of the situation. 
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hungarianaquarian · 6 years ago
Best matches for Gemini
depends a lot on your rising sign.  In general, Gemini, Aquarius and Libra get along well, because they are all air signs--sociable, intelligent, communicative.  There is also the possibility of Sagittarius, Leo, and Aries being good matches to Gemini, but Sag is very independent and Gemini likes connection with others.  Aries can be a bit demanding and one sided, but Gemini is possibly the best “people” person out there, and could deal with Aries’ personality.  Leo and Gemini are good together, but Leo would want the spotlight, but they’d be good fun together at parties. 
If you know the rising sign, then that would be a bit more clear. 
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hungarianaquarian · 6 years ago
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Mid-October planetary aspects and deaths of people born in the Late 1950s
A bunch of people from my hometown high school, born anywhere from the late 1950s to the mid-1960s, died this past week.  My first thought was--What planets were aspecting with the major planets from our birth years?
Going by my own chart, I looked at the outer slow-moving planets and the current major transits to those.  We had Pluto at 29 degrees of Leo--on Regulus-in 1957 and it was going in and out of Virgo in 1956.  We had Neptune just entering Scorpio in 1956, and Uranus was in early Leo since June of 1956.  The North Node in 1957 was in late Scorpio.   Jupiter in the late 1950s was in Virgo and Libra.  
Pluto can mean death, the North Node can mean death, 29 degrees of Scorpio can mean death, and Uranus can mean a sudden, unexpected change.  Neptune relates to connecting with the spirit world. And 29 degrees of Cancer, where the North Node is close to (will be there Nov. 7th) can mean ending one's life cycle.   
This past week saw Transit Uranus straddling Taurus and Aries at 0 Taurus going retrograde back into Aries.  That would be trine (120 degrees from) where Pluto was when our generation was born.  A highly positive angle, but also an ease, a high likelihood of something.  Uranus is unpredictable, unexpected change.  Pluto often means major transformation or rebirth as well as death.   
Transit Uranus is also directly opposite where Neptune was in the late 1950s when it was in the early degrees of Scorpio.  Neptune connects to spirit.  Scorpio is ruled by Pluto, and can mean death or major transformation, and of course, Uranus is sudden and unexpected change.  Those three energies connecting all at once could bring sudden unexpected death or transformation to connect with spirit.  
When my generation was born, Uranus was in early Leo.  The North Node -- destiny, where we are going--is now in early Leo.  And both are square to Uranus in the sky.  Uranus is unexpected changes, surprise shifts in the current destiny.   North Node on our natal Uranus--our unpredictability at birth (death is unpredictable from birth) currently relate to our destiny. We are all destined to die.  A square between transiting Uranus and natal Uranus can mean expect the unexpected.  It can also bring us to a point in our lives of turning things upside down, unpredictability that is challenging, being subject to forces out of our control, but liberating.  In death, we are liberated from our physical bodies, and that is normally out of our control.
Pluto at late Leo and early Virgo was trine to Saturn in the sky now, which last week was conjunct the moon in the sky.  Saturn brings limitations, lessons, restrictions.  The moon is the mother, our home and family, our security, and Pluto aspecting the moon can bring one chapter of our life to an end or it can also mean family bereavement.  
There is also a grand trine that connects transit saturn and the moon to transit Uranus and natal Pluto.  This is an easy flow of energy (grand trine) that connects all those energies of changing the chapter of our life (moon and Saturn connecting to Pluto), transforming through rebirth (Pluto), suddenly, unexpectedly, setting us free (Uranus).
Jupiter is now in late Scorpio, heading to 29 degrees of Scorpio--a point that can mean death, and Jupiter expands that, multiplies it.  But it won’t be there until the new moon on November 7th, which is in Scorpio, so expect to see a new rebirth, and a death of something at that time. A new moon brings in a new phase.  Scorpio -- death, financial matters, transformation, power, secrets and that which is hidden.    
But right now Jupiter is where the north node was in the late 1950s--at the end of Scorpio.   This can be a lucky transit but can also bring dangers of excess, and in Scorpio, there is always the possibility of a connection to death or major transformation, or something hidden.  The north node is the destiny of our life’s path--and in Scorpio is also to seek the spiritual and give up the material.  Jupiter on that point is expanding our spiritual destiny right now, if you were born in the late 1950s.  
One more thing is Chiron in transit is trine the natal Uranus from the 1950s, and it is trine the current north node.  Chiron represents pain, wounds, injuries, but also represents a bridge between material and spiritual worlds.  Natal Uranus brings unexpected shifts and changes.  The transit north node is the current destiny or life path, and with the north node and Chiron there can be a healing of our past wounds, injuries, painful  issues.
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hungarianaquarian · 6 years ago
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September 9, 2018 9 + 9 + 1 +8 = 27 (2 + 7 = 9) 
What is interesting about this date this year is not just that it all adds up to the number 9 (well, if we add in the 2000 for 2018, it would be 2 made from an 11--spiritual number), there was a new moon in Virgo today around noon Eastern time. New moons mean a new phase coming in. Nine, in numerology, means the end of something, termination, and the number 1 means a new beginning. So it all adds up astrologically and numerologically to usher in something new. 
 According to, the number 9 in a cycle suggests that “you are in the final stages of a period or endeavor, you need to empty your bucket and prepare for the new and that there are opportunities to make a difference. In Personal Year cycles, the 9 is always followed by the 1, and every time you go through that two-year phase, you go through a transformation of some kind.” 
Virgo represents the details, order, health and nutrition, practicality/feet-on-the-ground, dedicated and doing service for others. The new moon today was part of a cradle formation in the sky. The signs in the cradle are certainly suggestive of doing what is necessary to get along with others—being of service (Virgo), compassion and nurturing (Pisces), discipline and practicality (Capricorn), and keeping feelings hidden beneath the surface (Scorpio). The cradle is made up mostly of positive trines and sextiles with only one opposition. 
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Mercury in Virgo has just passed the exactness of being at 2 degrees to form an exact Grand Trine (the blue triangle) with Uranus and Saturn in the other earth signs of Taurus and Capricorn. But today it is still within orb enough to have an impact. Mercury rules news, communication, conversations, writing, teaching, and even short-distance travel. Mercury rules Virgo and Gemini, so it is at home and strong in Virgo. Saturn is in its home sign of Capricorn, and that is strong, as well. Uranus, which rules unpredictable Aquarius, is stirring up the security and settled nature of Taurus. But the Grand Trine is a very easy-going, positive energy that will allow unexpected events to have a positive effect on communications or news, discussions or agreements, that will be positively influenced by responsible, disciplined and practical Capricorn. A good time for a talk or an agreement that is reasonable, but that might, in a good way, shake up the settled ways of financial or comfortable, predictable ways of doing things. However, Mercury touches on the minute details, keeps things organized and is dedicated to seeing things through (virgo) so that an agreement can be reached. 
Mars in Capricorn going into Aquarius is square to Venus and square to Uranus—and Venus is opposing Uranus(the red triangle). This forms a T-square and could relate to an unexpected meeting of someone who may not be good for us but could be a passionate, aggressive means of providing pleasure and happiness, or sexual attraction. It is ultimately a challenging, difficult connection. 
Mars in Capricorn, however, wants to be impulsive and aggressive, but Capricorn keeps things in check, and Venus in Scorpio can even relate to a secret feeling of love, attraction, pleasure, beauty. Uranus could relate to the internet, or to a surprise, unexpected encounter that is sensual (Taurus relates to the pleasure of the senses—including food, wine, touch, sexuality, and visual pleasure—and it is ruled by Venus). A T-square, according to , “intensifies the skies, [and] we are forced to make a decision, get off the fence and stop procrastinating. Unpleasant scenarios we’ve been avoiding may demand our attention, like chickens coming home to roost. T-Square energy can be forceful and unstoppable—a bit ruthless.” 
 Astrostyle also says that since 3 different elements make up a T-square (and in this one, Capricorn is becoming Aquarius—because Mars is at the very end of the sign and on the cusp of the next), it is possible that the answer to finding balance lies in the element that is not included—which here would be fire (Leo). Funny, because Leo rules children and those we love, as well as risks and gambles, the idea of a suddenly passionate, impulsive love affair bringing multiple challenges (squares and oppositions) to a situation, brings up the possibility that the solution is to either think of the chance of pregnancy and the hurdles to overcome with that, or risks involved in the situation. 
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Chiron in Aries –fighting and confronting as a way to heal past hurts and injuries. There is an angle of opportunity to Mars in Capricorn (which just went direct after being retrograde a good part of the summer). Mars rules Aries, so there is that impulse to fight, but Capricorn grounds it, and keeps it disciplined, practical and in control—like martial arts—disciplined fighting, keeping the impulses in check. If there is action taken to fight back, but in a controlled, disciplined way, there could be positive healing effects to the social destiny (North Node in Leo), regarding children, who and what we love. But the North Node is opposing Mars in Capricorn as it heads into Aquarius, which means that Mars is conjunct the South Node—which is knowing where energy is being wasted and not putting that energy there anymore or a feeling of loss of control (as described by astrologer Nadiya Sha). It is okay to let go of what has served its karmic purpose. Thus, it is a good opportunity to use Mars in grounded Capricorn, to approach that possible loss of control in a responsible way. The positive effect on past pain/hurts and injuries is highly positive for the social destiny. 
I see a possibility for taking action related to changing something in a responsible way related to attacks, warriors, shooters, weapons, that could heal past hurts in that area, and affecting the social destiny in a highly positive way. When Mars goes into Aquarius, it will be more exactly conjunct the South Node, and in Aquarius, that energy can be used to fight for social justice and humanitarian issues in an intelligent, clever, unique way, possibly even in a rebellious way, that is energized by the chance to heal past injuries. As we move through September and into October, this will be strong.
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hungarianaquarian · 6 years ago
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August 11, 2018 --The New Moon Solar Eclipse in Leo 
This morning, the final summer eclipse (a solar eclipse new moon in Leo) took place close to Mercury retrograde. Mercury retrograde means going back over things, re-thinking, re-discussing, reviewing, renewing, or returning---RE-anything regarding contracts, communications, agreements, ideas. The new moon solar eclipse is a long-term (6 months) phase that begins today related to Leo—the sign of who and what we love, pleasure, fun, taking risks, children, lovers, and creative projects. It could mean the return of a past lover or renewal of a past love affair; nostalgia about our childhood or our children’s youth, past times of fun and pleasure. Possibly time in the sun (which rules Leo) –either literally out in the sunshine or being the center of attention (our day in the sun or spotlight). Reviewing financial risks (but not taking any new ones yet). Reminiscing about our old stories of being the star, being the leader, being the child, the lover, the creator. Rethinking a creative project that will begin (or begin anew) over the next 6 months, or reviewing what you need to do about a new child or a new lover expected to arrive within 6 months. 
Mercury retrograde, so close to the new moon, is also exactly square to Jupiter in Scorpio today. Jupiter is expansive and goes into unfamiliar territory, goes farther, goes longer, goes deeper (in Scorpio, since Scorpio keeps secrets and feelings deep below the surface). The communication of mercury and the hidden secrets of Scorpio may be coming up in a big way again, and out into the world with a legal, educational, philosophical focus, or even to be broadcast or published to the world. It could relate to travel plans being revised, or reconsidered, or changed drastically (Pluto rules Scorpio – and brings drastic transformation, or rebirth)—so the “RE”-something of mercury retro and the RE-birth of Pluto’s energy, combined with Jupiter—the world, space (the SPACE FORCE?), the bigger, better, more important energy—could re-introduce or change things after revisions. 
Pluto energy is also taking charge of things. Renewing some kind of international power—going back to old discussions or agreements, past communication, possibly related to hidden things. Pluto/Scorpio also represents death or violence, and Jupiter could expand that. Pluto/Scorpio rules finances, and Jupiter can bring wealth, but at the hard angle to Mercury retrograde, it can mean that there are challenges to be re-considered, or reviewed, before taking new action (and not before next week—when Mercury goes direct on the 18th). 
Jupiter is still at a highly positive angle to Neptune in Pisces. As I have mentioned in the past, Neptune can blur reality, keep us confused or blind to some things. Jupiter at this positive angle to Neptune is digging deep to bring out Scorpio’s hidden secrets. Scorpio/Pluto can represent the boss, the authority, the government. Jupiter can be digging deep into the hidden side of the government or the leadership, and positively affecting our confusion or our possibly being blindsided. Clearing up the confusion in a big, beneficial way related to transformation of government, transformation of who is in charge. This is the energy, not necessarily the reality yet. It is a highly likely energy, a highly positive connection. But we must bring it into our own reality through our choices and actions. 
Neptune is also intuition and creativity, imagination and fantasy, music, film, art, and photography. Scorpio represents psychic power, knowing the secret mysteries. This positive angle can bring out intuitive and psychic energies and Jupiter can expand those in a positive way. 
Saturn is still at a highly positive angle to Uranus in Taurus. Taurus is the earth and financial stability. Uranus shakes things up, brings sudden unpredictable changes, and can bring things quickly into the future. Saturn works in a positive way right now to ground the energy of Uranus, and to limit its effects to be more disciplined and more structured so that long-term, responsible, practical things can be built—regarding business, finances, ways of working. So while we may be hearing of unusual, unexpected changes that affect our social destiny, Saturn has our back by keeping things in check. 
The social destiny (North Node in Leo) can be focused on children, who and what we love, as well as creative projects. Right now Venus, the planet of harmony, love, values and creativity—and women—is at a positive angle of opportunity to the social destiny. Through women, through creative, loving, value-focused or harmonious action we can positively affect the social destiny. Venus is in Libra—which it rules—and it brings a sense of balance, harmony and JUSTICE with a positive sense of values, a positive connection to women, a sense of fairness, doing what is good for relationships with others. 
Venus is still within a few degrees of being at a highly positive angle to Mars retrograde in Aquarius (now heading into Capricorn). Venus and Mars bring love and passion, values and action. In Aquarius, Mars can bring action to social justice, to fighting for the rights of others. But Mars retrograde can be going inward—looking within and taking action. But Mars is square to Uranus, and can cause unpredictable volatile action. Venus at the positive angle to Mars can ease that volatility or impulsive tendency through balance, values, love, and kindness.
But Venus and Uranus are at an uncomfortable angle to each other, so there needs to be an adjustment made in what we consider to be balanced and fair, or in what we consider to be secure and stable (Taurus, where Uranus is in right now, rules security and stability). The unpredictability and sudden changes that Uranus brings mean we may need to create a new way of finding our balance -- riding the wave of change in finances, in security, in earth-related issues. Venus is also square to Saturn in Capricorn. Saturn is discipline, delay, limitations, and hard work. The fair, balanced, kind and harmonious energy of Venus could be challenged by Saturn’s slow, strategic delays and deliberate planning, but Saturn IS keeping Uranus in line.
I sometimes think of the Mueller investigation as Saturn—the taskmaster, the slow, deliberate disciplinarian. Venus is our values and what is fair. North Node is our social destiny, and it is related to the children in the news, having children (birth control) and who we can love (same-sex marriage). 
There are positive opportunities there with justice and harmony based on taking action related to our values, and related to women, and what we consider to be fair. There is positive action possible through fighting for those who are disadvantaged, and for being fiercely independent (Mars in Aquarius). 
Pluto is in Capricorn now, and is at an awkward angle to the new moon in Leo. Pluto, the government or the authority – in a traditional, conservative, business-oriented sign—is not comfortable with the new phase coming in regarding who and what we love, regarding creative projects, what makes us happy, related to risks we take in our investments of energy and money. But Pluto and Neptune are at a somewhat wide sextile angle – angle of possibility and they form a YOD to the new moon in Leo. The YOD is the finger of God—pointing at a new phase. And Pluto sextile Neptune tells me that meditation, creativity, connection to the spiritual or the imagination (manifesting, dreams) can have a positive effect on the government IF WE TAKE ACTION, and that will affect the new phase beginning now. So KEEP sending blessings, positive energy, healing light and energy, compassion and kindness to our government and leaders to help usher in the new phase for the next six months. Jupiter is connected to that through Neptune, so it adds a beneficial, expansive energy to the spiritual and authority planets. Pluto also can bring drastic change and transformation, so focus on the changes that could happen in your dreams, in your imagination, connected to the spiritual energies we bring to that opportunity.
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hungarianaquarian · 6 years ago
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Eclipse Photo:By Javichu el jefe - Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0,
July 27, 2018 –Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Aquarius 
 The key to this week’s full moon lunar eclipse in Aquarius is that the sun in Leo is conjunct the transiting North Node –our social destiny—and the moon in Aquarius is conjunct Mars. In addition, transit Uranus in Taurus is forming a T-square to each of those points. This eclipse is the last in Aquarius for awhile (about 18-19 years) and we will have one more on January 20-21 in the Leo-Aquarius eclipse cycle, before the next cycle—the Cancer/Capricorn eclipse series—begins. 
Leo represents the leader, but also who and what we love, risks/gambles and creativity, children and lovers. Aquarius is rebelliousness, independence, social justice, and alternatives. We’ve seen issues related to the leader in relation to children and lovers. We have seen an independent and rebellious leader and “alternative facts.” These are things connected to the social collective’s destiny and karma. Now we will be moving toward the “home,” our home country and discipline, practicality and tradition becoming more the focus in the next couple of years. Less about the leader, more about the country. Less about rebelliousness and independent action and more about discipline, tradition, and practical perspectives. Could things be shifting away from the unpredictable Uranian energy of Aquarius and the showmanship of Leo (the sun—the spotlight—the self), and more toward a grounded concern for our home, our traditions, limitations and restrictions through discipline and hard work? It could play out in more ways than only one point of view or possibility. Perhaps there would be a more disciplined leadership that focuses on the country’s needs rather than the leader’s. Or perhaps there will be restrictions and limitations placed on business? Workers? Government (with pluto in there)? 
Nevertheless, this week’s full moon lunar eclipse brings us a LOT of Uranian energy, with Aquarius (ruled by Uranus) and the T-square to transit Uranus. It brings in the energy and drive that comes from fire signs Leo and the sign that is ruled by Mars—Aries. The combination of the unpredictable Uranian character, the rebel, the brilliant/crazy one, and the fiery energy of Aries/Mars—the warrior, the impulsive actions, anger and passion—along with Leo the lover and attention seeker, the leader who wants to be in the spotlight, the royal one—is that we can see crazy leadership, unexpected or surprise attacks, actions, or arguments (the ALL CAPS tweet to IRAN by the Leo-rising leader of our country is an example of this). The moon being next to Mars here brings in impulsive emotional angry or passionate outbursts—in Aquarius, unpredictable or unusual.
And for those born in or around 1956-57 possibly 1958, we have our natal Uranus close to or exactly conjunct the sun in this eclipse. So we are getting three hits of Uranus (three hits of crazy, of surprise, of swift changes and unexpected or unusual situations, of things going away unexpectedly). The thing is, that these hits are at challenging angles to each other – the T-square, the sun/moon opposition in the eclipse, and the lunar eclipse, which prolongs the effect. So depending upon the houses where all of these Uranus energies lie in your chart, you will feel it in specific areas of life. If it is on the major angles (AC/DC line and MC/IC line)—basically the horizontal and vertical axes—you will be having major shake-ups that could be scary or shocking. 
 The best thing to do with Uranus is to realize that it is the divine intervention that we need to accept – that change is meant to come to us in these areas. If we are not looking to change, we should at least be prepared for unexpected change. 
Another thing with this energy is that the eclipse is also hurrying us along through our life purpose to our destiny. Uranus speeds up the action to bring us forward. It is the divine chutes and ladders game (remember that?) or being given the key to the next level to hurry us along to where we can play the game in a new way, on a new screen, closer or further from the finish line. 
Uranus and Mars are also challenging each other, and can bring accidents, surprise attacks, arguments, fires—that can, with this eclipse, be game changers.
Another key to dealing with Uranus is to take a breath—realize that sudden things may surprise us. Same with Mars—impulsive anger or action—and next to the moon in this eclipse, could be based on emotional outbursts or strong emotions that cannot be controlled. Knowing that is helpful. Drive more carefully, deal more delicately in situations that could be contentious, think before acting. This can last through January based on the eclipse energy, but at least through the fall, considering Mars is retrograde and will not get back to where the retrograde started until November. 
The saving grace is that Saturn is at a highly positive angle to Uranus and both are in earth signs. Earth grounds the energy and Saturn, which rules the earth sign Capricorn, is the disciplinarian who sets limits and boundaries, and who also takes that energy and makes it a reality in a responsible way—so while things may take a surprising turn, there is the good down-to-earth sense of Saturn overseeing things to make a more positive, grounded plan for moving in new directions that may come up unexpectedly or swiftly. 
Venus in Virgo is also exactly trine (highly positive angle) to Pluto. Venus is love, harmony, beauty, VALUES, and creativity, prosperity, and happiness. In Virgo it can bring service to others, work ethic, and getting organized and being attentive to detail. Pluto in Capricorn often is seen as the government, the boss (at work), drastic changes in business or work or responsibility. This positive angle and this positive Venus energy can mean good things related to government, to the workplace, and the major transformation that is happening around us related to the economy, the government, the workplace, and even our sense of power. Pluto is power. Power with discipline and integrity and practicality. Venus also rules Libra—justice, fairness, balance, harmony. These are the positive influences happening in these unpredictable times, to help us get through the next six months, until the final full moon lunar eclipse hits Leo in January, ushering in a new phase of changes.
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hungarianaquarian · 7 years ago
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July 12, 2018 -- New Moon Solar Eclipse in Cancer
I wrote a Facebook post yesterday noting this solar eclipse occurring today, and suggesting it is a good time to set intentions for love and Divine protection in our country and our government and to surround us with protection against the negative and destructive influences. It is particularly timely with the New Moon eclipse in Cancer, which represents our HOME—and our home country, our country’s home (the White House). A new phase for our country, a new intention.  
Another key point is that this new moon is directly across the sky from Pluto in Capricorn—the government, the conservative side, the traditional way of doing things, limitations and restrictions, responsibilities of or determined by the leader and authorities. The opposition is important. The intention for the country, our home, is in opposition to the government, the leader, the tradition, as well as Pluto’s representation of nefarious, secret, violent or mean behavior. Pluto can be that—the killer, the torturer, the underworld. The new moon, the new phase and new beginning that, because of the eclipse, can last 6 months or more, can lead in new things for our country based on our comfort, security, and sense of home and family. It is our home, and the intentions we set now—for love and Divine intervention, protection from government or underworld opposition to that home—is set for a longer term than a typical new moon. And in August, on the 11th, we have another new moon eclipse--an opportunity to set intentions. But this one, today, affects our home (home country) vs. the government, the authorities, and those activities that are nefarious. 
We still have Jupiter in Scorpio, digging deep and bringing out what is hidden beneath the surface of the idea that things are fine. It is trine (highly positive) to Neptune in Pisces—which can be confusion, being misled, not knowing everything or not seeing everything clearly. The trine –the highly positive angle-between these two slow-moving outer planets, tells me that Jupiter is benefiting Neptune. Jupiter’s digging is satisfying the lack of clarity that Neptune may have. And Neptune—intuition, spiritual guidance, is even more beneficial with this connection to Jupiter. 
Why should we focus our intentions for love and Divine protection of the government now? Because this enhanced Neptune energy—blessed by Jupiter—is sextile to Pluto (the government, the leader, the authorities). Sextile angles mean we have an opportunity to have a positive effect by taking action. By bringing the enhanced spiritual connection, through prayer, meditation, loving intentions, blessings, and positive widespread (Jupiter = the world and beyond) energy and focused thought, we can have a positive effect on the government, and our leaders. By acting today, after the new moon eclipse is activated in the sky – at the exact time (10:47 p.m. EDT)—we can begin to send those positive intentions, thoughts, prayers and meditations to the government to have a positive effect that will be longer lasting than usual. 
In addition to all of the above, we have a grand trine in earth signs—stabilizing, responsible, and harmonious changes are possible. Uranus brings surprises, changes, unexpected and swift shifts in Taurus—money, security and stability. Saturn in its home sign of Capricorn, brings responsibility, hard work, and discipline to the workplace, the economy, big business and government. Venus in Virgo, is harmony, prosperity, love, happiness, VALUES, fairness, and kindness with a sense of service to others, nurturing, health, and attention to detail—organizing, and working happily at the job that needs to be done. This grand trine blesses the efforts of change, as well as long-term (Saturn) responsible efforts that can build something strong, on solid ground. Venus is the positive connection to service, caring and fairness to our efforts. 
The grand trine makes it easy to happen, and makes it virtually a shoo-in but action needs to be taken to direct that energy to what we want it to bring.
Mercury in Leo is at the apex of a YOD formed by the sextile between Pluto and Neptune, which are at the same degree orb in their signs, each quincunx (or 150 degrees) from Mercury. That is the finger of God pointing at communication—talk, think, agree, write, speak, teach, learn, research, travel—in connection with this sextile—this opportunity. But quincunx means a discomfort, or awkwardness in speaking or communicating about this. The opposite sign of Aquarius—the rebel, the independent thinker, the future-oriented sign that fights for social justice—is the key to overcoming that discomfort and awkwardness. Think of the future, think of what is right for the collective, talk about these things, plan, agree. That is what this aspect is showing us. They all connect to each other. 
The next eclipse (the full moon lunar eclipse on July 27) connects to the NN in Leo—our social destiny—and to Mars in Aquarius—aggression or action that is unpredictable and unexpected, but can be related to rebels, to social justice, and to the future. Mars is square to transit Uranus, which adds to the shake-up, the unexpected, unusual aggression that could come about. A Full-moon eclipse brings something to an end, or to fruition. A completion that brings us to a new phase. With an eclipse involved, it will be long-lasting. 
We have one more eclipse this summer, on August 11, which is also in Leo—who and what we love, the leader, those in the spotlight (actors, celebrities, famous people)—and a new phase there, as well. It is another opportunity to set our intentions, but the connections we need for those changes are not as strong as they are today. 
Remember to meditate or pray—send intentions for love and Divine guidance and protection to our home country, the government, and the positive grounded changes and long-term structure to be built in a harmonious, responsible way that serves us fairly and securely.
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hungarianaquarian · 7 years ago
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THAI RESCUE It's no wonder that the rescue of the 12 boys in Thailand who were in a flooded Cave was successful. We had a grand trine in water, which is highly positive and connected Jupiter in scorpio, the Sun in cancer, and Neptune in pisces. Jupiter and scorpio represents going deep into what is hidden and bringing it out into the world and beyond. Jupiter and the Sun at such a positive angle are extremely lucky and fortunate. Neptune not only represents The king of the sea, but connection to the spirit world and being highly intuitive, imaginative and compassionate. Many people around the world were praying or sending blessings and intentions for their rescue. Those spiritual intentions were highly positively connected to Jupiter and the Sun to form this grand trine that oversaw the rescue. Congratulations to the rescuers and the boys and their coach.
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hungarianaquarian · 7 years ago
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June 27, 2018 Full Moon, Long Lasting 
It’s a full moon today, in Capricorn, at 6 degrees conjunct retrograde SATURN which is at 5 degrees. Something is coming to fruition, coming to an end regarding responsibility, practicality, hard work, delays, a long-term situation. But Saturn can bring a long-term element to it, as well, meaning a long-term issue is coming to an end. OR the ending to responsibility can have long-term consequences.  
When I think of Capricorn I think of work, business, seriousness, discipline, diligence. If something about that is coming to an end, then hurray! Could it be just the beginning of summer signals an end to school days, and winter work schedules? Time to chill and relax and be home with the family? (sun is in Cancer—the family, home and parents). 
 What else is happening regarding all this? Uranus is sextile to the sun and trine the moon and Saturn. This is a positive aspect, but unpredictable, changeable, surprising, unexpected. Taurus is where Uranus sits, and Taurus is the stability and security and comfort and sensual pleasure. And it is trine Saturn and the moon in Capricorn. Highly positive to discipline and culmination. For me that says the discipline and the hard work has come to fruition, and now is the time to make a change, to shift the stability to something new. With Uranus in Taurus conjunct the sun in Cancer, it could be related to money and parents, or security and the home and family. But all positive. It could be buying a new home, or doing something that shakes up the everyday predictability of Taurus, that could be positive for the family, and highly positive for finishing up a chore, a job, hard work. 
 We are heading into the 4th of July weekend and, again, it could be getting together with family, doing something a little bit crazy that works out well for everyone. While the sun is not exactly trine to Neptune and Jupiter, it will be in a few days, and it means we are moving into a grand water trine that brings the sun (self, or the ruler of Leo—sign of the heart), Jupiter (the beneficent planet, good luck, generosity) and Neptune (highly spiritual, intuitive, creativity, fantasy). Are we winning a trip to Disneyworld? Water signs are emotions/feelings and all these planets meeting at a highly positive angle could bring very fortunate emotions and flights of fancy, imagination taking off and making us feel good. 
 With the full moon square in Capricorn and aligning with the ruler of Capricorn – the grounded, serious and practical Saturn—combined with this lucky, playful, imaginative fantasy and emotionally stimulating grand trine, it could make dreams reality. (Saturn makes things real, Neptune dreams big). 
Venus is in Leo. Another good spot for a planet. Leo is the heart. Venus is love and happiness. Leo is playful and risky and flirtatious. Venus is happy, and harmonious and loving, and prosperous. Venus in Leo is a good time to shop for new clothes. Venus is beauty, Leo is the one in the spotlight. Leo is the leader, and Venus is the harmony and balance and fairness. It is a good mix. But Venus is square to Jupiter in Scorpio. Scorpio can be secrets, the unknown and Jupiter can either expand that quality or open it up to the world. It could dig deeper to find what is hidden and that could challenge the harmony that Venus in Leo normally brings. 
Mercury is at the end of Cancer going into Leo. It brings news or discussion—of family, parents, home? Of loved ones, events, parties, children? Maybe all of them. But beware, Mercury is square to Uranus in Taurus, and there could be some unpredictable, unexpected stressful discussions, emails, news that shakes things up a bit in the family, at the celebration. 
Mars in Aquarius brings in unpredictable anger or alternative energy and that is opposite the transit North Node—the destiny of the collective right now. So something that could bring a need for a choice or decision between the destiny regarding the celebration, the things and people we love, even the leadership (in Leo) vs. the independent energy, the anger for social justice, the unexpected action, alternatives. However, Mars is retrograde, so it may not be externalized, this energy and anger, but rather internalized and regrouping.
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hungarianaquarian · 7 years ago
Disagree with your portrayal of Leo. We are also very dominant and strong (more than Aries, a ram, a weaker creature than a lion) and don't just like "putting on a show." We dominate for keeps like the lions we are. Describe Leo more accurately in the future.
Many actors and performers are Leo, they are looking for attention and to be loved by the audience. Leo is the heart. They want love or to be loved. They like the spotlight, the love of the public. Other traits are leadership, taking charge. Leo is what we do for fun. Parties, gambling. Creative projects. From the heart. For love.
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hungarianaquarian · 7 years ago
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Trump’s transit chart for meeting with Kim Jong Un  June 12 , Singapore  and Trump Solar Return June 14 (Singapore)
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Trump’s meeting with Kim Jong Un is set for June 12 in Singapore, one day before Trump’s solar return (if in the US), and two days before Trump’s birthday. In Singapore, June 12 is two days before the new moon in Gemini will be hitting Donald Trump’s natal sun—it will be a new moon on his solar return chart—at 4:44 a.m. Singapore time on June 14 in Singapore. It will only be June 13 in the U.S. So it is not clear where he will be experiencing this new moon. 
Since Trump was born on an eclipse full moon day, the North Node is conjunct the transiting sun (as well as his natal sun) on the day he meets with the North Korean President Kim Jong Un. 
The sun hitting the north node is an important symbol of destiny, purpose. According to, this aspect is “a time when you may connect with others who share a common interest. This transit sometimes suggests making new contact with a male or with an authority figure. You are forward-looking, and situations arise that make you hungry for growth and direction.”
While the date is close to Trump’s solar return –when the sun in the sky meets up with the sun in his natal chart, it is not yet exact on that day. However, the energy is close, and whatever happens at this meeting could impact Trump’s year ahead. It certainly indicates an important meeting in Trump’s life.
The transiting North Node just passed Trump’s Pluto in Leo and is still close. The North Node hitting Pluto is an important indication of a transformation within the “home” or “home country” (the nodes relate to the moon, which rules the home), and things can be out of control . 
Pluto can bring an end to conflicts of interest, or significant issues based on a win/lose scenario. 
Pluto and the nodes can relate to divorce, death, sexual conflict in the home, family, or home country (or, perhaps, the White House?). 
Interestingly, on the day of the meeting in Singapore, Venus has just passed Venus in Trump’s chart—his Venus return has occurred about a day or two prior. But here, in this chart about the date of his meeting in Singapore, it shows a harmonious connection in his house of peers, networks, social groups. And it is in the house ruled by the moon—cancer.
The moon itself is conjunct his MC—recognition in the world, and his sense of comfort and security, strong feelings regarding being seen by the world, and recognized. However, while Venus in his 11th house is conjunct transiting Venus, Saturn is always close by – limitations, restrictions, walls where it comes to love or harmony with social groups, peers, or networking. 
On the 12th, Uranus will be in his 9th house of international, legal events. Uranus is unpredictability, sudden changes in (Taurus) stability, security, comfort. Uranus in transit is square to transiting Mars in Aquarius. Uranus rules Aquarius, and Mars is impulsive, angry, taking action, and a square angle means it will be tense, stressful, and challenging. 
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SOLAR RETURN JUNE 14 (if he is in Singapore)
Looking at his Solar Return chart for Singapore, if he remains there, (wouldn’t it be interesting if he were in the air at the time of the solar return. It would be very difficult to get a read on which house it will be in). In Singapore, his solar return happens just hours after the new moon--8:25 a.m. in Singapore is his solar return, and 4:44 a.m. is the new moon. It is a new phase beginning for the month, but for him, there is a new phase that will affect the year ahead. And mercury is not far from there. 
Mercury rules agreements, contracts, discussions, and news, but it is in Cancer—the home. (Ruled by the moon—the moon has just met the sun and it is a new phase for him in his identity –AC in Cancer—in communication, with mercury in Cancer. And he will have Cancer ruling his first house—how people perceive him. This is interesting because it will be a very fortunate year for him, prosperous or harmonious/happy OR values and self-esteem (Venus at 0 Leo in the first house, and NN in Leo in the 1st house. His destiny is happiness, self-esteem with how people perceive him. And with Leo in the 1st house where NN and Venus fall, he will be in the spotlight, wanting attention (of course), but it will be valuable to him (Leo ruling the 2nd house of what we value). 
Jupiter in Scorpio is at the very end of his solar return 4th house – his location, his home/family—well, Jupiter is luck in one sense. At the end of the house, could be interpreted that his family’s luck is running out. In Scorpio, sign of secrets, keeping things hidden, Jupiter is also about going very deep, bringing things out into the world, and in a positive angle to Neptune, the planet of being blind-sided or lacking all the information, that Jupiter in his 4th house Scorpio, is having a highly positive effect on the confusion or about what is going on. 
Pluto is in the 7th house in Capricorn. Changes in the relationship, the committed partnership, traditional partnership, the sense of responsibility and long-term relationships. Pluto represents death and rebirth. Could signal the end of his marriage—or the end of a long-term business partnership. Pluto in Capricorn can be the government, the leader, a major transformation/rebirth or death (literal or figurative) or drastic change in business or work. The 7th house represents partnerships, as well as open enemies. 
Mars in Aquarius is in his 7th house in the solar return chart, too. Mars can be arguments, anger, attacks, or passion. Taking action. In Aquarius (ruled by Uranus), it could be unexpected or surprise attacks on his long-term committed relationships (business or marital), or unusual action being taken. Aquarius also represents protests for equality and social justice and with mars in his 7th house, there could be unexpected attacks or unexpected anger related to issues concerning equality and social justice. Mars is directly opposite his North Node and Venus in the solar return. These attacks, arguments or action taken would be in opposition to the happiness, or values, or his self-esteem and personal destiny he feels related to being in the spotlight and getting attention for positive things, and his destiny in the spotlight. 
Cancer and Leo share his first house – moon and sun are their rulers, and both the sun and moon (and Mercury) are in his 12th house in Gemini. Gemini has a duality to it—two sides to the story, or two things relate to this aspect. The 12th house is his very private side, his dreams and even things going on he does not necessarily understand. 
For the year ahead, his focus will be on this house of secrets, his security will be in keeping things to himself, not telling anyone. Mercury is communication – 12th house is both past karma, as well as secrets and dreams and not telling others. Mercury in the12th can be self-talk—things he is telling himself are staying hidden. (Gemini is ruled by Mercury). So he has secrets not being told. He is also having trouble (mercury oppose Saturn) keeping limitations in communication in his day-to-day life and work (could be related to “leaks”). OR limitations in the workplace, in his day-to-day life, for the year ahead, will be hindering his self-talk, his comfort level with himself. 
Uranus and Juno are in his 10th house. Juno is in Aries and Uranus is in Taurus, in his house of career, fame, recognition, what he is known for. Juno in Aries would relate to an impulsive commitment to a partner (Giuliani?). It could be related to war, anger, arguments, passion, impulse. Making an impulsive long-term commitment in his career, in his fame. Uranus in Taurus in his career house relates to shaking up or unexpectedly changing the financial security, the stability in his career this year. Uranus in a house normally means you will be leaving your current situation related to that house – career. What you are famous for, what the world recognizes you for. 
Uranus also rules his 8th house of money he makes outside of his salary. That will be changing, or going away. Or something unexpected will happen to his money from other sources outside of salary, as well as to his power, and major changes could be happening in his career and his money from other sources. 
In his 12th house, he has Mercury in Cancer, and just past the new moon (so sun and moon) in Gemini. Mercury in Cancer is thinking about, talking about, family (cancer). Private thoughts, self-talk not discussed with anyone else—possibly only with family—is at odds with Neptune in Pisces (fantasy, lack of information, confusion, lack of clarity, blindsided) in his SR 9th house—legal matters, international matters, philosophical discussions, beliefs. He may have fantasies that he believes regarding legal matters. He may be confused about international issues, his philosophies could lack clarity, or be uninformed).  His private self-talk, thoughts about family are in a challenging angle to a lack of clarity in a legal matter. (the Mueller investigation—he is lacking information/clarity related to the legal issues, international matters). 
Mercury in the 12th house in Gemini is also in a challenging angle to Chiron in Aries. Chiron is past pain or wounds related to anger, hostility – could also be sex (Mars rules Aries and Mars can relate to sex). Could be private, unspoken thoughts about tension regarding hurtful past experiences regarding sex, anger, hostility, attacks. Aries is his fame, world recognition house. It is where his MC is, at the pinnacle of his chart. So it could be that past experiences that hurt him in a very public manner and affect how the world sees him (wounds and all), are on his mind, and it is stressful and tense.
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hungarianaquarian · 7 years ago
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Home, Family, Abundance, Highly Positive 
The Weekend Transits through to the Full Moon on Monday, May 29 
Saturday, May 26, 2018 
 We have the Sun in Gemini right now. Do you believe it? Almost halfway through the zodiac from the beginning of the year. So the sun in Gemini is trine to Mars in Aquarius. These are Air signs, which represent thought, communication, the mind. What and how we think, speak, and how we interact with others – Though Mars rules Aries, the sign of the individual, and Aquarius is ruled by independent Uranus, Aquarius with Mars in it is fiercely protective and loyal, acting in defense of those who are not treated justly. 
The moon formed a grand trine with this sun and mars a few days ago when it was in early Libra. It moved into Scorpio later on Saturday, trine to Venus is Cancer. Lots of emotion, love, on the home front. Feeling things deeply, love for home and family, while focusing on taking independent action or meeting with others, writing, speaking, agreeing in a way that is positive and driven. Thoughts, meetings and actions may be unusual or unexpected, sudden or impulsive. 
There are a lot of positive trines – some just coming into orb and some more exact. Uranus at the beginning of Taurus is at a wide trine angle to Saturn in Capricorn. Both related to business, finance, the economy. Saturn is limitations, responsibilities and Uranus is shaking things up, uprooting the whole thing, a surprise twist. But Saturn can keep things grounded while Uranus makes things in the financial world (as well as in the earth, the ground, agriculturally) a bit unsettled, and changing. Saturn can build new things (in earth, in business). The Hawaiian volcano eruption is changing the structure of the earth (Saturn in Capricorn is traditional structures), and Uranus is changing, altering, unexpectedly. Just coming out of Aries, Uranus has been in fire for seven years, and now it brings in the earth to the mix. But it could be positive, new structural changes. 
Chiron in early Aries is trine to the NN in Leo (widely). Chiron is pain or hurt from the past, things that make us feel unfairly treated, things that make us wonder why me? The NN is destiny. Leo and Aries are fire signs, movement, action-oriented. Leo is love, playfulness, risk, and Aries is impulse, attack, action, energy. This can relate to our purpose now being playful and loving as a way of healing past hurts and injuries (emotional, physical, spiritual) that may have come from attacks, fire, war, accidents, anger or arguments/fights. Aries/Mars also rules sex, and showing love, becoming like a child, having fun, can heal those past hurts related to past attacks—sexual, physical, or angry events. This aspect of Chiron in Aries trine to NN in Leo can relate to the Harvey Weinstein issue—Chiron, past hurts from sexual assault (Aries), positively connected to the societal destiny regarding a leader in the spotlight (Leo, ruled by the sun). Could relate to another leader in the spotlight, as well. 
And we can see that Chiron in Aries is sextile to the Sun in Gemini, and the Sun in Gemini is sextile the NN in Leo. These all form a triangle of potential. The sun is a focus on peers, social networks—the women involved have a positive opportunity if they take action, and the painful past will have a positive outcome in connection with the star/the leader in the spotlight. Having the light shone on him. Very positive outcome, that will affect the collective destiny.  
As mentioned above, the sun in Gemini connects to Mars in Aquarius, and that also affects this social destiny to be rid of the pain from the past. Fighting for social justice, fighting for those who are treated poorly. 
On Sunday, May 27, the moon aligns with Jupiter in Scorpio, and they form a grand trine in water—with Neptune in Pisces and Venus in Cancer. There could be strong nostalgic feelings and connections to home and family, deep feelings, spiritual connections, with a sense of compassion love, and comfort. Jupiter in there too, expands the positive connection, the emotions, and the love/spiritual bond that is formed today. 
The moon and Jupiter in Scorpio are at a 60-degree angle (sextile) to Pluto in Capricorn. This is a very positive connection for rebirth, transformation that is possible and that could bring positivity in a down-to-earth, responsible and practical way, while Jupiter enhances the feeling (moon) that digs deep into the hidden emotions allowing that transformation to take place on the earth plane. Whether it be on a personal level or a societal level, there could be highly positive feelings being expressed that offer an opportunity to transform the authority (government or boss), or those in charge of the way business is done. 
Pluto is also sextile to Neptune in Pisces, bringing a sense of compassion to the mix. The deep emotional feelings that come out are bringing out positive compassion for others and offer the government, the leaders, the boss, a very positive opportunity to make a practical, responsible, and grounded transformation that affects more than just money, more than just the workplace, or the earth—it reaches into hearts, souls, and memories that run deep, that are shared among others, and that relate to family ties, our sense of feeling comfortable, safe and secure, and at home. Memorial Day is about our home, our country, our family, those in spirit, deep emotions and love. Transformation that takes place now, in this sense, can be long-lasting and powerful. 
Monday, May 28, 2018 
 As the moon continues to move quickly through the sky, it helps to form a trine to Chiron in Aries when it enters Sagittarius. Sagittarius brings up legal matters, religious/philosophical issues, and international cultures and travel and Chiron represents past hurts. In Aries it can mean wars, attacks, fire, arguments. It brings to mind the connection of home between North and South Korea, healing past pain and injury related to war and attacks and anger. Both the moon and Chiron are trine to the NN in Leo at a wide orb. There is a sense of destiny, that brings a highly positive connection to this healing, home, and international, legal matters that relate to home country. Leo is those we love, taking risks, celebrations, being in the spotlight—affecting the social, collective destiny. A very positive healing can take place, and if it does it will have a highly positive effect on the social destiny—through love, healing, and a sense of home/family/comfort. 
There is a triangle of potential here with the sun/mars trine. The sun represents highlighted meetings with peers. Mars in Aquarius means taking action in an independent, alternative way, to protect the collective. And those two – the meeting, the independent alternative route can lead to positive healing of the past if action is taken. It is an opportunity that can make positive change, but only if an effort is made to do so. And it has been, apparently. The outcome is likely to be positive. 
Jupiter, Venus and Neptune are still in a highly positive grand trine in water signs. Going deep, expanding things to unfamiliar territory, reaching spiritual heights, through compassion, comfort and family, and deep emotions coming out. Strong intuition and psychic connections are possible, particularly related to love of family and home. Feeling the love and strong comfort and security, could bring spirituality to a higher level, can bring intellectual and cultural understandings to a deeper emotional level, and bring it out into the world in a highly positive way. Love and spirit, home and security are important to healing this weekend. Compassion, protection, and meeting with social groups helps.
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hungarianaquarian · 7 years ago
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Michael Avenatti -- February 16, 1971
This is Michael Avenatti’s birthchart based on the date and location of his birth as listed in Wikipedia, but since there is no exact time, I used noon as the birth time. While we do not know if the houses are correct, the signs and planets would be at or close (moon) to their place in the sky. 
Well, first of all, his sun, part of fortune and North Node are conjunct in Aquarius. In this chart, it is all in his 10th house at the top of his chart. In Aquarius, first of all, he will do things in a unique, futuristic way. He will be a maverick and become famous as a result and be very fortunate as a result –it is his destiny to do so. And in Aquarius, there is a sense of doing things independently, doing things on behalf of the greater good. This is a stellium, in a way. Though not three or more planets, it is three energies all closely aligned, which gives them a lot more energy. 
 His moon is exactly connected to his Vertex—his fate. What makes him comfortable and secure is connected to his fate. In Scorpio, he is someone who digs deep for hidden secrets, (and keeps things hidden in a controlled way). He is comfortable with being in charge, with investigations, with sex, and with drastic transformation—all while keeping things close to the vest. 
His Pluto (which rules Scorpio—where his moon is) is in Virgo and indicates that he is attentive to details, organized, works in service to others, and he takes charge in this way. He gains his status because of it. His connection to the law and justice also show up. 
 With Mars in Sagittarius, he is aggressive and passionate about legal issues at a high level, in an educated way, and he is energetic about it. He could take action to become published or in broadcasting, even internationally. He has Uranus in Libra (a generational thing), so there is a social justice (Uranus) connection to fairness, balance, harmony, and legal justice. He may fight for social justice with unique means in order to find a balance, equality for the collective, and for people who have not been treated fairly. 
 He communicates about these things very well (Uranus is trine to Mercury) in Aquarius, so he may be a maverick in how he thinks, talks, announces, writes about these things. He may make those social justice issues the focus of his thoughts and communications, and take the opportunity (sextile) to take action (Mars) to be published or in broadcasting (Sagittarius). And Uranus sextile Mars in Sag, means opportunity to be in broadcasting, taking action (Mars) in legal matters (Sag) based on this social justice and finding justice for those not being treated fairly (Uranus in Libra). All are connected with a triangle of opportunity – meaning that if he takes action to broadcast or publish his efforts and actions, thoughts and his sense of social justice, he could have a very positive outcome. 
 The North Node has been in Leo—the destiny now being to take risks, to be in the spotlight, to get attention. This is for everyone right now, and if this chart reflects his accurate birth time, it would reflect his current purpose and destiny to be in the spotlight in the media, through his comments, writing, communication, thoughts and ideas or his words. 
Mars has entered Aquarius and it will be energizing his Mercury over the next 6 months, as well as his sun, part of fortune and North Node just before it leaves Aquarius in November. So he may achieve something important by then, but there will be different ways that Mars brings out his passion and energy.  
While Mars is direct, he could be doing things in a unique way, for the good of the collective—and he may be more publicly speaking out about it, and be in the news. But as Mars goes retrograde in late June through early September, he may have to internalize that energy and passion and do things behind the scenes or internally—through thoughts, ideas, and writing. Once Mars goes direct, he can be more public in his passion and drive (or anger), particularly in October, when Mars meets his Mercury in Aquarius. Ultimately it will be a fortunate thing for him, help him achieve his purpose, and likely result in justice for the collective and for those being treated unfairly. 
Mercury in transit is set to hit his Saturn this week, and could result in either delays or limitations in his ability to communicate, speak, or write about things, but as Mercury moves along, by the first week of June, Mercury will be potentially hitting his Ascendant (if noon is his birth time)—or at the very least strengthened in its home of Gemini. 
For Avenatti, the next planet Mercury will hit his Uranus in Libra in October, and he could get a nice Christmas gift when Mercury hits his Mars in Sag in mid-December, though it goes retrograde in November, which could set things back in his ideas, communication or agreements (settlements), if it takes that long to happen. But around the time that Mercury hits his Mars in Sag, we will have Venus, Jupiter and the sun in Sagittarius—with Venus and Jupiter conjunct. Very, very fortunate financially (the weekend before Christmas). Venus is prosperity, happiness and love, and Jupiter is generosity, wealth, abundance, an expanded amount—a big deal. 
When the sun and Jupiter are aligned on the Monday after Thanksgiving, there will be a lot of good things happening in Sagittarius. Even Mercury will get into the act (though it will be retrograde), but it will align with Jupiter and the sun, so it is likely it is related to a past agreement, news story, or communication that is coming up again in a very fortunate and lucky conclusion.
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hungarianaquarian · 7 years ago
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The New York, NY, chart for 8:15 a.m. today when it was just about the new moon.  Did you make your wish for the month?
MAY 15 2018  
Today we have a lot of special aspects.  The new moon is one of them.  New moon in Taurus, while Uranus will enter Taurus today for the first time in 84 years.  It was last in Taurus in the 1930s. When Taurus changes signs, normally a major event takes place.  Last time it changed signs and went into Aries, the Tsunami and Fukushima meltdown happened that day.  Uranus has been in fiery Aries for about seven years, and as it was at 29 degrees this past week, preparing to move into Taurus, the earth sign of stability and being settled, we saw the Hawaiian volcano explosion with lava pouring all over the big island.  Uranus brings unexpected shake-ups.  Earthquakes, explosions, volcanoes, which are a blend of earth and fire being shaken up and suddenly, unexpectedly rolling out into the world.  The tsunami and Fukushima happened when Uranus went from watery Pisces (ruled by Neptune, king of the sea) into fiery, energetic Aries, and the meltdown of the nuclear power plants.  
Uranus in Taurus is expected to shake up more than just the earth.  Taurus rules agriculture--so new, futuristic, visionary ways of growing, preparing and eating food.  (Uranus is the future vision, technology, the internet, and the rebel that brings change, sometimes unexpectedly, swift change).  Taurus rules banks and money, so there could be more focus on digital money, changes in how banking is done and money is used or created.  Taurus is food and wine and other drinks, like beer, kombucha, juice.  We may see new ways of preparing and making and eating/drinking these.  WE may see new kinds of food and drink.
Today the new moon is also in Taurus.  So Taurus is the focus for this month, and for the next 8 years, till Uranus moves into Gemini--the air sign.  In the body, Taurus rules the throat and neck.  Depending upon the house that Taurus is in in your chart, different areas can be affected over the next 7-8 years.  First house, the self, your identity may change or be changing unexpectedly; Second house--what you own, your income or possessions may be changing--also values and self-esteem could be shaken or could be altered; Third house--communication, agreements, speaking, ideas could change, or be focused on the future or  futuristic technology, or could become focused on alternative ideas; Fourth house could mean moving, changing the home in some way, a change in family/parents, what makes you feel comfortable; Fifth house--lovers, children, what we do for fun, gambling/risks, and creative projects could suddenly shift or offer alternatives, changes; Sixth house--day-to-day routines, work, the workplace, health, fitness; Seventh house: marriage and business partnerships. long-term commitments, and open enemies could be shaken, shifted, changed, or ended; Eighth house: other sources of money outside of salary--spouse’s money, government money, inheritance money, retirement funds, winnings, etc. can change, end, or come from a surprise source; Ninth house: education, legal matters, international cultures, travel, broadcasting can have a shake-up, be suddenly or unexpectedly different, altered. There could be futuristic visions coming from these areas; Tenth house: career, father, boss, fame could suddenly and unexpectedly leave, change, do something unusual, unexpected, and maybe offer an alternative or future vision, possibly related to technology; Eleventh house: Social and peer groups, networking groups, as well as hopes and dreams may be suddenly new, different, altered, gone, and replaced with new ones, possibly related to technology or doing something related to alternative beliefs/practices/foods/medicines, etc.; Twelfth house: unexpected changes happening behind the scenes, in private, in your mind or dreams, that shake things up, that provide alternative perspectives, offer a vision of the future, maybe a secret rebellious side or alternative personality.  
Mars is going into Aquarius today and will be there longer than usual.  It will go retrograde and will stay in Aquarius, slip back into Capricorn and finally go direct and leave Aquarius before the holidays in November.  Mars brings an energy, a drive, a passion, even a hostility or anger to Aquarius related things.  And what are those?  The same as Uranus things--since Uranus rules Aquarius.  Rebellion, individualism, the maverick, the alternative thinker, alternative beliefs and practices, fighters for social justice, the visionaries, intelligent,quirky, astrologers, even.  But Uranus, the planet, going into Taurus, will, for awhile, be square -- a 90-degree challenging angle--that could bring out the shadow side of each -- the lesser aspects.  Surprise attacks, unexpected rebellion, changing future vision, sudden changes bringing up or attacking alternative activities, alternative lifestyles.   Those who have sun, moon or rising signs in Aquarius will be affected by these Uranian/Aquarius energies mixing it up with Mars. There could be angry Aquarians, passionate sexual Aquarians, energetic Aquarians, rebellious ones, leading fights for social justice, envisioning new alternatives, new technolgies, new sources of energy (Mars), new financial alternatives.  
Again, look for the house in which Aquarius sits in your chart to see how Mars may affect you.  Remember, when Mars goes retrograde, the energy and strength (and anger, too) goes inward, toward the self related to the issues that Aquarius influences in our charts, AS WELL as the areas where Uranus sits--which now is Taurus in transit, but where does Uranus sit in your personal chart? Connect the dots to see the story unfold.
And the new moon--we will have new earth-related things, new foods, agricultural things.  But also money, security, and stability issues that have a new focus. The new moon is across from transiting Jupiter in Scorpio.  Scorpio is also a finance sign, and Jupiter is expansive.  It is retrograde right now.  It could be building up something under the surface (Scorpio indicates what is hidden beneath the surface and Jupiter normally,when direct, brings things out into the open, broadcasting, higher levels of learning and awareness).  With Jupiter retrograde, there could be something building and expanding beneath the surface (of the earth or sea --Taurus/Scorpio) and the new moon can trigger that.  When Jupiter goes direct, we may see what that is.  
Mercury is also in the game.  Mercury is communication, agreements, speaking, writing, news, the media, travel, cars, telephones, and more traditional forms of communication.  It passed Uranus in the past week, and Uranus is now in Taurus with Mercury only a couple of degrees away.  There could still be surprising news stories or futuristic communication technology introduced.  With Mars connecting to both Mercury and Uranus at such a challenging angle, there could be major arguments that come up unexpectedly, fights, anger, accidents, fires, possibly computer or car fires, road rage.  
Take care this week, and be careful of surprises, passions and angry exchanges.  As mercury moves away, things will calm down a bit, but Mars and Uranus will be dancing for awhile.  Be prepared to be surprised.  
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