hunbookworm · 4 years
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Could it be Francis or maybe Oliver? It sorta matches the timeline.
Or just a coincidence?
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hunbookworm · 4 years
Why do i feel like the funeral in the begining was either Kyra's or Rafael's? If it is Raf I will start a riot.😠 I do NOT want to loose my sweet boy. 😭😫
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hunbookworm · 4 years
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Found a face claim for Liam and my god
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hunbookworm · 5 years
Choices November Challenge - Day 23
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gif is mine
thanks to the amazing @choicesnovemberchallenge for the prompt
Day 23: Secret – Rafael Aviero x MC
As you made your way through the door into the quaint little house, you hung up your coat and slipped out of your shoes before you dropped your keys in the small bowl that sat on the table in the hallway. You then make your way down the hall to the open plan living area and kitchen, where you see your husband working away behind the counter, back to you as he works. You make your way towards him, before you wrap your arms around his waist and he leans back into your touch, before you place a kiss to his shoulder, he turns his head to look at you, a warm smile spreading across his cheeks and you can’t help the wide grin from spreading across your face.
“And how was your first day in the emergency department Dr Y/L/N?” he asks and you smile
“Oh it was great, I got the chance to meet this really handsome paramedic who was totally flirting with me” you say and he raises an eyebrow, a slow smirk spreading across his face at the banter as he asks
“Oh really?”, you can’t help the chuckle that escapes as you say
“Yeah, my new doctor friends were a little jealous that I seemed to grab your attention” you say and he chuckles, placing the knife down on the chopping board before he spins in your arms, winding his own around your waist and says
“Well, I can’t help it when the most stunning woman in the room just happens to be my wife”, you feel a blush creep across your face at the compliment and you move to hide your face in his chest before he reaches out to pull your face up to meet his gaze
“I know you said you wanted to keep us a secret in the workplace, at least whilst you find your feet but no matter what happens Y/N you will always be the most perfect person in my eyes” he says before placing his lips against yours, and you can’t help but sigh into the kiss, needing the connection with the man you loved after a difficult day.
Tag List: @tiva-jenry-caskett-rizzles-densi, @jimmybpride, @dressed-up-just-like-z1ggy, @nikkiwierden, @samchelforever007, @kirkspockbones, @xoncisxncislaxncisnolaox, @lasalle-pride-sebastian-love, @haliannej​, @brooklyn-99-amyxjake​, @mizzezm​, @genius2050​, @twilight-twihard​, @cullencoven2019​, @captainxholmes​, @luciferxchloeislove​, @drethanramsey-ismybabe​, @sawyer-oakley-is-mighty-fine​
Tag List for Pixelberry fics: @cordoniaqueensworld​, @aworldoffandoms​, @desiree-0816​
Tag List for Open Heart: @melissagoodwill​, @lady-kato​, @i-bloody-love-drake-walker​, @cxld-play​
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hunbookworm · 5 years
Touched By An Angel
Relationship: Rafael Aveiro/Maddox Welles (MC)
Words: 1.2k
Summary: The morning after, with Rafael.
Rating: T+
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hunbookworm · 5 years
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It's the Last Apple Ball's date so this means that our child will be premature
Meaning that pb could torture us with some health problems too
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hunbookworm · 5 years
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I found my face claim for Simon and I absolutely love both of them😍
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hunbookworm · 5 years
New Beginnings Masterlist
New Beginnings Masterlist
Thomas x MC - MotY
Summary: Four years after her world fell apart, Tara Day’s luck is beginning to change. Maybe.
Warning: This series will contain NSFW material. If you read, you acknowledge you are 18 or over.
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Chapter 1 - Better Days
Chapter 2 - Torn
Chapter 3 - Talk
Chapter 4 - Distance
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hunbookworm · 5 years
A First of Many (Thomas Mendez x Reader)
Light caress of fingers upon the small of your back sent chills down your spine. The hairs at the back of your neck stood on end as you felt Thomas’s breath upon your ear.
“It’s looking good.”
His eyes were taking in the sautéing ingredients in the pot. Sure, the onions were a variety of sizes, medium dice and fine chop mixing together, some raw and some broken down, but that’s what happens when you let a ten-year old do your mise en place. Though you had to admit, Luz was pretty good with a knife, a fact that honestly wasn’t all that surprising now that you thought about it. 
Thomas’s hand didn’t leave the small of your back as he added a handful of spices to the pot of pozole rojo. Part of you wondered if he knew the impact his touch had on you, how on-fire your body grew at his presence, so close yet so forbidden. When he squeezed lightly at your hip, his fingers cupping into the flesh of you as he took another whiff of the delicious pot, you had your answer. 
“I can’t wait to try some,” he said to you as he slipped away to help your daughter drain the hominy. 
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hunbookworm · 5 years
The Beginning
Day 19 of @choicesnovemberchallenge: Desire
Book: Mother of the Year
This is the third installment of my MotY mini-series. This can be read alone or in conjunction with my first two fics: The Visit and The Pep Talk
Warnings for smut, dirty talk, graphic depictions of sex between consenting adults.
Tagging (from my new fancy tag list!): @binny1985 @i-bloody-love-drake-walker @dawn-1994 @burnsoslow @walkerismychoice @debramcg1106 @molly7998 @desiree-0816 @innerpostmentality @thatrookiechloe @seriouslybadchoices @virtuallytakenby @darley1101
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hunbookworm · 5 years
The Pep Talk
@choicesnovemberchallenge Day 12: Anxiety
Book: Mother of the Year
This is a continuation of Day 7′s fic The Visit
@debramcg1106 @burnsoslow @mskaneko @dcbbw @darley1101 @indiacater @cora-nova - if you don’t want me to tag you, please let me know!
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hunbookworm · 5 years
The Visit
@choicesnovemberchallenge Day 7: Supernatural
Sorry I missed some days, but adulting is hard. Here is a story with some typos and repetition, but once I'm done writing I don't want to see it again 🙈
Tagging some lovelies: @debramcg1106 @burnsoslow @mskaneko @cora-nova
Thomas Mendez was a careful man, and he knew that when he left this morning the door was locked. Trepidation settled in the pit of his stomach as he thought of a stranger inside his home, invading his privacy, Luz’s privacy. Adrenaline pumping, Thomas quietly entered the living room, listening for any sounds to indicate an intruder. Hearing none, he looked around, finding everything just as it was when he and Luz had rushed out the door this morning. TV? Check. Laptop on the coffee table? Check. Nothing seemed amiss, and Thomas relaxed slightly. 
“Hello?” Cringing to himself for drawing attention to his presence, Thomas stealthily made his way down the short hallway to the master bedroom. A pause to listen; still nothing. Relaxing slightly, Thomas stepped into the room and saw her, sitting there, that peaceful smile he knew so well curving her lush lips. 
The word came out as a hoarse whisper, the sight before him making speech nearly impossible. Her dark curls shone in the sunlight streaming through the windows, her face so beautiful, just as he remembered it, waiting patiently for him to recover his wits.
Thomas crossed to the bed on unsteady legs. “Is . . . is it . . .,” he swallowed thickly, “is it really you?” Her enigmatic smile stretched across her face in a grin, although she remained silent, watching him with such love and peace in her eyes it took his breath away. He stretched a hand out to her, convinced that she was only a wisp of a figment, something his overworked imagination conjured up just to reignite the fiery pain in his heart that had only recently begun to dull. Pausing just shy of her body, Thomas closed his eyes and took a breath, gently bringing his palm to cup the side of her face. 
The warmth of her solid form washed through his body, an elation like he had never experienced coursing through his veins. 
“Oh my god,” Thomas choked out, tears running down his cheeks, “you’re back, you’re here.” 
Still silent, Soledad turned her head into his shaking hand, gently kissing his skin. The softness of her lips pulled him back into memories so deep he thought they’d never resurface. Memories of the two of them, in this bed, bodies twisted together in lovemaking, changing the house they’d built together into a home. Memories of late nights watching movies when Soledad couldn’t sleep, curled together on their sides with Thomas’s hand resting gently and possessively on her swollen belly. 
“My love,” she said, “I never left.”
He pulled her to him, holding her tightly against his body as though she would disappear at any moment. Stroking her hair, Thomas nestled his face into her neck, breathing in the freesia perfume that always reminded him of summer and sunshine. 
When Soledad lifted her arms to wrap around his back, Thomas sobbed into her curls. 
“Soli, I thought you left me, I thought you were gone.” His tears soon soaked the soft fabric of her sweater, her favorite pink sweater that made her skin glow like caramel and set off the rosy blush of her cheeks. She continued to hold him, rubbing his back, the comfort of her embrace like a soothing balm to his battered soul. 
Minutes that stretched into hours passed as the couple held each other quietly. Whispered words of love and devotion passed from lip to lip, sighs pressed against one another’s mouths. Thomas stared in wonder at his wife, wondering why the tragic dream of her death had felt so real when, clearly, she was with him in this world.
Time held no meaning to Thomas. The sun stayed bright in the sky, shining through the gauzy curtains that Soledad herself has insisted upon, loving the way they billowed into the room when a breeze swept by the open window. A frisson of guilt crept into Thomas’s psyche and he thought briefly of Luz - but, no, she was staying over at Bella’s for the night. Fridays were for sleepovers and Amelia had promised the girls —
Thomas froze, the realization of what he’d done crashing into him like a violent tidal wave, washing away the cocoon of warmth he’d been relishing. God, did Soledad know? That he’d touched another woman, kissed her, thought of her in ways he never thought he would again. Thomas felt his heart crack in his chest and drew back from the woman he held, feeling unworthy of her touch, of her love. 
Soledad raised her eyebrows as Thomas twisted to a sitting position, his feet flat on the thick ivory carpeting, his head in his hands. Shifting to sit next to him, she gently laid a hand on his back. 
“Tommy, it’s fine. I know.”
His heart dropped like a stone. His fists gripped his auburn waves and he kept his eyes trained on the floor, knowing he couldn’t face Soledad. Even without saying the words out loud, he knew she was talking about his flirtation with Amelia. 
If Thomas didn’t feel like his soul was being ripped from his body, he would have laughed. What he and Amelia had - or could have had, if the reminder of Soledad wasn’t stamped all over Thomas’s heart - was much more than a flirtation. After Luz, Amelia was the brightest spot in Thomas’s life. Her humor, her kindness, her beauty; Thomas hadn’t been so taken with a woman since Soledad had entered his life all those years ago. And now, with Soledad back . . . the crushing realization that he would lose Amelia brought more tears to his eyes. 
Soledad continued her attempt to soothe Thomas, but even the feel of her hand on his back did nothing to quell the angst burning in his veins. She smiled sadly to herself, knowing that what she was about to say would forever alter the course of their lives. 
Even the bonds of death couldn’t diminish the soul-consuming love she held for Thomas, still the most handsome man she’d ever seen with the biggest heart in the world, and Luz, her baby girl, growing up so fast. Thomas was an amazing father, and Luz was happy, fulfilled, but Soledad knew she needed a mother, needed a woman who could be there when Thomas couldn’t. And Soledad knew Amelia, knew how kind and intelligent she was, how patient and loving. And when she saw the two of them in that bookstore (brought together by a bit of magical mischief when she conveniently slipped the last binder on the highest shelf), Soledad knew Amelia was the right one, the one who could finally bring her Tommy back to life. 
“Don’t be upset, Tommy,” she murmured, “I have been with you every moment since I left.” Thomas lifted his head, understanding, then acceptance, dawning in his red-rimmed eyes. 
“You’re still gone, Soli, aren’t you?”
Soledad nodded. Fresh tears pooled in Thomas’s eyes; he was losing her again, the grief stealing his breath. “Please don’t go away again, I need you . . . Luz needs you . . . please . . .” Thomas pulled Soledad against him, her head resting against his chest the same way it always had. She let him hold her for a moment, for she was just as greedy for his touch as he was for hers. Finally pulling away, because it was what she had to do, because she didn’t have much longer here, Soledad gently cupped Thomas’s cheek and smiled at him. 
“She is a beautiful woman, Tommy, inside and out. You deserve to be loved, and she loves you. She loves you, and she needs you, and you need her. Luz needs her. Don’t be afraid my love,” Soledad gently stroked his hair back from his face, “you can do this. I want you to do this.”
Thomas stared at his wife, unable to believe what she was offering. “But I love you, Soli, and I lost you. I don’t know what I would do if —” he paused to take a deep breath “ — if I lost Amelia, too.” The air rushed out of his lungs, leaving his chest feeling hollow. Admitting the depth of his feelings for Amelia left him stunned . . . and elated. For the first time since meeting Amelia, Thomas felt free, the knot of guilt in his stomach unravelling. 
Soledad saw the transformation on Thomas’s face, the hard lines of grief softening into something new, something lighter. He looked every bit like the Thomas she’d fallen in love with, like a man who didn’t carry the world on his shoulders. 
“Be happy, Tommy, don’t be afraid. I will always be with you and Luz, but you must let yourself live.”
Thomas hugged Soledad tightly, the deep crevices in his heart healing over with her embrace. “You mean it, Soli? I swear if you don’t want me to —” Soledad lightly pressed a finger to his lips.
“I want you to. Now go, call Amelia. Don’t make her wait one second longer for you.” She took his lips with her own, the place where her heart used to be aching with loss. “I love you, Tommy,” she whispered against his lips, “never forget that. I love you, and I will always be with you.” 
The sun shining through the window blossomed into a blinding light, making Thomas clench his eyes shut against the offending glare.
The world around him darkened and Thomas’s eyes flew open, his heart pounding. He stared into the inky blackness of his room, his gaze blindly darting around the room trying to find Soledad. It had all been so real, the feeling of her body still fresh in Thomas’s mind. As his heart resumed a normal rate, Thomas waited for the pain, the overwhelming sense of loss and sadness that consumed his body whenever he dreamt of Soledad. He remembered her in his arms, the scent of her body, the softness of her sweater, her hair. He remembered . . .
. . . Amelia.
His memories were of Amelia’s body pressed against his, her body molding to his as perfectly as Soledad’s once had, although differently. He could smell the warm, alluring amber perfume she favored, that green cashmere sweater, soft as a cloud under his hands. Her raven hair as it tumbled down around her shoulders when she took down her messy bun, the way her chocolate eyes glittered dangerously up at him after he kissed her in the back room at Drafthorse, promising things that he’d wanted, so badly, but been too afraid to accept. 
Thomas fumbled on the nightstand for his phone, pressing the button on the side to see the time. 6:03 am. Amelia was an early riser, preferring to drink a cup or two of coffee before waking Bella up for the day. She would be sitting at the small table in her kitchen, scrolling through social media, laughing at memes and cat videos. Her hair would be mussed, lines from her pillowcase etched into the golden skin of her face. She would be gloriously beautiful. 
His heart hammering, he pressed her contact on the screen, the ringing of the phone jangling his nerves further. 
“Thomas? Are you okay? Is it Luz? What’s going on?” Amelia’s worried voice echoed down the line. Thomas smiled, despite himself, and spoke quickly to reassure her. 
“Everything is fine, we’re fine, Amelia,” he soothed, “I just needed to call you. I needed to . . . hear your voice.” 
He heard Amelia make a small squeak on the other end of the line, making him grin. “Is that okay? That I called you?”
Across town, Amelia smiled into her coffee, her heart tripping like a schoolgirl’s. “Of course. You never need a reason to call, Thomas.”
Gently clearing his throat, Thomas tried to keep the nervousness out of his voice. “Well I did have a reason, actually. I wondered — uh, I was hoping, that, uh . . .” he rolled his eyes at his ridiculousness, “that you were free tonight? Can I see you?”
He waited with bated breath for her answer and was rewarded quickly. 
“Yeah, I don’t work tonight. I’m sure I can get Myra to watch Bella. What time?”
“I’ll leave the office early. How about six?” Thomas didn’t want to wait one minute longer than necessary to see Amelia tonight. 
“Six is fine, I’ll see you then?”
Thomas grinned, his heart soaring at the thought of seeing her tonight and, hopefully, every night after that, of finally making her his, of finally feeling alive again.
“It’s a date, Amelia.”
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hunbookworm · 5 years
At the Corner of Armitage and Main - Thomas Mendez x MC
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Day 21 Prompt: Accident
Authors Note: Hello everyone! Me and my lovely, awesome friend @sugarandspice-milkandhoney have decided to participate in the Choices November Challenge set by @choicesnovemberchallenge.
Something different today with a Mother of The Year fic! 
Hope you all enjoy it as much as we had fun writing it!
Pairing: Thomas Mendez x MC (Tara Day)
Word Count: 970
Rating: PG
Warning: Might be triggering but nothing serious.
Summary: Tara is involved in an accident and not even an accident is going to stop her from being with the man she loves. Meanwhile, Thomas has a realisation on his way to see her.
Tagging the OH tag because you might like Mother of The Year too! Hope you like this prompt just as much as our normal Open Heart prompts.
Open Heart Tag: @senseofduties @polishchoicesfan @princess-geek @i-bloody-love-drake-walker @binny1985 @fanficnewbie @x-kyne-x  @thefluffyphotographer​ @laniquelovewrites-deactivated20 @thecordoniandiaries @rainbowsinthestorm @cxld-play @jens-diamondchoices @malakbesharah @hopelessly-shipper @dr-nancy-house @landofenchantedwonder @sabrinahoffersonsworld @flyawayboo @stanathanxoox @oofchoices @lilyofchoices  @thequeenofcronuts @heauxplesslydevoted @bi-cookie @lovebubblechoices @itsangelsie @kingliamsbish @trappedinfandoms @supercoolperson0808
Please let me know if you’d like to be tagged in further posts regarding the Choices November Challenge or just tagged in anything regardless.
Disclaimer: All rights reserved to Pixelberry and all characters belong to them.
Tara hummed to herself as she turned up the music, the radio crackling with white noise, static that drowned out the sound of the singing that was coming from the speakers. 
She balled her hand into a fist and thumped the blasted receiver, it sputtered, and the voice began to croon again, Tara sighed, sat back in her seat and continued on her way to Bernhardt to pick up Zoey and Luz. 
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hunbookworm · 5 years
The Night Before
Pairing: Thomas Mendez x MC (Marissa Day)
Summary: It’s the night before her custody hearing and insomnia has Marissa caught in a vice like grip. 
Warnings: NSFW. 18+
Tags: @princess-geek @chetachisblog @dorishi-desu @hatescapsicum@annekebbphotography @drakewalkerfantasy @seriouslyices @zambazeus @loilko @blackcoffee85 @randomchoicesblog @fortunatelywaywardsandwich@canknot @lapisreviewsstuff @akacalliope @senseofduties @badchoicesposts @ao719
It’s the night before her custody hearing (or morning of, depending on your perspective) and Marissa Day cannot sleep. And it’s not for a lack of trying on her part because she’s tried everything. Warm milk, counting sheep, a sleeping pill, the works.
She rolls over and looks at the time on the alarm clock. 2:43 AM stares back at her in bright red letters, almost as if it’s mocking her. She has to be up in less than 5 hours, and she hasn’t gotten a wink of sleep.
Rolling over in bed, Marissa gently collides with the warm body next to her. Thomas is next to her, an arm draped loosely around her waist. The girls wanted to have another sleepover, and Marissa didn’t want to be left alone with her thoughts the night before the biggest day of her life, so she eagerly accepted another chance to sleep at the Mendez house.
He’s sleeping so peacefully beside her, and she almost resents him for it. How dare he sleep like a baby while she’s a neurotic mess?
She turns slightly and takes in his sleeping form. Thomas looks so peaceful when he’s sleeping. The stress of the day is gone, and he’s relaxed. His breathing is even, there’s no crinkle in his forehead, his muscles are loose. 
And while he looks like a peaceful sleeping angel, she still wants to wake him up, as selfish as it sounds.
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hunbookworm · 5 years
Consequences part two
A/N: this is a follow up to my one shot. Pure fluff!
Book: mother of the year
Words: 1,245
Pairing: Thomas Mendez & MC
His spare hand gently caressed hers as he drove them expertly through the streets of Goldcliffe, the feeling of elation had consumed his soul as he caught sight of the woman that sat beside him in the passenger seat of his luxury car. He couldn't help it, a sigh of contentment escaped his lips before curling into a brilliant smile. Tabitha Day, the most extraordinary woman that had captivated his heart, mind, body and soul was with child, his child. 
"Was Eiko okay taking the girls to yours?" Her soft voice reached his ears as he slowed the car to a stop at the red light that sat before them, "I don't know how I'm going to Caitlyn that I'm having a ba-" she sighed heavily her eyes misting with the tears that threatened to fall, "and then there is the court case, you're my lawyer, Thomas. Isn't it a conflict of interest? Considering I'm, I'm carrying your baby" her voice trailed off as she rested a hand on her still flat stomach, her face wrought with emotion. 
"Tabitha, easy. Come down. We'll keep the pregnancy under wraps from Guy and Vanessa but I will tell the people I have to tell and that starts with our two daughters" he smirked at her raising his eyebrow at his lover, "umm, any idea how to do that?" His voice turning into a light chuckle as he carried on driving them towards his luxurious mansion.
"Well…" she smiled, her voice trailed off as she tapped her perfectly manicured finger against her lip, "tomorrow is Caitlyn's birthday, we could put this in a birthday card?" Her fingers grazing gently against the sonogram picture she held her hand, "with a message from us both? But I'm not sure how we can break the news to Luz though" 
"That sounds like a fabulous idea, as for Luz. I'm thinking about getting her a little present to say sorry for, well for me not being there as much as I liked. We can slip a copy into the present?" His eyes wrinkling with happiness as he pulled into the driveway of his home, "stay the night?" His hand closing the gap finding hers as he slowly caressed the soft skin of her knuckles, his eyes twinkling in the moonlight.
"Well…" her lips curling into a smirk, as she gazed into his hazel brown eyes momentarily before resting on the dimly lit grey brick building that stops behind him, her thoughts were calm for a change, being with Thomas, it felt natural, "it is late. And the girls are probably asleep" she whispered, her eyes glinting mischievously, "and we could surprise the girls tomorrow morning? You know with the baby news?" Her face turning thoughtful as she sighed deeply. 
"I think that is a wonderful idea!" His face lighting up as his eyes trailed down her face, her body landing her on her stomach, "why don't you go in? I'll head to the shop and get some shopping..anything you need or baby needs?" 
"Hmmm, I could go for some chocolate?" She smiled cheekily, leaning towards him until her lips were a hair's breadth from his own, lightly grazing the soft supple surface, "should I say, baby wants chocolate?"
"Heh...if my baby wants chocolate.." his mouth widening into a cheshire cat grin, "then my baby gets chocolate…" his lips crashing into hers momentarily with a ferocious intensity, "both of them" 
"Thank you" she smiles softly as she unbuckled the seat belt, swinging her legs out of the car, her heart pounding in her chest as she glanced back at his face, "Thomas?" 
"I..I love you" 
"I..uh..um…" his mouth dropped open as her words hit him like a thousand bricks, "I love you too" as soon as those three words left his lips, the weight of the world left his shoulders, shaking his head at the realisation that crashed over him, he loved her wholeheartedly, "I love you so much, now get inside and don't forget to tell Eiko the good news" he smiled as he winked at her as she slipped out of his car, waving goodbye as he reversed out of the driveway. 
Stepping up to the front door, her fingers grazed the soft skin of her lip, the shiver of her lips meeting his in a searing kiss etched into her memories, the sound of someone clearing their throat up ahead broke her of her fantasy. Smiling softly as she saw her best friend standing against the door frame, one foot propped up against the white wooden door, wearing her signature smirk on her lips, "dirty stop outs! What time do you call this?" Eiko laughed gently as she stepped aside. 
"Sorry" she smiled sheepishly, heading for the living room, sinking into the leather sofa, her head was heavy, she was tired, "I ended up at the hospital" 
"Yeah I heard! But I don't know why!" She sighed as she slumped into the chair beside her, "Are you okay?" 
"Not really but I will be! And I sort of found out some news" she paused, her head processing what was said, '' Wait! How did you find out?" 
"Wellll, Thomas was at the school picking up Luz when he got Alma's voicemail, he asked me if I could take Caitlyn and Luz back to his. So I said yes and gave me his house key then shot off to the hospital" her lips curled into a wicked smile as she glanced around at the luxurious furnishings of the home, "He has some nice digs! I mean Phhhewww!" A low chuckle rumbled out, "anyway what news?" 
"I'm..I'm pregnant" she smiled brightly at her friend's face, "uh..hello Eiko?" Laughing slightly at her face, "and Thomas is the father" 
"Uh. Yeah I kind of got that" she whispered cheekily, gently prodding her friend in the side, "I thought something might happen between you two. I can tell by the way he looks at you. Lovestruck!! Seriously, I was expecting to see hearts in his eyes instead of you know, pupils and irises!" 
"Hearts in my eyes?" The smooth voice of Thomas entered into the living room where the two women sat side by side on the sofa, Eiko's back to the doorway, followed by the sound of his expensive loafers echoing through the halls, his lips curled up into a brilliant smile, "well I guess, that is a very true analogy" his gaze resting on Tabitha. 
"Anyway, I should go" she laughed as she noticed the fervent sexual tension electrifying the air around them, "it's late and I have school tomorrow, I mean I have to teach at the school tom-, ahem! Night Thomas, Night Tabitha and congratulations!" She smiled quickly making haste for the front door. 
"Was it something I said?" He scoffed. 
"No. No, I think she had to be home early, it is a school night after all!" She laughed gently before striding towards him, his arms wrapping her waist as she sank her face into his neck, his smell, the rise and fall of his chest soothing her. 
"Good point! Let's get to bed, shall we?" He winked as he placed a tender kiss on her lips, "but first, there is something I need to tell you" 
"Oh yeah?" What's that?" 
"I love you, Tabitha Day and that was before I found out, you were carrying my baby!" 
"I love you, Thomas Mendez!" 
Feedback fuels me, if you like my work please give me a reblog, leave a comment or if you're shy some love! Thanks!
Perma tag list
@hopefulmoonobject @msjpuddleduck @cora-nova @drakesensworld @rainbowsinthestorm @liamxs-world @princess-geek @strangelycami @rafaelsupermanaveiro @emceesynonymroll @desiree-0816 @furiouscloddonutpeanut @lapisreviewsstuff
MOTY tag list
@annekebbphotography @indiacater @ao719 @tabootheunicorn
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hunbookworm · 5 years
A/N: this has been part written in my drafts for days now. I started writing this after MC (Tabitha Day) slept with the hunky attorney otherwise known as Thomas Mendez.
Pairing: Thomas Mendez & MC
Words: 1,391
Glancing around the empty store, never since she started working here had she seen Carmine so empty as she rested her chin on her palm, her fingers lightly tapping the glass counter as she sighed softly. Her thoughts returning to her night passion with Thomas, she was in deep with this man. He was kind, caring and deeply passionate, he was the anti Guy in her eyes, everything that her Ex-husband wasn't. 
The sound of the shop's doorbell broke through her thoughts as she glanced up at the front entrance, a practiced fake smile forming on her lips, quickly falling as she realised it was Alma,"Hey!" She sighed as she stood upright, a wave of Nausea chasing over her as her surroundings spun, gripping the counter for leverage, "you're...you're back" she groaned quietly as she stepped out from behind the counter and taking a few tentative steps forward before her eyes fell to the back of her head and she landed with a thud on the cold marble floor of her workplace. 
"TABITHA!" Alma's panicked cries barely registering on her brain, "stay with me!" As she fumbled in her pocket for her cell phone, the sound of electronic beeping rang out as she called for an EMT, her shaky voice as she spoke, "hi, I need an ambulance. Carmina clothing store? Do...you..uh need the address?... it's uh… I can't remember it!" She cried down the line, taking a breath as she stared down at the unconscious form of her friend lying on the shop floor, "please just hurry!?! My coworker needs you!" 
Time ticked by, seconds felt like minutes, minutes felt like hours, hours felt like days until finally the door pushed open in a frantic rush as two men entered the shop, Alma's alarm giving way with a sigh of relief as they stepped beside her, one crouching down to tend to Tabitha, the other turning his attention to her. 
"Hi, I'm Ben.. calm down, miss. Could you tell me and my partner what happened here?" He smiled softly as he gripped her hand gently pulling her focus onto him, his soothing green eyes reaching her deep hazel ones. 
"Uh...yeah" she gulped as she fought back the tears that threatened to fall freely down her cheek, "I I just came back off my lunch break, she saw me and said Hi, started walking around from behind the counter, the next thing I knew she was flat out on the floor!" 
"Thank you, we'll take over from here" the EMT's hand softly gripping her arm, his voice soothing Alma's internal panic, his smile settling her nerves as he joined his colleague on the floor tending to Tabitha. 
Her breathing ragged as she fumbled with her phone once more, scrolling through her contacts until she found his number, taking a deep breath as she hit dial, a tear rolled down her soft cheek as she watched the medical professionals taking her best friend out of the shop on a gurney, "damn it, Thomas! Answer the phone!" She growled at the ringing sound at the other end, "Thomas! When you get this message, you need to get your handsome backside to the Hospital!! Tabitha collapsed at work…" she sighed as she spoke to the voicemail on his phone, choking back the tears that threatened to form.
"Whatever is the matter?" Her boss's soft tone reached her ears as she stepped out of the backroom glancing around at the carnage left by her employee's medical incident, "I was in the office, doing some paperwork and listening to some music. What in heavens happened here?" She sighed as she stepped up next to Alma. 
"Tabitha...she..she collapsed" her voice was fraught with emotion as she told her boss what had happened, watching as the smile fell from the kindly old woman's face as a tear after tear rolled down her cheek. 
"Oh, Alma..what are you waiting for?" She whispered as she placed a gentle hand on her shoulder, "go to her, she shouldn't be alone. I'll handle this place before you even think of protesting!" She chuckled as she watched the smirk that appeared on her face, "Go. Before I change my mind!" 
"Uh..um..thank you, Sandy" she shouted across her shoulder as she rushed back out the door, heading quickly towards her car that was parked at a few feet away. The sound of her phone humming to itself in her bag broke her out of her thoughts as she reached inside, breathing a sigh of relief as she read the name on the screen, "Thomas, thank heavens! You need to get to the hospital! Tabitha collapsed at work!" Her voice relaying her desperation at the situation that laid before her, "see you soon" 
Turning the corner, she was so happy to see the anxious pacing mess that was Thomas Mendez. His eyes glaring into a space as his feet walked a seemingly invisible line, back and forth until he heard the sound of movement heading towards him, smiling half-heartedly at the look on her face that mirrored his own.
"Thomas? Any news?" She whispered as she approached him, her heart falling as she watched him shake his head fervently, his gaze trailed down the corridor landing on a closed door, "is she in there?"
"Yes. Uh.. yes,  that's right" he sighed as he pinched the bridge of his nose, his eyes flickering shut, escaping into his thoughts as he slumped into a nearby chair.
"Mr Mendez?" The soft voice reached his ears startling him as his gaze searched for the owner, landing on an older woman with a physician's coat, "hi, I'm Doctor Morrison..I'm treating a Miss Tabitha Day? I understand you are her partner?" 
Ignoring a snort that came from Alma's lips as he stepped forward shaking her hand passionately, his lips curling into a smile and his title, Tabitha's partner. "That's correct. Is she okay?" 
"She's fine, Mr Mendez. You may see her in a second. I just wanted to give you some information on her condition to prevent this happening again, handing over a leaflet. 
"Hyperemesis Gravidarum?!? What's that?" His voice matching the confusion on his face. 
"It's a more extreme version of Morning sickness which can result in hospitalization but don't worry, with these tips, she should be fine and it should pass quickly" her voice trailed off as she glanced at the look of utter confusion on his face, "Miss Day is pregnant, I thought you knew that. She mentioned that you were the father" 
"........uh...oh! Uh yes that's right. May I… May I see her now? Please?" He mumbled his mouth agape with shock. 
"Of course follow me" she nodded slightly as she strode off down the hallway, the sound of her heels clicking on the shiny marble floor of the hospital's corridor.
His breath hitched as he saw her, laid on a bed her body covered in various wires, she still looked beautiful, tired but beautiful. His finger trailed across her cheek, she looked so peaceful whilst she was asleep, her eyes flickered open as she met his gaze, "hey you" he smiled softly, "you gave everything quite a scare..Tabitha?" 
"Yes?" Their fingers interlaced each other as he sat down on the edge of the bed, their knees barely brushing together. 
"Did you know you're pregnant?" His voice hesitant, his vulnerability apparent. 
She sighed, shaking her head, "no" she whispered, "I mean I suspected because I was late but I just put it down to stress…if you don't want the baby, I would never ask you to do something you don't want to do" 
"Shhhh" he smiled softly as he placed a finger gently on her lips, "I'm ecstatic about having a child with you" his lips curling into a brilliant wild smile at the thought of becoming a dad again, "the only problem…." He sighed deeply. 
"What?" Tabitha's face fell at the seriousness of his words. 
"We have to tell Caitlyn and Luz, they are going to be big sisters" his face wrinkled with distaste and displeasure, "they are going to go mental…" they gulped simultaneously. 
Glancing at each other, the horror of having to tell their two 9 year old daughters the news, the look of resolve resting on the face,"Not it!!" 
Feedback fuels me, if you like my work please give me a reblog, leave a comment or if you're shy some love! Thanks!
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hunbookworm · 5 years
The Engagement
Summary: After winning the custody case Thomas proposes to MC 
Parings ThomasxMC
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MC woke up the ray’s of sunshine in her face. She turned and saw Thomas sleeping beside her peacefully and she smiled as she recalled their night together
After dinner Thomas and MC sat in the couch snuggling He nuzzled her neck “God I love you so much”
MC giggles “Ok Thomas fess up”
“Fess up what?”
MC smirks “Oh please I’m no fool first you send Luz and Hope away to Alma’s for the night, then you take me out for a show and make me dinner. Something tells me you got something up your sleeve”
He chuckles “Can’t I spend time with my favorite girl and spoil her?”
“You never spoil me unless you got a surprise”
He laughs “Ok you got me you know me so well don’t you?”
“Like a book now what’s the surprise?”
“Ah if I told you that it wouldn’t be a surprise now close your eyes”
MC closes her eyes then after a moment he speaks again “Open them”
She opens her eyes and sees a small box on the table. Her eyes go wide Is this what I think it is? She quickly opens the box and finds it empty “Uh Thomas was there-” She gasps as she turns to him and sees him down on one knee with a ring in his hand
“MC from the day we met in the store I knew you were the one from me and I know I’ve been pushing my feelings away because I was still mourning but I know my wife wouldn’t want me to morn her forever she wants me to be happy and I am happy with you. You make everyday brighter and better and I  imagine my life without you.” He grins as he takes her hand “Will you marry me?”
MC smiles as a tear falls down her face “Yes”
He slides the ring on her finger and wraps her in his arms “I love you so much”
“I love you too oh I can’t wait to tell the girls”
He smiles “I already did”
“You did?”
“Of course I didn’t want to do anything without their permission and they both loved the idea of being sisters”
MC giggles as he kisses her deeply then lifts her off the couch “Come let’s go celebrate our engagement properly” He carries her to the bedroom without breaking their kiss
MC smiles as she fiddled with the ring on her finger. She gently takes his arm from around her and sneaks out the bedroom trying not to wake him. She tiptoes to the kitchen and starts preparing breakfast for them. Halfway through she felt strong arms around her waist
“Good morning”
“I was hoping you’ll stay in bed I wanted to surprise you”
“Oh believe me I was surprised especially when I smell it all the way down the hall”
She giggles as he trails kisses down her neck then her takes her hand “This ring looks beautiful on you” He tightens his arms around her “I can’t wait to marry you”
“Me too Thomas I love you”
“I love you too” She turns and kisses him deeply then she quickly pulls away “Now quit distracting me before I burn your breakfast”
He chuckles then smirks “Mmmm I wanna take a shower and I would love some company”
“Let me finish cooking”
He reaches over and turns off the stove “There you’re done now come on”
He lifts her up and carries her to the bathroom as she laughs
After picking and dropping off Hope and Luz MC heads to the PTA meeting. When she enters the room she sees Vanessa’s icy glare “Welcome MC”
“Vanessa” She sits down next to Cynthia was looks down at her hand and grins
“What’s this?” She grabs her hand “Is that an engagement ring?!”
MC smiles “Yeah”
Hugo claps her on the back “Congratulations who’s the lucky guy?”
“Well…” MC smiles “Thomas”
She looks over at Vanessa who is shooting daggers at her and clenching her jaw “Well…congrats”
MC can hardly suppress her smirk “Thanks”
After the PTA meeting MC heads outside and  sees Thomas waiting for her she runs over to him “Hey what are you doing here?”
“Just thought I bring you some food before you head off to work”
“Thanks you’re the best” She kisses him softly
“Well I try how was it in there?”
“Well a few happy people and a jealous Vanessa but what else is new?”
Thomas sighs and pulls her into a hug “Sorry you had to deal with that”
“It’s fine don’t worry about it”
“Well if it isn’t the happy couple” MC rolls her eyes as she turns and sees Vanessa walking up to them
“What you do you want Vanessa?”
“Oh nothing just expressing my congratulations though honestly I didn’t see this coming I mean with your background” MC rolls her eyes “Thomas honestly I mean you couldn’t do better?”
“I have done better” He wraps his arm around her pulling her closer “I mean who can be better than this perfect girl in my arms?”
MC smiles as Vanessa scoffs “I don’t know what you see in her”
“He sees a lot in me because I’m the one who’s marrying him and you’re the one who’s lonely and single”
“Yeah there’s no room in that stone cold heart of yours for love go find another teacher to fuck”
Vanessa turns bright red “How dare-” They walk away before she can finish
“Ignore her MC”
“Oh I always do and thanks for defending me”
“You don’t need to thank me I will always fight for you”
“Still thanks” She leans in and whispers “I have a surprise waiting for you tonight”
“What is it?”
“Let’s just say it’s something that you’re really gonna in enjoy tonight”
Thomas groans “Oh fuck are you trying to drive me crazy?”
MC giggles “Maybe a little I’ll see you later baby”
She kisses him deeply and tries to pull away but Thomas tightens his grip on her she giggles “Thomas I gotta go”
“One more kiss please?”
MC kisses him again then pulls away “I love you”
“I love you too see you after work beautiful”
Tags: @annekebbphotography​ @indiacater​ @cora-nova​ @the-soot-sprite​ @hopefulmoonobject​ @mfackenthal​ 
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