The art of not caring
I believe the only true way of finding inner success with drive purpose and compassion truly starts the moment you unearth yourself from negative people in your surroundings. Often times we get so caught up in the now, how we are feeling NOW, but we lack to forget the long term value. If you’re with someone and they aren’t directly adding value to your life, it’s time to say goodbye. If they arent striving for you to be the best version of you, you can possibly be, it’s time to say goodbye. The inner workings of your circle should be filled with nothing short of amazing people that only have your best interests in mind. The people that will motivate you further than you ever imagined. Look for the value.
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Never forget where your light comes from, and never let it die out.
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The art of silence
A practice long gone in this day in age, people are listening to respond not listening to comprehend. When conversing, always ensure you are there with purpose, don't simply allow the information into your ears merely to reply, but to understand what is being presented and being able to be a part of the solution.
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Trying to protect yourself from your fears protects you from experiencing a fully evolved and juicy life.
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Be hungry
The walls of your comfort zone are lovingly decorated with your lifelong collection of your favourite excuses;
No matter where you are in your “process” we as individuals and humans need to be reminded to step our of our comfort zones. Pursue the new career of your dreams, move halfway across the country to secure that internship, say “I love you” to the woman of your dreams. More often than not we find ourselves trapped in our day to day events that we forget where we are headed, whats our end goal. You should be waking up everyday ready to concur and thrive in this place we call earth. Its right there ready for you, all you have to do is grab it.
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