humans-are-great · 7 years
Apparently humans are the only creatures in the universe messed up enough to come up with and enjoy the horror genre. Naturally being that kind of messed up they take great pleasure into introducing it to the other sentient species of the universe.
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humans-are-great · 7 years
Humans are weird, apparently
Ok, I decided I wanted to try my hand at adding to this “Humans are Space Orcs” thing.  Apologies if it’s been done before, but I haven’t seen this particular thing.
Imagine the aliens coming to Earth and looking at our media, at the products in our stores, and all over the place they see the most obvious warnings and disclaimers.  “Caution, food will be hot,” “Professional driver on closed course,” “Do not attempt.”  And they just think that humans must be absolute idiots because who the heck needs to be told that, right?
But they don’t know about human litigation.
Sure, the aliens have laws and treaties and whatnot, but what with an intersteller community and all these different races and languages, they just naturally abide by the spirit of the law, because who would want all that precise translation and finicky language and loophole abuse and obvious rule patches?  Way too much work for the aliens.
So humans join the galactic community, start developing relationships and trade deals and agreeing to abide by whatever the aliens call their Geneva Convention.  Everyone’s happy.  Until the aliens start looking a little closer at actual human behaviour.
“Umm, Ambassador Joseph, we can’t help but notice that your people have been making more dreadnoughts than the Isni Treaty allows.  This is making us very nervous.”
“I’m afraid I don’t know what you mean, President Gangril.  We only have four dreadnoughts.”
“You registered four, but when reviewing your fleet, we found there were at least twenty?”
“The other sixteen are heavy crusiers.”
“They’re clearly dreadnoughts.”
Joe brings out a large stack of papers.  “Actually, according to the treaty, dreadnoughts are over 906 metres, and these cruisers are 890 metres long.  The guns also…”
Until the aliens are collectively tearing out their hair analogues and somehow human lawyers get even richer as the galactic community desperately hires them in an effort to prevent this behaviour.
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humans-are-great · 7 years
okay, so, I love all the posts that run off the assumption that humans are the most ridiculous sapient species in the galaxy
but what if it’s just the other way around
what if humans are notoriously straitlaced and obsessed with protocol. the bureaucrats of the stars.
which is obviously something we would constantly try to complain about and disprove only for some Alpha Centaurian to be like “Captain, your species formalized spirituality, repeatedly, and a recurring theme therein is that the heavens themselves are run as a bureaucracy. Even your rebellions and revolutions are meticulously planned.”
it’s not a bad thing, per se, to have a human on your team — analytical minds, good diplomats (if only because one human etiquette system can be more complex and even contradictory than the vastly varied customs of an entire species) — but be prepared for them to call attention to moral quandaries and loopholes that never would have occurred to you.
and speaking of loopholes, do be careful, because the only thing worse than a human armed with an ironclad system of rules is a human who’s found a gaping hole in them.
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humans-are-great · 7 years
my fav trope is like, nonhuman characters not understanding human needs/customs but still being super supportive of their human companion
“look what I found while exploring this planet’s surface!” “kilrak please I’m trying to sleep” “ah yes your human circadian rhythm. *stage whispering* I am supposed to be quiet during this time in your rhythm, yes?”
“the book I purchased on ragnok V says humans require physical touch when upset. therefore, I shall engage in a ‘hug’ with you.” *supremely awkward five-armed hug ensues*
“this pamphlet I received recently says that humans require companions and packmates in the form of small earth creatures. you should have told me this before we departed earth, but it is no worry. we will have to stop at the next trade planet to get you one of these ‘cats’ or ‘dogs’.”
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humans-are-great · 8 years
Humans Are Weird
So there has been a bit of “what if humans were the weird ones?” going around tumblr at the moment and Earth Day got me thinking. Earth is a wonky place, the axis tilts, the orbit wobbles, and the ground spews molten rock for goodness sakes. What if what makes humans weird is just our capacity to survive? What if all the other life bearing planets are these mild, Mediterranean climates with no seasons, no tectonic plates, and no intense weather? 
What if several species (including humans) land on a world and the humans are all “SCORE! Earth like world! Let’s get exploring before we get out competed!” And the planet starts offing the other aliens right and left, electric storms, hypothermia, tornadoes and the humans are just … there… counting seconds between flashes, having snowball fights, and just surviving. 
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humans-are-great · 8 years
I Had a Great Idea
for a Humans are Weird story.
So human babies REALLY need to be touched. Its totally critical for development. Small babies can literally die if you don’t cuddle them enough.
But imagine that the aliens are more like reptiles, in that they just sort of hatch and their parents feed them or stay around (and presumably, like, educate them, since they’re intelligent aliens), but don’t carry them around or cuddle in the same way.
So one of them gets stuck with a human baby that they’re responsible for and of course, they go ask a xenobiologist or someone ‘what do you do for a human baby, they’re all weird and squishy’.
And the scientist says: well, you have to stroke them. Like actually pick them up and stroke their skin.
Why, says the alien, what could that possibly accomplish. Does it make their skin tougher. Will they grow proper scales.
No, no, that’s just what human skin is like, you just… you have stroke them or they won’t grow right. They get a stroking-deficiency and can die.
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humans-are-great · 8 years
Humans are adorable.
Supporting evidence:
1. Humans say ‘ow’, even if they haven’t actually been hurt. It’s just a thing they say when they think they might have been hurt, but aren’t sure yet.
2. Humans collect shiny things and decorate their bodies and nests with them. The shinier the better, although each individual has a unique taste for style and colouring
3. Humans are not an aquatic or even amphibious species, but they flock to bodies of water simply to play in it. They can’t even hold their breath all that long; they just love to splash!
4. When night falls and the sky goes dark, humans become drowsy and begin to cocoon themselves in soft, fluffy bedding.
5. Some humans spend time in each other’s nests! Just for fun! It’s not their nest; they’re just visiting each other.
6. Some humans use pigments and dyes to make their bodies flashy and colourful! They even attach shiny dangly bits to their cartalidgous membranes!
7. Humans are very clever, and sometimes adopt creatures from other species into their family units. They don’t seem to notice the obvious differences, and often raise them alongside their own young!
8. If a human sees another creature in distress, they can commonly be observed trying to help! Even at their own risk, most humans are deeply compassionate creatures!
9. If a human hears a particularity catchy sound or tune, it will often mimic it, even to the point of annoying themselves!
10. Sneezes are entirely involuntary, and completely adorable. Especially when the human in question becomes frustrated
11. Humans love treats!!! Some more than others. Many humans will save these treats specifically for a later date when they are in need of comfort or reassurance. IE, pickles, pop tarts, Popsicles, etc
12. They’re learning to travel in space!!! They can’t get very far, but they’re trying!!! So far, they’ve made it to the end of their yard, and have found rocks
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humans-are-great · 8 years
A brief thought on "humans" as a fantasy RPG race
It’s usually done so humans are presented as “average”. In my conception, humans are the daredevils. The one thing a human loves more than watching another human do something horribly unsafe is doing something unsafe themselves.
It’s said that the stout and serious dwarves invented the first staircase, but it was a human who came up with the idea of surfing down the staircase on an oaken shield.
Elves have lived in the great Hometree overlooking the Mother River for untold ages. It was a human who first had the idea to jump out of the tree and into the river.
That’s the other thing - dwarves are stout and hardy, but like the stone they came from, once they break, they’re broken. Humans recover impossibly fast by the standards of other races. They’re also the first ones to get up after an explosion or cave-in, with a cheerful “I’m okay!” They can’t take as much as a dwarf, but nobody beats humans at getting back up again and again and again for more punishment.
The Hobbits appreciate Human vigor, their good cheer, and certainly their lusty appetite for food and drink, but the utter glee with which humans will attempt to harm themselves or their fellows in a misguided attempt at “fun” is horrifying. Their rituals and celebration - they let themselves be charged by bulls! - are seen as a testament to human ingenuity, creativity, and utter lack of good sense.
The humans who are most highly regarded by their peers are those who excel at SOMETHING. Dancing, throwing, singing, fighting - humans love watching other humans be excellent at things, even something otherwise pointless and wasteful, like throwing knitting needles into melons.
They are, to a fault, resilient. No Elves would DARE return to a failed settlement. The land is cursed and the dead walk there. Humans will rebuild the same castle over again with the same standing stones.
TL;DR - only humans would invent the X-Games.
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humans-are-great · 8 years
More “wtf are humans, please leave the rest of us be” stuff:
Human reactions to fear!
No, I’m not talking about screaming or freezing in one spot and pissing yourself. I’m talking about the weirder, more specific-to-only-humans fear reactions.
Like singing.
Idk how many of you have watched people play horror video games, but a surprising amount of people start narrating what’s going on in a sing-song voice.
Imagine being an alien, walking in a horrific, dark tunnel with these weird gangly creatures, you’re all scared out of your wits and then one of them starts fucking singing.
In a dark cave. While everyone’s terrified.
“ ♫ ~We are all gonna fucking die, this is terrible and I wanna go hooooome~ ♬ ”
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humans-are-great · 8 years
Humans ARE weird, but this is unrelated. It'd be great if someone could help out my friend.
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Hi! I’m in desperate need of your help!!! My significant other, Arno, who lives in Belgium, suffers from severe bipolar depression and suicidal/self harmful thoughts+intent to act upon them. I’m trying to put something together to help him! Right now, there are only a few things saving him from his thoughts and keeping him on this earth, one of them being his music. I’m going to give him something to look forward to each week by sending him a care package with 52 letters inside. Each letter will contain notes, messages of encouragement not to hurt himself/to love himself, drawings, and small charms/gifts that can fit inside. 12 of the letters will contain a micro sd card with a collab file from bandhub.com that plays a cover of one of his favorite songs (I will do that part myself). The messages, however, I need from you. Yes, you. I’m going to try to spread this to reach as many people as possible all over the internet and have them send me an email or share with me a google doc containing any message or drawing you’d like to send to Arno at [email protected] !! Please, please, please, tag your friends, spread this post,use the tag #SaveArno , help me save his life. :’) Some of his favorite bands are in the tags below. THANK YOU SO MUCH . .
#bmth #bringmethehorizon #motionlessinwhite #delain #sabaton #escapethefate #nightwish #foofighters #archenemy #syka #charlottewessels #kamelot #theagonist #slipknot #anxiety #depression #depressed #spreadthis #suicide #suicidalthoughts #suicidal #cut #cutting #bipolardepression #art #originalart #ldr #longdistancerelationship #longdistance
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humans-are-great · 8 years
*blows kiss to space* for the 7 exoplanets orbiting Trappist-1
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humans-are-great · 8 years
to add to this “humans are weird” thing did you know that humans are the only species on earth with the ability to throw things with any significant degree of accuracy and force (apes can throw with about the force of a human ten year old, but cant lock their wrists well enough for accuracy)
and we just never really think about it bc its so easy and simple to us that pretty much all of our sports are based around the concept of throwing things accurately
so what if the concept of projectile weapons takes most species FOREVER to get the hang of, or even come up with in the first place. a human goes onto a ship and throws some trash into the nearest reclaimer, shouts “kobe!” and all the other aliens on board absolutely LOSE THEIR MINDS
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humans-are-great · 8 years
What if oxygen is poisonous and it just takes 75-100 years to kill us?
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humans-are-great · 8 years
arguably the most amusing thing I’ve written today:
“It turned out that human young had a ritual that involved creating effigies out of frozen condensation and then granting them names. Whether this was purely symbolic or whether some diabolical human power would later bring these effigies to life to do their organic masters’ bidding remained to be seen.”
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humans-are-great · 8 years
Okay, but, when we send cremated remains into space do we send an explanation with them? Because I’m just picturing some aliens cracking open a satellite and being really fucking confused.
“Human guide! Our scans indicate that this probe contains a cylinder full of ash and human bone fragments. I assume this deconstruction of form is a way for your species to travel greater distances through the stars due to your limited capacity for large spaceships and distance travel. Quite similar to the Quaxilains from the Centuri district of the galaxy, though I did not know your species had reached such advancements yet. Please instruct us in how to revive your colleague so we may interrogate him as well.”
“No, dude, whoever that was is dead. Probably some astronaut or scientist who paid to have their cremated remains shot into space once they died.”
“You told us that your species buried your dead, why did you lie to us?”
“No, I said that MY family buried our relatives. Never said the whole species did it. Sometimes we burn them, then scatter their ashes in places they loved, plant them with a tree, use them to make diamonds, shoot them into space, whatever. Lotta options.”
“I had no idea your death rituals were so…extensive.”
“Just wait until I tell you about mummification.”
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humans-are-great · 8 years
Humans Are Weird
I saw a post about introverted humans in Space and thought of this scenario:
Can you imagine the aliens bringing human companions on board and all of them are boisterous and loud and spilling their pack-bonding everywhere, except one?
“Introvert,” the humans whisper, and the aliens are confused because sweet stars, is it ill? Is it deficient? Is it going to die? Worse: is it going to get them all killed?
But, no. It speaks. Quietly and only when necessary, but it performs the formal greeting of “Friend” when crossing paths with crewmates, and answers all questions. It attends all meetings and functions and engagements, but it sits off to the side, sometimes reading, sometimes participating, sometimes observing. This observing causes some alarm among the aliens because is it hunting? Are they safe?
It even hides in the ventilation shafts - “For peace and quiet,” it says, when asked.
Queries are posed to the other humans: “What is “introvert”? Is it remedial? Will it infect us?“
“No,” the humans respond. “It’s normal. It’s just a trait some humans have. You’re perfectly safe.”
So the aliens continue on but it’s no unknown fact that everyone has a set of eyes on the introvert.
Pirates aren’t uncommon in these nebulae. They take anything of value: momentos, tech, food, and crew. Humans are a popular trade item on black markets - as companions, as toys, as food - and are literally worth their weight in credits.
The crew is subdued quickly, and the roster produced. The aliens fear for their humans, all eleven of them. But wait. Where’s the introvert?
It’s missing, and the pirate captain sends out five of his biggest to recover it.
The five don’t even make it to the cargo bay doors before the lights shut off. Bad news for the pirates who have bio-luminescent markings on their hides, particularly around their bare heads.
The glare of a fired photon pistol is their only warning. The number of glares matches the number of pirates, no more, no less. And when the lights come back up, there’s the introvert, sliding out of the ventilation shaft to stand in a lake of bio-luminescent blood with a supernova burning in its eyes.
It smiles at them and murmurs, “Friends” in its usual quiet tone as it cuts the captain free.
There is nothing but stunned awe as each crewmate greets in reply, “Friend.”
No, there truly is nothing wrong with their introverted human whose designation is Danielle, and even if there were, no one would change it. They very much like Danielle the way she is.
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humans-are-great · 8 years
I Had a Great Idea
for a Humans are Weird story.
So human babies REALLY need to be touched. Its totally critical for development. Small babies can literally die if you don’t cuddle them enough.
But imagine that the aliens are more like reptiles, in that they just sort of hatch and their parents feed them or stay around (and presumably, like, educate them, since they’re intelligent aliens), but don’t carry them around or cuddle in the same way.
So one of them gets stuck with a human baby that they’re responsible for and of course, they go ask a xenobiologist or someone ‘what do you do for a human baby, they’re all weird and squishy’.
And the scientist says: well, you have to stroke them. Like actually pick them up and stroke their skin.
Why, says the alien, what could that possibly accomplish. Does it make their skin tougher. Will they grow proper scales.
No, no, that’s just what human skin is like, you just… you have stroke them or they won’t grow right. They get a stroking-deficiency and can die.
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