#asdfjkl new planets
multi-lefaiye · 2 years
the moon hides its breath - wip intro
it's finally here..... another wip intro for tumblr user multi-lefaiye.... another powerpoint
anyway here we are! the intro for my funky road trip story that's taken over my brain these past few days <3
tentative taglist for now (ask to be added or removed!!): @skitzo-kero @wherearetheplants @historicalwar @abysslll @albatris (apologies if i missed anyone ASDFJKL brain mushy)
alright, slides under the cut!
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Or: maybe the real cults we dismantled were the friends we made along the way
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A group of near-strangers (a monster hunter, a respected former scientist, a courier, a doctor, and a radio host) go on a road trip together in a post-apocalyptic world to put a stop to a murderous cult that wants to cause the second apocalypse.
The whole time, they’re being hunted down by various people who want to stop them for a wide variety of reasons.
Also, there’s a pair of violent demigods traveling around wreaking havoc, and the gang is trying to stop them too before anyone is killed in the resulting chaos.
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The world ended 5000 years ago when a series of large meteors struck the planet. Really, all life on the planet should’ve ended as a result. It didn’t, though.
A series of gods known as The Pantheon awoke in the aftermath of this apocalypse and intervened to prevent the world from completely ending. A little over half of all life on the planet was saved.
These gods inadvertently awoke magic in this world, and now, 5000 years later, magic is commonplace and has shaped the new world in dramatic ways.
Also, a bunch of new religions sprung up, one of which is called Lunism. Lunism states that these gods who saved the world are imposters and must be slain, so that the true gods may rise and take their place.
Even if that would end the world a second time
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This takes place in the year 5015 P.A., in several locations across the Consolidated Regions of America. Yeah, some shit went down in this world.
At heart, this is a road trip story, with each arc taking place at one of the stops on the way.
Each arc of the story takes place at or near one of the stops they make on the way, taking place over the course of three or so months.
The end goal is to reach the city of Arcadia before an eclipse set to happen in late July, at which point the gods are supposed to awaken again.
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Here’s the approximate route the gang will be taking through the CRA! It should be noted that the states as we know them aren’t really a thing anymore, and instead the U.S. is divided into various regions.
Luna, Luntellus -> Mirage, Austertera -> Moonlight, Luntellus -> Satellite, Maedflovius -> Rockburne, Hailenus -> Bricktown, Vastatian -> Tyto, Vastatian -> Jericho, Adulaton -> Firelight, Talion -> Arcadia, Talion
There may be some smaller stops on the way but these are the major ones.
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(i unfortunately don't have the energy for image IDs rn so uhhh just know it's a map of the U.S. but there's a big hole in the west and there are no states--everything's divided up into regions now)
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Hunter (essentially a monster hunter/mercenary) living in the city of Anchor, visiting his sister Valentina and her wife
Grumpy and rude, rarely does anything for anyone else out of the goodness of his heart
Limited magical abilities related to fire, a result of a deal he made with a fiend as a teenager
A good person deep down
He’s just so babygirl to me
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DR. GAIA DIVITA (they/she/he)
Former scientist at the New Moon Research & Development Center, studying magic and corruption
Blood on their hands, both figuratively and very, very literally
Found half-dead and covered in blood by Mihael, who was kind enough to rescue them
Going to hunt their old bosses for sport
Mostly just kind of sad and tired
Pretty fucking unhinged tho lmao, especially as the story goes on
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Mihael’s baby sister
Wife of Felicia, making her living as a courier traveling between cities
She always comes home to Felicia, though <3
Better driver than Mihael, in her own words
Hot-tempered and rude, but she has others’ best interests at heart and does want to do good in the world
Frequently teases her older brother
No magic of her own
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Valentina’s wife, who works as a mender (basically a doctor) in the city of Luna
Strong drive to help people and make the world a better place
Generally very kind, but takes no shit
Very limited magical abilities, a rare example of someone with inherent magic. She can heal both people and objects--a mender in a very literal sense
Quiet and gentle, generally a source of good advice
The brain cell in her relationship
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GLASS HOLTZ (they/them)
One of Mihael’s old friends, a radio host located in the city of Mirage
Bit of a conspiracy theorist, but they’re really not wrong
Has some magical abilities after making a deal with a fey when they were young. These abilities give them a natural charm and an uncanny luckiness that has followed them through their life
Keeps a shotgun in the radio station
Generally friendly, a smartass who loves to joke around
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EXPERIMENT V-35: EVE (they/them)
Demigod, though not in any traditional sense
Once went by a different name and had a different identity
However, after years of torture and brutal experimentation, Eve has assumed a new identity and now seeks vengeance against their torturers
Cunning and manipulative, willing to do anything to get what they want
Absurdly tall
Terrifying innate fire magic
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Demigod, created as the counterpart to Eve
Loves arson
EXTREMELY codependent with Eve, essentially relies on them to feel any purpose in its life
Will do anything for Eve’s attention, making it very easy to manipulate
Also was once a different person with a different identity, but that person is long dead
Also absurdly fucking tall
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Fantasy Elon Musk
An extremely wealthy and well-respected innovator, though much of his fame comes from being the son of Dr. Sasha Lazarus, a famed philosopher
Loves committing atrocities against humanity
Believes wholeheartedly that the world is flawed and needs to be reset through another apocalypse
Headed the torture and experiments that created Adam and Eve
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THE HUNTSMAN (she/her)
Girlboss mercenary/hitwoman
Usually wears a skull mask but the sunglasses were the closest I could get in this picrew
Has a big ol’ arsenal of axes and guns and other weapons
Drives a big scary suped-up truck
Currently hunting the gang for sport, especially Mihael
I don’t know what her gender or orientation are and I’m not going to ask
BIG fan of murder
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Essentially yeah this is a road trip story but with the additional stakes of “oh we need to prevent a potential second apocalypse”
Another big theme is one of guilt and whether it’s possible to make up for horrible things you’ve done, as well as how far you may have to go to actually Do That
Also the rippling effects that a single good deed can have, for better or for worse
And the consequences of playing god
And this is a Multi Lefaiye Certified WIP™ so of course shit’s gonna get introspective as hell
Maybe the real cults were the friends we made along the way and went on a cross-country road trip with
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raviposting · 4 years
♥️ Family headcanon for a Marvel character of your choice
asdfjkl I couldn’t choose so I’m just going to go with: all of the MCU family members, if I missed anyone no I didn’t <3 
Every year without fail, May & Peter go to Uncle Ben’s grave. They pack his favorite lunch and sit there and swap stories about him. After Far From Home, May goes to the grave alone, but MJ walks up and sits down next to her, and she talks to May about different stories that Peter has told her about Uncle Ben. 
Scott has weekly dinners with Cassie, Maggie, and Jim ever since he’s been able to be home. They start hinting that he can bring his partner to dinner but Maggie and Jim have COMPLETELY different ideas of who he’s dating so when they drop hints Scott is just “????” every time 
Jim: “You can really....woo...a partner by bringing them to dinner.” Maggie: “They may fly up with joy over it - oh that wasn’t a good pun.” Scott: :D “Huh?” Cassie: “They want you to bring your boyfriend and girlfriend to dinner, Dad.” Scott: “Oh!” Jim & Maggie: “I’m sorry his what.” 
They have dinner though, and they have a fantastic time (even when Paxton makes the joke that Scott loves him so much that he just had to find another Jimmy). 
Carol comes back every Christmas to spend time with Monica & Maria, even when she’s ages away on another planet. She hasn’t missed a single Christmas, and Monica and Maria video call her on the daily. 
Monica’s also kept Carol’s jacket. It’s her prized possession and Carol keeps telling her she’ll get her a new one but Monica insists that no no, this is the one she wants and that’s that. <3 
Maria and Carol couldn’t get married at the time, but Maria proposed to Carol on one Christmas anyway. They wear their rings on a necklace, and Monica got a slightly different ring as well, because Maria said that with this marriage it included Monica because she was their daughter. They all wear it and tend to hold onto it when they’re in need of comfort. 
The Iron Fam!!!! Tony leaves recordings for every member of the fam - Morgan, Peter, Hartley, Happy, Rhodey, Pepper, Bruce, everyone who he considered family. He even left one for Nebula, which she saw him make when they were stranded together, but still appreciated. They all watch his goodbyes before the funeral, because it’s easier, and Rhodey wraps his arms around whoever needs comfort at the time. <3 
Peter/Hartley/Morgan are out and about one day because they wanted to take her to the carnival. She runs up to get cotton candy and the vendor tells her that she needs her parents there, so Morgan goes “My brothers are here, is that okay?” Peter and Hartley have been bickering the entire time but the second they hear that they’re just. Emotional af. Peter buys her cotton candy and Hartley gets her a funnel cake with extra toppings. 
I’m going to throw this one back to a pre-Black Panther movie headcanon, but Shuri would always be pulling pranks on T’Challa. He’d always yell for Ramonda and Ramonda would try to scold her, but Shuri would just be busting up laughing and Ramonda wouldn’t be able to hide her smile if Shuri showed her a video clip of the prank (to T’Challa’s absolute indignance). 
T’Chaka once told Shuri he needed to talk to her about the pranks and T’Challa left all smug thinking that yes, finally, Shuri was going to get in trouble lmao, but T’Chaka was like “Listen, daughter, you need to mount multiple clips next time, once he falls in this clip we completely lose him in the video!” (Years later, T’Challa admits that fine, they were totally all hilarious.)
Nebula and Gamora are VERY snarky about intergalaxy parties that the Guardians go to. They’re usually in the corner sharing food and being snarky and sarcastic about literally everyone else in the party. 
One time they and the other Guardians got into a dance battle with some aliens from across the way. Nebula breakdanced and Gamora did the robot, Drax did some interpretive dance, Groot wiggled around a bit, Rocket did.....something, Mantis is a shockingly good dancer, Thor definitely rocked out for a bit. Peter was dancing but complained the entire time because the one time he didn’t have a camera-device around they were all dancing. They won the dance battle and Nebula said, “I will never do that again.” 
Thor and Loki are Tragique(TM). Whenever Loki is skipping around time and space he’ll see Thor almost all the time, and if we’re in 2012+ Avengers age Thor is usually torn between going “Brother!!!! :)” and then going “BROTHER >:(” It confuses Loki when he ends up in a different version of 2023 and his brother swoops him up in a big hug and starts sobbing. He even tries to stab Thor and Thor just. Is talking about how happy he is to see him and he keeps touching Loki’s hair to make sure he’s real and Loki has the very bad feeling that something good probably hasn’t happened for Thor to act like this. 
Read this as poly or not but either way, Clint/Laura/Natasha are fantastic. They all have such an organized way of raising the kids and Laura DEFINITELY made a chore wheel. It’s so incredibly detailed that she can time when Clint & Natasha come back from missions almost to the exact day, so they’ll come back and she’ll be like “Perfect! It’s your time to take out the garbage. :) “ 
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