human-and-horse-blog · 12 years
sonic would be a good president because as long as he had some rings on him he’d be real difficult to assassinate. plus he can run way faster than romney and obama I reckon. don’t know what his stance on immigration is though.
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human-and-horse-blog · 12 years
I dream of an America that promotes diversity, where not 2 or 3 but 24 candidates enter into an arena to fight to the death for presidency while the entire nation watches
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human-and-horse-blog · 12 years
i have a lot of homework, so i’ve decided to start watching a new tv series
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human-and-horse-blog · 12 years
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human-and-horse-blog · 12 years
I don't know about you...but I'd be diving for them bagels!!!
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yo one time we filled a pinata with bagels and brought it to a birthday party and no one laughed when it broke open and the first bagel fell out like it was dead silent
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human-and-horse-blog · 12 years
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human-and-horse-blog · 12 years
so cute!
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human-and-horse-blog · 12 years
My mind was just blown.
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Is it me, or are the Dursleys like the middle-class version of the Wormwoods…
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human-and-horse-blog · 12 years
yes. Thank you.
what i’d really like to see is a movie or tv show starring an androgynous character whose gender and sexuality are never mentioned, addressed, or questioned, simply because they are irrelevant to the plot
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human-and-horse-blog · 12 years
My friend is going to regret simply making our joint tumblr her personal :)
Because she never changed the password, and I’m an evil little monster
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human-and-horse-blog · 12 years
bahahaha... oh wait... poor kids...
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human-and-horse-blog · 12 years
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human-and-horse-blog · 12 years
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human-and-horse-blog · 12 years
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Let me rant.
Slender might just be the best scary psychological game ever. Even though, most people going into the game (depending on whether or not the person who forced you to play told you this) know the main objective, it is hard not to constantly look behind you to see if that strange figure with the nicely fitting tuxedo is following you. The creepy music adds on to the suspense and the darkness that surrounds you either makes you walk into trees or scares the crap out of you. Basically, as we walk directionless into the dangerous woods the makers intentionally let you think that you will make it out alive. First, you get one note, then another. 2/8? Oh nice, almost half-way there. The notes are creepy but you pay little attention to them desperate to find more. Oh Goody! Here is another behind this old creepy looking truck. Most people pick up pace through out the game as the music intensifies. If you are like I am and only have three notes...well great job! You just invited a murderous yet well dressed man with no face to kill you. You may be thinking, 'oh no. What do I do now?' Well, I will give you some advice. RUN. DROP EVERYTHING AND RUN. oh wait. Your flashlight is dieing? RUN. You want to turn around to see if he is behind you? ...You are an idiot. RUN! And as you are speeding through an unfamiliar forest take a look at the beautiful scenery, take a tour of the scary asylum, or just pick up those wonderful poetry notes posted about. Unfortunately, unless you are a master at outrunning seemingly murderous madmen you will die. It is ineffable. Sorry. As you are running around , dieing, or your screen is getting fuzzy from Slender man's awesomeness think about how poor old Slendy feels. Even though you die at the end, was it really Slendy that killed you? Maybe, it was you're own inability to play a simple video game. Maybe, Slender man just wants something simple from you. Maybe, he just wants...$20.           
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human-and-horse-blog · 12 years
When my favorite show doesn't come on until Friday...
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human-and-horse-blog · 12 years
My Friend Started Reading Good Omens
Me: So have you started shipping Aziraphale and Crowley yet?
Friend: What? No...
Me: ...
Friend: ...
Me: ...
Friend: Okay, fine, yes.
Me: *smiling knowingly*
Friend: Hey! They've known each other for thousands of years, they had to experiment a little, right?
Am I right or am I right?
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human-and-horse-blog · 12 years
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Ok, when is this coming out and how will I raise the money to go see it because I am broke!? Oh, plot twist. He just wanted $20. :) SLENDY!
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