#Oh Goody
reigzukes · 8 months
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my focus is shifting
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ghost-bxrd · 20 days
I am so convinced that it’s Calvin and Cobb, i’m so sure i can taste it kakdks If i end up wrong i’ll eat my socks.
It just makes sense! the assassin vibes on the pinterest board, [Redacted] getting rid of the other researchers, MR at first being (i’m assuming) all aboard on the Research part of it and then finding the mers too human and being convinced that [Redacted] would be getting rid of them too… it just makes Sense
(i say with my red yarn cardboard halfway hidden behind me)
Hehehehe I love how the focus is shifting from suspect to suspect! We started out with Tim and now we’ve come full circle to Calvin 👁️✨
Very good reasoning with Calvin too! I wonder though if there ever was a time when MR agreed with the work they were doing. 👀 and why isn’t Calvin like [redacted] (Cobb?) if this is the case? Considering they’re both talons in the comics? 👁️
Hehehe “asshole” and “assassin” both fit Cobb though. And usually he wouldn’t hesitate to kill a traitor like MR (Calvin?) So I can totally see welhere you’re coming from.
Still, there’s the question of why Cobb wouldn’t immediately rat out Calvin to the organization if he had evidence of his betrayal 🤭🌊✨🦈
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pyrolikesfire · 3 months
dont be surprised if i collapse from exhaustion just kinda drag me to where i need to be
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dreamofbecoming · 2 months
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zzaphyre · 2 years
another lotus fanart
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the-gayest-sky-kid · 1 year
there was another shooting at 36th street 👍
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What a day and it's not even over yet.
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scumsucking · 9 months
- Got cornered in elevator by a woman off her meds and informed/accused of "people eating shit and mixing marijuana smoke and piss in the laundry room"
- my accountant stuck a gun in his mouth and pulled the trigger on his wife's birthday (mother made sure to tell me all the details - she loves doing that)
- friend probably needs her leg amputated
- mother's dentist appointment something terrible also happened but she prefers to play games and won't tell me what happened until later
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straightguysdont2 · 1 year
Are you fucking mental?
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fistfuloflightning · 1 year
Sitting down by the river to read and listen to birds, I’m suddenly hearing some child screaming MOTHER F*CKERRRR at his sister and their mom yelling at them to get their asses back in the car if they’re not going to behave. Silence for a few blessed minutes. Then firecrackers being set off (it’s 11am). From where I’m sitting, I can see down to where they've parked and the mom has a beer in hand. There’s no way this is ending well.
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iggika · 1 year
I’m sorry to literally every following me, bots included, for the gen rex spamming
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eliseliedl · 9 months
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Little Goody Two Shoes Coming in October 31st 🎃
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diezmil10000 · 3 months
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"Entrégate a tus deseos, Elise."
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smile-files · 9 months
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i'm just a ragdolly... :)
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