meet me in the bedroom
12 posts
a whore with a computer // writing for Harry Styles
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hugsandharrystyles · 4 months ago
Change of Heart
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Summary: Harry's a protecter, a good man. She's a shy librarian with a dog named Pickle. He can't stand her, so why does it fuck him up when he finds out she's scared of him? (Enemies-to-lovers) Word Count: 17k+ Warnings: Harry being a dick, smut
Harry always tried to be a good person.
Key word: Tried.
Growing up, it was just him, his sister, and his mother, so he always felt as a natural protector for women, not implying that women can't hold their own, but he always keeps extra lookout because he can't count all the times his mother and sister have been put in uncomfortable situations with men.
So, he can't understand why all that being said, he can't feel anything but disdain for her.
Y/N has been a part of Harry's friend group almost as long as he has, and he can't stand her. She is the fakest person he's ever met.
He remembers his sister dealing with girls like her in high school. They start off kind and sweet, but then suddenly they have everyone wrapped around their fingers and doing anything they ask. He remembers his sister crying to him about girls like her, so he can't understand why he has to entertain her presence.
He's talked to Niall, his closest friend who's also in their group, about it, but Niall doesn't see the problem. Hell, Y/N has Niall and the rest of them wrapped around her manicured finger.
He really just can't stand her.
"Y/N, tell us how your job interview went!" Harry rolls his eyes and shoots back some of his beer. It was rare that his friend group actually went out to a bar instead of gathering at one of their homes, usually because Y/N hated going out. He feels Niall hit his leg at his eye roll.
"Oh, yes! It went really well, in fact, you're looking at a professional librarian!" Y/N says, her excitement evident in her voice.
"That's so great, Y/N. I'm so proud of you!" Sarah says while the others all chime in with their own praise.
"Awesome, a job almost as boring as you!" Harry says snidely. He usually isn't so blunt, but he's had a few drinks in him.
"Harry- dude, c'mon," Mitch sighs.
"N-no, I get it," Y/N interjects. "It definitely sounds boring just saying it, but I'll be fixing binding on really old books and helping people out with-" Y/N is interrupted when Harry starts dramatically snoring. Y/N looks around the table, getting visibly embarrassed.
"Alright, H, I think you're tapped out. You're being an asshole," Niall says and tries to push him out of the booth.
"Oh, come off it. I'm just joking," Harry rolls his eyes.
"It's fine, I got the joke," Y/N tries to laugh. "I'm going to go get another drink," she says before sliding out of the booth.
"Do you want me to come with?" Sarah asks, knowing about her friend's social anxiety.
"N-no, I'll be okay," Y/N reassures her and grabs her purse before walking off to the bar. She's wearing a big sweater and jeans to a bar, and it's pissing Harry off.
"You need to fucking lay off, man," Mitch says and throws a napkin at Harry. "Just because she doesn't work with lumber and hammers and whatever else manly shit that you do, doesn't mean her job isn't any less important."
"Actually, to be correct, I am a project manager for a multi-million-dollar company-"
"Shut up," Sarah groans.
"You're so mean to her- that's not you," Mitch sighs.
"I'm not fucking mean- she's just annoying. And look at all of you, wrapped around her finger, just like she wants."
Niall goes to speak but is interrupted by Sarah reading a message off of her phone.
I'm so sorry, but I started feeling really sick, so I went home. Hope you guys have fun!
Once Sarah finishes reading the message she looks at Harry with a glare.
"Well, how the hell is she getting home? Didn't you drive her?" Harry asks Sarah.
"Oh, are you worried?" She asks with a condescending tone.
"Shut up."
Y/N thinks this is the first actual party she's been invited to. Sure she went to her fair share of birthday parties and sleepovers, but they were all PG. Never had she seen so many red solo cups in one place before. One of her friends released an EP, and they're celebrating by hosting a huge party at their apartment.
Sarah helped her pick out her entire outfit and assured her she looks amazing. Y/N has always struggled with her appearance because her parents weren't around very much. Between business trips and trying to live their own lives, there wasn't time to acknowledge their daughter. She would be dragged to their business parties, and she would just feel surrounded by a bunch of white bigoted men who thought they were superior just because they get fat checks.
When they arrived, they were immediately greeted by the stench of alcohol and weed. The apartment was crowded and loud, and Y/N was beginning to get nervous.
"Hey, it's okay," Sarah assures her, and she nods in agreement. "Let's go find our people," Sarah suggests and loops her arm with Y/N's.
"I think I see Niall," Y/N points out, and her theory was proven correct when she hears his booming laugh. It eases her nerves, and she wraps her arm around her shoulder when she finally gets next to him. He's standing with Mitch, Harry, and a few other people she's casually met before. Sarah greets Mitch with a kiss and settles into his side.
"Y/N!" Niall shouts when he finally realizes who's hugging him. He embraces her, and she can tell he's a bit drunk with the way he leans his weight on her. "I didn't think you'd come!"
"None of us did," Harry interjected lowly under his breath, but she still heard him. They hadn't really interacted since that night at the bar.
"Harry," she nods to him when Niall releases her. He barely acknowledges her before he turns back to the guy he was talking to, but he can't help the way his gaze would sometimes drift back to her. It's so annoying how pretty she can be without even trying.
Harry hates how enamoring she is.
"Harry, oh my gosh, how are you?" He hears a voice come up from behind him then feels a hand wrap around his arm. Emma. A clingy girl he hooked up with about a month ago- a good distraction from the thoughts he's facing at the moment. He wraps his arm around her shoulder as if he cares about seeing her.
"Hey, babe, I'm good," he tells her.
Y/N watches the scene and tries to limit the disgust that wants to appear on her face. Niall wonders off, and she's left alone with the pair.
"Who's this?" Emma suddenly asks Harry, as if she is entitled to any kind of ownership over Harry. He wants to be pissed off, but he also wants Y/N to go away.
"My friend's friend," Harry tells her. Y/N feels her heart pang. He couldn't even call her his friend out of convenience.
"Oh, interesting," she says, and Harry can tell she's not convinced.
"Yeah, I'm Y/N! It's actually my first party, and you're really pretty! Do you-" She's cut off by the girl who's practically hanging off of Harry's arm.
"Do you have a thing for Harry?" She asks.
"Oh! What? No- no-"
"Chill, Emma," Harry says, and Y/N almost thanks him before he continues, "Don't worry, she's the complete opposite of my type," he assures with a cocky smirk. The two laugh, and Y/N wills herself to walk away.
It's an hour and a half later, and Y/N is more than ready to go home. She's leaned against a wall, her phone dead and her head hurting. She doesn't have the strength to go find her friends, and she's kind of hurt they've all left her at her first party. She knows that this isn't about her, but she's scared and nervous, and they knew that but still begged her to come. She's just sad and scared and wants to go home.
"Hey, are you okay?" She hears someone ask in her ear, and she almost jumps out of her skin.
"Oh gosh, you scared me!" She gasps and meets the eyes of who's talking to her. He's a very cute boy who's holding a red solo cup.
"Sorry!" He apologizes and touches her shoulder with a smile. She smiles back. "I'm Ian," He introduces himself, shaking her hand in his.
"I'm Y/N. It's nice to meet you," she tells him.
"So, I take it you don't usually come to parties," He asks, and she nods.
"My first one actually," she grimaces.
"Let's go get you a drink," he suggests and takes her hand in his, not waiting for an answer before taking her to the kitchen. It's surprisingly empty when they walk in.
"I don't- I uh- I don't drink," she admits.
"Ah, c'mon. One drink won't hurt," he tries to persuade her.
"No, thank you," she says again.
"Alright," he settles. "I think this punch is non-alcoholic," he says to himself and grabs her a cup. She zones out as he pours her a cup. She thinks this guy is cute, but she really just wants to go home. She's broken out of her thoughts when a cup is being handed to her, and an arm is being thrown around her shoulder. Her eyebrows furrow as 'Ian' leans closer to her. "Are you going to say thank you?" He asks, and his tone makes her skin crawl. She laughs awkwardly and tries to shift away from him, but his hands move to her waist and his grip is too tight.
"Ah- that hurts," she tells him, but he only tightens his grip, so she can't move. "I- I want to leave," she whimpers.
"Yeah? Let's go to mine," he says and tries to lean forward to put his mouth on her.
"No- no," she says and tries to push at him.
"Just one little kiss," he tells her. Her first kiss was about to be took from her. Tears roll down her cheeks as he gets closer, but fortunately, he's suddenly being roughly pulled away from her.
"What the hell are you doing?!" Harry's loud and rough voice makes its way to her ears.
"Ay- the fuck, man? We're a bit busy," the scumbag tells Harry. "Didn't realize she was already claimed."
"A woman doesn't need to be claimed for you to not force yourself on her. Walk away, or I'm going to drown you in this punch," Harry warns, and the dude scurries off.
Harry's glare makes her want to cry all the more.
"C'mon," he says gruffly and with a gentle hand, he wraps his hand around her wrist, pulling her all the way outside and to his car. She doesn't even think twice about getting into his car and buckling. Her mind is a state of fog. Harry starts the car and rests his head against the steering wheel, his breathing rapid.
"Are you okay?" She asks gently.
"You- You're asking me if I'm okay?" He laughs condescendingly and buckles himself in before putting the car in drive.
"Well, you seem really mad, and- and maybe you shouldn't drive if-"
"I need you to stop talking," he says suddenly. "I mean seriously- what were you thinking, Y/N?" He asks with his voice raised.
"I don't- I don't-"
"Yeah, you don't think." Harry doesn't think he's ever been this mad before. He saw the beginnings of her and the guy- him practically dragging her to the kitchen and her just going along with it. He saw red. "Did you even watch as he poured you a drink? Do you even know this guy before you just ran off with him?" His questions upset her further, making her feel stupid.
"I was- I was just flustered, and I wanted to go home, and I didn't know what to do-"
"You don't fucking follow a random dickhead alone at a party!" His voice is loud in the small car. It's quiet for a moment, giving him a second to just focus on the road in front of him as he heads to her house when he hears a stifled cry that breaks him out of his moment. "Are you crying?" His anger falters.
"Well, yeah!" She sobs. "I was left alone at my first party- then I almost get molested- now, I was forced to get in the car with you, and- and- and I'm just scared!" She cries.
Harry doesn't particularly know what to do in this situation. All he knows is that his heart is twisting and pulling in his chest.
"There's nothing to be scared about now." His voice is incredibly softer than before.
"I'm stuck in- in the car of the guy who hates me, and I'm scared," she whimpers, her chest heaving as she tries to suck in air between each word.
Harry's heart dies.
"You're scared of me?" His voice is quiet and insecure.
"Yes," she says simply as if she doesn't understand the gravity of her words. Harry continues driving as he feels wet droplets fall down his cheeks. "Are you- Are you crying?" She asks, concerned but also confused. The tables have turned.
"Well, yeah!" He laughs sadly. He's never felt more like a piece of shit.
"Um- I don't- I don't know what to do," she admits. The car is silent until they pull into her driveway. Harry still has tears running down his cheeks, and Y/N feels frozen.
"Okay- we're um- we're here," he announces as if she doesn't know she's at her own home.
"Harry, why don't you come inside. I don't feel comfortable letting you drive home," she tells him.
"I'm f-fine," he tries to laugh it off, wiping roughly at his red eyes.
"If not for you, I really don't want to be alone right now," she admits.
"But I thought- You're scared of me?" He questions.
"I was merely being dramatic. Tonight was heavy, and you're the most unlikely person to be with at the moment," she explains. "C'mon. I'll brew us a pot of tea," she encourages and gets out of the car. Harry thinks for a moment before ultimately getting out of the car and sheepishly following her up. She unlocks the door and ushers him inside quickly before her mut could escape.
"Hi, Pickle," he greets her dog quietly.
"You remember his name," she says, shocked while bending down to scratch at Pickle's ears.
"'Course," he agrees and also pets her dog.
"Okay, I'm going to go put on a pot of tea. Make yourself comfortable," she tells him before scurrying off to her kitchen.
Harry, still feeling emotional, wanders around the room, looking at pictures. He notices he's not in any. He knows he had no right to be. Still, it makes him cry harder.
"Okay, I've got- oh," she freezes with two cups of tea in her hands as she watches Harry breaking down in front of her. She sets the tea down on her coffee table. "Why don't you come sit down, Harry?" She suggests with a soft voice and sits down on the couch herself.
"I'm sorry. This is so em-embarrassing," he cries and plops down on the couch, covering his face with his hands as his shoulders shake.
"Um do you- I can-" Y/N splutters words as she tries to figure out what to do. "Do you want a hug?" She finally asks. She thinks she's the one that should be being comforted right now, but it almost makes her happy to see this side of Harry. Not that she enjoys anyone's sadness, but it's nice to see him vulnerable instead of conniving. Harry slowly looks up at her, and she holds her arms out. He cries as he shuffles into her arms. His face is buried in her chest as she rubs at his back.
"I'm sorry, that's not who I am," he repeats over and over even though she shushes him. They stay in this position, Harry's arms wrapped around her and hers around him as Harry starts to calm down. Harry takes in the moment. She smells fucking divine and feels so soft against him. He never wants to move. Then her phone rings. She starts to get up, but he shakes his head groaning, "No."
"Okay, then," she sighs before shifting to get her phone out of her back pocket. Harry lays flat against her body as she answers Sarah's phone call, his nose nudging at her tummy as he continues to sniffle. She courses her fingers through his hair making him stifle back a moan. He can't believe the full 180 his brain has done on him, but he can't find an ounce of hatred he once felt towards her. He doesn't want to either.
"Hello?" She answers.
"Y/N? Oh, Y/N, I've been looking for you. Where are you?" Sarah asks frantically, and Y/N can barely hear her over the loud party music.
"I uh- I left," she tells her, and Harry rests his chin on her chest to look up at her. She hates to admit it, but her breath gets caught in her throat looking at Harry's red, puffy eyes. She's always thought he's the most attractive person she's ever met, but right now, he looks so effortlessly pretty. He looks gentle for the first time ever.
"Are you safe? Where are you?" Sarah continues to ask.
"I'm home."
"Oh, Y/N. I'm so, so sorry. I thought Niall would have stayed with you, so I thought it was okay to leave you with him, but he didn't and-"
"It's okay, Sarah," she assures. She doesn't want her friend to feel bad. The thought makes her stomach churn.
"No, it's not," Harry counters, and Y/N presses a finger to her lips, but it's too late.
"Is that Harry?" Sarah asks.
"Um, yeah. He took me home. There was a slight problem at the party- some guy wasn't leaving me alone," Y/N explains.
"Fuck, I'm so sorry. Can I come over? Mitch and I will bring food, and Niall can-"
"No, no, Sarah it's okay! You don't have to do any of that. Harry's not bothering me- we're good." Harry smiles at that and lays his head back down on her chest.
"Okay," Sarah replies, doubtful. "I'm going to make it up to you. It was so fucking inconsiderate of me, especially with your past and anxiety-"
"Okay, Sarah, I got to go!" She says. Harry caught the last of what Sarah said, and his eyebrows furrow. They say their goodbyes before hanging up. Y/N sighs and tilts her head up to stare at the ceiling. They sit in silence as Harry's sniffling comes to an end. "Feel better?" she breaks the silence.
"Uh, yeah," Harry answers. "What did Sarah mean by 'your past'?" Harry asks. He feels Y/N tense, and he immediately regrets asking. "I'm sorry- you don't have to answer. I was being-"
"No, it's okay," she sighs. "I just- my parents weren't the greatest, and I just struggle with crowded environments," Y/N explains loosely.
"Oh," Harry answers. "I'm sorry," he adds.
"It's fine. People have it worse than me."
"It's still okay to be upset by it," Harry rebuts.
"Thanks, Harry, but you're kind of the last person I will take advice from. No offense," she tries to explain gently.
"Fair enough," he laughs without humor. He feels her push at his shoulder, so he takes the hint and gets off her. He wants to whine from the loss of her touch, and it confuses him.
"You're really confusing me, Harry," Y/N admits as she sits up. She grabs her own tea and takes a sip before continuing. Harry doesn't think he's ever seen someone so beautiful doing something so domestic. "I mean, you've done a complete 180 in your behavior, and as much as I enjoy you not tormenting me anymore," Harry winces, "I don't understand it, and I don't trust it. I don't trust you."
"I know, I know," he sighs and covers his face with his hands. "I don't understand it either," he admits. Y/N scoffs and puts her cup down. "What?" he asks.
"You don't want to hear it," she mutters.
"Tell me," he encourages.
"It's just- It's really unfair, Harry. You do understand that, right?"
"I don't-" He looks at her in confusion. She continues.
"You can't just completely change your behavior in the course of an hour. I let you have peace for a while because I could tell you were really upset, but if you want to move forward- it's going to take a lot from the both of us," she explains.
A long silence ensues.
"I'm stupid- I'm sorry. You probably don't even care about any of that. Jesus-"
Harry realizes at the moment the exact mental state his actions have and still put her brain in. He makes her insecure and scared. His mom and sister would be so disappointed.
"Stop, Y/N, stop," he pleads. She stops. "Don't talk about yourself that way," he grimaces.
"That's how you talk about me to my face," she counters. "What the fuck else am I supposed to think?" Harry thinks that's the first time he's ever heard her curse. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have raised my voice like that," she sighs and ducks her head. Harry can't help but admire her now. His brain is so mushed and confused with this sudden switch.
"Don't- don't apologize. I deserve much worse," he admits.
"I just don't understand your motive. Is this a joke?" she asks.
"Y/N, I'm being honest when I say I don't understand myself either. When I used to see you, you would just anger me. You reminded me of girls in high school that would bully my sister. They all started out super nice and kind, but somewhere along the way, they would realize that they had my sister wrapped around their finger, and they would toy with her. I love my mom and my sister, and I will always protect them and those around me, and so I just hated you. Dad was never around, so I had to step up."
The confession makes Harry feel as if a pile of bricks was finally removed from his chest. He realizes this is how he would have felt if he had just talked to Y/N in the beginning.
"I guess I can understand more now where your behavior came from but- I'm not like that. You've known me for so long, and I've never- I'm not-"
"Y/N, I don't think you realize just how completely entranced everyone is with you. Anyone would do anything for you because of the spell you put on people," Harry explains. "And I see now that it's not a bad thing to be under your spell. You're kind and patient and good. I've always known that. I just didn't want to admit it. I didn't want to like you, but how can I not?" By the end of Harry's speech, they're both in tears.
The draw he feels for her is indescribable.
He's leaning in before he knows it. His hand on her cheek, her eyes wide in surprise and confusion. Their lips are close when she speaks.
"What- What are you doing?" she stutters.
"Please," he whispers.
"Please what?" she asks. He doesn't know if she genuinely doesn't know what he's doing, or if she's asking him to beg, but both ideas make his dick harden.
"Please let me kiss you," he begs. He places his lips against her jaw, her cheek, the corner of her mouth, relishing in the way she sighs and softly moans. He cups her face with both hands, but before he could place their lips together, she stops him. She places both her hands on his wrists and turns her head.
"Harry, no," she whimpers. He immediately stops.
"Are you okay?" he asks.
"I don't- I don't know," she stammers.
"Talk to me, what's wrong?" Harry presses.
"I just- Harry, I want my first kiss to be with someone who actually likes me," she admits.
"I- I do like you," Harry tells her. "Wait- your first kiss?"
"Yeah, my first," she says sheepishly. "And I want it to be with someone who is attracted to me."
"I am attracted to you!" Harry encourages.
"No- Harry, you said it yourself- literally tonight- that I am 'the opposite of your type'," you counter while using air-quotes.
"That wasn't-" Harry realizes he's dug himself into a deep hole.
"It's okay, Harry. I know that it's going to be harder to find someone who likes me, but I know it can happen, and I want all my firsts to be with that person," Y/N explains. "I'm not going to kiss someone who just feels bad for me," she says, shaking herself out of his grip to look away, but he turns her face back to him.
"I am, Y/N. I am so attracted to you, and I think that's why I was even more of a dick because I hated that I was so fucking attracted to you," Harry tries to tell her, but she softly shakes her head with a sad smile.
"But you don't like me."
"I do."
"I can't tell. You have to realize how absurd your behavior is to me, right now. Harry, you've been so awful to me for so long, and I'm just not ready to forgive or believe you, I'm sorry- it's too quick," she tells him, her eyes holding all sincerity. Harry feels his own well up again, and she cups his cheek because even though she doesn't trust Harry, she never wants to see anyone sad. "Thank you for- for explaining to me why you acted the way you did- while it doesn't excuse your actions, I do appreciate it and your heart for your family and friends, and I'm more than willing to begin trying now with you." Her explanation ends with Harry in tears and her thumbs whipping them away. "Do you- Would you want to stay the night?" she asks.
Harry feels new hope in his chest.
"You sure?" he chokes out. She nods her head with a soft smile and stands. Harry looks up at her with all the wonder in the world and presses his chin to her stomach while she holds his hand.
"C'mon," she whispers, and she gasps quietly when he presses a gentle kiss to her clothed stomach before standing up with her.
They hold hands as they go to her bedroom, and Harry can't help the way he smiles.
"Let me go get you a change of clothes," Y/N says before disappearing in her closet. He looks around her room for a minute and can't help the comfort and warmth he feels. It's just so her. After a moment, he hears her talking in the closet and thinks she's telling him to come in. He opens the door, and his eyes grow wide when he sees her standing in front of her mirror in just her jeans and bra. Harry purses his lips as his eyes take in her body, and he fights the groan that wants to fall from his mouth. "Harry!" She gasps and covers her chest.
"Sorry!" He's finally broken out of gaze. "I thought I heard you- Hey, what is that?" His eyes zero in on the bruises that cover both sides of her waist and ribs. She looks down as well and bites her lip.
"Um, I think they're from that guy," she whispers defeatedly. He slowly moves closer to her, giving her time to back away or tell him to stop, but she just stares at him with wide glossy eyes. He carefully and with the utmost gentleness he can muster, places his hands on her hips. Softly caressing them, and the bruises littering her skin. He takes a moment just to take her in before speaking.
"I'll kill him," he sneers. It makes her softly laugh.
"No, you won't," she disagrees and shakes her head. "I'm okay," she says. dipping her head down to meet his eyes.
"You're very pretty," Harry counters. She blushes before moving away to get him clothes. Once she hands him the oversized t-shirt and baggy sweatpants, she leaves the room to let him change. She finds and extra toothbrush for him, and once they both finish their night routine, they crawl into her bed, keeping to their own reserved sides and both staring at the ceiling. "Thank you for letting me stay," Harry says, his head turning to look at her. His breathing falters as he looks at her. She just smiles in return.
"Just no funny business," she says softly before reaching over to turn off the bedside lamp. They sit in silence before Harry adjusts himself. They both quietly gasp when his hand skims her own. His hand freezes over hers for a moment before he gently intertwines their pinkies. She makes the bold decision to, with her free hand, lean over and feel for his cheek before planting the softest kiss on the tip of his nose. "Good night, Harry."
Harry falls asleep with a smile on his face and new hope settling into his mind.
Y/N wakes the following morning to a loud banging sound and a heavy weight on her chest. Her eyes squint open, the sun shining through her curtains and to her irises. She groans and closes her eyes again until she hears the banging continue. Her eyes are wide now with fear and confusion. She tries to move to grab her phone but quickly realizes her body is immobilized because of a big sleeping Harry laying on her, his shirt now off his chest. His mouth is slightly agape, laying at the top of her breast. His arms are encircled around her waist and holding her tight. It was much different from the pinkies they had entangled the previous night.
"Harry," she whispers and tries to budge his shoulder. He doesn't move, just continues to heavily breathe against her clothed tit. The banging, which Y/N has realized is just loud knocking, continues, and she really needs to get up. "Harry!" she says louder and pushes at his head. He groans and yawns sleepily. "Get up!" she demands, but he's barely conscious.
"Morning," he sighs dreamily and settles back down on her, pressing a wet kiss to the top of her boob. He's broken out of his dreamy state when he finally hears the knocking. "What the hell?" he groans and sits up on his elbows, still caging her in.
"I need to go see who's at the door," she whines and pushes at him. He whines as well and gets up, taking her hand in his to take them both to the front door.
"I'm going to kill whoever is out here," he tells her, and she laughs because she doesn't believe he's fully awake yet. She likes morning grumpy Harry a lot more than normal grumpy Harry. As soon as he opens the door, people are barging in.
"Finally!" Someone yells, and Y/N's able to place the voice to Niall. She watches as he, Mitch, and Sarah all welcome their selves into her home with bags of food. The chill from the outside makes her shrink into Harry's side, and he wraps an arm around her before shutting the door. He rubs his hand up and down her arm to create heat for her.
"Is someone going to tell me what you all are doing in my home on this Sunday morning? Not that I mind, of course," she says and hugs each one of them as they get their coats and hats off.
"We felt like shit after being the shittiest friends ever last night," Sarah explains.
"Hey-" Y/N begins to stop her, but Niall cuts her off.
"No, it's true, Y/N. Felt like my heart shattered in my chest when Sarah and Mitch came to me all panicked cause they couldn't find you," Niall explains. His eyebrow quirks as he watches his best friend, who seemed to still despise the girl not even twenty-four hours ago, wrap his sleepy body around her, his chin resting on her shoulder as his body pressed against hers from behind. "Though it looks as if it might have been for the best that we lost you," Niall suggests and cocks his head. Y/N shrugs her shoulders and purses her lips, saying 'yeah, I don't understand it either'.
"Anyways," Mitch breaks the silence. "We thought we'd bring you breakfast then go to the winter festival in town."
"Sounds perfect," she says and moves away from Harry to set the table. Harry has to physically stop himself from whining, but Niall, Sarah, and Mitch all see his pout and look at him with questioning eyes. He blushes under their questioning stares. When she walks into the kitchen to retrieve silverware, they start asking the questions.
"What the hell is going on?" Sarah asks first.
"I don't know what you're talking about," Harry says innocently.
"You're acting like her pet, and not even a full day ago, you couldn't stand her. I'm definitely not saying it's a bad thing, but what-" Niall stops speaking because he genuinely doesn't know what to ask.
"Look, I don't understand it either," Harry begins, "But I just- I don't know. Something's changed. There was some weird fucking pervert at the party that was scaring her, and then when we were in the car, she admitted that she was scared of me, and it genuinely killed me to know that I was grouped in the same space in her head with that dickhead from the party," Harry explains. "I don't get it, but my mind has completely flipped, and all I want to do is just be around her."
"Wow," Mitch was the first to speak.
"Yeah, I know," Harry groans. "We had a really good talk last night, and I think she's willing to move forward."
"You know, Harry," Niall speaks, "There's a saying that there's a very fine line between love and hate," Niall sings with a mischievous voice.
"I'm not even going to argue with that," Harry sighs, and none of them have any time to speak on Harry's crazy admission because Y/N is coming back into the room with silverware, plates, and napkins. She eyes the tension in the room.
"What were you guys talking about?" she asks.
"Nothing, Angel. Let's get you some food," Harry tells her.
The town was decorated in the most beautiful festive decorations. Y/N felt real joy for the first time in a long time as she walked through the streets filled with vendors with her friends. She couldn't help how cute she thinks Harry looks as well. He borrowed a hoodie from her and was in his jeans and sneakers. He wore the hood up as he munched on a soft pretzel he bought. She couldn't help the urge to whip out her digital camera and snap a picture, not realizing the flash was on. She blushes when she realizes he caught her.
"Hey!" he accuses her. "I'm trying to eat my pretzel here!" He complains and pouts.
"Sorry," she laughs. "You just looked really cute," she admits. His cheeks flush red before he quickly shakes it away.
"Yeah? Well, you're cuter, and I'm keeping this hoodie by the way," he tells her before walking away. She follows him quickly and loops her arm around his waist to catch him.
Harry's cheeks seem as though they're now a permanent blush around her. He'd always seen how affectionate she was with their friends, and he thoroughly enjoyed finally being a receiver because he loves physical touch- especially from a very beautiful woman.
"You can't keep my hoodie, you thief. I barely have any as is," she complains and slips her hand under the hoodie to feel the plush at his hips. He always hated the extra skin at his waist, but now he thanks his mother for it. He feels overtly bashful at her touch, like he wants to smile and kick his feet like a teenage girl with a crush.
"I'll buy you some more, Angel. Just tell me if there's a shop you want to walk in," he tells her gently and wraps the arm that isn't holding his pretzel around her shoulder.
"Give me a bite," she suddenly says. Harry gawks.
"Uh- sorry, what?" He stutters.
"Of your pretzel, you perv!" she laughs at his flustered expression.
"Oh!" he laughs and reaches his hand out in front of her to let her bite the pretzel from his hand. He gasps when she takes the rest of the pretzel into her mouth. "Hey!" he whines and pouts at his empty hand.
"Sorry," she apologizes once she finishes chewing. She squeezes his side as she speaks, "I was hungry," she says with an evil smirk.
"Rude. Very rude," he comments though he pulls her tighter against him.
Little did they know, all of their friends were snapping pictures of them from behind, snickering and chatting about the newfound lovebirds.
Y/N and Harry seemed to be attached by the hip as the weeks went on. It had been almost two months since their new friendship was born, and neither of them realized how much they would click. Many nights were spent having dinner, singing karaoke, and watching movies together. When they were with their friends, they were always attentive to each other and sitting by one another.
It's a Friday, and Harry was on his way to visit her library right now. He'd been visiting her a lot and using it as a nice place to get work done. Work had been pretty stressful for Harry recently. He was managing a project for his company that's building a new stadium, and it's challenging in ways he hasn't been before, so while he's thankful for the opportunity, it comes with a lot more planning and map-outs than usual.
When he walks in, he sees her at the counter. Her shift is over in an hour, and he told her he'd pick her up once she got off, but he decided he could get some work done while he waited.
She's re-binding a book when he walks up, totally engrossed in the practice. So much so that she doesn't see Harry looming over her across the counter. He rings the bell that sits next to a box of tissues on the counter. She jumps and gasps when she looks up. A bright smile quickly covers her face.
"You're here early, puppy!" She walks around the counter to greet him as he blushes over the nickname. Ever since they became friends, their friends joked about how Harry follows her around like a dog, so she decided the nickname was fitting.
She squeezes him tight and wraps her arms around his waist as she looks up at him. Her chin rests on his chest as she speaks.
"How was work? Are you sore? I can give you a massage when we go to mine. I've been watching a lot of videos because I know your back hurts you a lot, and-" She tends to lose all sort of mind whenever he's around, and he has to reign her in.
"Angel," he interrupts her and laughs when she pauses abruptly.
"Sorry, I was rambling," she blushes. He kisses her forehead.
"It's okay. I love hearing you speak," he tells her honestly.
Harry never takes for granted the way she speaks to him because there used to be a time when she was too afraid to.
"I would love a massage, my love," he tells her and kisses her temple. "Work was good- fun. Got to tear down walls today, and that's always really fun, and before you ask, I promise I was wearing all the right gear, so don't go scolding me," he eyes her, and she smirks.
"Good boy," she says.
Harry damn near busts in his jeans at her praise. She continues talking like nothing happened.
"Why are you here so early? I don't get off for another hour."
"I- um. I- I know. I was- I figured I could get some work done," he stutters out.
"Okay, silly," she laughs at his speech. She unwraps herself from him and walks behind the counter. "You can sit back here with me. I'm the only one working," she offers, and he nods his head. She places a stool next to hers, and they both get to work for the next hour.
"We've watched this movie a billion times, H! Not again!" Y/N complains when Harry tries to put on The Notebook for the millionth time. They're both cozied on her couch after eating some takeout sushi. Harry's wearing a white t-shirt and a pair of grey sweats. Y/N's wearing a new purple hoodie Harry bought for her and a pair of tiny sleep shorts. Harry had been fighting the urge to stare at her thighs since they got back.
"Well, until you get some good movie taste, we're watching mine." They're banter was playful and not harmful.
Y/N huffed as he started the movie and scooted to other side of her couch, away from him.
"Don't be mad at me, sweet girl," he says before pulling her sideways into his lap. "Be mad at yourself and your terrible movies," he laughs and tightens his arms around her when she tries to escape his hold. She continues to squirm until he pulls her close and bites down on her neck. She lets an airy moan escape her lips as he sucks and kisses at the spot.
"Teething at me like a needy puppy," she tells him and cards her fingers through his hair. Y/N has never been with a boy before, so she doesn't know if what her and Harry are doing is normal or not for just friends, but she doesn't care. She just likes what he does. "Are you seeing anyone right now?" she asks him out of nowhere. The angst she would feel if he said yes would make her cry.
"I'm seeing you all the time," he tells her and kisses at her chin and jawline. It was when Harry got like this that she had a hard time thinking clearly. She thinks she would say yes to whatever he asked if he was being as lovey as he gets.
"I mean are you dating any girl right now," she corrects him.
"I know what you meant, Angel," he tells her. "I haven't seen anyone but you since the night of the party," he says honestly, and it makes her smile and place her head against his chest. He runs his fingers through her hair as he speaks. "It's totally okay whatever your answer is to this, but I wanted to ask you." Her head quirks up to look at him with a confused face. "Have you uh- Have you forgiven me?" He asks, and he immediately looks away. "It is more than okay if you haven't because I was incredibly awful to you for so long, and I know if I was you, I would have a hard time-" She presses her hand against his mouth to shut him up.
"I forgive you, Harry," she says. "Forgave you a long time ago," she tells him honestly and releases her hand from his mouth.
"You serious?" he asks, and she nods. His eyes well with tears, and he hugs her to his chest. "Thank you. I don't deserve you," he whispers into her hair and kisses her head. They watch the movie for a while until Harry speaks again. "You remember that night when I tried to kiss you?" He asks.
"'Course," she tells him, wondering why he's bringing it up.
"Have you kissed anyone since then?" She sits up to look at him.
"Now when would I have had the time to?" She gestures to his hold on her. "You've got me locked down 24/7," she laughs.
"Would you say no if I asked to kiss you now?" he asks, bracing himself for the answer. She takes a moment to think about it.
"I would definitely let you kiss me," she tells him, and he grabs her face, about to plant a big smooch on her lips until she stops him, laughing at his eagerness. "But wouldn't that make this weird?"
"Make what weird?" he asks.
"Us," she tells him.
"Nothing has to be weird unless you make it weird," he tells her.
"But- but we're in such a good place as friends-"
"Friends kiss all the time!" Harry counters, though it makes his heart clench at the thought of them just being friends. "Though I do think we're a bit more than that," he adds, and she smiles. He becomes serious again, holding both sides of her face in his strong, rough hands. "I'll make it so good for you," he promises.
"I don't know, puppy," she sighs, but they both know she wants it. She just wants to make him work for it a bit.
"Please, please," he whispers.
"Just one little kiss," she tells him. He nods his head and begins to lean forward. She cups both of his wrists like she had done that first night and breathes shakily until his lips finally meet hers. She sighs, her first kiss finally taken. She doesn't even know if it counts as a kiss because their lips are just pressed together until they start smiling against each other. She pulls back to giggle, but he pulls her back in, this time actually kissing her. His lips massage her own, and she doesn't really know what's she's doing, but she just tries to mimic his actions. He moans as she picks up on it quite quickly. "Okay," she breathes and backs away. Harry whines and cups the back of her neck to try and reel her in.
"Please. A little more. You're so good- taste heavenly," he comments. Harry feels like he's experiencing his first kiss again as well. Nothing had ever felt like that before. Nothing had ever felt so good. He could feel himself chubbing up in his pants just from the one kiss.
"I told you one kiss, Harry," she reprimands him, but he shakes his head.
"Was it not good for you?" He asks. He knows she enjoyed it. She's panting like a dog in heat, and he can see her subconsciously pressing her thighs together. He just wants her to kiss him again. "My lips not good enough for your perfect mouth, pet?" he asks with a pout and lets a finger caress her bottom lip.
"No, that's not it at all, Harry!" she says eagerly. "It was perfect. The best first kiss I could have asked for. I just don't want to complicate things," she tells him.
"It's already complicated, babe. That's our thing," he tries to reason, and she laughs. He can see her slowly start to let down her wall, and he takes the opportunity to lean down and kiss at her neck and jaw, trying to coerce her more.
"It did feel very good," she sighs and grabs the back of his neck, holding him against her own.
"Yeah?" he mumbles against her skin before sucking a hickey into her neck.
"Yeah," she moans softly. "Okay, okay, I don't care anymore. Just kiss me," she begs.
"Sound so sweet begging for me," he tells her and cups her cheeks, caressing her cheekbones with his thumbs. Her eyes well as she waits for him to lay one on her.
"Harry, c'mon," she whimpers.
"Don't cry on me," he coos. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make you wait. I'll give you what you want, my love," he assures her and with that, plants his lips back on hers. She's more eager this time around. Her lips move more feral against his, and he groans deeply when she nips at his bottom lip. The exchanging of saliva makes her feel dirty in the best way possible. She's still sitting sideways on her lap, but her body is aching for her to straddle his thighs and grind against his crotch as she pushes her tongue against his. Harry realizes very quickly how dirty she is for being a virgin. Her tongue found its way into his mouth first, and she didn't hesitate to mold hers against his. Harry fights the urge to move his hands lower and grasp at her body, but he doesn't want to scare her by moving too quickly. Luckily, he doesn't have to wait much longer until she's requesting exactly what he wanted.
"Can I sit in your lap?" she asks breathlessly. She doesn't let him speak, instead missing the way his mouth felt against hers too bad that she kisses him again, her fingers tangling in his hair and pulling in a way that makes him whine.
"You are sitting in my lap," he mumbles against her lips.
"No, I mean like- Can I just show you?" she asks impatiently. He nods his head and chokes on his own spit as she straddles his thighs and presses her crotch down onto his roughly. "This okay?" she asks.
"S-so okay," he tells her and grips her hips.
"Why does that feel so good?" she asks rhetorically and continues to roll her hips against his.
"Baby- I don't think you know what you're doing," he tells her. She shrugs and continues to do it because it feels good against her pussy. "Wait, wait, wait," he makes her pause.
"Are you okay?" she asks.
"More than," he assures her. "But I want to talk to you first before we go any farther."
"Okay, well hurry up because I would like to continue." He laughs at her horny, foggy mind that's making her bolder than usual.
"I need to know what all you've done- sexually speaking," he tells her.
"You know I'm a virgin, Harry," she says. "I've never done anything with anyone- well, until now," she smiles, and he reciprocates.
"Right, but what have you done by yourself?" he asks, and she blushes. "Nothing to be embarrassed about," he reassures her.
"I've touched myself before," she admits, and he tries his best not to whimper at the thought.
"Okay. Do you know all the terms of anatomy down there?" he asks.
"Yes, professor," she laughs.
"So, when you touch yourself, do you just play with your pretty little clit, or do you put fingers into yourself? Or do you have a toy?" She becomes bashful at his blunt speech.
"I usually do one finger inside and my other hand playing with my clit," she admits shyly.
"You're so fucking hot," he tells her honestly before grabbing her face to kiss her. She moans at his roughness. "Okay, okay, wait," he stops himself. She whines. "I need to know what you're comfortable with us doing, my love," he tells her.
"I just want to keep doing what we're doing," she whimpers.
"Okay? You like grinding yourself against me?" He asks, and she nods her head while biting her lip. Harry wishes he had his phone to take a picture of her. The embodiment of sex, and she didn't even realize. "We can both cum from that," he tells her. "You want to- Do you want to go that far?" he asks, and she nods her head eagerly. "Words," he commands.
"Yes, yes please," she begs.
"How would you feel about both of us stripping to our underwear, so we can feel each other a bit better?" he asks.
"Sounds really good, Harry," she says and immediately stands up to take her shorts off, but he stops her.
"You're incredibly cute with how eager you are," he laughs, and she turns red. He kisses her clothed stomach to assure her it's nothing to be ashamed of. "Let me take them off," he suggests. What she didn't expect was for Harry to sink to his knees in front of her and kiss at her thighs a bit first. It makes her feel extra hot having his mouth so close to her core. "Have you ever watched porn?" he asks suddenly as he bites a hickey into her thigh.
"Yes," she says breathily.
"What do you watch, dirty girl?" he asks as he sinks his teeth into the waistband of her shorts and starts to pull them down her legs.
"Um-" she stutters at the question.
"It's okay," he assures her. "It's just me," he says and squeezes her thighs in support. It was like those three words were all the encouragement she needed. He rests his chin between her thighs as she begins to speak.
"Well, I like to watch men um- eating out girls. I like to watch rough stuff, and I think I would like that a lot, but I think I would also like to just make love," she explains. "I also like watching girls giving blowjobs," she says suddenly like she had almost forgotten. "I also," she begins but stops herself in embarrassment.
"What is it? You're safe to talk to me, Angel," he assures her.
"I like to... read about things," she says.
"Okay. Explain," he tells her.
"Well, like- smut. I like to read little things people write about people fucking," she admits shyly.
"And what are the people doing in your favorite ones?" he asks.
"I like when they write the guy just being completely overtaken by his natural instincts to- to fuck the girl- almost feral- he's just taking what he wants, you know?" she explains.
"Did you know you're perfect? Like actually fucking enthralling?" he asks and basks in the way her face reddens. "I'm serious, Y/N," he tells her.
"Thank you, H. You're very captivating yourself," she comments.
"Oh?" he questions as he stands. His nose meets hers and they play tag with their mouth for a moment before she just leans forward and pecks him.
"You're an incredibly beautiful man. Always thought so- even before," she says honestly. His heart twists a bit at the mention of before. "The most alluring man I've ever seen," she tells him.
"You can't mean that," he disagrees, and his breathing shakes when he feels her play with the waistband of his sweatpants.
"I can, and I do," she tells him and presses her hand over the large bulge in his sweatpants. He actually moans from the contact- not expecting it from her.
"You're dirty," he gasps, and they both laugh. She doesn't waste another second before pulling his sweats down his legs and letting him step out of them.
She sits on her knees to love on him a bit. She's always loved his meaty sides, and now that she has the opportunity, she doesn't think twice before sinking her teeth into his loves handles. She smiles when he gasps as she kisses and nipples at his flesh. She surprises him once again when she presses her mouth against the bulge, letting her hot breath feed into the fabric and to his cock. He wants to push her away because he's afraid he's going to cum too soon, but he also knows that's the stupidest idea when he's got the most irresistible woman in the world with her mouth on him. It's when he feels her lick at his tip through his briefs when he back away and sits on the couch, shielding his clothed dick with his hands as if to protect himself from her.
She smiles at him as devilishly as an angel could. "You have an oral fixation," he notes, and she shrugs.
"Let's get to the fun stuff," she whines and crawls all the way to the couch and onto his lap. Harry doesn't think he's ever been so fucking turned on.
"You know you're every man's fantasy?" he asks, and she cocks her head in confusion. "A hot librarian," he expands, and she laughs.
"Yeah? You want me to read you a bedtime story, baby?" she asks, trying to make her voice sound sultrier, and it works. Harry's dick twitches in his boxers.
"I'm gonna cream in my boxers," he warns, and she laughs.
"Please, don't. We haven't even had any fun yet," she complains, and he shakes his head in amusement.
"Just start rubbing your cute little cunt on my cock," he instructs her, and she wastes no time before she puts her hands on his shoulders and begins to rut against him.
"Oh," she gasps. From the way his dick is positioned in his underwear, it's perfectly laid out for her to rub her clit against. "Is your- Is your dick big?" she suddenly asks. Harry, who was in a trance already from the way she was shamelessly grinding on him, splutters for words from her question.
"W-What?" he asks, his hips jutting up to press against her roughly out of instinct. They both moan at the sensation.
"It just- It feels really big, and sometimes you get a big bulge in your pants," she moans and bounces on his lap, trying to catch her clit on his tip.
"I have been told it is- yeah," he tells her. To be honest, he knows his dick is big. He knows it's really big. He usually would be cocky about it, but he doesn't want to scare her.
"Can I see?" she asks breathlessly.
"What?" he asks, his eyes bulging out of his head.
"Well," she begins, her hips stopping their movement. "I was just thinking that if maybe you were naked that it might feel better," she tells him. Harry's frozen in shock, but she takes it as him being unsure. "C'mon, please," she begs. "I'll let you cum on me," she adds.
"Where?" he asks.
"My- my pussy," she says quietly.
"Hop up," he tells her, and she quickly crawls to the spot on the couch next to him. She's about bouncing from how excited she is.
"Take your shirt off too." He laughs at how demanding the virgin is being.
"Need to spank your attitude out of you," he says as he takes off his shirt.
"Yeah, right," she scoffs but is silenced with his glare.
"I'm not going to show you my dick if you're going to be mean," he tells her and watches how her eyes round with wetness.
"I'm not being mean!" she complains.
"Yeah, you are, pet. And I'm being so nice to you- showing you everything, and you're acting like you don't care," he reprimands her. He's surprised when he feels her arms wrap around his shoulders in a hug.
"I'm sorry, Harry. Please, puppy. Show me, please. I'll be so sweet to you," she pleads, her voice muffled in his neck. Harry smiles, feeling like he's won the jackpot in life.
"Give me a kiss first," he commands, and she acts quick. Because she acted on fast movements, her hands lands his neck to stabilize herself. Harry moans at the pressure it provides for him.
"You like my hand around your neck?" she asks. He feels himself begin to nod submissively but remembers that he needs to be in charge for the moment. He switches on her, instead cupping her neck with his hand. She gasps, and her jaw falls from the movement.
"I do, baby, about as much as I like my hand around yours." He uses the grip he has on her throat to pull her closer and spit into her mouth. She moans and swallows easily. "Okay, enough foreplay," he tells her and releases her neck to shimmy his underwear off. The gasp he hears from her when his dick comes into view is welcomed gladly.
"It's so big, H," she tells him and continues to stare at it. She gulps at the thought of it being inside of her.
"Don't have to worry about it being inside you tonight, pet," he tells her as if he could read her mind. "It's gonna make you feel so good though."
"It's so pretty, puppy," she tells him, and she feels the urge to put her mouth on him, but she holds back, not wanting to upset him.
He pets her hair as he talks to her, "Can we try a different position than last time?" he asks.
"Whatever you want to do," she tells him, and he smiles.
"Just make sure to let me know if you don't feel good or like what I'm doing," he asks as he cups her face. She smiles softly and leans forward to lightly kiss him.
"Thank you for doing this, Harry," she tells him sincerely and places another kiss to the corner of his mouth.
"Thank you for letting me," he says. They both lock eyes and their lips meet again, completely forgetting about what they were supposed to be doing. The kiss is passionate instead of rough. Their lips are eager but not rushed. Harry ends it with pecking her lips a few times, making her giggle. "Okay, enough sap. We can do that after. I feel like I'm going to burst," he says, and she laughs.
"How do you want me?" she asks.
"On your knees, face pressed against the couch," he tells her, and she blushes before complying. Harry moans as she sticks her ass in the air. He's quick to get on his own knees behind her. He holds his dick up and places himself against her, grabbing her hips once he's in place. They both groan at the contact. He slowly starts to use the leverage he has on her hips to grind her against him, making sure to angle her up, so her clit is grinding against him.
"That feel so good, puppy," she whines and begins to throw her hips back at him. His hold on her tightens, but he allows her to help his efforts in making them both feel good. Harry has never done anything like this before, and it feels so fucking good. He raises her up enough so that her clit is catching at his tip before he lowers her back down to rub along his length. He thanks his job for the strength he has to lift her up and down on him like this. He takes a break from the rubbing to harshly thrust his hips against her as if he was fucking her for real.
"I can't wait to have my dick inside you," he moans.
"Yeah, baby?" she asks breathlessly, and he whines a yes. He groans when he feels her wetness seep from her panties onto his cock.
"Creamy little pussy," he moans and takes his dick away from her for a moment to rub his finger on her clothed clit. Her hips just forward at the surprising touch, but he lightly spanks her as a warning to stay in place. His finger ventures up to press at her hold through the opening, and the whiny moan that she releases only makes him press harder.
"I wanna see your face," she says quietly, and he could almost cry from how sweet she sounds. He taps her hip, so she takes the hint and turns around to lay flat on her back. She smiles up at him once she can see him, and he can't believe there was ever a time where he hated this girl.
"You're so beautiful, and you're doing so good for me," he tells her as he cups her head and kisses her hair. "Do you feel good?" he asks.
"Very," she answers quickly. "I want to try something though," she says shyly.
"What is it? Whatever you want," he assures.
"Can I show you?" she asks, and he nods his head. He gasps when she wraps a gentle hand around his dick, a bit of precum slipping from the tip when she gives a little tug. He thinks he dies when she slips her underwear to the side and places her bare dick against her naked pussy. She throws her head back at the contact and more cum oozes from Harry's dick.
"Oh, baby," he moans and places a hand on the length of his dick to press down on it as he glides against her pussy. She isn't shaved, but she's trimmed and well-groomed like Harry is, and it makes it feel so much better with the extra sensation. He uses two fingers to spread her open, so his dick rubs right over her clit, and he thinks she might die at the expression she makes. Her mouth is dropped, and her eyebrows are scrunched together in pleasure. She holds her thighs up and apart for him, and he doesn't think he's ever felt so attracted to a human.
"You're leaking so much," she moans as she looks down at them together.
"It's for you- It's all for you," he whines and ruts against her harder. She loves seeing him so whiny and submissive. She moves her panties so that her dick is actually inside of them now, so he doesn't have to hold it down anymore, and it makes them both moan to watch the erotic scene unfold. Her cotton panties are becoming see-through with their combined wetness.
"Love your dick, H," she moans and presses on him through her panties.
"I love your pussy," he moans back. "So fucking creamy and soft," he adds.
"I'm gonna cum," she tells him and grabs him by the back of the neck to kiss him. It's sloppy, and they're basically just trading saliva, but it makes it so much hotter. They're both so far gone.
"Please, Angel. Baby, please cum for me. Let me feel it," he says and moans when he feels her push on his dick harder, the pressure making her orgasm. It's intense and prolonged because Harry never stops moving. He can't help but cum as well when he feels his tip catch her hole. He fights the urge to just stuff her full with his dick, instead cumming against her pussy that's still covered by her, now, ruined panties.
"Wow," she breathes as they both feel the aftershocks. She pulls her panties to the side, and they both moan at the mess they created. He takes his softening dick and spreads his cum all over her. He leans down to smear a wet kiss against her lips, and they both sloppily make-out until Harry's weak arms give out, and he lays on top of her. They fall asleep in each other's embrace.
It's Y/N's second party.
This one is already going much better than the last. Harry hasn't let one second go by that he doesn't have some sort of physical contact with her. It's been two weeks since their moment at her house, and he hasn't let her forget about it.
Right now, Harry and Y/N are standing in the kitchen talking to some of Harry's friends. Well, Harry's talking to them, Y/N's basking in the way he has her back pressed against his chest, and how his hand is casually resting at the bottom of her throat. His casual dominance makes her pussy throb.
"You okay, pet?" his voice in her ear spooks her until she relaxes back into his hold. His friends are occupied with themselves for the moment, so he takes the opportunity to love on her, pressing a kiss to her cheek and discretely squeezing at her throat.
"Y-yeah, sorry. Just lost in thought," she explains.
"It's okay. Just let me know the second you're ready to leave, and we can go," he promises her. She rolls her eyes and turns around in his hold to look at him. His hands gravitate down to hold her ass with a smirk.
"You know you don't have to babysit me, right?" she asks.
"Not babysitting. Why would I want to be without you?" he asks like she's acting dumb. She goes to speak, but she's interrupted by his fratty friends.
"Hey, H! Come play beer pong with us!" One of them shouts at him and shoves at his shoulder, making both him and Y/N stumble a bit. He goes to reprimand him, but Y/N stops him.
"He would love to!" she tells them when she turns around.
"No, H. Go have some fun. I'll be fine, I swear. I'll go find Niall," she assures him.
"Harry, dude, c'mon. Tell your babe goodbye for like twenty minutes, man," they all laugh at how whipped he is. Harry glares at them. Y/N makes the decision for him.
She kisses his cheek and says, "I'll see you later!" Before she scurries away to find Niall. Harry's grumpy as he goes to play beer pong.
Y/N somehow found Niall easily. All she really had to do was stop for a second and listen for his laugh to follow it. It had been about thirty minutes since she had seen Harry, and she was certainly missing him.
"Can't believe how whipped H is for you," Niall tells her as they walk outside to find the firepit. His arm is slung protectively around her shoulder, and her hand is holding his that's wrapped around her.
"He is not," she counters. "We just like to spend time with each other," she explains, and Niall gives her a knowing look.
"He told me about the other night," he informs her.
"He did not!" she says suddenly and releases herself from his hold.
"He's my best mate, of course he did," he says easily.
"I'll kill him," she says seriously and starts to walk off to find him.
"Oh, c'mon, Y/N!" Niall whines and hugs himself over her shoulders as she storms off, trying to find the culprit. "It's not like he told me what all did! Just that you got a bit intimate but didn't go all the way," he explains. She grimaces when she spots where Harry is with his friends playing beer pong. Well, where he's supposed to be playing beer pong. Instead, he's talking with a girl who's a bit too close for Y/N's liking. Y/N also doesn't like how into the conversation Harry looks. He's talking with his hands, and his facial expressions are animated.
"Let's go inside," Y/N says suddenly, and Niall furrows his eyebrows.
"Why-" he begins to ask but then stops himself when he sees the reason she wants to go inside. "C'mon," he tells her and doesn't give her an option to say no before he's wrapping a strong arm around her shoulder and pulling her along.
"No! I don't want to see this!" she complains, but Niall says nothing as they approach the group. Harry's telling the girl something when his eyes land on Y/N. It's like his whole world stopped, and Y/n doesn't have time to process anything before she's being engulfed in a rough embrace and kisses are being pressed all over her face.
"Y/N!" His voice is loud and joyful. "Niall, get off her," Harry scolds, and Niall just laughs.
"Don't be rude, H," Y/N tells him, and Harry pouts. He sinks his head into her shoulder and holds her tightly around her waist.
"You're right. I'm sorry. I'm sorry, Niall," he says loud enough for Niall to hear. His words are slurred.
"It's alright, H," Niall just laughs.
"Harry, this is nice, but I can't breathe," Y/N tells him.
"I wish I was small, so I could climb in your lap," Harry says randomly, and Niall's loud laugh is heard for miles. "It's not funny!" Harry complains. "Oh, wait!" Harry abruptly turns around to face the girl he was talking to who's looking at him unamused now. "This is my wife, Y/N. She's who I was telling you about and why I did not want to make-out with you at all!" Harry looks and sounds disgusted at the thought of making out with the girl, and Y/N gasps. Niall's laugh somehow grows louder. "Once you've tasted her fucking mouth- oh, fuck," Harry groans just thinking about Y/N's mouth. "And her pussy- holy shit!"
"Harry!" Y/N scolds. The girl walks off coldly.
"Bye!" Harry tells her, but she doesn't even look back at him. Y/N turns around to find Niall bent over, hugging his stomach in amusement. "What are you laughing at, Niall?" Harry asks him and goes over to hug him.
"Nothing, H," he says once he's put himself together enough. "You drink a little bit, huh?"
"Oh, yeah," Harry says with an evil smirk. "I was so shit at beer pong, so I drank like so much, dude," he tells Niall.
"I think we should get you home, buddy," Niall tells him, and Harry whines. Y/N comes up to Harry's side and wraps her arm around his hip. He seems to remember that Y/N was there and gasps.
"I missed you so much," Harry mumbles into her hair.
"Harry, I would like to go home," she tells him.
"Okay, let's go!" he agrees with ease, and Niall rolls his eyes. Y/N, Harry, and Niall all make their way outside and to Niall's car. Y/N gets into the backseat because she expects Harry to sit in the front, but she's surprised when he climbs in right after her and sits so close he should practically be on her lap.
"Oy, what do I look like? An uber?" Niall says when he realizes he's alone in the front. He starts his car up and starts driving towards Y/N's house.
"Sorry, Niall," Y/N says and grunts when Harry encircles her waist with his big arms and smushes his face into her neck.
"It's alright. I'm just messing with you, babe," he tells her.
"Hey, don't call her that!" Harry grumbles.
"Don't be rude, Harry," Y/N scolds and lightly swats at his head.
"She is my babe, H," Niall tells him, just to mess with drunk Harry some more.
"She's not your anything!" Harry cries.
"Niall, stop messing with him," Y/N now scolds the Irish man, and he just laughs in return. She suddenly feels a hand on her cheek and Harry planting kisses all over her face. He moves his hand down to rest at her neck, so he can angle her face however he wants. "Niall, can you hurry up? I'm being attacked," Y/N says.
"I'm a law-abiding citizen, Y/N," Niall tells her.
"Oh, please. I've seen you speed to go get a donut," she grumbles and grimaces when she feels a tongue lick her cheek. "Ew, Harry!" she pushes at him, but he doesn't move.
"You taste so good," he says before he erupts into a fit of giggles. "Fuck, I wanna suck on your tits," he groans randomly, and Y/N thanks God when they finally pull into her driveway. "Alright, goodbye guys," she sighs before getting out of Niall's car. She raises her eyebrows at Harry when he tries to follow her out. "Um, what are you doing?" she asks him.
"Uh, spending the night with you," he responds like she's acting dumb.
"H, I'm going to take you to your house," Niall tells him.
"What? No!" he cries and hugs Y/N's waist tight when she tries to walk away from where she stands outside the car.
"H-" she begins to say, but she's stopped when she sees Harry's eyes full of tears and his whimpery voice begging.
"Please, I'll be so good for you," he pleads, and she sighs. Niall doesn't know whether to laugh or be disgusted. He settles on taking a picture of a sad Harry practically wrapped around Y/N to send to him later. "Please, Angel. I don't want to be away from you," he cries, and how can Y/N argue with his pitiful little state?
"Alright, H. C'mon," she tells him and leads him out of the car.
"Good luck," Niall tells her before she shuts the car door and lets him drive off. Harry suddenly grabs her face and plants a sloppy wet kiss on her lips. She doesn't even have time to react before he's running up to her door.
"We're going to have so much fun!" he yells, and she shushes him, grumbling about her having neighbors. He waits impatiently for her to open the door, and once it's open, he's running inside in search of her dog Pickle. Y/N shakes her head, wondering what she's gotten herself into especially when she sees Harry laying on the floor with Pickle licking at his face. She grimaces, setting her stuff down and taking off her shoes before she makes her way to Harry.
"Let's get up and go to bed," she tells him, but he shakes his head and pouts like a toddler.
"I don't want to go to bed! You're being boring," he spits, but there's no real spite behind it.
"Fine, you can stay out here by yourself then," she says, knowing it will make him get up and follow her. As she's walking off to her bedroom, she hears Harry get up and scurry off in search of her. She quickly shuts herself into her closet to change before he catches up to her. Once she's changed into a large t-shirt and just her panties, she opens her door. She's not prepared to see Harry in just his boxers sitting at the edge of her bed pouting. She pretends to not notice him as she makes her way to her bathroom and does her nightly skincare and brushes her teeth. He follows after her quickly and shadows her routine, washing his face and brushing his teeth while looking at her expectantly the entire time.
Drunk Harry was needy for her.
Once they're both finished, they crawl into her bed. The lamp isn't even off before Harry is laying on top of her, weeping into her neck.
"I'm sorry," he cries. "Don't ignore me!"
"Why should I talk to you? Being so mean to me. Where's my sweet boy?" she asks, willing herself to not put her hands anywhere on him to mess with him more.
"I'm here, I promise," he whines. "You're not boring- not boring at all. You're the best person, and I love you." Y/N feels like the blood from her body was being drained at his drunk confession. "Don't be mad at me. I'm sorry. Am I being annoying? Oh, I am. I'm so sorry," he continues to cry.
"Puppy, I'm not mad at you," she tells him with a giggle. She finally lets her hand card through his hair, her other hand going to rub at his back.
"Okay, good," he says and begins to kiss at her neck again.
"You're incredibly needy," she sighs and leans her head back to give him more access to her skin.
"Yeah? Fuck, I'm so needy for you," he tells her, and her eyes grow wide when she feels him start to subconsciously hump at her leg. She feels his dick start to harden in his boxers.
"Maybe we should stop, H," she warns him.
"Why?" he whines like the thought of stopping brings him physical pain. His hips thrust into her thigh with more determination.
"Because you're drunk," she tells him.
"So? I want you just as bad when I'm not. I'm just better at being chiller about it," his speech slurs. "Can I suck on your tits?" he asks, and she feels one of his hands snake under her shirt to feel the bare skin of her stomach.
"Um," she stutters.
"Please? It'll help me sleep," he claims. "You can even turn off the lamp if you don't want me to see," he tries to convince her even further.
"Okay," she relents. She reaches over to turn off the lamp, so they're welcomed into the darkness. Harry wastes no time before his legs move to straddle her thighs, and he's lifting her shirt to feel at her breasts. They both moan when he glides his fingers over her taut nipples. He squeezes at them in handfuls and moans at the sensation.
"Fuckin' perfect," he sighs. She feels him scoot down so that he's resting his body weight against her now, and his mouth wraps around one of her tits. She gasps at the feeling and tries to work out the horniness she feels because she genuinely does want them to sleep. He spends some time swapping at both her breasts, biting, sucking, and kissing at both of them before he rests his head on her and keeps one of her tits in his mouth to lull him to sleep. The feeling begins to feel relaxing for her, and she feels herself start to drift to sleep as Harry sucks on her breast. She falls asleep with her hand in his hair and her boob in his mouth.
When she wakes in the morning, she's surprised to be in an empty bed. She thought for sure that Harry would still be resting on her chest or in her bathroom heaving over the toilet, but instead she feels no weight on her chest, yet she smells bacon and pancakes through her nose. She does her business in the bathroom and makes her way to the kitchen when she finishes. What she walks into is a sight she would love to wake up to every morning. Harry is in nothing but his boxers as he flips pancakes and sears some bacon on her stove. She says nothing for a long moment, just observes him. She finally decides to make her presence known when he walks over to the sink to wash some of his dishes once he finishes cooking the last pancake and piece of bacon. She feels his body tense then quickly relax when her hands wrap around him from behind and rub at his tummy.
"Good morning," his rough voice greets her, his body tensing with delight when her hands run over his abs and lower belly.
"Morning handsome," she greets him as well and rests her cheek on his back sleepily as her hands continue to wander. "How are you feeling?" Referring to his intense night of drinking.
"Better than I deserve," he laughs in self-deprecation. She laughs as well. "Honestly don't feel bad at all," he tells her and once he finishes the dishes, he turns around in her hold to see her beautiful morning face. He brushes a few strands of hair out of her face. "Are you feeling okay?" he asks.
"Yeah, I barely drank anything," she shrugs.
"Um, how are your- your uh," he stutters, and she's confused until he looks down at her chest. She laughs lightly.
"Not sure. Haven't seen or felt them yet," she says honestly.
"Can I look?" he asks. She gawks. "I just want to make sure I didn't hurt you!" he explains honestly. She eyes him.
"Okay," she agrees nervously and begins lifting her shirt. She looks away as he looks at her.
"Oh, shit," he gasps.
"Are they ugly?" she whines and goes to bring her shirt back down, but his hand stops her.
"No- they're- they're fucking perfect, but I- I fucked them up a bit," he admits honestly. Her eyebrows furrow before she takes a look for herself. She gasps too when she sees the damage he did. They're littered beautifully with hickeys and a few bite marks. "I'm so sorry, Y/N," he tells her, and she looks up to see his eyes watering. She shakes her head as if to tell him not to feel bad.
"Is it messed up that I kind of like it?" she admits.
"You do?" he asks.
"I really do," she says and bites her lip. She finally drops her shirt to cover her abdomen again. She felt awkward just having her tits out in the middle of her kitchen.
"I really like them too," he admits as well and wraps his arms around her waist, bring her closer to him and leaning his face close to hers. He kisses at the corner of her mouth, and she sighs in contentment.
"Do you remember anything from last night? Anything in particular that you might have said?" she asks.
"Are you asking about me telling you I love you?" he asks boldly.
"Possibly," she replies.
"Well, what's to ask about it?" he wonders.
"Well, is it true?" she asks quietly and looks away from his gaze out of nerves. She feels his fingers gently grip her chin to make her look at him before he leans down and presses his lips against hers. She sighs into the kiss and wraps her arms around his neck to press him against her harder. Both of his hands cup her throat, and his thumbs rest at her jaw to direct her in any way he likes. He parts once he feels he's running out of breath. He rests his forehead against her own, and she looks up at him with expectant eyes.
"I love everything about you," he admits.
"You also called me your wife," she says with a grin.
"You are my wife- just without all the legal papers and rings and whatnot," he explains, and she shakes her head with a laugh.
"Harry, I want to have sex with you," she admits breathlessly and watches as his eyes grow wide at her statement.
"Are you- Are you sure?" he asks.
"The surest," she tells him honestly.
"You want me to be your first?" he asks and presses a quick, light kiss to her lips.
"And my last," she adds and sees him swoon. He takes a deep breath before speaking.
"Okay. Okay- um. Well, let's eat first. We need- It's good to have energy," he stumbles his way through his sentence. She whines in complaint.
"No, we can do that after," she says and goes to pull at his briefs, but he snatches her hands and leans in close to her face. The dominance radiating off him makes her sink into herself.
"I'm not going to fuck you if you don't listen to me," he warns. Her eyes gloss over. "Be sweet for me and go set the food on the table. I'll get our drinks," he instructs, and she scurries off quickly to obey. She's standing awkwardly by her own table when he walks in, and he chuckles lightly. He sets the drinks down and slowly approaches her. He cups her cheeks, and she nuzzles into his touch. "You're not scared of me, right?" he asks, wanting to make sure her behavior isn't out of fear. She shakes her head quickly with furrowed brows.
"No, no," she assures. "Just... want to please you," she explains and turns her head to kiss the inside of his palm. He smiles at that and leans in to slowly kiss her.
"Good," he says against her lips. "Then be good for me and sit on my lap while we eat," he tells her and smiles when she blushes. He sits down first and guides her by her waist to sit down sideways on his lap. She wraps one arm around his shoulders, lightly scratching at his hair as he cuts her up some pancake. He feeds her a few pieces with one hand on keeps the other arm wrapped snug around her waist. He goes to give her another piece, but she shakes her head and takes the fork from his hand to feed him instead. It goes on like that until all of the bacon and pancakes are ate. There's a tension that settles in the room once the plates are cleared.
"Please," she whispers, and that's all Harry needs to hear before he's carrying her off to her bedroom. She giggles when he throws her on her bed and crawls after her, hovering over her excited body. She moans when he rests his body weight on her and kisses her like he's starved. His tongue finds its way into her mouth quickly, and the once innocent kiss becomes messy and sloppy. Harry's pulling away from her panting and with swollen lips. He moans at the sight of her- bare-faced and fucked out just from a little kissing.
"Can I take your shirt off?" he asks roughly.
"You can do anything you want," she answers seriously, making him laugh.
"Don't speak too soon," he tells her before shedding her of her shirt. He moans at her only clad in underwear, her breasts beautiful and littered with his markings. "Oh, baby," he whines and gently tweaks her nipples with his fingers. She gasps and arches her back away from the bed. "Are they sore?" he asks before leaning down to flick his tongue against her nipple.
"A bit, but that feels good," she tells him. She moans when he kisses down her body and to the edge of her underwear. He bites the waistband of her panties and pulls back only to let go of them and let them snap against her skin. She whines at his teasing and buries her hand in his hair to encourage him to do something. He grins at her impatience.
"Bratty little virgin," he remarks, and she tugs at his hair as a warning.
"Big annoying man-whore," she retorts back, and he laughs before lightly slapping her clothed mound. Her body jumps at the sensation, but he's quickly tugging her back into place. He presses his mouth against her clothed pussy and blows hot air against her. She squirms at the new sensation.
"You need to stay still," he tells her and places his hands against her thighs, spreading them in the way he likes. He spends more time licking at where he assumes her clit is by the sounds she makes. He flattens his tongue and licks over her panties, moaning when he begins to taste her wetness. "Can I take these off?" he asks, but his hands are already dipping into the waistband to take them off.
"Please," she tells him and lifts her hips to help him take them off. She feels a bit exposed now that she's naked. She nervously closes her legs, but he quickly snatches them open again.
"Don't do that," he warns her. His jaw drops when he sees her bare pussy, a moan tumbling from his lips. "I missed her," he groans, and she shakes her head in annoyance. "Let me tell you what I'm going to do to you," he tells her, and he's suddenly hovering over her face, her eyes wide. "I'm going to make you cum on my tongue- finger you a bit until you're stretched," he pauses to act like he's going to kiss her, only to pull back at the last second. "Then, I'm going to fuck your sweet little virgin pussy. That sound okay?" he asks, though it's not really a question. Y/N nods her head vigorously and throws her arms around his neck to kiss him. He moans against her mouth, but before she could slip her tongue into his mouth, he pulls away. "We can do more of that later. Let me taste you," he says, and she bites her lip as he pushes down her body.
"Harry, do something please," she whines and grips his hair in her fingers. He pries her thighs apart and begins with a long lick from her hole to her clit. She throws her head back and lets out a long moan, her fingers fisting in his hair hard enough to make him whine, so she immediately let's go and apologizes. "Sorry! I'm sorry!"
"No, baby," he tells her and places her hands back in his hair. "I like it, I promise, so pull all you want," he assures her and quickly gets back to eating at her. He essentially makes out with her pussy, not caring about how messy or wet anything was getting. He pushes her thighs apart farther and shoves his tongue as deep as he could push into her hole. Her moans and whines could barely be heard over his own. His tongue curls and tries its best to get all of her in his mouth. He's addicted to the way she tastes. He takes his thumbs, using them to spread open her hole wider, so he can really insert his tongue inside her and taste her better.
"Fuck, Harry," she moans. It's like nothing she's ever felt before. It's so much better than anytime she's gotten herself off. Harry himself is pure sex, and it's hard to not let her brain get all muddled around him. "I'm gonna cum," she warns and digs her fingers deeper into his scalp when he switches to flicking at her clit quickly and moving his head side to side. Her orgasm is strong and continuous, taking her a few moments to actually breathe her way to the end. She has to push his head away when the overstimulation begins. He crawls up her body and kisses her cheek.
"I'm gonna have to go down on you again some time tonight," he admits, and she laughs at his eagerness. "Do you feel good? Was that okay?" he asks.
"Yes, and yes," she answers.
"Let me know when you feel ready, and I want you to cum on my fingers at least once before I fuck you," he explains, and she blushes and is a bit taken aback by how he can just talk about this stuff so easily. He sees her blush and smiles. "Don't worry. You'll be as dirty as me soon." His hand moves to her throat, and he teases her lips with his. "Corrupt your innocent little pussy and have you begging for me all the time," he tells her and kisses the corner of her mouth. She shudders.
"You sound very sure of yourself," she tells him.
"And your pussy already loves me. Just let it happen, babe," he sighs, and she giggles.
"M'kay," she agrees in content. "I think I'm ready now." He smiles before he begins to move.
"I'm going to sit behind you, so it will feel a bit safer and more comfortable for you," he explains, and she could almost cry at how thoughtful he is. They maneuver around so that Harry's is against the headboard, and Y/N is leaning back against his chest. He starts by reaching around and grabbing her throat, turning her head so that he can kiss her. They make out for a bit until Harry gets too impatient. "I'm going to start with one finger. Let me know if anything doesn't feel right, okay?" He kisses her cheek for reassurance. "Why don't you rub at your pretty clit while I finger you," he encourages, and she nods. She starts to rub at her clit, and her body sinks further into Harry's. His hand wraps around her, and he brings it to her mouth. "Get it wet, baby," he instructs, and she doesn't waste another second before welcoming his finger into her mouth and getting it wet with her tongue. She sucks on it like it's a dick and swear she feels Harry's dick twitch in his boxers. He takes his finger out of her mouth and rests his chin on her shoulder, embracing her from behind to see what he's doing.
"Feels so nice already," she admits and leans her head back, so they're faces are pressed cheek to cheek. She kisses his cheek right as his finger begins to circle her entrance. She bites her swollen lip and rests her forehead against his temple. He slowly enters the finger, and her hips grind upwards to push it in deeper. "I can take it, H. I promise," she assures him.
"You're tight," he hisses, his own jaw dropping as he feels her warm gummy walls embrace his finger. "And so wet, fuck," he groans, and he can already feel her wetness dripping down his finger.
"Feels really good," she admits, her own fingers still working circles around her clit.
"Can I add a second?" he asks.
"Please," she begs and nods her head in encouragement. She moans when he feels his second finger prod at her hole. She's tight, but there's no resistance as the second finger slides into her.
"You're going to be my perfect cocksleeve," he tells her, his head turning so his mouth is pressed against her cheek, her jaw wide in pleasure. She's almost panting. "Pussy's gonna make me cum so fast and so fucking hard," he admits. "Are you on birth control?" he asks suddenly.
"Yes- yes," she nods her head, throwing it back when his fingers begin to curl inside her.
"Shit- you gonna let me fuck you raw?" he asks and punctuates his words by beginning to thrust his fingers inside her faster. Her pace on her clit quickens to his speed.
"Yes- Oh, fuck- that sounds so good. Wanna- I want to feel your cum in me. Want you to- oh- fill me up," she fights to speak as her orgasm approaches.
"Oh, yeah?" he asks, meaning for it to sound condescending, but it comes out whiney. He's on the verge of cumming himself.
"I'm cumming," she warns, but he just keeps his fingers moving inside her. Her orgasm seems stronger but doesn't last as long. The overstimulation comes quicker. "Okay- Okay," she winces and pushes his hand away. He removes himself gently as to not give her any pain. He doesn't waste a second more before he's sucking all her orgasm from his fingers, his eyes rolling into his skull at the taste. Once he cleans himself off, he wraps his arms around her waist to hug her to his chest as she gets her breathing under control.
"You did so fucking well," he praises, and she smiles.
"Thank you," she tells him and kisses his cheek. He looks at her, and when their eyes meet, they both feel the intensity. Their lips meet instantaneously, and she begins to turn around to straddle his lap. One of her hands goes to the back of Harry's head while the other cups his cheek tenderly. His hands settle on her waist, being careful not to make her grind over him in case she's still feeling any overstimulation. When she begins to mess with the waistband of his underwear, he pulls back.
"If you- We don't have to do anything else if you don't-" He's cut off by her hand groping his clothed dick. Harry's back slightly arches off the bed, and he moans quietly at the surprised touch.
"Trust me, I want to," Y/N assures him with a grin. She helps him get his underwear off and then gets back on his lap. They're positioned so that Harry is sitting up at her height as well, making it more intimate than if Harry was just laying down below her.
"It's going to feel deeper this way," he warns.
"Good," she says with a sly smirk, and he shakes his head with a smile.
"You're amazing," he says randomly. She smiles softly before leaning forward to kiss him. It doesn't last long because she's eager to have him inside her.
"I don't- I don't know what I'm doing," she suddenly admits with a laugh, and he laughs as well.
"I'll do all the hard work," he tells her. "Rub at your clit. It will help relax you," he explains, and she listens obediently. She has to raise herself a little so that Harry's dick can be placed at her entrance. "I'm going to push in, but I'll go very slow," he assures her with a serious look. He was so scared to hurt her.
"Thank you, Harry," Y/N smiles and continues to rub her clit when she feels the head of his dick press into her hole. They both gasp at the sensation, and Harry's presses her down until only his tip is inside her.
"Good?" he asks.
"Yes," she moans and fucks herself on the tip, in the process she sinks down about another inch.
"A fuckin' natural," he tells her. He's a little bit over halfway when she presses at his stomach. His eyes dart to hers that are closed shut. "Are you okay? Do you want me to take it out?" he asks in a panic. She laughs at his worriness.
"No, puppy," she tells him. "It's just a lot, and I've never felt anything like this before," she explains, and he nods his head in understanding. "Starting to feel really good, though," she admits and scratches at his abs. She sinks herself a little farther down.
Harry's trying to be on his best behavior, but his instincts are telling him to just grab her hips and start fucking up into her. It's the best pussy he's ever been inside of, and he knows she can feel him throbbing inside her. His balls are tight and round, stuffed with cum that belongs shoved inside her tummy. The thought almost sends him over the edge, picturing her belly and tits, that are still littered with his marking, round and swollen with him. His baby in her womb. The thought makes him whine.
"Are you okay?" she asks with a chuckle.
"Feels- feels too good," he whines and has to throw his head back when he feels her seated on his lap, having taken him all the way in. He squeezes his eyes shut tight, willing his orgasm away. He thinks all it would take at the moment is the sight of her innocent little body being corrupted, his fat cock shoved as far as it can be inside her pussy.
"It's deep," she comments, her voice almost as whiney as Harry's. Her eyes narrow at him and his distraught expression. He's still refusing to look at her. "Seriously, are you okay?" her voice suddenly worried.
"Yes. I'm sorry," he apologizes. "I'm trying not to cum yet," he explains. "You feel- really, really lovely. The best pussy I've ever been in," he moans.
"It's okay if you want to cum, Harry. I've already cum so much, and this alone feels really good," she assures him, leaning forward to kiss his lips. He whines into her mouth.
"No, no- I think I'm okay for now," he sighs and finally looks at her. He feels as if he just brought himself back to square one. She looks so perfect sitting on top of his cock it almost makes him cry. She's rubbing at her clit and biting her lip with the cutest smirk on her face. "I won't last long," he admits.
"Me neither," she agrees and begins to move herself on him. Her hips grind against his pelvis, making his dick press into spots she didn't know existed. She stops rubbing her clit and instead presses her hands against his shoulders for extra help.
"Fuck- don't even need my help," he comments. "Already the perfect slut," he says through a moan. Her eyes narrow at him.
"I can f-feel your dick throbbing inside me. Who's the- the real slut?" she stutters, the feeling of him stretching her out making her brain foggy and incoherent. He whines at her assertive tone and feels his balls tighten. He sits up further so that he can hug her waist, pulling them close together. He uses his leverage on her to bounce her on him, and the new feeling makes her third orgasm approach quickly. The intimacy of the moment adds to the intensity of her approaching orgasm. They stare deeply into each other's eyes as they both begin to finish with each other.
It's like nothing Y/N's ever felt before when his balls start to leak his cum inside her. Her own orgasm hits her like a truck when Harry's seed starts to fill her womb. He looks so beautiful fucked out in front of her, his eyes welled with tears of pleasure much like her own.
"I love you," he moans and dips his head into her shoulder.
"I love you too," she moans back, wincing when she begins to feel the overstimulation, though Harry's still finishing inside her. "Damn, you had a lot in there," she laughs, and he blushes into her neck. His hips rut into her on their own accord until he finally begins to calm down.
Harry's face leaves its hiding spot in her shoulder, and he looks up at her like she's everything in the world to him. And she is.
She's his whole world.
im never fucking looking at this story again. took tooooooo long. hope you enjoy though 🤪
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hugsandharrystyles · 4 months ago
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The entirety of my existence (from latest to earliest)
☆ Change of Heart Harry's a protecter, a good man. She's a shy librarian with a dog named Pickle. He can't stand her, so why does it fuck him up when he finds out she's scared of him?
☆ The Phone Call One phone call was all it took to change the course of your sex life.
☆ Pathetic Harry is pathetic, whipped, and an asshole.
☆ The Chase Harry is obsessed with you (or your pussy).
☆ Are You Wet Right Now? Pt. 2 You go on a vacation with your parents and their best friend's family. The only problem is their ridiculously hot son, Harry.
☆ The Cuddle Fix Harry hates you, but he loves cuddles, and that becomes a problem.
☆ Like a Virgin Harry Styles is your best friend and wants to lose his virginity to you, but he doesn't think you feel the same.
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hugsandharrystyles · 5 months ago
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SUMMARY: One phone call was all it took to change the course of your sex life.
Word Count: 5k+
"You're not understanding me right. I never said the sex wasn't good."
"You essentially did," Your friend counters. "He doesn't make you cum," Her voice a little too loud to be on speaker but fortunately you were in the comfort of your own home by yourself. Harry was supposed to be at the gym.
Harry was not at the gym.
Harry was at your bedroom door listening to your conversation. He had just made it back when a very interesting conversation involving his name made his ears perk up.
"Harry is the best sexual partner I've ever had. He's so good- it's a me thing. I've never been able to... finish with someone before," You explain because you don't want anyone to think Harry was bad in bed. He's far from that. He just doesn't make you cum.
"Isn't that the whole idea of sex though? To fucking finish?" Your friend tells you.
"I've just come to terms with the fact that some of the things I like in the bedroom... are not going to be explored."
"What do you mean?" Your friend asks.
"You know, just like... rougher things- kinkier things," you say bashfully.
"Like what?!" Your friend pushes.
"I don't know. Some choking, manhandling, assertiveness- that type of thing. I would really enjoy some casual dominance anytime really."
"Oh, wow," Your friend says.
"I know. I'm a fucking freak," You sigh and drop your head to rest on your bed in agony.
"No! I didn't say that! Hey, I like that type of stuff too. Why don't you just talk to Harry-"
Harry was livid. His heart was beating faster now than any time during his workout. He was so angry with himself that he hasn't made you trust him enough to tell him how you feel. How he hasn't been able to satisfy you. He'd made you think you were a freak.
"No- look. I don't fucking care if I finish or not. The sex is so good, and I just like having him that close to me. He's not very big on... being touchy any time else, which is totally okay, but I don't want to take the time I do have him so close to me for granted."
There was a sudden dip in the bed and a body weight being pressed against you as you laid flat on your stomach. You almost screamed until you felt a hand reach around and wrap around your throat and turn your head.
Harry was behind you, on the back of your thighs, looking down at you with a look you've never seen from him- from anyone.
Your friend droned on, never noticing your silence. Harry grabbed your phone with his other hand still wrapped around your neck and took the phone off speaker, putting it up to his ear.
"Hey, this is Harry. We're a bit busy at the moment- actually we're going to be busy for quite a long moment, so don't call anytime soon." With that he hung up and threw your phone on the bedside table. "So," Harry begins after a quiet minute. "Anything you want to tell me?" He asks. He flips you around so you're lying on your back with him straddling your front, completely at his mercy. You don't know whether to cry or squeeze your thighs together.
"Harry, I am so sorry that you had to hear that. I don't want you to think that-" You're momentarily stopped when both of his hands cup your throat, thumbs under your jaw so he can control your face. He angles your head up, so you finally look into his eyes.
"Look at me when you're speaking to me," He commands. You swear your pussy purrs. You can't help but squeeze your thighs together. You have never seen Harry like this.
"S-Sorry- I'm sorry. I don't- I don't know what to say," You finally get out.
"Tell me what I did to make you be afraid to trust me."
"No! Harry, that is not true at all!" You say angrily. He grips your throat a little tighter, and his eyes become a little sterner.
"Don't raise your voice at me." You audibly swallow. "Were you afraid I would be mad- hurt you?" He asks. One hand leaves your jaw to comb through your hair.
"No, Harry- I know you would never. I just- You're not really into... touching me all that much when we're not having sex, so I didn't want the only time when you want to touch me to be gone." You realized you had misworded your sentence as soon as you finished.
"You think I don't want to touch you?" He asks, and you can't tell if the anger in his voice is pointed at you or himself.
"No- I just-" You're abruptly paused when you feel the hand that was in your hair venture down between your thighs. You were only wearing panties and a big t-shirt, so Harry finds your clit very easily. You moan in surprise in grind against his hand.
"Trust me, I want to fucking touch you," he says. "I thought you were the one who didn't like all the touching," he explains.
"What- why?" You ask breathlessly, your body keening at his touch and the bit of weight he was resting on you.
"Every time I would, you would almost jump or just kind of tense up, so I didn't want to make you uncomfortable," he says and lets a finger tease at your entrance.
"N-no, you just- you make me so nervous," you gasp when he slides a finger into you.
"Why?" he demands.
"It's embarrassing," you whine and turn away from him, but he grips your jaw and makes you look at him.
"Why?" he demands again, and the look in his eyes tells you that you need to answer.
"You're so- I just find you really attractive. Anything you do turns me on, and I just get really nervous," you say bashfully. He adds another finger and curls them to find your spot. Your mouth drops in pleasure.
"You are aware that we are dating, correct?" he asks.
"Shut the fuck up," you whine and try to grind down on his hand. He gives you a pointed look.
"Be sweet to me. Don't talk to me like that," he says and very lightly slaps your face. It causes your jaw to drop and a moan to spill from your mouth. "You like that?" He asks and bends his face down to bite and kiss at your neck while continuing his movements on your cunt.
"Harry," you moan and scratch at his back. He groans into your neck and pulls his fingers from your underwear. He waits for you to stick your tongue out and take his fingers inside your mouth.
"Good," he praises and pulls his fingers from your mouth. He cups your throat with both of his hands and brushes his lips against yours. You tilt your head up and try to catch his mouth. "I want to give you everything you want," he tells you and gives you a passionate kiss.
"You do, baby," you assure him and kiss him again while wrapping your arms around his neck and run your fingers through his hair. He grabs your wrists, resting most of his body weight on you, and brings them to his lips.
"Tell me what you want from me," he demands while kissing your fingers.
"Harry," you sigh.
"No, tell me what you need from me. Don't think I don't want to do this. I am more than willing," he says with a sly smirk. You roll your eyes, and you both laugh. He becomes serious again. "Tell me what will make you cum."
"H, I don't know," you say honestly. "I've just never been able to with anyone."
"Okay," he says. "What do you do when you're by yourself?"
"What do you mean?" You question.
"How do you get yourself off," he expands.
"Oh! Um..." you blush.
"Listen," he begins and shifts positions so that he is sitting up on the bed with you in front of him. He holds your hands in his and plays with your fingers. "You have to trust me if you want this. I'm never going to push you, but I just want you to be comfortable with me," he explains. Your heart twists.
"I am comfortable with you, Harry!" you correct him. "It's just- everything is so intense with you in the best way possible." His eyebrow quirks.
"Like- I just feel everything so intensely with you. I don't mean to boost your ego any higher than it already is-"
"Hey!" He complains, and you both laugh.
"But you're just really fucking hot, and it's hard to be normal around you when you do your sexy stuff," you explain.
"My sexy stuff?" He laughs.
"Yeah, like your deep voice and- and your hands," his hands reach out to cusp the back of your neck.
"Yeah? What else, mama?" He asks and places a feather-light kiss to your cheek.
"Um- well, like this. I- I feel like any time you touch me, I go braindead," you explain. He works his lips up to yours and slips his tongue into your mouth, craning your head back, so he can kiss you deeply. He groans into your mouth when you suck on his tongue out of animalistic need. "I need you," you whine.
"Tell me what you want. Do you want to just keep kissing for a bit? I can eat your sweet cunt or just finger you," he suggests and paws at your breasts.
"Can we- uh-"
"What, sweetheart? Tell me."
"Can we just... dry-hump and make out some?" You ask, your face turning a dark red out of embarrassment of the vulgar language.
"Of course, honey. Come here," he says and scoots to the end of the bed so that he's leaned against the headboard. He grabs your waist and pulls you on top of him, straddling his lap. "Can I take your shirt off?" He asks.
"Of course, Harry. You don't have to be so gentle with me." He gives your face a light smack again.
"Lose the attitude," he commands, and you try to squeeze your thighs together, but you end up just grinding against his bulge making both of you moan. He kisses up your throat while his hands toy with the bottom of your shirt. "You're turned on, yeah?" He asks.
"I'm so horny, H," you whine and grasp onto his shoulders to grind against him better.
"Good," he sighs and tugs your shirt off, eyes widening at your bare tits that he's seen many times. "Fuck," he whispers. He spends a bit of time sucking and kissing at your breasts while you cradle his head to your chest.
"H, I wanna kiss you," you whine, and he finally lets up on your tits. His hand cradles your throat in a firm but comfortable grip, allowing him to move your head in any way he wants to. The tension is high when his lips finally meet yours. His free hand slides down to your ass while yours are roaming underneath his shirt.
"You can take it off," he says against your lips, and you both only pull back from each other to get his shirt off. His lips are back on yours, and his hands slide to your hips, helping you grind against him.
"Can you take your pants off too?" You ask timidly.
"'Course, baby," he says and taps your hips so you will move off him while he takes off his sweatpants. He places you back on his lap once he's just in his briefs. He's hard as a rock, and you can tell he's trying his best not to lose control. You kiss his lips softly, and he moans in surprise.
"I love you," you tell him. "And I trust you."
He smiles. "Thank you, sweet girl. I love you more." His hands move back to your hips and grinds your crotch against his while he slips his tongue into your mouth. Your tongues clash, and you both moan as his bulge presses perfectly against your core. You both breathe heavily against each other's mouths as you grind against him. "Do you feel good?" He asks, and you moan against his lips while nodding.
"So good," you tell him and claw at his chest. "Can we take off our underwear?"
"Don't have to ask, baby. Just tell me what you want, and I'll do it," he assures you. You smile and crawl off his lap to slide your underwear off, and he follows quickly. As soon as he gets back on the bed, you sit back down on his lap and place him perfectly against your pussy. "Ah, fuck," he moans, and his hips flex up. A bead of precum falls from his tip, and you smile.
"I want your cock in me," you whine and grab his fat dick, trying to line him up with your entrance. Before you could slip the tip in, you're suddenly being thrown onto the bed, Harry hovering over you. "What the fuck, Harry?"
"Not yet," he says and begins to kiss down your body.
"But- you said I could have what I wanted," you protest.
"I need you to cum first."
"Harry, that's not important to me," you say with annoyance in your voice. You really did just want his dick inside you.
"It's important to me. Now, I need you to be comfortable with me. Trust me, baby. If I do something you don't like, tell me. If you want something, tell me. Got it?"
"Okay," you sigh. He slaps your thigh, and you yelp.
"You've got some serious fucking attitude tonight," he says.
"I just want you to fuck me- Oh!" You're cut off by Harry planting a kiss directly onto your clit. He spreads your legs and presses your knees to your chest to have full access. He presses his tongue as deep as it can go into your whole and curls it upwards. Your eyes cross as he tongue-fucks you. His eyes are closed in pleasure, and he's moaning like you're the one giving him head. He swirls his tongue inside you before moving to flicking at your clit. "Oh, fuck that's good, Harry," you moan and tangle your fingers into his hair.
"Give yourself to me," he moans against you.
"I feel so good, Har," you tell him, and feel a tightening in your gut that you've only ever felt when pleasuring yourself. "Harry, I feel it."
"Good fucking girl, let me make you cum," he says and doubles down his efforts on your pussy. His hands grip your thighs harshly and spreads you even further. You can't even think about where his tongue is working because of how fast he's going. His head shakes, and he moans so his mouth vibrates against you.
"I- I think I'm going to cum- don't stop," you cry and grasp his hair, holding his face hard against your pussy and grinding however you want.
"Use me," he muffles against you and just sticks his tongue out, letting you use him in any way you need. His hands reach up to tweak your nipples, and that's what throws you over the edge. You swear you black out. It's the most intense orgasm you've ever had, and you feel tears leaking from your eyes from the relief of having an orgasm from someone else. Your hands unleash Harry's hair, and your body twitches as he continues to lick at you. You close your thighs and push at his head.
"Oh my gosh," you sob and gasp for air. You cover your face with your hands as you catch your breath. You hear Harry giggle and feel him kiss his way up your body.
"Why are you covering your face?" He asks and removes your hands, resting his body weight on top of you. "Thank you, baby- for trusting me."
"Thank you for being patient with me. That was the best orgasm I've ever had," you laugh and kiss him. You both kiss for a minute before you reach down and stroke his cock, tapping it against your sensitive clit. His mouth falls agape, and his hips jut forward.
"Do you still want to have sex, or do you just want to cuddle?" He asks to be sweet, but you can see the desperation on his face.
"H, I want you to fuck me, and I want you to cum inside me," you tell him honestly, and he moans as you make his tip catch your hole. He pulls his hips back.
"I- I'm going to be honest. I'm not going to last long because I've been so fucking turned on for so long, so I'm sorry-" You cut off his rambling with a kiss.
"Harry, you are the most wonderful person and boyfriend in the world, so I don't care if you finish quick," you assure him and cup his jaw. "C'mon, Har. Put your fat cock in me. I wanna feel the stretch."
"You're so fucking hot," He moans and slips the tip in. His jaw stays dropped as he slides in further, his eyebrows furrowing together, and you can tell he's trying so hard not to cum. "Ah, fuck. Best pussy I've ever had- it's so- so fucking good," he groans and drops his head to your shoulder. His grip on your waist is bruising as he just moves your body however he wants onto his dick.
"That dick is so fucking good, H," you whine and press your heels against his ass, so he falls farther into you and rests himself against you. Your pussy is sopping wet and tight, and Harry fears he's going to cum when he hasn't even been inside of you for four minutes. He suddenly pulls out quickly when he feels his orgasm approaching. "Harry- what the hell?" You whine.
"It was too much. I'm really trying to last here, you brat," he argues and takes a moment to try and calm himself down.
"I don't care if you cum early, Harry, c'mon. Just want your dick inside me," you groan and grip his waist, trying to shove him back in you. "You told me that if I told you what you want, and you would give it to me. You're breaking your promise."
"Brat," he mutters through gritted teeth and begins to push into you again. As soon as he begins to enter you again, his hand starts to rub at your clit.
"Oh!" You moan, and your thighs tighten around him. Your hands claw at his sides as you try to kiss him through both of your moans. "I think- I think I'm going to cum again," you tell as your tummy begins to tighten again- stronger this time.
"Oh, baby, please. Please cum for me," he begs. You can feel his cock twitching in you, him on the verge of his own release. "Y/N- fuck, sweetheart. You have to cum- Baby, you gotta- I'm sorry," He babbles like crazy, and you don't understand his apology until you feel his cum start to spurt into you, and that's what tips you over the edge. You're a mess of shaking bodies, moans, and whines. "Oh, thank God- good fucking girl," he moans.
As you both begin to calm down, he relaxes himself on top of you and wraps his arms around your body.
"That was a real one, right?" He asks.
"Yes, Harry," you laugh and stroke his hair.
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hugsandharrystyles · 9 months ago
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Summary: Harry is pathetic, whipped, and an asshole.
Word Count: 2k+
(SMUT so beware.)
"Just give me one more chance."
"I gave you about twenty chances, Harry," You argue. You both have been broken up for about two months now. Harry has a bad habit of breaking up with you when he feels it gets too serious and then begging his way back into your heart at some lame frat party a few weeks later. You finally became exhausted of the cycle and realized you didn't want to be in a relationship with someone like that. Harry didn't take your final break-up well at all because he finally understood you were done with his antics. He's been in a constant state of panic ever since.
"Please, Y/N. I won't- I won't dick around again. I'm a fucking idiot. Just- baby, please," He's spluttering as he corners you into a wall of his dingy frat house. The music is blaring, and people are dancing everywhere you look.
"Yeah, you've said that every time, and I'm not buying it," you say with a mundane tone. You love Harry more than anything, but you can't give him the satisfaction in knowing that. He practically whines and cages you against the wall, his hands on either side of your head, his face resting against your shoulder. You roll your eyes at his pathetic behavior.
"Please, please, please," He begs, his arms wrapping around your waist tightly. You huff in annoyance.
"I hope you know you're acting pathetic right now," you tell him, and he whimpers in your shoulder, nodding his head against you. "Harry, look at me," you say, and he drags his head up. His eyes are clouded over, and his hands rest on your hips, lips in an eternal pout. "I'm not going to date you again because you're an awful boyfriend." His jaw slightly drops, and you swear you see tears well in his eyes. "But-" you begin, reaching up to caress his cheek and wipe a fallen tear, "I'll let you fuck me one more time since that's all you wanted from me anyway, huh?" You ask condescendingly.
"No- No, Y/N, please. You have to know that's not true-" His spluttering is cut off by your lips on his.
"This isn't going to happen if you keep talking," You whisper against his lips. His mouth slips open, and he dips his tongue into your mouth, massaging his against yours. The make out is sloppy and wet, and by the time you pull away, you're both panting and have red cheeks. You take his hand in yours and pull him to the closest bathroom. You lock the door behind you and pop yourself up on the counter.
"We can't go to my room?" Harry asks in a small voice.
"Fuck no. I don't know who you've had in there since me," you say, your voice heavy with disgust as you pull him between your legs and start kissing at his neck. His hands rest against your thighs, squeezing and pawing at them as he shakes his head.
"I swear there hasn't been anyone since you," He promises and moans when you start sucking at his skin.
"As much as I want to believe that we both know the slut you've been in the past," you say and pat his chest. He glares at you before smashing his lips against yours and yanking down your top, so your breasts spill out. He grips and pinches your tits, making you moan into his mouth. His disconnects his mouth from yours to suck at your nipples. Your hand comes to cradle the back of his head as your other hand rubs at your clit through your underwear.
"Let me," he says and goes to put his hands on your pussy, but you stop him.
"No, you can just fuck me," you say breathlessly. "You don't deserve anything else." He nods his head in pitiful agreement and begins to unzip his jeans and pull himself out of his boxers. Your eyes shine at the big dick you've been missing, and you bite your lip to hold back your smile. You spit into your hand before reaching down to jerk him off a bit. His hips stutter into your hand and his jaw drops as a guttural moan spills out. "Geez, you're sensitive," you laugh.
"Wanna fuck you," He whines and thrusts into your hand.
"Alright, c'mon, big boy," you tell him and part your legs further, scooting farther down the counter, so your pussy is perfectly lined up with his dick. He slides himself over your pussy to get himself wet, his face twisting in pleasure at the subtle contact, and you can't not laugh at his piteous behavior.
As soon as he's about to stick his tip in, you stop him.
"Wait," you say and shove at his hip. He pouts but stills himself. "Get a condom," you tell him, and his jaw drops in betrayal.
"But- we never used a condom- ever!" He complains, his eyebrows sewn together in annoyance.
"Well, we are now. I don't trust where your dick has been," you tell him, and his jaw drops.
"This isn't fair! C'mon, Y/N, I've gone along with your games all night, and baby, please, I love you so much. I haven't been with anyone else. You're the only one for me-"
"Harry, it's a condom or nothing," you command, and he basically whimpers at your unwavering attitude.
"Okay," he agrees meekly and reaches into his pocket to pull out a condom. Your jaw drops, and a laugh falls from your mouth. His eyes question you.
"So, you want me to believe you haven't been with anyone when you had a condom ready in your pocket?" You can't control the laugh that escapes you.
"No! It was Niall, I swear! He- He's been making fun of me because I haven't fucked anyone since you, so right before the party started, he jammed one of these in my pocket, and I forgot to take it out. I swear, Y/N," his eyes are serious, and it does sound like something Niall would do, but the irony is too perfect.
"Yeah, okay, just put it on, Harry," you say with humor lingering in your voice.
"Are you fucking- Here, I'll call Niall right now, and he can tell you," he says and begins to reach for his phone.
"No, Harry, that's so unnecessary!" You laugh and try to grab his phone, but he's already ringing Niall.
"Obviously it's not," he counters, puts the phone on speaker and waits for his friend to pick up.
"Hello?" The familiar Irish accent speaks into the phone.
"Hi, Ni. Have I been with anyone since Y/N?" Harry asks.
"No- what the fuck is going on right now- are you with Y/N?" Niall's confusion is evident through the phone.
"Yeah, hi Niall," you say awkwardly.
"Oh, fucking finally. Y/N, you've got to give my boy Harry another chance. He doesn't stop fucking whining about you, and it's annoying as hell-" Harry hangs up the phone before he could say anything else.
"Well, you see now," Harry says and positions himself at your entrance.
"Just the tip," you tell him, and his brows furrow in confusion.
"Huh?" he asks.
"I don't want you to fuck me all the way," you explain. His jaw ticks, and he slaps his dick against your clit, making you twitch. "Careful," You warn between gritted teeth. He spends some time just rubbing himself in between your pussy lips and catching his head on your tight hole. "C'mon, Harry. I want to get back out to the party."
"You're being so mean," He pouts but pushes his head in, his jaw dropping in pleasure. You push at his hip when his hips thrust a bit farther in.
"You were mean first- fucking remember that," you spit.
"I'm sorry," he whines as he fucks you with the tip of his cock. He reaches down to rub at your clit, and your legs lightly shake at the sensation. Harry knows exactly where every good spot is on your body and where exactly will bring you the most pleasure. "So sorry, baby. I'll be anything for you, I swear," he says all pussy-drunk.
"Too little, t-too late, Harry," you breathe and gasp when he pushes in a bit farther. "Watch it," you warn.
"Please, Y/N," He cries, his hips stalling in an attempt to not cum.
"Oh, you better not be about to fucking cum. We haven't even been going for two minutes, and I didn't even think you'd be able to cum from just the tip," You laugh evilly, and he groans in response.
"Shut up, shut up," he says and presses at your stomach when you try to wiggle on him.
"Fucking loser," You spit and clench down on him.
"You're still letting this loser fuck you, s-so what does that say about you?"
"Shut the fuck up," You moan and shove at his hip, but he barely budges. He fucks his tip in and out of you while lightly slapping your pussy.
"If you want me t-to be a loser, I will, sweetheart. I'll be anything you fucking want. Just- just don't leave me again," He begs and leans down to suck on your tits again. "Mama, please." Harry only uses that nickname for you when he's in a certain headspace, so you understand you need to be softer with him for the time being. He does genuinely seem sorry for his behavior, and he's just so hot he's hard to say no to.
"C'mon, Harry. You can cum," You encourage him, and he shakes his head.
"You- You're gonna leave," He whispers and grasps your hips tightly, stilling the both of you once again. You can't take it this time and instead wrap your legs around his hips and push him into you, so you're pressed tightly together. He practically sobs as he cums, and you fear he's too loud, so you press a hand to his mouth. His arms wrap around your waist to hold you to his body, and you swear his orgasm lasts forever. The sensation brings you close, yourself. Your hand that's not on his mouth comes up to play with his hair.
"Calm down," you say gently into his ear as he breathes heavily. His head sags to your shoulder where he sucks at your neck in a soothing manor. The hand that isn't in his hair now rubs at his back. He tries his best to keep his hips still, but they animalistically shove himself as far in as he can possibly go to lock your bodies together.
"I love you- love your soul and your body and everything about you," he breathes and kisses your cheek, letting his forehead rest against your temple. "I love you- I'm so sorry, my love." You can't help the tears that fall at his sentiment. He kisses your cheek again and begins to kiss his way down your body, gently removing himself from you in the process, though when he sees your mixed cum start to drip from your pussy, he quickly gets on his knees and starts to lick you clean. "We taste the best when we're together," he moans and shoves his tongue inside you as far as he can.
"Harry!" You squeal and fist a hand into his hair.
"Fuck- moan my name, baby while I eat your sweet cunt," he pants and sucks at your clit with ferocity. His head shakes side-to-side like a feral animal, and your legs begin to shake again. His hands come up to grip your legs and pin them to the side to spread you open for him. "Cum for me, please, baby." His begging sends you over, and you swore you would've slipped off the counter if he hadn't been gripping you tightly. As you begin to come down, two fingers are being shoved into your pussy and practically shaking you up, hitting repeatedly at that sweet spot inside of you, and you begin to spurt everywhere as you squirt, Harry's tongue flicking against your clit the entire time. He removes his fingers once you finish but then again move his head down to your entrance to lap you up. You have to push his head away and quickly close your legs to stop him.
"Give me a break, Harry," you sigh, a laugh breaking through your lips as you see him pout. He rises off the floor and kisses the corner of your mouth as your panting decreases. "Thank you," you breathe.
There's a moment of intensity where your eyes lock, and you swear you completely understand each other.
"Can I kiss you?" Harry asks.
This turned out sappier than I thought, so sorry if you don't like that... Also, thank you for all the love!
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hugsandharrystyles · 11 months ago
The Chase
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SUMMARY: Harry is obsessed with you (or your pussy).
Harry Styles would not stop following you.
You both had hooked up at a frat party two weeks ago in a dingy bathroom, and ever since, he's been searching for you everywhere.
Somehow, he's outside of all your classes, waiting for you so that he could try and woo you. His persuasions were overlooked because you were not in the mood for anything any college frat boy was trying to pull.
You had only come to this party because your friend had dragged you along with the promise of alcohol.
You seriously needed to get wasted and perhaps make out with a cute boy, but it was proving hard to do because of the chase you were involved in. As soon as you had walked in the door, you were on the run from Harry.
Right now, you were in the crowded kitchen, the room was glowing red from the solo cups taped on the lights, and it was definitely setting the mood for the horny college students.
You were filling your cup when you felt two strong arms wrap around your waist in a secure hold.
"Baby, please," You heard begging in your ear, and then his crotch was grinding into your ass.
"Harry-" You begin, but you were cut off by the rolling of his hips again. "You realize how pathetic you are?" You said while laughing. He whined in your ear and squeezed you harder.
"Stop running from me," He counters. "Just come with me outside for bit, hm?" He asks.
"Please," He begs.
"Fine," You huff and grab his hand to start walking outside. Harry has a shy, yet smug smile on his face as you drag him out of the house. People look and furrow their eyebrows at the two of you, but Harry does not care. He's whipped, and he knows it.
"Over here," He says and points to a lounge chair close to the bonfire. There's a decent amount of people around but not nearly as bad as inside. He sits down first and drags you to sit on his lap.
"Harry- Jesus," You sigh and adjust yourself. He buries his face in your neck and inhales you in.
"I've missed you," He breathes.
"Harry, we had one mediocre hook-up in a trashy frat bathroom," You remind him.
"Mediocre?!" That had gotten his attention. He adjusts you to where he can see your face better. "That was the best sex of my life," He tells you.
"Well, that's sad," You inform him, and he has to physically stop his jaw from dropping.
"What in the hell are you talking about? I made you cum," He reminds you, but your face sours. "Didn't I?" You shake your head and suppress the smile that wants to appear on your face from this boy getting humbled. "But- But you told me you came," He questions you.
"Yeah, so I could get out of there," You couldn't hold back the small chuckle that escapes you that time. "Harry, don't get me wrong, you aren't bad and definitely are the biggest I've ever been with, but maybe you need to work on your stamina," You explain and run your fingers through his hair because of his pitiful face.
"Well, it's not my fault you have this magical pussy!" He says a bit too loud. Some people look over with incredulous looks on their faces, and you punch his shoulder. "Couldn't help it when you're so wet, tight, and fucking warm- Oh, God," He groans as if remembering. His nose is back in your neck and arms around your body, squeezing once again. "Smell so good and so soft too," He says as he squeezes the extra plush on your body, something you're usually insecure about but feel super confident with the way this boy is drooling for you.
"You've gone mad," You resort to.
"I don't care," He rebuts. You roll your eyes and pat his back.
"Ay, Styles! Look at you fuckin' whipped," You hear one of his annoying frat brothers call out to the two of you.
"And fucking what about it?" He snaps back, and you see the arrogant meathead cower down in his seat.
"Harry, maybe we should-"
"Go to my room, so I can actually take care of you?" He offers.
"I'll give you one more shot," You sigh, and his head perks up like he didn't expect you to say that.
"Actually?" He says and is about to jump to his feet.
"My clock is ticking," You sigh, and suddenly, you're being thrown over his shoulder, and he's running into the house and up the stairs to his bedroom. Hoots, hollers, and whistles are thrown to both of you, but neither of you are paying attention to it. You're immediately thrown on the bed when you get into his room. Harry had locked the door, so no one will be interrupting the two of you.
"I'm going to eat you out," he says breathlessly. "Should punish me for how rude I was to you last time. Didn't eat you out or make you cum- fuck, I'm sorry," He pants and rips your skirt and shoes off your body. His mouth is about to press against your puffy pussy through your underwear when you stop him.
"Wait," you say and hold his hair to stop him.
"What?" He whines and dramatically drops his face into the bed.
"You're right," you tell him and yank on his hair to get his attention.
"About what, baby?" He whines in impatience.
"You should be punished," You agree and sit up, pulling your body away from him. His jaw drops and his face is like you've just stabbed him.
"Are you- are you serious?" He asks and starts to inch his way closer to you.
"I mean, you're the one who said it. I'll be nice and still have sex with you, but I have one rule," you tell him and press your foot against his chest to keep him away.
"Anything. Anything at all- I swear," He assures you, and you smile.
"You're not allowed to touch me," you say, and he scoffs.
"You can't be serious," He pants.
"It's this or nothing," you say and start to get up from the bed.
"No, no, please, I'll do it. I'll do it," He promises.
"You're pathetic," you laugh, and he glares at you. "Wipe that look off your face," You scold him, voice surprisingly dominating, and he immediately does. It's hilarious the power you seem to have over this arrogant frat boy. "Sit against the headboard," you tell him, and he doesn't think twice before doing what you say. You get up and start rummaging through his closet.
"What- what are you doing?" He asks, trying to stay still in his spot, but his curiosity is getting the best of him. Once you have what you were looking for, you turn and approach him, your hands hiding the object behind your back.
"Get up," You command, and he jumps off the bed. "Take your clothes off," you say further. He rips everything off besides his boxers. "I didn't say stop, big boy," you tell him, and he blushes. He sheepishly pulls down his underwear and fights the urge to cover himself. Your smirk deepens as you gaze over his body. "On the bed," You command, and as he leans himself against the headboard, you rid yourself of the rest of your own clothes. Harry's eyes cloud over as his eyes take you in. You're truly the most enthralling woman he's ever met.
"Thank you," He whispers as you straddle his lap, his hands gently rest on your plushy thighs. You almost feel bad for what you are about to do, but your horniness brings you out of it.
"Very sweet," you say and place a kiss to the corner of his mouth. He moans lightly and tries to turn his head to fully capture your lips, but you move away at the perfect time. You take his hands in yours and tie them together with the tie you found in his closet. His eyes widen and his cheeks flush even deeper. "This okay?" You ask and run your fingers through his hair.
"Y-Yes. Never done something like this before, but it's v-very okay," He assures you and tips his head back when you start kissing at the skin on his neck. His hands that are tied together twitch on his stomach and reach to where his dick lays, playing with himself for some much-needed stimulation. His moans get louder, and he feels cum drip from his thick pink tip.
"The fuck are you doing?" You suddenly ask, straightening yourself in time to see Harry playing with himself.
"I'm- I'm sorry. It's just- I'm really fucking horny, and it hurts," He tries to explain but you roll your eyes and scoff.
"You know, this is why I haven't let you fuck me again. Fuckin' selfish," You mock, and he shakes his head.
"No- No, I'm not. Please," He whines, his hand straining against the tie. "Don't go, please," He begs. You stare down at him intensely, and he has no choice but to cower under your glare. Out of nowhere, you suddenly drop yourself down onto his length, rubbing and sliding against where it lays against his stomach. "Oh!" He gasps as he feels your hot wet pussy slide over him.
"I'm going to take what I want from you," You decide and place your hands against his chest to get a better form. Your tight hole begins to catch itself on his tip when you push down on him, and you see Harry biting his lip so hard you think it might bleed. You continue sliding your pussy over him until his dick is twitching and leaking with cum.
"You got to stop if you don't want me to cum," he says, his voice strained and tight.
"You need to work on your stamina," you remind him and grab his cock, positioning him with your tight entrance.
"Oh, God- Oh, God," He chants as you slide his tip in. His hips stagger, making him slide in a bit deeper, so you press on his stomach to keep him down.
"Easy," You command, and he looks as if he could cry. You fuck yourself on the tip of his cock, getting your entrance to spread, but he's just so fucking big. You look down at him, and he has that same fucked out expression on his face. "Don't you fucking dare," you say and begin to insert more of him into you.
"Then fucking stop!" He whines. He almost cries when he feels your fingers squish into his cheeks, making him look into your eyes.
"You're not making the fucking rules here, frat boy. I told you if I was going to do this again, it was going to be by my terms, not yours, so shut the fuck up and stay still," You command, and you see tears gather in his eyes. You roll your eyes and slide down on him even further, about halfway in now. He chokes on a sob of pleasure and strains his fists in his lap.
"I'm sorry," he says before you feel his hips buck up into yours and his heavy load spurting into your pussy. The sensation almost makes you cum, but you push it away so you can see his pretty face as he orgasms. His body is trembling, and it feels like his high lasts forever. He feels you untie his wrists, and he subconsciously flexes them out of their stiff position. His breathing is rapid as he comes down, and a smile is graced across his lips until he feels you start bouncing on his sensitive cock again. "Oh, fuck! What are you doing-"
"I didn't come, asshole," You spit and grind yourself on his hardening dick.
"I'm too s-sensitive," He slurs, his hips tensing away and his hands coming up to grab your plushy hips. His mouth his dropped, and his head falls back. "I might be in love with you," He gasps, and you laugh.
"Shut up," You giggle, but you are cut off when his hips thrust up into you and his fingers come down to play with your clit. "Fuck, your dick is too good," You moan and don't have time to react before you're shoved onto your back, Harry above you. His hands push your thighs to your chest, and his hips piston into your squelching cunt. "Oh!" You gasp and suddenly feel your own orgasm starting to arrive.
"Cum for me, please cum on my dick," He begs and brings one hand to your mouth to pry it open before spitting directly into your mouth. "Swallow," He whispers. Your eyes roll into the back of your head as he pounds into your pussy like an animal.
"I'm gonna fucking cum," You almost scream and start to shake.
"I'm filling your pussy again," Harry moans and grounds himself into you, basically sitting on you and filling you with all of his fat cock. Your hand instinctually reaches out and pushes at his toned stomach, but the weight of him, and the feeling of him deep inside your body only makes your orgasm so much better.
"So deep," You whisper and squirm.
"Take it, take it," he almost begs as he cums, his own orgasm shooting inside of you and sticking you two together. You're both shaking at the intensity of your orgasms.
Sounds of panting fill the room as you both settle. Harry flops down onto your chest, and you reach around to rub at his back, very well-aware of his half-hard dick still deep inside you.
"You're hard already?" You ask.
"Wanna go again?"
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hugsandharrystyles · 2 years ago
Are you wet right now? Pt. 2
Well... Here we are again.
Warnings: This is just really filthy and kinky, and a bit vulgar, so if you're not into like really dirty stuff, I suggest not reading. (I try not to give away the plot with the warnings, so this is my warning.)
Word Count: 6,000+
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Tension. Burning tension.
It's been two whole days since you and Harry confronted each other's feelings, and the heat between you two is enough to kill. Your parents have left you both alone to do whatever you want while they do whatever they want, so you've been stuck with Harry glued to your hip for the last forty-eight hours.
He likes to think he's sly about it too.
The way he doesn't even bother 'sneaking' touches but full on putting his hands on you when it's not appropriate. You wish you could complain, but you physically can't.
He guards you like your precious cargo and won't let anyone so much as glimpse at you.
Through all of this, he still hasn't broke into the tension first, and neither have you.
"Where are you going?" You hear Harry's voice from behind you.
"It's an hour before the sunset, so I figured I'd go down to the private beach," You explain, ignoring his burning eyes on your body.
"Um, can I come too?" He asks, just in his swimming trunks. He comes behind you to lightly tread his fingers against the fabric of your bathing suit.
"Not like I have a choice, huh? You'll come anyway," You laugh and bat his hand away.
"Well, I thought it'd be polite to ask," He jokes and grabs your beach bag for you.
"That's a first," You comment and go to take your bag from him, but he moves it out of your reach.
"I got it, babe," He says and presses a wet kiss to your cheek. You sigh, frustrated, as he walks towards the door.
"Wow, there's like no one out here," You say in awe as you and Harry find your spots in the sand. You both smooth it out to lay your big towel down.
"It is a private beach, genius," He remarks, and you glare at him.
"Thanks, dipshit, but it's a private beach for us and other narcissistic people who can't go to the normal beach," You explain and lay down on your stomach on the towel to watch the sunset slowly start to meet the horizon where the ocean lays. You feel Harry lay his head in the middle of your back. "Hey! Get your big head off of me," You complain and roll over on your back. Harry now rests his chin on your stomach, right where your bikini bottoms start. His hands rub all over your thighs.
"I can show you real big head," He says, a mischievous grin on his face as he bites the fabric of your bikini. Heat is spread between your thighs, and you pray that he doesn't feel it.
"That has to be the worst thing you've ever said," You laugh and shove at his head, making the bikini bottoms snap against your skin as they're released from his mouth.
You moan.
God, you moan.
You can feel your face heat, and Harry's staring at you with wide eyes.
"Did you just-"
"Shut up," You cut him off.
"Let's just watch the sunset," You plead, and he nods his head, suddenly quiet. You both move around, so you're sitting up with your arms propped behind you to watch the waves.
After a minute of silence, you look over at Harry who has his eyes closed. His cheeks are pink from sunburn and what looks like bashful blush. His abs are shining with light sweat, and you want nothing more than to lick him clean.
That's when, when you look a little further down, you see what he's concentrating so hard on in his mind- why his eyes are shut so tight.
He's hard.
He's large and plump in his trunks, and you can tell. You almost want to say something, but you don't want to embarrass him. You both feel the tension, the wanting.
To hell with it.
His legs are spread enough for you to quietly get between them, so you do. Your hands come in contact with thighs first, and his eyes are bulging out of his head. You're slipping your hands under the fabric to feel at his soft thighs.
"Oh, God. What are you-" He's breathless and out of words. It's easy to see what you do to him.
"I'm done with the games, Harry. I might've given in first, but I'm winning, so I'm going to do whatever I want to you right here on this beach, m'kay?" You ask, though you don't really care for a response. You're already leaning you're body weight on him to press him down onto the towel, so you can start your descent at his pretty face. His eyes are wide and begging.
"Yes- yeah- do what you want," He pleads, his hands fidgeting in the air.
"I will, sweet boy." You straddle him and take his hands in yours, playing with his much larger ones. You clasp your hands together and smile. "You'll be good for me, won't you? Let me hear all your pretty sounds. Know you're loud because you never stop whining, huh?" You ask, leaning down over him to talk against his lips, pinning his hands lightly above his head with your hands still together.
"I'll give you everything," He promises and puckers his lips to quickly press a kiss against your lips. You lean away before he could do it again, causing him to pout. You release his hands and run yours all over him. You press and feel against his abs before running your fingers up his warm body and tangling your fingers in his hair.
"Beautiful, beautiful," You whisper and kiss all over his face. He sighs before letting out a small, angelic laugh. You lightly flick your tongue over his lips, almost as if caressing him. His head is thrown back, and he seems to be succumbed to a state of euphoria.
"Kiss me," He whispers, opening his mouth to flick your tongue with his. For once, you listen to him and press your mouth onto his. It's wet and messy, but neither of you would have it any other way. His hands caress the soft skin of your body and find your hips to press you into his crotch. He bites down on your bottom lip and sucks it into his mouth. You can already feel how sore your lips are becoming, and it excites you. You pull him away from you by his hair, and he huffs in desperation. You start to kiss down his neck, finding his pulse point and sucking a harsh hickey into the skin there. His moans only spur you on. As your mouth is preoccupied with his neck, your hands slide down to his pecks, and you tweak his nipples in between your fingers. "Oh, fuck. No one's ever done that," He laughs but is broken by a moan.
"Want me to stop?" You mumble against his neck.
"No, please no," He whimpers. You smirk and kiss down towards his chest, now flicking your tongue against his nipple and biting down gently on it. His hips involuntarily buck into yours as he tries to find some relief for his groin.
"Impatient?" You giggle and press kisses down his abs, letting your tongue lick up the light layer of sweat that's secreted against his abs.
"Baby- fuck, you're dirty," He breathes. "Best I've ever had."
"You haven't even had me yet," You laugh and sit up to stare at him. Your hands press and skim all over his tummy.
"Already know. You do what you want instead of the same ol' boring shit. And, it's you, so," He blushes.
'Those girls not treating you right, hon?" You ask, faking sympathy and sinking your fingers into his love handles, something you've always wanted to do.
"They're so fuckin' vanilla. They rush into it and just want me to fuck em'," He pouts.
"Oh, you poor baby," You laugh.
"I'm serious! I'm not even hard when they want me to stick it in. What does a guy have to do to get some foreplay around here?"
"Okay, I'm leaving," You joke, but he plants his hands on your hips and squeezes.
"Let's get back to it, yeah?" He changes the subject. You nod your head with a grin and sneak your hand into his shorts. "Oh!" He gasps in shock when you wrap your hand around him and take him out of his shorts to where you can just see his length.
"Oh, you're a big boy," You say, already feeling yourself start to drool. Of course his cock is huge, and of course it's beautiful. "So pretty, wow," You sigh and weigh it in your hand, loving the heaviness.
"Stop it," He says, flustered. "Y/N, we shouldn't do this here," He whimpers, even though his body betrays him and bucks into your hand.
"No? Who's going to stop me? I don't see anyone, baby," You egg him on. "You keep lookout, okay?" You say and immediately bend down to take him into your mouth.
"Oh, fuck," Harry moans. He had totally forgot about the possibility of people seeing the two of you, but he couldn't find a bone in his body that cared enough with the way you were sucking on him. His hands found your hair and guided you down on him gently. He tried his hardest to keep his noises at bay, but he's already noisy in bed, and it's you that sucking his dick, so he's hopeless. His moans are loud and hot- needy and whiny.
"You gotta keep that pretty voice of yours down unless you want everyone to know what we're doing over here," You say, jerking him off as you catch your breath. His dick twitches in your hand. "Oh, you would like that, huh? Let everyone know who Harry Styles really belongs to," You say slyly and press a kiss to his tip.
"You have to stop talking," He whines, hips stuttering as he tries to make your hand go faster.
"No, I think you do," You correct him and with your free hand, shove two fingers into his mouth. He gags for a moment before moaning around your fingers, sucking on them like a good boy. "There you go, sweet boy," You encourage him and flex your fingers against his tongue. You jerk him off quicker and move your fingers from his mouth, instead letting your hand rest lightly around his neck as you put your mouth back on him.
"Baby," He whines, almost sounding like a cry. Your hand caresses the side of his neck lovingly, working him through the pleasure. "Fuck- suck on my balls, please," He cries. Never has he asked for that during sex, but he has a feeling you're super into the naughty side of things. You immediately obey his command, despite you being the one in charge. You suck one of his heavy balls into your mouth and fondle the other one, using your free hand to jerk him off rapidly. "Y/N- I'm gonna fucking cum," He cries, his hips stuttering. "I want to cum on your t-tits," He begs.
"Yeah?" You ask, your voice raspy. He nods his head quickly. You quickly sit up and undo your bathing suit top without hesitation. You throw it to the side before leaning down and holding his big dick between your boobs. "Fuck my titties, baby," You encourage him, and he moans before sitting up and fucking his hips up. You help him by squeezing your breasts around him and moving up and down quickly. You stick your tongue out to lick his tip whenever you can catch it.
"I'm cumming," He groans loudly and starts shaking. He's stopped moving but you're still moving your boobs up and down over him. His cum is painting your breasts, and it's safe to say you've never seen anything so hot. Harry is utterly beautiful when he cums- unlike anything you've ever seen before.
"Fuck, look at you," You giggle as he starts to come back down to Earth. His dick is still twitching, and you remove your boobs from him before leaning down and kitten-licking at his dick to clean him up. He's whimpering in overstimulation as you, as gently as you can, tuck him back into his swim trunks. You're on the verge of saying something until you're suddenly being pulled up to sit on his lap, and there's a warm tongue lapping at your breasts and chest where his cum is. "Oh, good boy. Cleaning up your mess," You praise and run your fingers through his hair as he licks you up, clearly drunk on you with his eyes closed and lazy mouth.
"Fuck, thank you, baby," He whispers before kissing the skin between your breasts. He reaches to the side to retrieve your bikini top, and he helps you put it back on. "Let me eat your pussy," He begs, looking up at you with puppy dog eyes.
You laugh before answering him. "Not here, baby. It's getting dark," You answer while leaning your head in the crook of his neck. He rubs your back soothingly and nods his head against your own.
"Are you wet right now?"
"Of course I am, but think of how much better this would be in a bed," You offer.
"You sure? Positive you're soaking your bikini bottoms right now," He says and gives your butt a light tap. You blush and shake your head, beginning to stand up.
"Let's get back to the hotel, and we can do whatever. Does that sound good?" You ask, and he nods his head quickly.
"I swear, the walk back up from the beach is always the worst," Harry complains as you walk through the hotel doors.
"It also probably doesn't help that I just sucked your cock until your legs started shaking too," You say bluntly, and Harry chokes on his own spit.
"Y/N! Harry!" Harry's cut off by his own mother's voice. Yours and Harry's eyes are wide as you come face to face with Anne and your mom.
"We've been looking all over for the two of you!" Your mother exclaims.
"Eh, sorry, mom. We just went down to the beach to watch the sunset," You explain, leaving out the details.
"Well, I just overheard from a few tipsy teenagers that there's a party up on the roof lounge, where the pool is. Doesn't that sound fun?" Your mom asks, and you internally smash your face into a wall. Your wetness is starting to collect in your bottoms, and it's getting uncomfortable.
"Harry?" You say, not even look at him. You shove his shoulder when he doesn't say anything.
"What- Oh! Yes, yes. That sounds great," Harry smiles, and now you internally smash his face into a wall.
"What?" You ask and finally meet his eyes.
"Great! It will be good for you two to talk to people your ages. Also, Anne and I will be using your room for girl's night until you get back, so don't come back!"
"Bye!" Your mom and Anne yell in unison and head up to presumably, your room. Your glare is set on Harry.
"I'm going to kill you."
"I didn't even process what she said until after I had spoke! Sorry if I'm a little distracted!" He pouts sassily.
"You promised you'd help me, and now we have to go to a stupid pool party with stupid people and pretend to have a stupid good time!" You complain and stomp away from him, towards the elevator.
"I'm sorry!" He apologizes and grips your wrist.
"I'm horny!" You whine back, getting a disgusted look by an elderly couple who descend from the elevator. You and Harry walk in, tapping on the roof button.
The doors are barely closed when, suddenly, Harry full-on drops to his knees, pulls your bikini bottoms to the side, spreads your legs, and presses his face into your crotch.
"Oh my God!" You exclaim and try to gain your balance. His face is properly shoved into your pussy, and he's moaning as if you're the best thing he's ever tasted. His head shakes back and forth, and he shoves his tongue into your sopping hole. You watch nervously as the elevator floors continue to rise until it's finally coming to a stop. The ding sounds and Harry quickly gets up, wiping his face, and steps out of the elevator. Your mouth is ajar, and your legs are slightly shaking. He doesn't even look back, just holds his hand out to you. You shyly take his in yours, and he walks the two of you out onto the roof.
You're quite spaced out from his scene, and it makes it hard for you to comprehend anything happening around you. You're snapped out of it when Harry presses a kiss to your temple, making you blush harshly.
"Sorry," You mumble with an embarrassed laugh.
"I'm about to drop to my fucking knees and eat your sweet pussy right here in front of all these people," He whispers into your ear. You mask your gasp with a cough.
"Shut the fuck up," You whisper back.
"Harry?" You hear an annoying voice call from behind you. You and Harry both turn around to find the girl who Harry had taken to your room with looking between the two of you with a glare.
"Oh, uh- hey..." Harry says quietly. You roll your eyes and start to walk away, but you feel Harry's arm wrap around your stomach. His large hand splays against your stomach and holds you to him.
"It's Sydney," The girl says blankly, clearly annoyed. "I thought you two weren't dating."
"We aren't," You clarify because Harry hadn't made it official yet by asking the big question.
"No?" Harry asks, pulling you tighter against him. "I just shoved my face in your pussy, and we're not dating?" He whispers in your ear, and you elbow his ribcage. "Not yet, then," Harry finally answers the gawking girl.
"Well, just so you know, he called me some other girl's name while we were together. You're not as special as you think," The girl, who's name you've already forgotten, bites.
"Yeah? Who'd he say?" You ask, pushing your ass roughly against Harry's crotch.
"I don't know. Y/N or something like that," She says, harboring significant sass.
You laugh. You bust out laughing in the girl's face, and it takes Harry basically dragging you away to settle down.
"Funny is it?" He asks, irritation clear in his voice.
"Oh, it's hilarious! Poor baby was dreaming of me," You fake pout at him and pet his head.
"Let's get in the pool," He quickly changes the subject. Harry pulls you to the pool, never letting his hands leave your body. You both step into the expansive pool and are delighted by the water's temperature. "Over here," Harry tells you, and you both swim to the pool's waterfall. There's a couple people in the pool, but nothing like how crowded you thought it was going to be.
"Harry, I can't touch over here," You complain. He looks at you for a moment before reaching down and circling his hands around your thighs to lift you around his waist. You circle your legs around him and run your fingers in his hair. He presses a chaste kiss to your jaw. "You know, you still haven't asked me."
"Asked you what, baby?" He asks.
"To be yours," You clarify.
"You know your mine just as much as you know I'm yours," He expresses and goes to kiss you, but you dodge him. He grunts in response.
"I know, but I want you to ask," You laugh.
"Yeah? You want me to ask you to be mine forever? To be my girlfriend?" He asks, kissing your throat.
"Yes," You breathe shallowly.
(I recommend turning on "I want you" by The Beatles at this point)
"Please, baby. Will you be my girlfriend?" He practically begs. You nod your head, giving him your best doe eyes.
"You my boyfriend now?" You basically purr, lightly ghosting your lips over his cheek.
"Yes, yes," He whimpers. He suddenly twirls you around so your back is pressed against his front. "Hold you breath," He says in your ear, and before you could question him, you're suddenly under water, and Harry is taking you through the waterfall to the hidden side. You can't even get a word out or wipe your eyes of water before you feel fingers slipping into your bikini bottoms and pressing against your clit.
"Harry!" You whisper-yell. He doesn't say anything in return, just slides two of his fingers into you without warning. You quickly wipe your eyes and hold onto him by the back of his neck. "Harry, people are on the other side of the waterfall. A-Anyone could swim back here and s-see," You pussy clenches at the thought, and you're barely able to form a coherent sentence as his fingers pound into you.
"Didn't care about that at the beach," He bites back, suddenly kissing you roughly.
"There weren't-" Kiss. "People-" Kiss. "At the-" Kiss. "Beach," You finally get out while his lips are still nailing yours. He bites your bottom lip, and you whine.
"Turn around," He says quickly, and you do. His fingers sadly leave you, and you turn in his hold, rubbing your crotch against his. You feel movement behind you, and you're about to question him, but you're suddenly halted when you feel the thick tip of his dick push past your entrance.
"Oh!" You moan, and Harry quickly cups his hand around your mouth. His cock is so big and fat that it's taking everything in you to not scream. He's pushing in slowly to make you feel all of him. Your hand reaches back to push at his hip, but he just groans in your ear. Once it's finally all the way in, and his pelvis is pressed against your ass, he unclasps his hand from your mouth. "What are you doing?!" Is the first thing you say, though you grind your hips back against him.
"M' sorry," He whines and bites down on your shoulder. "I'm gonna cum- Oh, God," He whimpers.
"You better fucking hold it," You bite, and you feel his arms encircle around your stomach and squeeze you tight to him.
"It's s-so tight and warm. Y/N- fuck," He cries.
"Hold it," You demand and squeeze his hip. "You're the one that stuck it in," You say.
"Couldn't wait. M' sorry."
"Just fuck me, yeah? I want my boyfriend to fuck me in a pool filled with people," You beg, and he nods into your shoulder. He pulls out almost to the tip before, as harshly as he can with the water in the way, snaps his hips into you.
As he starts to consistently thrust, one of his hands reaches down and rubs your clit to give you more pleasure.
"I'm not going to last long, baby," He whines.
"Me neither, it's okay," You reassure him and twist your neck back to kiss him. He moans, and his hips continue to thrust into you. "Stretching me out so good- fuck," You cry against his lips.
"Best pussy I've ever had- Oh, God," He groans. "I need you to cum for me," He begs.
"It's okay, baby- just cum," You assure him.
"No," He whines, but you can tell he's close. His hips suddenly stop, and his hand is roughly rubbing at your pussy. The pain mixed with pleasure drags you so much closer to your own orgasm, and you can't help but squirm in his hold. Once he feels as though you're close enough, his hips start again, though his hand never stops. "Cum, sweetheart. I'm gonna cum," He whimpers. You nod your head and smash your lips against his so neither of you make a sound.
The orgasm that hits you seems to never stop, and the same for Harry. His hips are stuttering against yours, and you have to drag his fingers away from your clit to get some relief.
"Baby, breathe," You whisper in his ear, and you feel his breathing start to calm back down.
"Oh my God," He laughs.
"Harry?" You ask.
"Yeah?" He replies.
"How do we get out of here?"
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hugsandharrystyles · 2 years ago
Are you wet right now?
Summary: You go on a vacation with your parents and their best friend's family. The only problem is their ridiculously hot son, Harry.
Word Count: 5,000+
Warnings: so much tension, teens being dumb, angst of course
Let me know if you want a part 2 with actual smut :))
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You officially hate Harry Styles.
You hate his stupid hair, his stupid green eyes, his stupid hair, and especially his stupid abs.
You don't think from the minute your and his family stepped into the private resort you've seen him with a shirt on. And you get it, it's hot outside, and you're on vacation, but he doesn't even have the decency to put one on at dinner.
Honestly, the whole naked chest thing wouldn't bother you so much if he didn't get so much attention for it. The resort your and his family picked was private, but being a young, hot superstar makes you an easy target. It's almost as if this is the week all families with teenage girls decided to go on vacation.
It's the worst when you'll be goofing around with him like normal, and a group of girls in their bikinis crowd over him, not even sparing you a glance as they shove you out of the way. It's even worse that Harry does nothing about it.
You've known Harry since you were little. Your parents have always been friends, so it was kind of inevitable. You knew from a young age he was going to be something big- with his talent and charisma. You've watched from the sidelines how he's grown and came to stardom.
Though, you and Harry hadn't always been friends. When you were both thirteen, Harry had asked you to be his girlfriend. It was young and childish love, but it was sweet. You were his first girlfriend, and he was your first boyfriend. You even shared your first kisses together. You could never forget it. He was so nervous and shaky, and the kiss was inexperienced, but it was probably the best kiss of your life.
Until you were with Harry at a birthday party where everyone was playing spin the bottle, and Harry landed on Cheryl Taylor. He barely spared you a glance before leaning over and planting your his lips on her bubblegum-pink ones.
You ran out of the house and called your mom to come pick you up. Harry had tried to talk to you for a week, and you avoided him like the plague, which was hard since he was your neighbor. He ended up cornering you at school and apologizing profusely. He explained how he likes Cheryl now and that you were just his best friend. He was so young and so doe-eyed that you had no other option than to forgive him and go back to best friends. That was the start of Harry's everlasting feud with women. In no way was he a womanizer, but he loved sex and didn't have any want for a relationship.
"Y/N, sweetie, did you hear me?" Your mom snaps you out of your moment with her question. You're currently all (besides Harry, God knows where he is and who he's with) lounging at the pool, enjoying the summer breeze and warm sun.
"No, sorry," You answer and turn your head towards her.
"It's okay- said we'll need to head up to our rooms in about an hour to clean up and get ready for dinner. We have reservations at that fancy restaurant we saw when we were driving into town!" Your mom says excitedly, and you smile with her.
"Sounds good," You answer and turn your attention to the romance book in your hands, but before you could get very far, you hear your name being called.
"Y/N! Come in the water with me," You hear Harry's whiny voice call.
"'M good," You answer back, very obviously annoyed. You're still upset about the mob of girls who had literally pushed you to the ground earlier while trying to get closer to Harry. He hadn't even noticed.
"Oh, c'mon, babycakes. You still mad at me?" Harry asks, and you hear him splashing out of the pool. The sound of falling water droplets gets closer until you feel them start to drip onto your bare stomach.
"First, don't ever call me that again. Second, obviously I'm still upset you jerk," You scowl and almost punch him when he takes your book out of your hands, placing it on the table next to you.
"I said I was sorry!" He whines. You hear your mom and Anne laugh beside you.
"I got a bruise, Harry!" You whine back and pout at your forearm, showing him the bruise.
"Oh, shit, I didn't know it was that bad," Harry whispers, so your parents don't hear him curse.
"Yeah," You sigh. "Had to crawl my way out, and you didn't even care," You say dramatically.
"Stop it with that. You know I care about you the most," He assures, and before you can resist, he slots his wet body over yours, making you squeal.
"Ew! Get off me!" You scream, and hear your and his families' laughter.
"No," He whines and shakes his wet hair out. He lays his face in your neck. "I'm sorry, moppet. I wasn't thinking. Never would want you to get hurt."
"It's fine. I don't care. I was just messing with you."
"No, you weren't. Could tell you were upset, and I'm sorry I'm a dick," He says quietly and presses a soft kiss to your neck.
Breathe. Breathe. Breathe.
"It's okay, seriously. Just- I don't know. It's fine, you goof." You wish to tell him how you really feel. How much you miss him when he's gone when you probably never cross his mind- the lack of texts proving to be true.
"Know I love you, right?" He asks as he perks his head up and grips your cheeks in his hands, smushing them together. You notice his eyes flicker to your lips but don't think too much about it.
"Yeah," You laugh nervously.
"What's with the hesitation?" He asks and releases his hold on your cheeks, instead cupping your neck, thumbs on your jaw, so he still has a bit of control over your face.
"Nothing- we just don't talk that much anymore. Haven't really since-"
"Harry, would you get off my daughter!" Your dad yells over, semi-joking. You laugh and push at Harry's shoulder. He gets up, but you can tell by his sorrowful facial expression that he's upset about something.
"Hey, what's-" Your cut off by a high pitched voice coming from the side of you.
"Oh my gosh. Are you Harry Styles?" The girl is probably about your age and very pretty. You can't help but sigh in defeat.
"That would be me. What's your name, pretty?" Harry's response feels like a knife to your heart, and you don't think twice before picking your book back up and tuning the conversation out. You do, however, peek your eyes over your book to see Harry walking away with the girl, arm around her shoulder- not even a glance back at you.
It's an hour later when you return to you and Harry's room. You hadn't seen Harry since he walked off with that girl, and you kind of hoped he wouldn't be back for dinner because you just didn't want to see him. Even after all this time, it's as if you can't completely squash your stupid crush on him.
You slide your keycard through the door and walk in, though, nothing could have prepared you for the sight in front of you.
Harry and the stranger-blonde are laying on his bed, practically grinding against each other in a heavy make out session. Your gasp is loud enough to break them out of their attraction, and you immediately hear them both curse.
"Shit!" Harry yells and pushes the girl off of him. She glares at the side of his face.
"You have a girlfriend?" She asks.
"No, no, she's just a friend."
"Um, I can just grab my things and go," You offer and make your way towards the bathroom to grab your makeup.
"No, Y/N-" Harry starts, but you cut him off.
"Seriously, it's fine. Um- I'll just find somewhere to get ready. You- uh- are obviously busy," You laugh embarrassingly. You quickly grab your things and your clothes and dart towards the door. You feel Harry grab your free wrist before you could make your great escape.
"Y/N, wait." His voice lowers so his guest couldn't hear. She was already mindlessly scrolling on her phone anyway, so it didn't even matter.
"What?" You ask.
"What's- why does this feel so... off?"
"I don't know what you're talking about. Obviously it's going to be a little awkward because-"
"No, I mean like- I feel guilty? Like I've just messed everything up," He whispers, defeated.
"I don't know what you mean. I mean it's not like we're... together or anything." The words hurt as they come out of your mouth. "We're- um- we're cool." You put the fakest smile you could muster before walking out of the room. You hear him call your name as you speed-walk down the hallway to your parents' room.
Once you're ready, you and your parents trail downstairs to the resort's foyer where you all patiently wait for Anne and her husband. You're shocked that after waiting for five minutes, you see Harry's parents and Harry stepping out of the elevator and walking towards you guys. You immediately dart your eyes elsewhere as to not catch Harry's gaze.
"Are we ready to go?" Anne asks, and you all agree.
The car ride is insanely awkward. Having not known about what had happened an hour prior, your parents had squished you and Harry in the back by yourselves, and no words have been spoken. It's even more awkward because he's chosen to sit in the middle, so there is no space between the two of you.
"Hey," You hear Harry whisper to you. You hum mindlessly in response, nose in your book. "Can we just- can we talk? Please." The desperation in his voice almost makes you feel bad. Almost.
"Really nothing to talk about," You say quietly, trying to just focus on the words on the page in front of you. "I just need to stop getting my hopes up," You mumble.
"What's that supposed to mean?" He asks.
"Nothing, Harry. Just forget about it. We're good," You assure him, but you know he doesn't believe you. Instead of leaving you alone like you've asked, he takes your book out of your hands (making sure to bookmark your page) before tossing it to the floor of the car. "Hey!" You complain and go to grab it, but he captures your wrists in his hand and holds them to his stomach.
"What are you guys fighting about back there?" Anne and your mother turn around, confusion on their faces.
"He's being a menace," You seethe through your teeth.
"Hey- am not!" He whines. "I'm just trying to talk to her, but she won't get her nose out of her book!"
"You are ridiculous. I mean- first, you-"
"Shush!" Your mother cuts you off. Harry, always playing the victim, pouts and leans his face into your shoulder. "Look at him, Y/N. He misses you. Hand me the book," She demands.
"What?! You can't seriously be taking his side. You don't even know what happened!" You complain, and you scoff as Harry wraps his arms around your waist, hugging you entirely to close to his warm body.
"I don't care! You're both nineteen- I shouldn't be breaking up fights," Your mom says, but you can tell she's trying her best to not laugh.
"Fine," You mumble and hand her the book. Harry's acting like a needy puppy as he basically whimpers in the crook of your neck, his arms still snug around your body. You rest your hands on his arms and dramatically lay your head against the headrest and pout in self pity. That is until you suddenly feel something wet against your neck. "Hey, what are you doing?" You ask and shove at Harry's head. He practically growls, and you can see that he has the strap of your sundress in his mouth, gnawing on it like a child. You're taken back to childhood memories of Harry doing this when he's feeling 'small' or a bit anxious. "Oh my goodness," You sigh and settle to rubbing your hand up and down his back.
"I have to get a picture of this," You hear Anne whisper, and in a second you hear her phone clicking for a photo. The great part of Harry being an international superstar is that you know that picture will never be posted on anyone's Facebook.
After what seems like an eternity if a car ride, you’re finally pulling up to the restaurant. You begrudgingly pull Harry off of you so you could all exit the car and have it taken away by the valet. Harry ducks his head down in an attempt to not be seen and laces his fingers through yours. He's funny if he thinks this sweet act is getting him any tonight.
Your parents inform the hostess of your reservation, and you notice the way her eyes never leave Harry as she walks you to your table. His fingers finally leave yours as he pulls your chair out for you, and you resist the confused look you want to give him and just take the kindness.
It's not even two minutes later when the (very cute) waiter is appearing at your table with a smile shining your way. He asks for your drinks and tells you he'll be back in a minute for your orders, but not before flashing you one more smile.
"Seems like Y/N has an admirer," Anne laughs, and you blush.
"Oh, stop it. He's just being sweet," You mutter.
"He's- He's not sweet. He just smiled," Harry butts in, and you glare at him.
"Yeah, cause no one would ever want to flirt with me," You say, just to him.
"What? No- I didn't mean it like-"
"Okay, here are your drinks." The waiter appears again and this time gets your orders. The way he flirts with you makes you feel seen and wanted. It helps that he's attractive too- of course, no one could be more beautiful than Harry, though.
The night drawls on, and Harry gets weirder and weirder. He's getting increasingly more affectionate and lovey-dovey, and it makes a part of your stomach churn.
It's when you're all about to ask for the bill when your waiter comes out with a small bowl of ice-cream and sets it in front of you.
"Oh, I didn't ask for-"
"It's on the house, lovely," He winks and walks off, leaving you with a prominent blush and whistles sounding from your table.
"My goodness, Y/N," Your mother giggles, and her and Anne turn to gossip about your love life. You smile bashfully and look at Harry, about to rub it in his face that you're the one getting hit on for once, but you can't when you see the pitiful look on his face as he stares down at your ice-cream.
"Oh, what's wrong, bug?" You ask him, pinching his cheek and calling him the childhood nickname that always got him to smile. He grins dopily and leans his forehead on your shoulder to hide his blush. "What? Did you want to share my ice-cream?"
Harry wants nothing more than to tell you that's not what he's upset about, but he's stopped when you push him off and scoop some ice-cream onto your spoon. You hold your hand under the spoon as you direct it towards Harry's mouth, feeding him. He doesn't think he could ever hide the grin of you doing something so domestic with him as if he was your husband.
Suck it, waiter-boy.
You and Harry have just finished your desert when you're getting up and excusing yourself to the washroom. Once you've finished, you exit the restroom and are about to walk back to your table when you feel a gentle hand on your wrist. Your waiter.
"Oh! Hello," You laugh.
"I'm so sorry to be so absurd, but I couldn't live with myself knowing I let you walk out of here without at least trying to take you out on a date," He says bluntly. "It's no secret that I think you're stunning, is it?" He laughs, and you laugh as well.
"Is that so? Don't think I noticed," You play it off with a giggle.
"Can I please give you my number?" He asks, flashing you his best puppy-dog eyes.
"Yes, but..."
"Oh no, not a but," He dramatically cries, and you laugh. He's funny and cute. Maybe he's just what you need to get over Harry. "C'mon, we don't have much longer. You're family's already paid, and I'm off the clock, sugar."
"I didn't bring my phone with me! And if I go out to my table to grab it, they'll make a huge scene!" You whine, and he gasps with fake shock.
"What will we ever do?" He jokes, acting as if he's faint.
"If you keep making fun of me, I am going to kick you where the sun doesn't shine," You attempt to threaten, but you can't hold back your laughter.
"Here," He says and grasps your arm in his hand. He reaches into his pocket for a pen and starts writing his number on your arm. "Don't have my phone on me either, so this will have to do. Don't you dare wash your arm on your way back to your table," He jokes, and you laugh.
"Wouldn't dream of it," You say sweetly. "Okay! I have to go. They're going to think I fell in the toilet or something," You say, getting the cute waiter to clutch his stomach in a heavy laugh. Once he gathers himself, you quickly kiss his cheek in goodbye and run off to your table, guarding your arm with your life.
Your family is hardly waiting for you when you return, and you plop yourself back into your seat and pretend to engage in the conversation.
"Hey, what's that on your arm?" You hear Anne's voice drag you out of your thoughts.
"Oh, um- the waiter found me and gave me his number," You mumble bashfully and fail to hide the blush on your cheeks.
"You're blushing!" Your dad has to embarrass you. You're about to reply when a splash of cold liquid makes your sentence get caught in your throat. It's all over your lap and arms, and you try not to cause a scene.
"Whoops!" You hear from beside you, and you see Harry grab a napkin and start to wipe you off. Before you can stop him, he rubs at your arm, smearing the phone number so it's unreadable.
"Harry!" You gasp. Your eyes meet his, and they tell you the truth. "You did that on purpose! What the hell is wrong with you?!" Your mother shushes you as people start to stare, but it goes right over your head.
"What, no- why would I-"
"You did! You've been acting weird the entire night! Do you just not want me to be happy?!" You ask, and when he can't answer, you huff and practically sprint to the doors of the restaurant. You don't make it very far away before there's a hand on your wrist and you're being pulled into a quiet alley- out of sight from people. "Let me go," You protest and try to shake Harry's hands off of you, but they're strong on your shoulders.
"Just listen to me, would'ya?!" He asks, obviously agitated with himself.
"No- Fuck you!" You retort and continue to struggle in his hold. Then, you feel his hands on your face, and ,suddenly, his face is extremely close to yours. He's going to kiss you. He's going to kiss you for the first time since you were both thirteen. It's all you've ever wanted, so why do you push him away? "No, no, no," You tut and push him off of you. "Are you crazy?" You shout.
"Hey! Are you two coming?" Your mom suddenly appears around the corner. You shrug yourself away from Harry and turn to your mom.
"Yeah, we're coming," You say and glare at Harry who is looking at you with puppy-dog eyes. You roll your eyes and trail off behind your mom. You all make it to the car, and there is obvious tension in the air with the scene you created, but you don't care and just plug in your earbuds, turning yourself away from everyone. You can feel Harry's longing stare from beside you, but you don't give him any attention. You almost jump when you feel your phone buzz in your lap- having being so zoned out.
Harry: Talk to me.
You roll your eyes and set your phone on the seat in between you and Harry. Several buzzes come through before you're opening your phone in annoyance.
Harry: I'm sorry.
Harry: Actually, I'm not.
Harry: Wait. I'm sorry about the water thing, but I am not sorry for trying to kiss you.
Harry: You're so cute when you're mad.
Harry: Actually you're cunt all the time.
Harry: Autocorrect. I meant cute.
You: Stop texting me... Cunt.
You see Harry laugh out of the corner of your eye.
Harry: Stop being irresistible, and I would.
You: Ew.
Harry: You love me.
You: That's the problem.
You send the message and then immediately drop your phone, face-down, into your lap and stare out the window next to you.
For the next half-hour, the car was relatively quiet. You were almost ecstatic when you see the familiar hotel come into view. You were the first one to jump out of the car and practically run into the building. You thought you would so lucky as to get a moment of peace by yourself, but that dream is quickly squashed when someone's hand sneaks in between the elevator doors last minute.
"Thanks for waiting up," Harry says sarcastically. You don't give him the satisfaction of a response. The air is stiff as the elevator starts to move. And then, suddenly, it comes to a halt. A very abrupt stop. "What the hell?" Harry says, and immediately after, all the lights, except for one emergency one, shuts off, leaving you two in a very dim light. It was just enough to see each other. It was enough for Harry to see the anxiety on your face.
"Knew I should've taken the stairs- Oh God." You can already feel your breathing becoming uneven.
"Hey, hey, it's okay- we'll be alright," He assures you and presses a kiss to the top of your head. He then presses the emergency call button and begins talking to the hotel staff for about five minutes. They explain that you two might be stuck up there for a few hours.
In the midst of the craziness, you had resorted to scrunching yourself into one of the corners of the elevator, trying to keep your mentality in check.
"Looks like we'll be in here for a while, moppet," Harry sighs and sits down against the wall opposite of you. You hum in agreement and keep your face pressed into your knees. "Might as well use this time to clear the air, huh?" He asks, and your breath hitches.
"Don't need to talk about anything," You answer simply.
"No?" He asks condescendingly.
"You're a jerk. That's about it," You say, raising your face to finally look at him.
"Oh, I am?"
"Are you just going to ask a question every time I say something, or are you actually going to talk?"
"Explain to me how I'm a jerk, please," He asks, genuinely wanting to know your side.
"I can't," You whisper, hiding your face again.
"Why not?"
Screw it.
"You know what? I'll talk," You decide. "You're not going to like it and will probably think I'm a freak, but I don't even care anymore." You take a deep breath and lift your head.
"Y/N, what are you talking about?" Harry asks, clearly confused.
"You remember when we were thirteen and we dated?" You ask bluntly. He's clearly taken aback.
"Um- well, yeah. We were each other's first kisses," He smiles as if remembering the memory.
"Yeah. And then at a party you went and kissed Cheryl Taylor and totally blew me off. You didn't even look back to see if I was okay! God, I get that we were thirteen, but Harry, I really liked you, and you didn't even care. We went back to best friends, and you acted like nothing happened, but I couldn't forget- I still can't. The way you blow me off when you even catch a glimpse of a girl- it makes me realize you haven't changed since we were thirteen, and I don't think you ever will. You don't text or call when you go on tour. I text, I try to call, so don't you dare ever try to put some weird manly claim on me just because you can. It's not fair that I love you in a way I'll never be able to shake when you can just toss me to the side when it's inconvenient for you."
The end of your speech had the air running cold. Harry was silent, stoic. His eyes were slightly wide and glassy- hands fidgeting as if they didn't belong in his own skin.
"I don't- um, I don't know what to say," Harry whispers after a few minutes of muteness.
"I know. You don't have to say anything. I get it."
"You don't- that's what I'm trying to figure out how to say-"
"Don't. Don't do that," You cut him off. "That's the worst thing you could do right now." Your voice shakes. "Don't you dare try to tell me you 'loved' me out of pity."
"But what if it's true?" He counters.
"Then you have a real strange way of showing it."
That shuts him up for a minute, enough time to let you collect yourself again.
"Look, I know it was a lot to spring on you, so it's probably making you think some things you don't actually feel-"
"Then why would I have gotten so mad at the restaurant? I had no idea about how you felt, so explain that," He counters. You're caught there for a moment.
"I don't know, but obviously your affections aren't very meaningful if you were sucking some other girl's face literally three hours ago."
"Fuck, I know how this looks, but it seriously didn't mean anything. I didn't even know how you felt about me! You can't blame this all on me when you never said anything!" He's starting to get riled up now. Harry's used to getting whatever he wants, whenever he wants, and you're not making this easy on him.
"You're such a brat. Stop whining and take responsibility."
"Oh, I'm the brat?! You've been fucking whining this whole trip, and it could've been you I was pounding into the mattress if-"
"I'm whining because I love you!" You yell.
"Well, so do fuckin' I!" He counters back, both of you staring at each other intensely and breathing like you've just run a marathon. Just as he's about to say something, a voice sounds through the elevator's speaker.
"It seems a though the fire department got here much quicker, so you two should be out within the next five minutes!" The awfully chipper lady informs you.
"This isn't fucking over," He practically growls at you as you start to hear the elevator being pried open.
"Oh, until you drop to your knees and beg for my forgiveness, we're not talking."
"Think it'll be the other way around, babe," He answers back slyly, and you know the games have just begun.
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hugsandharrystyles · 2 years ago
Guys, I forgot to put tags on this, so no one was seeing it :( Let's try again
The Cuddle Fix
another angsty and smutty piece (someone stop me)
word count: 4,212
warnings: harry being (and having) a big dick :/, meanie words, sexual content (duh), dirty, dirty things
summary: Harry hates you, but he loves cuddles, and that becomes a problem.
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If there was one word Harry's friends would use to describe him, it would be touchy.
A big snuggle slut is what they call him behind his back. He's a completely animated person- always talking with his hands and brightening a mediocre story into what could be a Colleen Hoover novella. He's exuberant and intense to everyone around him.
Except you.
You don't know what it is about yourself that seems to shake something so deep and dark inside of Harry. On multiple occasions, you've tried to talk out the childish mimics he plays, but he only scoffs, mumbling something under his breath before walking away in the opposite direction. You don't understand the hatred he feels towards you.
And you definitely don't understand why you're friends call him "Lovebug".
He definitely is a big grump, but he's never outwardly mean to yours and his friends like he is to you.
He glares and huffs and makes fun of you.
You just wish you knew why.
That being said, you try to push the thoughts of Harry to the back of your mind as you pack. Yours- and Harry's friends- all have decided to take a small getaway to celebrate finals being finished. You're extremely excited to be away from your raggedy apartment for the weekend in some fancy cabin, but you can't help but worry about the things Harry is going to say to you. You weren't even going to go in the first place, but Niall, your closest friend, convinced you otherwise and promised to keep Harry in check.
As soon as you finish packing, you hear a light knock on your door. It must be Niall.
You scrounge around to get all your stuff together and head towards the front door, lugging everything awkwardly with you. You open the door and beam at your best friend.
"Niall!" You greet him, and he encapsulates you into his arms for a hug.
"You ready to go, love?" He asks, and goes to retrieve your suitcase for you.
"Yeah! Let me just grab the cookies I made for the roadtrip. I figured we'd get snacky," You smile and are about to move towards your kitchen when Niall stops you.
"Y/N, just one thing."
"What is it?" You ask, questioning the guilty look on his face.
"Mitch rented a big van so that we could all carpool together. It won't just be the two of us for the ride." You understand what- who- he's alluding to at the end. Your inhale is shaky, but you plaster a smile on your face. "That alright, love?" He asks.
"Of course! I'll be- I'll be fine," You settle, and you don't know who you're trying to convince more- Niall or yourself.
"You're perfect," He grins and kisses your cheek, making you giggle and run off to grab your bag of freshly made cookies.
"Let's go," You whisper, and lock your apartment behind you. As you step outside and make your way towards the van, you underestimated how chilly it would be for the late afternoon and suddenly wished you wouldn't have packed your jacket up. You'll just have to suck it up.
Niall loads your things into the trunk of the van, and you both head inside it once he's finished.
"Hi!" You greet everyone with a smile as you move to your spot in the middle row, right in front of Harry. You were praying that for some off reason he wouldn't be here, but it seems unlikely now. Everyone smiles and greets you back, and you get settled in your seat, Niall sitting right beside you. "I made cookies, but I didn't know we were all riding together, so there's only about one for everyone," You explain, hoping there are no comments from the jerk in the back.
"Well, that's lovely, Y/N. Thank you!" Sarah cheers and reaches back for the bag of cookies, already stealing hers. You laugh and hand out the rest as the van starts to drive off. You turn around despite the pit in your stomach and manage a small smile.
"Would you like a cookie, Harry?" You whisper, and cower at his glare.
"I'd rather not get cavities. I'll pass," He shrugs you off.
"Oh! I didn't make them with real sugar! I know how-"
"Learn how to take a hint. I don't want anything you have to offer," He seethes, a cocky smile shining at your frown.
"Sorry," You whisper.
"Hey, why don't you shut the fuck up and whine in the back alone?" Niall seethes back at him. Niall and Harry have been close for a very long time, but even he doesn't get why Harry hates you. He's never been able to get it out of him.
"Sorry I wouldn't want anything from a girl like her-"
"Hey!" You hear Sarah yell at him. "Leave your bitchy attitude at the door for this weekend or no cuddles from any of us. She's done fucking nothing to you," She shouts aggravatedly at him.
"Jesus, none of you can take a joke," He huffs.
"I'm being serious, Harry. No hugs, no-"
"Alright, alright! Shit, my mouth is sealed," He says and mimes himself locking his mouth closed.
"Good. And I'm eating your cookie," Niall says and shoves the cookie into his mouth.
You fight the urge to turn around and smile in the bastard's face.
The roadtrip has turned into hell for everyone. The van's A/C stopped working an hour into the trip, and it all went downhill from there. Everyone was grouchy and ready to call it a night. Mitch made the executive decision to pull into a motel for the night.
You moped your way out of the van, Niall's arm wrapped around you to keep you warm. Harry had been surprisingly quiet since everyone told him off. Only making snide comments when he deemed it appropriate.
"We need three rooms, please. Two with a single, and one with two beds," Mitch tells the old guy at the motel counter. You're rubbing your arms together for friction, and you hear a snicker to your right.
"What?" You ask Harry, nowhere in the mood for his teasing tonight.
"Oy, chill out, Elsa- no pun intended," He laughs at his own joke, and you fight the urge to roll your eyes.
"Can you just leave me alone for the weekend?" You ask quietly, stepping closer to him. He smiles devilishly and leans down.
"You wanna know something? I hate girls like you. I want nothing more than for you to not be here. That's actually what I was dreaming about on the ride here. So if you're going to be here, stop giving me reasons to make fun of you, and maybe I'll leave you alone, 'kay?"
Don't cry, don't cry, don't cry.
"Hey guys, so all they have open is two bedrooms with one bed in each. Mitch and I will take the room with the queen, and you guys and Niall will share the one with the king," Sarah explains, giving you a sad smile.
"That's- that's fine," You say, trying hard to not let your voice quiver.
"Speak for yourself, gremlin," Harry spits. You've had it. You turn around and grab onto his collar, making everyone in the group grow wide-eyed. You yank him to your level and stare him dead in the eye.
"Leave me the fuck alone," You seethe, staring at his eyes that are flickering between your eyes and your... lips? "My eyes are up here, dumbass," You spit and let go of him. He's visibly at a loss for words, and you just roll your eyes. You grab the key from Niall and make your way to your room.
Things have been quiet since everyone made it to their respective rooms. You headed straight to the bathroom to take a shower and rinse off your anger. You heard Harry and Niall following you the whole way to the room, but you couldn't care less in the moment. You'd apologize to Niall later. Once out of the shower, you change into shorts and a t-shirt and brush your teeth. You just want sleep.
You take a deep breath before unlocking the ratchet door. You're thanking your lucky stars when you're greeted with just Niall in the room. He's already sound asleep on the left side of the bed, and you smile. Hopefully Harry found some other room to sleep in.
You climb your way into the bed, and right as you're about to click off the lamp on the bedside table, you hear the motel door open. You gasp when an almost naked appears into your view. He's wearing only his boxers, and he's his freshly filled water bottle in his hand.
"Uh, sorry. Didn't mean to frighten you. I just went to refill my water. I didn't think you'd be out of the- why am I talking so much-" He whispers to himself.
"Eh, no it's fine. I was just about to go to sleep," You whisper.
"That is usually what people do in bed- amongst other things," He says slyly.
"And he's back," You groan.
"Scooch over. I want to be in the middle," He demands and stands over you, knees hitting the side of the bed.
"What? No, if you wanted middle, you should've been here," You sass back and glare at him.
"You're incredibly difficult," He groans and plops into the bed beside you. It's hard to have personal space to yourself in a bed with two college boys.
"And you're incredible pain in my ass."
"Oh, she fights back?" He laughs, and you resist the urge to slap him.
"Just sleep," You sigh and reach across him to turn off the light. He sucks in a breath as your breasts accidentally rub across his chest in your movements.
"Stay on your fuckin' side, would you?" He huffs, trying to sound tough, but it doesn't work. You don't give him the satisfaction of responding and turn over on your side to face Niall.
"Night, Harry," You sigh, not waiting for a response as you start to drift to sleep.
Harry wakes up gasping, almost shaking. He's just waken from the scariest nightmare that he already can't remember, but it doesn't matter. He's scared. He knows it was probably something stupid and impossible, but it still has him shaken. It also doesn't help that he's sleeping on the edge of the bed, the easiest access for a monster to reach up from under the bed and grab him. He tenses and peeks his eyes open to read the time on the clock on the bedside table.
Great, he thinks. He's still shaking like a leaf in the wind, and all he wants is a cuddle to make it better. Despite his better judgement, he turns over to face you and through the moonlight shining through the motel window, he can see your face smushed against Niall's chest in a comfortable sleep. Harry grunts quietly and weighs his options. Touch you or be scared the rest of the night?
He sighs and decides to just take the consequences in the morning. He slowly reaches under the blanket and feels around until he finds your waist. He tugs you in his direction, but it seems as though you are not having it. You groan in annoyance and hold on tighter to Niall, and in return, Niall's hold on you tighten.
"Both of you suck," Harry whispers and props himself on one elbow to get a better angle. He pulls you harder this time, and you whine in your sleep.
"The hell?" Niall groans sleepily.
"Give her to me, mate," Harry rasps and pulls you to his chest. Your breathing is now uneven, and Harry prays you don't wake up. He's about to explain himself to Niall, but before he can, he hears a loud snore sound from the man himself, and he thanks the heavens.
He settles down with you in his arms, his face hiding in the crook of your neck. He feels oddly safe with his arms around you, and he thinks all is good until he hears-
"Just go to sleep," He rasps in your ear.
"The fuck? No," You groan and turn on your back to see him. You notice how his grip on you doesn't lessen. "What are you doing?" You ask, obviously confused.
"Just... had a nightmare. Needed a cuddle," He explains quietly. You fight the urge to laugh.
"Hell, no. Deal with it like a big boy," You laugh and go to turn but are stopped by a huge weight on your chest. Literally. Harry had plopped himself down onto your chest and circled his arms tight around you. "Hey!"
"Shh, just let me stay," He groans and mushes his face between your breasts.
"Oh my God, this can not be happening," You gasp.
"Just shut up. I'll do anything, please."
"You're insane actually. You hate me," You clarify.
"Yeah, but you feel so fuckin' nice," He rasps. "C'mon just let me stay. Want me to finger you or somethin'?" He asks nonchalantly.
"What?!" You question, wandering if you heard him right. Harry Styles- the man who's made your life hell for the past year is asking to pleasure you. You've got to be dreaming.
"Oh, please. Spare the dramatics. You're always so wound up. I'll rub your little clit 'til you cum, and you let me lay here," He proposes. One of his hands slips out from beneath you, the other one tightening around you. His free hand skims the elastic band of your sleep shorts, and you suck in a breath. "See? I'll take care of you," He promises.
"No," You whine, but his hand slips into your sleep shorts, skimming your panties.
"C'mon, I'll be nice. Be so sweet to you, sugar. Let me apologize, huh?" He begs, planting a wet kiss to your neck. "Always smell so, so good."
"What is happening?" You feel as though you could faint. Harry hates you, so why is he begging to touch you. "You hate me," You question him.
"'M sorry," He pleads, nipping at your neck. "I'm a dick. Just let me make you feel good. Let me show you how sorry I am, baby," He begs once again.
"Promise you won't hold this over me?" You ask, spreading your legs slightly and glancing at Niall who is still snoring quite loudly.
"Would never tease you about something like this, sweet girl," He clarifies with a sloppy kiss to your cheek. "Just have to be quiet because of sleeping beauty over there," He grunts, annoyed. His face is nuzzled deep into your neck, breathing you in. His hand finally skims past the panty lining, and he's in your underwear. You feel his hand pause. "You don't shave?" He whispers.
Your stomach drops and tears fill your eyes. You knew you shouldn't have agreed.
It's as though he can feel you tense because his arm that is wrapped around your tightens roughly, not letting you move away.
"Please don't make fun of me," You whimper, turning your face away from the side he's nuzzled into.
"Y/N, look at me," He encourages you and when you don't, he lightly slaps your pussy. "Got your attention now, huh?" He asks as you stare at him wide-eyed. "I didn't mean anything by it. I actually prefer it when girls don't shave," He explains.
"You serious?" You question quietly, almost moaning when his hand starts to move again.
"So serious. It's so much messier- fucking love the way it feels," He almost whines as if he's imagining the feeling right now. "I want to eat you out so bad," He groans quietly as if it's a normal thing to say and as if he isn't literally fingering you right now.
"Harry- you can't-" You almost want to laugh at his absurdity.
"Can you hold me a bit better, hun?" He asks nonchalantly as he presses down on your clit.
"Bastard," You whisper and curl your arm around his waist. His fingers are playing with your clit deliciously, and you're having a hard time keeping your noises at bay. You rub up and down his back as he pleases you. Though, you can't enjoy the feeling for too long because you suddenly feel his hand leave you, and you have to hold back your whine. "What are you-" Before you can even finish your sentence, he's putting his fingers into his mouth and sucking on them. You can see the way his eyes darken even with little light illuminating the room.
"You've been keeping that from me?" He asks, his voice low and sadistic.
"Hey, if anything, you've been keeping it from yourself," You correct him. "If you weren't such an asshole, you could've been eating me out this entire time," You remark. Harry whines quietly buries his face into your chest. After staying there for a moment, much to your dismay, you feel his hand now clawing down your shirt, exposing your breasts. "Harry!" You scold quietly, but his mouth is already on you. He moans softly around your nipple before giving it a good suck. His hand now plays with your other breast, grasping and tweaking at your nipple. "Harry, just make me cum, please," You whisper-beg. You can feel his cocky smile against you.
"Anything you want," He whispers, and his hand is now back in your panties. His fingers circle around your clit for a while before going lower towards your entrance. He prods at it for a moment, still sucking on your tit, and then enters a finger inside you. He practically moans against you.
"Oh, fuck, it's tight," He groans, and you have to shush him. "So warm and so fucking wet too- Jesus Christ," He breathes. "I wanna shove my cock in you so fuckin' bad- Oh, God," He basically whimpers, placing a kiss against your sensitive and marked breast. His words are only making you wetter, only making you pulse around his pumping finger more. "When's the last time you got fucked?" He questions, laying his head on your soft stomach.
"Fuck, I don't know," You moan quietly, still keeping an eye out on Niall. God knows he'd be scarred for life if he woke up right now. "Prefer to just take care of myself most of the time," You admit and grind yourself into his finger.
"You just need good dick, baby. C'mon, why don't we go to the bathroom, and I'll fuck you real good," He offers- more like begs.
As much as you want to, you don't think Harry deserves to put his dick anywhere near your pussy just yet.
"You don't deserve to fuck me," You remind him, and you feel him push in a second finger at your response. You're having an incredibly hard time keeping your noises at bay now. His fingers are moving in and out of you at a steady pace now, and the heel of his palm is pressing into your clit so good. It won't be long before you're cumming.
"Fuck, baby, I know," He whines and bites at your stomach. "I'll prove myself to you then I'll pound you into my bed," He moans, clearly picturing the scene in his head. "Be so good for you next time."
"Next time?" You question. "This is the only time you're getting me, so make it worth every second, babe," You clarify.
His fingers stop moving.
"Fuck did you just say?" He asks, a sudden wave of dominance radiates off of him. It makes you drip onto the cheap sheets.
"C'mon, Harry. We both know this is a one time thing."
"Like hell it is," He growls and suddenly his fingers are moving fast and rough inside of you. You can't help but let a noise out at the surprisingly wave of pleasure. He shakes his hand quickly, properly fucking you out. There are quiet noises coming from under the sheets- from where your pussy is so wet and from where he's curling his fingers in and out of you at a rapid pace. "Oh, fuck, would you listen to that," He smiles devilishly. A moan breaks past your lips as his rough pace doesn't stop, and he quickly covers your mouth with his free hand. "Your little pussy wants me so bad. You're funny for thinking I'm not going to keep giving her what she wants." You're crying against his hand- the pleasure is driving you to the point of insanity.
Your orgasm is now approaching at a rapid pace, and your sounds are getting harder and harder to hide. Your eyes flick over to Niall who's still somehow sleeping like a rock against the shaking bed.
"Don't fucking look at him," Harry snarls, staring at your with intense eyes.
"I'm gonna cum," You try to warn his against his hand. He quickly removes his hand from your mouth and instead shoves a few of his fingers in instead.
"Cum on my fucking hand," He groans in your ear and presses the heel of his palm down hard onto your clit while his fingers shake inside you right against your g-spot.
You're crying around his fingers as your orgasm hits. Tears are leaking from your eyes, and you swear you black out for a minute. The pleasure is overwhelming, and Harry never stops or slows down.
"Stop, stop, stop," You whimper against his fingers. The overstimulation is too much to enjoy, and it seems like Harry probably knows that. He smiles and slows his fingers down until they're just resting inside of you. You're trying to quietly recover yourself as he presses kisses all over you, mumbling praises into your skin.
"Did so good for me," He whispers, kissing the corner of your mouth. You finally feel like you can breathe again, and it's the first time you realize that there is something very hard and very big pressing against your leg. Before you can say anything, you feel his fingers slowly slip out of you, making you let out a low sound of discomfort. "Sorry," He whispers sweetly, pressing a kiss to your temple. His fingers draw out from under the blanket, and you think he's about to make you taste them, but he instead places them in his mouth again. He moans at your taste before peering down to your doe eyes. He retracts his fingers from his mouth and instead places them inside yours, letting you clean them off. He moans at how your tongue swirls around him, and you feel his cock ache against you.
"Harry, you need to take care of yourself," You whisper when his fingers leave your mouth.
"You sure?" He asks, feeling like he could bust so quickly.
"Yes," You encourage him, and he is quick to discard his boxers. Before you can ask what he's doing, he slots himself in between your thighs, and his big dick is pressing against your pussy. "Harry!" You squeal quietly.
"Shh, I'm not going to put it in. Just want to f-feel you," He moans and rubs himself against you. You can't help but moan to. He's using one of his hands to guide himself along you and collect your dripping wetness against his dick. You can tell he's not going to last long from the way he's shaking against you and the way his cock his pulsing against your pussy.
"C'mon, baby, don't try to hold it. Just cum," You encourage him and suck a hickey into his neck.
"Fuck- just keep kissin' me," He whimpers and grinds himself against you. He wants to slip his cock in so bad, but he wants to actually be alone in a bed for that.
He's moaning quietly while looking down at you, and you can tell he is very vocal in bed. He's biting down on his lip hard as to not make noise. You grip the sides of his face and press your lips softly against his. He moans, and his hips stutter against you. He kisses you back with passion.
"Stick your tongue out, baby," You whisper and laugh quietly as he tries to get your mouth back on him. He quickly complies to your command once he registers what you've said. You slowly and sensually flick your tongue against his and circle yours around his. He moans and rubs himself slower but harder against you. You can tell he's close. You make the bold move to take his tongue between your lips and suck. This is what does it for him. His hips are faltering against you, and you feel his cum shoot against your pussy. You shut him up with your lips and rub his back soothingly to calm him down.
"It's so good," He whimpers and flops himself against your chest once he's finished.
"Did so good," You whisper and run your fingers through his hair with your other hand.
"Thank you," He keeps whispering against your skin.
"We should probably get up and clean off," You mumble, eyes fluttering closed, heavy with sleep.
"Probably," He whispers and sinks deeper against you, both of you succumbing to sleep.
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hugsandharrystyles · 2 years ago
she’s actually the most talented writer ever. 7k of pure smut?!?! how does she do it
Us Again*
Summary: The second part to You Again*
You and Harry are exactly 16 years apart in age. More than that? He's your sister's ex-boyfriend.
But what happens in the bedroom, stays in the bedroom...
Word Count: 7k
*Contains Mature and Explicit content! This is an age gap story, so please only consume what you feel comfortable with!💞You are much more important!*
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“You little fucking minx.”
You feel your cheeks flush as Harry’s stunned but unceasingly enthralled gaze lingers on the red lace of your underwear. 
His fingers move for your hips, the hauntingly empty touch ghosting across the fabric as you anxiously await contact.
But he doesn’t give it to you. Not quite, not yet. He just wants to look at you. Wants to drink you in. Allow himself the privilege of seeing what he never has before.
“Did you wear these just for me, little one?” he asks in a gravely drawl, eyes flicking up to yours from where he lays between your thighs. 
You swallow as you look across your stomach at him. You’re not sure why you picked this particular set today. Perhaps it was a subconscious choice or perhaps destiny was simply on your side.
“Maybe,” you murmur, nails curling into your palm as you work in shallow breaths. God, you need him to touch you. Need him to do something about the mess that’s sitting two inches in front of his face.
The very same mess he’s pretending he doesn’t notice.
Your response encourages a smirk as he hums and glances back down at the little white bow placed delicately in the center. “S’cute, Dot,” he says softly, pinching the ribbon between his thumb and forefinger. “Fucking precious, actually. Knowing you got yourself all dolled up. Just to see me.”
He pulls his lip between his teeth and glances back over your face. He’s amused by the weary and desperate expression you wear and you’re two seconds away from groaning.
His touch moves down. Down, down, down until the pad of his finger brushes over your clit. 
You tense before exhaling shakily as your body begins to unwind. 
Satisfied with this reaction, he moves even lower. Until he finds that growing wet patch that’s beginning to hurt.
“What’s this?” he murmurs softly, looking down toward the darkened red fabric. “Oh, darling…s’this for me, too?”
You’re not sure where your quippy attitude from before has gone because now you can do nothing but nod mutely as you shift beneath his hand.
“Yeah?” His eyebrow raises as he grins at you. “Is this what has you so anxious?”
Another nod and the softest of whines.
He hums. “Think I need to see for myself, hm?” He smirks and pats his palms against your hips. “Take these off for me.”
Your eyes nearly roll back as you quickly reach down to hook your fingers around the hem of your underwear and drag them down your thighs.
In order to get them all the way off, you have to bend your knees and do a little shuffling, so Harry leans back to allow you the room you need.
Once they’ve been pulled from your body, you get ready to toss them onto the other side of the bed. But before they can be flicked from the tips of your fingers, he’s snatching them into his own fist.
“Uh-uh,” he tuts as he tucks them into his suit’s breast pocket. “These are mine now.”
You suck in a sharp, eager pant. “Har—”
“Shh.” He settles back onto his stomach, hands curling around your thighs to guide your legs apart and allow him a better visual. “M’busy, little one.”
It’s nearly impossible to stay quiet as his warm breath fans across your pussy, making the mess that much more obvious to you both.
You can practically see the glistening reflection in his eye as he studies your cunt in the most intimate of ways.
You’re not sure what he wants. What he’s doing or planning or thinking. And you don’t know why but the way he stares at you does more for the apprehensive coil in your gut than him actually touching you has.
He makes another satisfied noise deep within the back of his throat as he brings his fingers back to you.
Two are placed just above your clit before he drags them down. Instinctively, your hips buck up, but are instantly shoved back into the mattress as he tsks and continues with his teasing touch.
He moves to your folds. Easing himself through as he spreads you with the utmost glee. Fascinated by the way your body feels, the way it reacts to him.
His tongue sits between his lips as he ventures down, and the moment he finds the pooling of arousal waiting for him…you see the muscles in his neck contract.
“Darling…” The nickname is whispered across your body as he scoots closer. “Bet this hurts, doesn’t it?”
“Yes,” you reply instantaneously, a strain to the singular word as you resist the urge to whimper. 
He circles the tip of his finger around your aching hole, almost as if to test you. “Oh, precious girl…how long, hm? How long have you been in so much pain?”
Truthfully, since you hugged him at the diner.
“All day,” you say aloud, hands gripping onto the duvet beneath you. “All day, Har. Been thinking about you all day.”
And that is the honest answer. You’d been anxiously awaiting your meeting from the moment you woke up.
But he smiles as if he knows better, despite the way he seems to bask in your response. “All day, hm? And what were you gonna do if I never came back? Were you just gonna sit here and rub your pretty thighs together?”
Your cheeks flush as your hands gather atop of your stomach.
His brow raises. “No? Well then how were you gonna take care of it, hm?”
For a moment, you think this is simply rhetorical, but the longer the silence stretches, the more obvious it becomes that he expects an answer.
You swallow the odd lump in your throat. “How do you think?”
“Uh-uh,” he chastises again. “I wanna hear you say it. Want you to tell me exactly how you were gonna fix this little problem of yours had I not been here.”
Your head flops back against the pillows as you glare at the ceiling. He’s always been rather infuriating but now…he’s a menace.
“Dot…” He’s warning you. Calling you back. Urging you not to be so bratty.
With a tentative sigh, you look back down. “My…vibrator.”
He perks up. “Yeah?”
You nod faintly. 
“Tell me how,” he instructs next, jutting his chin toward you. “Better yet…show me. Show me how you’ve been taking care of yourself all these years.”
Feeling rather embarrassed under the spotlight of such an intimate request, you shyly look over toward your nightstand and outstretch a hand.
After pulling the drawer open, you slip inside and find the purple wand that’s just small enough to fit snuggly inside your palm.
And Harry watches with a certain wonder in his eye as you bring the dainty toy closer. Yet says nothing while you slowly guide it toward your stomach and down to your thighs.
However, he does shift in order to make room, scooting back by a hair to allow you the space you need to place the head right above your aching clit.
For some reason, doing something so private in front of him feels…odd. Strange and almost unsettling. And perhaps that’s just nerves but you can’t deny the heat that rushes to your face as he looks between you and the vibrator.
“S’this it, then?” he murmurs, a hint of teasing laced within the remark. “Don’t even have to turn it on?”
Your thumb taps against the power button, a nervous tic, although you refrain from switching the toy on just yet. “No…”
His smirk is borderline haughty. “Then what do you do, little one? How do you use it?”
You say nothing. You hold his stare, and you hold a deep breath, and you hold the wand to your glistening cunt.
Then…you flip the switch.
The soft virtually dainty vibrations echo across the room. Across your bodies. Across your clit as it’s met with the instant stimulation of the pulsating wand.
You choke on a gasp as you return your eyes to the ceiling, allowing for the feeling to take control of each remaining sense.
Harry’s hands make themselves known to you as they begin to smooth up your legs, helping guide your thighs further apart once again.
There’s an ever-so-slight stretch that follows as your muscles are pulled, and the distinctive burn makes your lashes flutter shut.
“There you go,” he whispers, and there’s a certain pride to his praise. “So pretty, darling. God, could watch you do this all day.”
And you imagine it’s quite a sight. You yourself have enjoyed the images of somebody getting off to a toy before. You know how it looks. Know exactly the kind of visual fantasy Harry is witness to right now.
So, you play it up. Give him a show. After all…he’s got a front row seat.
You rotate the head slowly, circling down and around your hole before retreating and dragging the object back up and through.
And you shiver every time it brushes sweetly against that particular spot. Every time the pulses slow just to speed up once more. It’s almost torturous the way your body is being bent to such salacious desires. Cruel the way you’re forced to do this while he only watches.
A whimper slips free, and you arch off the bed, pressing the toy as tight against your body as you can stand, and you hear Harry chuckle.
“Easy,” he seems to warn before you feel his fingers curl around your wrist, encouraging your grip to relax. “Take it slow, Dot. Not in a hurry, are you?”
“No,” you breathe, head shaking zealously. “No, m’just…feels good.”
“Does it?” He almost sounds surprised. “Hm. Interesting. Seeing as you’re doing it wrong.”
Your head lifts as you look down at him.
He grins before rolling his lips into his mouth and glancing toward the vibrator. “May I?”
You nod.
He moves his grip from your arm to the toy, easily slipping it free from between your fingers as you pull back to watch.
He clears his throat and scoots closer, focused eyes landing on your body as he readies the bullet in his hand.
Then…he begins.
It meets your clit—an innocent, familiar touch—before it’s instantly being dragged down. He’s slow with it. Giving you enough time to feel each particular flutter and twitch. 
Your soft gasps and grateful sighs carry him further, until the tiny head of the toy is swimming through your arousal.
You fall still, attention locked on the man by your knees. He’s focused. Soft, brown eyebrows weaving together as his pretty cherry lips stretch into a smile.
Something changes—everything changes—when he slips the head inside. Your entire body ripples from the vibrations as you stumble over his name and squirm across the mattress.
He exhales an amused laugh before placing his arm overtop your stomach to keep you cemented to the bed. “None of that. Stay still for me.”
“Har,” you whisper, depleted of any strength. “Please…”
His expression tells you he’s listening, but he keeps his eyes on what he’s doing. “What, little one? What do you want?”
You, you, you—“I need…please, I’m…”
“What? Does it feel good?”
“Yes. Yes…yes, feels so good. Please…”
“Please what? What do you want, sugar?”
More. Everything. Anything. “Fuck, I’m—don’t stop. Please don’t stop.”
 “Oh, darling,” he coos before that beautiful green finds you. “I’d never dream of it.”
He takes the toy out and moves it back to your clit, circling gently a few times before pressing—hard. 
And you almost miss the full feeling it provided as it was eased into you but before you can dwell for too long…Harry’s extending his fingers and slipping them into your cunt.
Not one, but two of those beautiful digits push past your walls and begin to stretch you, ripping a gasp from your throat at the simultaneous stimulation.  
“Attagirl,” he murmurs from below, and you can hear the smug undertone. “That’s what you wanted, hm? Needed something to fill you.”
Your chest heaves, the red lace of your bra lifting and falling as you roll your head back. “God, Har—”
“Tell me, darling,” he continues, easing himself out just to push back in. “Were you gonna use your own fingers? If I wasn’t here? Gonna ride your pretty little hand?”
You can’t tell if he already knows the answer or if he’s just genuinely curious to picture your hand between your thighs.
Either way, you pant out, “Mhm.”
He’s pleased. “Yeah? How many, honey? How many were you gonna use?”
He tsks, seemingly disappointed with this answer. “Just two? Hm. And would it have felt like this, darling? Would they be able to do it for you the way mine can?”
To accompany this ask, he curls upward, nearly yanking the pleasure out of you as you choke on a cry and writhe away from him. 
“Fuck—” Your teeth tug on your bottom lip. “Shit, Har—”
“Is that a no, then?” he pushes before thrusting his fingers out and back in again. “Would you have gotten yourself this wet…with just your own hand?”
The sound of him slipping through your arousal meets your ear as you whine again and look down.
“No?” He adds a third finger while making sure to keep the wand of the vibrator exactly where it needs to be. “What about when you thought of me? Would that have done it for you, sugar? Thinking of me while you soaked your sheets? While you dripped down your knuckles as you fucked yourself?”
You already knew his experience superseded that of any man you’d been with before but this—
You’ve never heard a man talk to you this way. None of those other boys ever knew how. But Harry…god, Harry knows just what to say. Knows exactly what you need to hear, and it overwhelms you.
“Need an answer,” he reminds you, but when you refuse to offer him one, he takes himself away.
His fingers, the toy, his body. He leans back onto his knees, and you groan from the way your body goes completely quiet.
“Harry,” you just about breathe, pushing up onto your elbows to leverage the playing field. “You…I’m…I was just—”
“Disobeying,” he answers for you. “That’s what you were doing. And I don’t think that’s fair, do you?”
You frown. You know this tone he’s taking with you. Authoritative and condescending. It makes you huff. “Fine. I’ll try again.”
“Good girl,” he murmurs, nodding at you as if to encourage confidence.
“I…wait, what was the question?”
He smiles at this, releasing an amused chuckle beneath his breath before crawling back to you.
His hands find the mattress beside your hips, and he settles between your parted thighs, lips dangerously closer now.
And you can smell him. Smell his cologne, and his aftershave, and his shampoo. Can feel the heat radiating off his body, even through the expensive suit. Can see how much he wants to take care of you—ruin you.
  “Do you get yourself this wet…when I’m not around?” he repeats, and the tip of his nose ghosts against yours.
Your breath hitches. “No.”
The answer was always obvious, but you know he needed to hear you say it. Wanted that confirmation that he was worth having here. That he was doing this to you—for you. 
“Do you touch yourself…the way I touch you?” 
“Can you make yourself come…the way I can?”
“God, no—” you gasp before taking hold of his face and smashing his mouth against yours.
His lips perfectly mold with yours. A connection so seamless, so effortless…it’s as if they were always meant to be.
A ridiculous notion, you think to yourself, but right now…it’s quite nice.
He pulls himself back just enough to meet your eye and offer a devious grin. “Let’s find out, hm?”
Rough fingertips travel up the length of your inner thigh, forming goosebumps in the wake. You shiver, ready to receive his touch once again before he dances right past your cunt, and up your hip. 
Instead, he moves for the lace on your chest, tugging on the wire between your breasts with a disappointed tsk.
“I want this gone,” he decides, plucking it from your skin. “Need to see all of you, Dot.”
And before you can even reach back to undo the hook, he’s looping an arm underneath your back, lifting you up, and flicking the clasp free. 
With that, he yanks the bra down your arms and body before flinging it somewhere behind him.
You flush as your naked chest is revealed to him, heart hammering against your ribcage as he lets his eyes trail over every inch, curve, and swell.
Then, he leans down.
He wraps his mouth around your left nipple before you can even whisper his name, sucking on you as though he’s determined to make you see stars.
Which you do the moment his teeth pull on the sensitive skin. And you can’t help but mewl as his tongue flicks cruel and merciless patterns into the pebbled peak before he flattens it against you and works his way up to your collarbone.
He groans as he goes, situating himself until his knee finds a place between your legs and presses directly into your cunt.
His other hand gropes at your right breast, kneading at the tender flesh until his mouth reaches your neck. Again, his teeth make themselves known, taking a nip out of the vein below your jaw as you gasp and arch up into him, chest knocking into his.
He sucks sweet bruises into the curve of your throat before licking apologies over the newly ruined skin. It’s slow and painful and beautifully good. Everything about him is beautiful and good.
More than that…it’s safe.
He is, in every sense of the word, a man. His entire body seems to cater to yours as he cages you to the mattress and easily pulls whimpers from your throat. As he touches you, and pleases you, and knows you in a way nobody else ever has.
You know he knows what he’s doing. You don’t really want to think about how or why. You just want to enjoy this limitless knowledge he possesses when it comes to making you feel good.
And he does. Makes you feel every little sensation as he murmurs your name beneath a strained breath while grinding his knee against your pussy.
You glance down and notice the way your arousal has begun to soak through his nice pants. The way a dark little patch seeps into the fancy—and expensive—material. A sight both erotic and humiliating.
Your whimper forces his eyes to where yours reside, and he smirks when he sees your mess.
“What’s the matter, little one?” he asks, taking his hand from your tit and using it to grab onto your jaw. “Are you embarrassed?”
You whine again and nod in his hold while he forces your attention back up.
His tongue swipes across his pretty pink lips as he hums. “Oh, my dirty little girl. I don’t mind you soaking my trousers,” he tells you before dipping down to brush his lips over yours. “But I’d rather you soak my cock.”
You’d rather that, too, and you’re more than grateful when he leans back to undo his belt. You don’t know where this will lead you. You don’t know if you’ll fuck and part ways for another five years. If you’ll do it again.
If you’ll ever be the same.
But right now, you don’t mind. You’ll happily exist in this moment with him. In these bad decisions until you’re coming so hard, you forget your own name.
As he settles onto his heels to begin ridding himself of his clothes, you scramble upward to help him along. Your greedy hands grab at his jacket and his shirt, wrestling them down his arms and off his broad chest.
You nearly moan when his inked skin is revealed to you. You knew he’d gotten a few tattoos in college, and even some a bit after. But seeing them now, painted across such a tan, toned canvas makes the arousal between your thighs drip onto the bed below.
“Easy,” he warns, reaching out to swipe his thumb beside your mouth to collect the pooling drool. “Save some for me, hm?” 
But you can’t. Instead, you take his finger between your lips and bury it beside your tongue.
He’s pleased with the way you simmer, lashes fluttering shut as you settle onto your knees in front of him. Leaving him to undo his pants with one hand.
However, he eventually pops the digit free, and works himself out of his trousers and briefs until his deliciously glorious cock is presented to you.
Your mouth just about drops (a fitting reaction) as you rake your eyes over the aggravated red tip, the way he’s already leaking for you, the way it looks so perfect. 
You clench from the mere thought of having it near you, much less inside of you, and there’s not much you can do to keep yourself from crawling closer and looking up at him with an eager expression.
“Yes, little one?” he murmurs, one hand returning to your chin while the other wraps around his cock. “Did you want a taste?”
You whimper as you nod again, anxiously scooting closer as he grins.
“All right,” he concedes, pumping himself before subtly tugging you down. “Just a taste, honey. Since you’ve been so good.”
He leads your mouth to him and without a moment’s hesitation, you outstretch your tongue, and drag it along the underside.
You revel in the way you feel him twitch. In the way he exhales a deep breath through parted lips while moving his fingers to your hair, guiding you closer but not too close. Just enough to get him on your tastebuds.
You hum when you reach the tip, eager to indulge in the pre-cum already beading in pretty drops. And the vibrations from your eager appreciation make the muscles in his stomach quiver as he curses your name.
However, you barely get a chance to wrap your mouth around him before he’s yanking on your hair, and straightening you back up.
“What did I say?” he hisses. “Don’t be greedy, Dot.”
“I’m sorry,” you whisper, swallowing the bit of him still lingering in your mouth. “M’sorry, won’t do it again.”
“No, you won’t,” he agrees, nodding his chin at you. “Or I’ll go back on my promise.”
“No,” you whine, needy fingers wrapping around his wrist to keep him close. “No, won’t do it again. I promise.”
He’s utterly amused with your desperation, and even though you’re slipping fast, he can’t help but be entertained. “We’ll see, little one.”
With a fervent motion of your head, you scramble back to the pillows to lay down, legs spreading as if to invite him in.
He chuckles to himself as he strokes his cock a time or two more while settling himself between your thighs.
You imagine he could have you in a number of ways, a plethora of positions. But he chooses this. He chooses to see your face this first time. To see each ounce of pleasure etched within your features.
Truth be told, you don’t mind. You could stare at him forever.
“Do you have any condoms?” he asks next, dipping down to press his lips to yours for only a second. “Or would you prefer to go without?”
You consider this. You’re on birth control and you do have a bit of a creampie kink, so you shake your head. 
“Without,” you answer quickly before lifting an eyebrow. “Unless you’d like to?”
“No,” he chuckles, placing a kiss to your nose this time. “Just wanted to make sure. Promised to take care of you, and that’s what I plan to do.”
And such a reassurance makes a wave of lust travel down each nerve ending as you squirm against the bed while he crawls closer.
“Gonna need you to be good, honey,” he tells you now, large palm landing on your hip to steady you. “Gonna need you to take me and do as I say, all right? And I’ll make it worth it.”
“I will,” you agree quickly, fingers traveling up the dips in his arms, ghosting over each muscle until you reach his shoulders. “Be so good, Har, promise.”
“Uh-uh.” His hand smacks against your inner thigh in warning before his thick eyebrow cocks up. “S’not my name, darling. Not right now.”
A shiver runs through the course of your body as you’re reminded of the teasing label he’d suggested you call him before he begins stripping you down.
You pant to yourself, nails digging into his skin. “I’m sorry, sir.”
The possessive darkness that bleeds behind his eyes worsens the need in your stomach. 
Truth be told, the name doesn’t do much for you. But you revel in the way he feeds off it. Find utter euphoria in the way he lights up at your obedience. Until you want nothing more than to please him again. To call him anything he wants as long as he keeps looking at you like that.
“Good girl,” he growls beneath a deep breath before he’s bringing his cock closer.
He starts by dragging it along your clit, making you jolt and buck up before his hand splays across your stomach and forces you back down.
“No,” he says simply, eyes fixated on the torture he’s currently implementing. 
He does it again, letting your swollen, puffy clit jump from the slight brush of his tip before he’s dragging it through your arousal and shifting himself forward. 
“Breathe,” he orders next, stealing a quick glance at your puckered lips and wide eyes.
You nod, hands returning to the duvet as you clutch on for dear life.
He slides in slowly, pushing past your tight walls, and coaxing the muscles to stretch to his size.
At first, it’s nothing more than a soft, easy sensation. Relaxing, in a sense. Aiding the ache and filling the void his fingers left.
Then…he moves in deeper. 
This is what you’d been waiting for. The slight tension and subtle burn as your body is forced to accommodate him. You’re thankful he goes slow, gives you a moment to breathe through the sting, but you know why.
He wants to watch. Wants to watch himself pull your body apart. Wants to watch himself disappear into your tight hole as it pulls him in. As it flutters, and clenches, and claims his cock.
And while you can’t see it, you can see the way his brows knit together as his teeth scrape.
“Oh, that’s my fucking girl,” he groans to himself, looking down at where you’re connected almost as if in utter reverence of what you’re doing. “Fucking hell, Dot. Never thought you’d be so tight.”
“Never…never had someone like you before,” you pant, gauging your body’s reaction by slowly rolling your hips up. 
His eyes suddenly snap to yours, a possessive darkness bleeding through his sage green irises. “Yeah?”
His hand lands on your throat, smoothing up the sides of your neck until he can squeeze a gasp from your lips.
“Never, huh?” With a quick thrust forward, he bottoms out, forcing your strangled cry as you arch into him. “Never had someone stretch this pretty pussy the way it deserves, hm? Never had someone ruin you the way you deserve?”
He stills for only a moment as his mouth finds your ear.
“What a fucking shame,” he hums before he’s rearing back.
The pain and the pleasure that follow him out makes your chest cave in, a needy whimper quickly falling from your tongue.
But he’s driving himself back in before you can complain, pushing past the fluttering muscles once more as you keen and rake your nails down the blanket.
“Harry,” you breathe, his name a lifeline as you drown in his sin. 
But it earns you a firm smack to your outer thigh as he grunts his disapproval into your neck. “No,” he warns before nipping just below your jaw. “You know better.”
But you really don’t. “Sir…please—”
He makes a noise against your heated skin before pulling back. “S’a good girl,” he praises, and you feel your eyes roll back. “Knew you’d behave for me, yeah? My perfect little toy—”
A rather debauched moan rips from between your gritted teeth as his hips ram into yours. You can feel him everywhere. In your stomach, in your heart, in your head. His legs against yours, his chest against yours, his entire body against yours until you’re almost convinced he’s going to consume you right into his bloodstream.
Not that you’d mind.
His arm slips beneath you once more in order to lift you up and provide him with a new angle. Then, he thrusts himself into you again as your mouth hangs open in a silent gasp for air.
“There she is, that’s what you needed. Yeah, little one?’ He does it again, brushing against that one spot until your toes are curling. “The other boys never found it, did they?”
You whine, knees bending besides his hips as you attempt to follow after him when he pulls back. 
But he’s quick to tut and knock you back down onto your ass. “No. You don’t rush me, darling. We do this my way. On my time. If I wanna stay here and fuck you nice and slow, then you will behave and you will take it.”
He expects your agreement but he’s already driving back in before you can offer it to him.
“You will thank me for taking my time,” he continues, a coarse cadence that seems to reverberate from his chest. “You will thank me…for being so goddamn good to you. And you will thank me…for doing it right.”
“Harry, please—” you just about wail, hands finding his arms as you grasp on for dear life.
But the fingers around your throat tighten until the edges of your vision begin to blur.
“There you fucking go again,” he growls, stilling his rhythmic attacks as he meets your eye. He seems to enjoy watching your focus fall fuzzy. “Starting to think you like to be punished, hm? And here I thought you had a praise kink.”
You clutch onto his wrist now, nails scratching along the veins as he pounds into you at a harder pace.
But you don’t mind. You enjoy watching him give into the voices inside his head. Enjoy the way his chocolate brown curls sweep across his forehead, the way his eyebrows weave together, the way the muscles in his jaw constrict.
For a forty-year-old man, he seems to possess quite a bit of stamina. He’d mentioned earlier his enjoyment of running and exercising, detailing his rather excessive and diligent routine.
And you’d smirked because you’d assumed he was showing off or because he was trying to stay ahead of the inevitable “dadbod” in his future.
Now you understand why he’s really so meticulous. He’s a long way from looking his age. Apart from some subtle but soft crinkles near his eyes and a few gray hairs that peek through the auburn waves, he looks rather youthful. 
And his body. You swallow a rather depleted whimper as you let your hungry gaze trail over every inch, every muscle, every quiver in his thighs as he braces himself above you.
Sir feels like a more appropriate title to you now. Because he is. He is your superior in every sense of the word. A man to be respected and revered. Someone who not only knows better…but knows you. Knows your body and how to play it like an instrument. 
There’s something exciting about submitting to him. Something tantalizing about being at his mercy. Most of the other men you’ve been with have felt more like your equals than anything else. Which you haven’t minded in the least bit.
But the way Harry has managed to fit you into the submissive, subservient roll so quickly suggests that perhaps…this is where you were always meant to be.
Beneath him.
“Oh, honey,” he coos, a mix of condescension and amusement. “Can feel you squeezin’ me. Need it so bad, don’t you? Need to come, hm?”
“Yes. Yes,” you whisper, nuzzling your face into his neck, lips eagerly pressing into the salty skin at your disposal. “Please, Ha—Sir. Please let me come. Can’t…can’t hold it—”
“You will,” he tells you then, eyeing your fingers as they crawl toward your clit. 
Suddenly, he’s snatching onto your wrist and hoisting it above your head, burying into the pillow as you whine and attempt to grind against him. 
“No,” he repeats, his command unwavering, and tone oddly cool. “Told you to take me, little one. So you will take me. Exactly how I tell you.”
“I said no, darling,” he repeats, a bit firmer as he meets your eye. “I plan to keep you here for quite some time. Plan to feel you coming around my cock as many times as I see fit. And I expect you to behave for me the way you promised. Can you do that? Or do I need to stop?”
“No,” you gasp, tears springing to your eyes at the very thought. “No, no, please—”
“Then what are you going to do?”
You swallow a moan and lift your chin proudly.
“Take it.”
A pleased smile crawls across his face as he hums and dips down to press his mouth to yours. “There she is,” he murmurs, nipping at your bottom lip. “My good girl. Try to remember that, yeah? Or I’ll keep you here all day.”
Something else you wouldn’t exactly mind and you shiver as he reaches down to grab hold of your ankle and guide your knee to your chest.
“Fucking hell, Dot,” he mumbles, eyes falling back down to where you’re coating his cock. “Oh, my perfect toy. Look at the way you treat me, honey. Treat me so well, fucking soaking me, aren’t you—”
“Yes, Yes, please…”
“I know. I know, little one. Feels so good to be filled, yeah? To be fucked the right way—”
“God, yes. More…please—”
“More, huh? Need more? Need me to make it better? Need me to fucking ruin—”
Your phone rings.
The soft, melodic chime rips through the moment as Harry’s vulgar response is cut short, and his thrusts falter, leaving you to whine.
God, you hate that stupid, evil, sadistic machine. Wish you’d never bought it. Wish you could throw it again the wall until it shatters into a thousand fucking pieces so as long as Harry just keeps going.
Instead, his head whips to the left, glancing over the other side of your bed in search of the small device before he’s releasing your leg to reach for it. 
“No, Har,” you plead, attempting to grab onto his hand. “Just let it go to voicemail, it’s fine—"
“But that wouldn’t be very polite, now, would it?” he tuts before he’s flipping it into his grasp, and glancing over the screen. “Think you need to take this, darling.”
“Harry, please—”
“Shh,” he coos, glancing down at you with a kind of malicious glee that makes your stomach flip. “You’re gonna take this phone call, and you’re gonna use your words…and you’re gonna come for me.”
His thumb moves to hover over the answer button before he guides it to your ear.
“And you’re not gonna make a fucking sound,” he adds, dropping his voice to a threatening hiss before pressing the receiver to your ear. “Or I fucking stop. Do you understand?”
Your head begins to pound from how fast you shake it before he taps the screen and begins to smile.
Through a slight quiver, you manage, “Hello?”
“Hey! Long time no talk, babe. How are you?”
Your eyes just about pop out of your head.
Her cheerful tone and eager greeting make the blood drain from your face as you look up at the man hovering above you.
“Speak,” he mouths with a wicked grin while nodding his chin at you. 
But you can’t. You physically cannot get the words to come out of your mouth as Harry keeps the device glued to the side of your head.
“H…hi,” you stammer, forcing a more confident cadence. “I’m…good. How…how are you?”
“Oh, I’m good. Good, yeah,” your sister replies, and you hear a bit of shuffling. “Been working a lot. Got today off, which is nice. God, you’d never believe how much shit we have to go through since we changed our filing system—”
“Mhm,” you reply right as Harry rams his hips into yours.
You gasp and quickly turn your head away from the phone in an attempt to keep the excitable noise from making it into the microphone. 
 However, he uses his other hand to grasp onto your jaw and force you back. “No,” he whispers, shooting you a stern look of warning. “You know better.”
“—which is wild because we’ve been using the same program since ’08,” Atta is saying, although you can hardly hear her over the imminent pleasure rushing through your veins. “But…whatever. Once we’re done it’ll make things so much easier. Which will be nice. I can cut back on my hours—”
“Yeah, mhm,” you repeat, and it’s outrageously strained as Harry pulls himself out, leaving you depraved and so goddamn empty.
You have to fight the urge to cry out for him, glancing down at the string of arousal that follows his cock. And it’s almost too much for you to handle as you greedily reach for him once more.
But he easily bats your hands away and brings his free fingers from your chin to your clit, rubbing into the sensitive nerves until you arch up.
“—so, yeah. What about you?”
Your eyes squeeze shut as that tightly wound ball of pleasure in your stomach expands. “I’m…I…good. I’m…good. You know, not…not a lot going on. At the moment.”
Harry smirks to himself before sinking all the way back in and thrusting up.
Your lip fights its way between your teeth as you writhe beneath his chest and pray for the strength to stay quiet.
“Well…I guess no news is good news, yeah?” she chuckles. “Oh, hey, speaking of which…I heard that Harry’s in town.”
That’s not the only thing he’s in. 
“Oh?” you squeak, placing a palm on Harry’s chest almost as if in retaliation. “He is?”
“Yeah. Saw it on Facebook,” she answers, and you hear her move around. “Figured he might try to reach out. I know you guys are still on good terms, right?”
“Me and Harry?” you repeat pointedly, garnering a curious look from the aforementioned man. “Uh…we’re…yeah. I guess. We…haven’t spoken. In a while.”
“Well…I just thought I’d let you know in case he does,” she says, and your lashes flutter shut as the guilt begins to find you.
“Would it be weird…if he did?” you ask before the patterns being traced along your clit force another whimper to your throat. 
You quickly cough in an attempt at burying the sound, but Atta doesn’t seem to hear. “I mean…maybe? I don’t know. He and I are fine, I think. And I know you two were really close. I guess you could at least…check on him. Make sure he’s doing okay.”
“Yeah,” you breathe, sneaking a glance up. “I’m…I’m sure he’s doing just fine.”
Harry smiles again before moving his palm to your thigh and pressing it into the bed to spread you at a different angle. 
You groan softly and attempt to wiggle away from the phone.
But it doesn’t budge and neither does he.
“I hope,” Atta sighs. “Anyway, I wanted to call and check in. Just make sure everything is going okay for you—"
“Mhm, yeah. I’m…I’m glad you did,” you blubber while attempting to send Harry a pointed look. You’re close. Far too fucking close. And if he keeps going…
“Are you sure you’re all right? You sound a bit flustered—”
“Yes. Yes, yes, I’m…” Your head shakes quickly, nails scratching down Harry’s chest in warning. He needs to stop. He needs to stop or you won’t make it. “I’m fine. I’m…a little under the weather but I’m—” 
He completely sheaths himself inside your cunt, face burying in your neck as he groans, and your entire body shivers.
“Are you sure? You kind of sound like you’re in pain—"
“Listen, Atta, I…I gotta go—” you gasp, so close to your orgasm that you can practically taste it on your tongue. 
“Oh, yeah. Hey, text me, okay? Just let me know that you’re all right—”
“Mhm, yeah, I will—fuck—”
It happens before you can stop it. Ripping through every muscle and fiber in your body as you rake your fingers down Harry’s back and choke on a moan.
Thankfully for you, Harry has already ended the call and thrown the phone to the other side of the room so he can loop his arm beneath your hips and tug you up into his body.
“Go,” he breathes. “Give it to me. Come on, little one. Just like that. Good fucking girl, just like that. Let me feel you—”
Your room fills with the sound of his name, dancing effortlessly between the whimpers that follow.
It feels like you’ve touched heaven. A sensation so overwhelming and euphoric that you don’t even realize his hand has returned to your throat. Don’t realize he’s squeezing your neck in his tight fist as he comes, filling your cunt with everything he has to give you.
You don’t even realize you can’t breathe but you love it. Love the way he presses his teeth into your shoulder and presses his body into your chest. Until you’re trapped against the mattress while you live through the high. 
Every joint in your body aches. Radiating pain and pleasure all at once as you hook your leg over his hip and snake your arms around his neck.
And you keep him inside of you for what feels like hours. Even after you’ve regained a bit of consciousness—a bit of common sense.
Perhaps the moment he pulls out, you’ll realize the mistake you’ve made. Realize that this isn’t a secret you can keep. Or a choice that you can ever choose again.
But until then…
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Previous Part:
~ You Again*
~ Other Harry Blurbs
~ Full Masterlist
Taglist: @walkingintheheartbreaksatellite @keepdrivingkisses @swiftmendeshoran @tiredinwinter @poesietoujours
2K notes · View notes
hugsandharrystyles · 2 years ago
The Cuddle Fix
another angsty and smutty piece (someone stop me)
word count: 4,212
warnings: harry being (and having) a big dick :/, meanie words, sexual content (duh), dirty, dirty things
summary: Harry hates you, but he loves cuddles, and that becomes a problem.
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If there was one word Harry's friends would use to describe him, it would be touchy.
A big snuggle slut is what they call him behind his back. He's a completely animated person- always talking with his hands and brightening a mediocre story into what could be a Colleen Hoover novella. He's exuberant and intense to everyone around him.
Except you.
You don't know what it is about yourself that seems to shake something so deep and dark inside of Harry. On multiple occasions, you've tried to talk out the childish mimics he plays, but he only scoffs, mumbling something under his breath before walking away in the opposite direction. You don't understand the hatred he feels towards you.
And you definitely don't understand why you're friends call him "Lovebug".
He definitely is a big grump, but he's never outwardly mean to yours and his friends like he is to you.
He glares and huffs and makes fun of you.
You just wish you knew why.
That being said, you try to push the thoughts of Harry to the back of your mind as you pack. Yours- and Harry's friends- all have decided to take a small getaway to celebrate finals being finished. You're extremely excited to be away from your raggedy apartment for the weekend in some fancy cabin, but you can't help but worry about the things Harry is going to say to you. You weren't even going to go in the first place, but Niall, your closest friend, convinced you otherwise and promised to keep Harry in check.
As soon as you finish packing, you hear a light knock on your door. It must be Niall.
You scrounge around to get all your stuff together and head towards the front door, lugging everything awkwardly with you. You open the door and beam at your best friend.
"Niall!" You greet him, and he encapsulates you into his arms for a hug.
"You ready to go, love?" He asks, and goes to retrieve your suitcase for you.
"Yeah! Let me just grab the cookies I made for the roadtrip. I figured we'd get snacky," You smile and are about to move towards your kitchen when Niall stops you.
"Y/N, just one thing."
"What is it?" You ask, questioning the guilty look on his face.
"Mitch rented a big van so that we could all carpool together. It won't just be the two of us for the ride." You understand what- who- he's alluding to at the end. Your inhale is shaky, but you plaster a smile on your face. "That alright, love?" He asks.
"Of course! I'll be- I'll be fine," You settle, and you don't know who you're trying to convince more- Niall or yourself.
"You're perfect," He grins and kisses your cheek, making you giggle and run off to grab your bag of freshly made cookies.
"Let's go," You whisper, and lock your apartment behind you. As you step outside and make your way towards the van, you underestimated how chilly it would be for the late afternoon and suddenly wished you wouldn't have packed your jacket up. You'll just have to suck it up.
Niall loads your things into the trunk of the van, and you both head inside it once he's finished.
"Hi!" You greet everyone with a smile as you move to your spot in the middle row, right in front of Harry. You were praying that for some off reason he wouldn't be here, but it seems unlikely now. Everyone smiles and greets you back, and you get settled in your seat, Niall sitting right beside you. "I made cookies, but I didn't know we were all riding together, so there's only about one for everyone," You explain, hoping there are no comments from the jerk in the back.
"Well, that's lovely, Y/N. Thank you!" Sarah cheers and reaches back for the bag of cookies, already stealing hers. You laugh and hand out the rest as the van starts to drive off. You turn around despite the pit in your stomach and manage a small smile.
"Would you like a cookie, Harry?" You whisper, and cower at his glare.
"I'd rather not get cavities. I'll pass," He shrugs you off.
"Oh! I didn't make them with real sugar! I know how-"
"Learn how to take a hint. I don't want anything you have to offer," He seethes, a cocky smile shining at your frown.
"Sorry," You whisper.
"Hey, why don't you shut the fuck up and whine in the back alone?" Niall seethes back at him. Niall and Harry have been close for a very long time, but even he doesn't get why Harry hates you. He's never been able to get it out of him.
"Sorry I wouldn't want anything from a girl like her-"
"Hey!" You hear Sarah yell at him. "Leave your bitchy attitude at the door for this weekend or no cuddles from any of us. She's done fucking nothing to you," She shouts aggravatedly at him.
"Jesus, none of you can take a joke," He huffs.
"I'm being serious, Harry. No hugs, no-"
"Alright, alright! Shit, my mouth is sealed," He says and mimes himself locking his mouth closed.
"Good. And I'm eating your cookie," Niall says and shoves the cookie into his mouth.
You fight the urge to turn around and smile in the bastard's face.
The roadtrip has turned into hell for everyone. The van's A/C stopped working an hour into the trip, and it all went downhill from there. Everyone was grouchy and ready to call it a night. Mitch made the executive decision to pull into a motel for the night.
You moped your way out of the van, Niall's arm wrapped around you to keep you warm. Harry had been surprisingly quiet since everyone told him off. Only making snide comments when he deemed it appropriate.
"We need three rooms, please. Two with a single, and one with two beds," Mitch tells the old guy at the motel counter. You're rubbing your arms together for friction, and you hear a snicker to your right.
"What?" You ask Harry, nowhere in the mood for his teasing tonight.
"Oy, chill out, Elsa- no pun intended," He laughs at his own joke, and you fight the urge to roll your eyes.
"Can you just leave me alone for the weekend?" You ask quietly, stepping closer to him. He smiles devilishly and leans down.
"You wanna know something? I hate girls like you. I want nothing more than for you to not be here. That's actually what I was dreaming about on the ride here. So if you're going to be here, stop giving me reasons to make fun of you, and maybe I'll leave you alone, 'kay?"
Don't cry, don't cry, don't cry.
"Hey guys, so all they have open is two bedrooms with one bed in each. Mitch and I will take the room with the queen, and you guys and Niall will share the one with the king," Sarah explains, giving you a sad smile.
"That's- that's fine," You say, trying hard to not let your voice quiver.
"Speak for yourself, gremlin," Harry spits. You've had it. You turn around and grab onto his collar, making everyone in the group grow wide-eyed. You yank him to your level and stare him dead in the eye.
"Leave me the fuck alone," You seethe, staring at his eyes that are flickering between your eyes and your... lips? "My eyes are up here, dumbass," You spit and let go of him. He's visibly at a loss for words, and you just roll your eyes. You grab the key from Niall and make your way to your room.
Things have been quiet since everyone made it to their respective rooms. You headed straight to the bathroom to take a shower and rinse off your anger. You heard Harry and Niall following you the whole way to the room, but you couldn't care less in the moment. You'd apologize to Niall later. Once out of the shower, you change into shorts and a t-shirt and brush your teeth. You just want sleep.
You take a deep breath before unlocking the ratchet door. You're thanking your lucky stars when you're greeted with just Niall in the room. He's already sound asleep on the left side of the bed, and you smile. Hopefully Harry found some other room to sleep in.
You climb your way into the bed, and right as you're about to click off the lamp on the bedside table, you hear the motel door open. You gasp when an almost naked appears into your view. He's wearing only his boxers, and he's his freshly filled water bottle in his hand.
"Uh, sorry. Didn't mean to frighten you. I just went to refill my water. I didn't think you'd be out of the- why am I talking so much-" He whispers to himself.
"Eh, no it's fine. I was just about to go to sleep," You whisper.
"That is usually what people do in bed- amongst other things," He says slyly.
"And he's back," You groan.
"Scooch over. I want to be in the middle," He demands and stands over you, knees hitting the side of the bed.
"What? No, if you wanted middle, you should've been here," You sass back and glare at him.
"You're incredibly difficult," He groans and plops into the bed beside you. It's hard to have personal space to yourself in a bed with two college boys.
"And you're incredible pain in my ass."
"Oh, she fights back?" He laughs, and you resist the urge to slap him.
"Just sleep," You sigh and reach across him to turn off the light. He sucks in a breath as your breasts accidentally rub across his chest in your movements.
"Stay on your fuckin' side, would you?" He huffs, trying to sound tough, but it doesn't work. You don't give him the satisfaction of responding and turn over on your side to face Niall.
"Night, Harry," You sigh, not waiting for a response as you start to drift to sleep.
Harry wakes up gasping, almost shaking. He's just waken from the scariest nightmare that he already can't remember, but it doesn't matter. He's scared. He knows it was probably something stupid and impossible, but it still has him shaken. It also doesn't help that he's sleeping on the edge of the bed, the easiest access for a monster to reach up from under the bed and grab him. He tenses and peeks his eyes open to read the time on the clock on the bedside table.
Great, he thinks. He's still shaking like a leaf in the wind, and all he wants is a cuddle to make it better. Despite his better judgement, he turns over to face you and through the moonlight shining through the motel window, he can see your face smushed against Niall's chest in a comfortable sleep. Harry grunts quietly and weighs his options. Touch you or be scared the rest of the night?
He sighs and decides to just take the consequences in the morning. He slowly reaches under the blanket and feels around until he finds your waist. He tugs you in his direction, but it seems as though you are not having it. You groan in annoyance and hold on tighter to Niall, and in return, Niall's hold on you tighten.
"Both of you suck," Harry whispers and props himself on one elbow to get a better angle. He pulls you harder this time, and you whine in your sleep.
"The hell?" Niall groans sleepily.
"Give her to me, mate," Harry rasps and pulls you to his chest. Your breathing is now uneven, and Harry prays you don't wake up. He's about to explain himself to Niall, but before he can, he hears a loud snore sound from the man himself, and he thanks the heavens.
He settles down with you in his arms, his face hiding in the crook of your neck. He feels oddly safe with his arms around you, and he thinks all is good until he hears-
"Just go to sleep," He rasps in your ear.
"The fuck? No," You groan and turn on your back to see him. You notice how his grip on you doesn't lessen. "What are you doing?" You ask, obviously confused.
"Just... had a nightmare. Needed a cuddle," He explains quietly. You fight the urge to laugh.
"Hell, no. Deal with it like a big boy," You laugh and go to turn but are stopped by a huge weight on your chest. Literally. Harry had plopped himself down onto your chest and circled his arms tight around you. "Hey!"
"Shh, just let me stay," He groans and mushes his face between your breasts.
"Oh my God, this can not be happening," You gasp.
"Just shut up. I'll do anything, please."
"You're insane actually. You hate me," You clarify.
"Yeah, but you feel so fuckin' nice," He rasps. "C'mon just let me stay. Want me to finger you or somethin'?" He asks nonchalantly.
"What?!" You question, wandering if you heard him right. Harry Styles- the man who's made your life hell for the past year is asking to pleasure you. You've got to be dreaming.
"Oh, please. Spare the dramatics. You're always so wound up. I'll rub your little clit 'til you cum, and you let me lay here," He proposes. One of his hands slips out from beneath you, the other one tightening around you. His free hand skims the elastic band of your sleep shorts, and you suck in a breath. "See? I'll take care of you," He promises.
"No," You whine, but his hand slips into your sleep shorts, skimming your panties.
"C'mon, I'll be nice. Be so sweet to you, sugar. Let me apologize, huh?" He begs, planting a wet kiss to your neck. "Always smell so, so good."
"What is happening?" You feel as though you could faint. Harry hates you, so why is he begging to touch you. "You hate me," You question him.
"'M sorry," He pleads, nipping at your neck. "I'm a dick. Just let me make you feel good. Let me show you how sorry I am, baby," He begs once again.
"Promise you won't hold this over me?" You ask, spreading your legs slightly and glancing at Niall who is still snoring quite loudly.
"Would never tease you about something like this, sweet girl," He clarifies with a sloppy kiss to your cheek. "Just have to be quiet because of sleeping beauty over there," He grunts, annoyed. His face is nuzzled deep into your neck, breathing you in. His hand finally skims past the panty lining, and he's in your underwear. You feel his hand pause. "You don't shave?" He whispers.
Your stomach drops and tears fill your eyes. You knew you shouldn't have agreed.
It's as though he can feel you tense because his arm that is wrapped around your tightens roughly, not letting you move away.
"Please don't make fun of me," You whimper, turning your face away from the side he's nuzzled into.
"Y/N, look at me," He encourages you and when you don't, he lightly slaps your pussy. "Got your attention now, huh?" He asks as you stare at him wide-eyed. "I didn't mean anything by it. I actually prefer it when girls don't shave," He explains.
"You serious?" You question quietly, almost moaning when his hand starts to move again.
"So serious. It's so much messier- fucking love the way it feels," He almost whines as if he's imagining the feeling right now. "I want to eat you out so bad," He groans quietly as if it's a normal thing to say and as if he isn't literally fingering you right now.
"Harry- you can't-" You almost want to laugh at his absurdity.
"Can you hold me a bit better, hun?" He asks nonchalantly as he presses down on your clit.
"Bastard," You whisper and curl your arm around his waist. His fingers are playing with your clit deliciously, and you're having a hard time keeping your noises at bay. You rub up and down his back as he pleases you. Though, you can't enjoy the feeling for too long because you suddenly feel his hand leave you, and you have to hold back your whine. "What are you-" Before you can even finish your sentence, he's putting his fingers into his mouth and sucking on them. You can see the way his eyes darken even with little light illuminating the room.
"You've been keeping that from me?" He asks, his voice low and sadistic.
"Hey, if anything, you've been keeping it from yourself," You correct him. "If you weren't such an asshole, you could've been eating me out this entire time," You remark. Harry whines quietly buries his face into your chest. After staying there for a moment, much to your dismay, you feel his hand now clawing down your shirt, exposing your breasts. "Harry!" You scold quietly, but his mouth is already on you. He moans softly around your nipple before giving it a good suck. His hand now plays with your other breast, grasping and tweaking at your nipple. "Harry, just make me cum, please," You whisper-beg. You can feel his cocky smile against you.
"Anything you want," He whispers, and his hand is now back in your panties. His fingers circle around your clit for a while before going lower towards your entrance. He prods at it for a moment, still sucking on your tit, and then enters a finger inside you. He practically moans against you.
"Oh, fuck, it's tight," He groans, and you have to shush him. "So warm and so fucking wet too- Jesus Christ," He breathes. "I wanna shove my cock in you so fuckin' bad- Oh, God," He basically whimpers, placing a kiss against your sensitive and marked breast. His words are only making you wetter, only making you pulse around his pumping finger more. "When's the last time you got fucked?" He questions, laying his head on your soft stomach.
"Fuck, I don't know," You moan quietly, still keeping an eye out on Niall. God knows he'd be scarred for life if he woke up right now. "Prefer to just take care of myself most of the time," You admit and grind yourself into his finger.
"You just need good dick, baby. C'mon, why don't we go to the bathroom, and I'll fuck you real good," He offers- more like begs.
As much as you want to, you don't think Harry deserves to put his dick anywhere near your pussy just yet.
"You don't deserve to fuck me," You remind him, and you feel him push in a second finger at your response. You're having an incredibly hard time keeping your noises at bay now. His fingers are moving in and out of you at a steady pace now, and the heel of his palm is pressing into your clit so good. It won't be long before you're cumming.
"Fuck, baby, I know," He whines and bites at your stomach. "I'll prove myself to you then I'll pound you into my bed," He moans, clearly picturing the scene in his head. "Be so good for you next time."
"Next time?" You question. "This is the only time you're getting me, so make it worth every second, babe," You clarify.
His fingers stop moving.
"Fuck did you just say?" He asks, a sudden wave of dominance radiates off of him. It makes you drip onto the cheap sheets.
"C'mon, Harry. We both know this is a one time thing."
"Like hell it is," He growls and suddenly his fingers are moving fast and rough inside of you. You can't help but let a noise out at the surprisingly wave of pleasure. He shakes his hand quickly, properly fucking you out. There are quiet noises coming from under the sheets- from where your pussy is so wet and from where he's curling his fingers in and out of you at a rapid pace. "Oh, fuck, would you listen to that," He smiles devilishly. A moan breaks past your lips as his rough pace doesn't stop, and he quickly covers your mouth with his free hand. "Your little pussy wants me so bad. You're funny for thinking I'm not going to keep giving her what she wants." You're crying against his hand- the pleasure is driving you to the point of insanity.
Your orgasm is now approaching at a rapid pace, and your sounds are getting harder and harder to hide. Your eyes flick over to Niall who's still somehow sleeping like a rock against the shaking bed.
"Don't fucking look at him," Harry snarls, staring at your with intense eyes.
"I'm gonna cum," You try to warn his against his hand. He quickly removes his hand from your mouth and instead shoves a few of his fingers in instead.
"Cum on my fucking hand," He groans in your ear and presses the heel of his palm down hard onto your clit while his fingers shake inside you right against your g-spot.
You're crying around his fingers as your orgasm hits. Tears are leaking from your eyes, and you swear you black out for a minute. The pleasure is overwhelming, and Harry never stops or slows down.
"Stop, stop, stop," You whimper against his fingers. The overstimulation is too much to enjoy, and it seems like Harry probably knows that. He smiles and slows his fingers down until they're just resting inside of you. You're trying to quietly recover yourself as he presses kisses all over you, mumbling praises into your skin.
"Did so good for me," He whispers, kissing the corner of your mouth. You finally feel like you can breathe again, and it's the first time you realize that there is something very hard and very big pressing against your leg. Before you can say anything, you feel his fingers slowly slip out of you, making you let out a low sound of discomfort. "Sorry," He whispers sweetly, pressing a kiss to your temple. His fingers draw out from under the blanket, and you think he's about to make you taste them, but he instead places them in his mouth again. He moans at your taste before peering down to your doe eyes. He retracts his fingers from his mouth and instead places them inside yours, letting you clean them off. He moans at how your tongue swirls around him, and you feel his cock ache against you.
"Harry, you need to take care of yourself," You whisper when his fingers leave your mouth.
"You sure?" He asks, feeling like he could bust so quickly.
"Yes," You encourage him, and he is quick to discard his boxers. Before you can ask what he's doing, he slots himself in between your thighs, and his big dick is pressing against your pussy. "Harry!" You squeal quietly.
"Shh, I'm not going to put it in. Just want to f-feel you," He moans and rubs himself against you. You can't help but moan to. He's using one of his hands to guide himself along you and collect your dripping wetness against his dick. You can tell he's not going to last long from the way he's shaking against you and the way his cock his pulsing against your pussy.
"C'mon, baby, don't try to hold it. Just cum," You encourage him and suck a hickey into his neck.
"Fuck- just keep kissin' me," He whimpers and grinds himself against you. He wants to slip his cock in so bad, but he wants to actually be alone in a bed for that.
He's moaning quietly while looking down at you, and you can tell he is very vocal in bed. He's biting down on his lip hard as to not make noise. You grip the sides of his face and press your lips softly against his. He moans, and his hips stutter against you. He kisses you back with passion.
"Stick your tongue out, baby," You whisper and laugh quietly as he tries to get your mouth back on him. He quickly complies to your command once he registers what you've said. You slowly and sensually flick your tongue against his and circle yours around his. He moans and rubs himself slower but harder against you. You can tell he's close. You make the bold move to take his tongue between your lips and suck. This is what does it for him. His hips are faltering against you, and you feel his cum shoot against your pussy. You shut him up with your lips and rub his back soothingly to calm him down.
"It's so good," He whimpers and flops himself against your chest once he's finished.
"Did so good," You whisper and run your fingers through his hair with your other hand.
"Thank you," He keeps whispering against your skin.
"We should probably get up and clean off," You mumble, eyes fluttering closed, heavy with sleep.
"Probably," He whispers and sinks deeper against you, both of you succumbing to sleep.
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hugsandharrystyles · 2 years ago
Like a Virgin
yayayayayaya first post!
i meant for this to only be smutty and short, but it's a bit angsty cause that's how i am :) happy happy ending, though
word count: 6,757 (sorry)
warnings: heavy sexual content, unprotected sex, cursing, all around filthy stuff
summary: Harry Styles is your best friend and wants to lose his virginity to you, but he doesn't think you feel the same.
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Harry Styles wants to have sex with you.
The thought has been silenced by years of a platonic relationship, but lately, as he's seen you become more in tune with who you are, especially your body, the thought has been pushed to the front of his mind.
You've always been, without a doubt, the most beautiful girl in the world to Harry, but growing up with someone who's claimed you're best friends and nothing else, makes you see them in a different way. And that's what you've always said. Harry is your best friend, and nothing would ever change that.
The thing is, Harry wants nothing more than for you to be the one to take his virginity. Harry wishes for nothing but for you to be the only person he has sex with for the rest of his life. The both of you have always been quite touchy-feely, even to the extent where it definitely borders on the line of platonic and romantic. And Harry could take the fall for a lot of the touchy gestures, but you have your fair share of seemingly meaningless touches too. The way you sit in his lap anywhere even if there's an empty chair. The way you comb your fingers through his hair and kiss his head when Harry's laying on your chest for a cuddle. The way you hug him from behind anywhere and anytime and run your palms across his belly. The way you smother his cheeks with kisses until he's drowning in his own blush any chance you get. Anything and everything you do seems to make his stomach churn with admiration and make his head dizzy- knees weak. He just wishes the feelings were reciprocated.
"Harry, are you sure I look okay in this?" Your sweet voice awakes him from his fantasy. He props himself up on his elbows on your bed and just about gets on his knees to worship you when his eyes meet you. You're both about to go out clubbing with a few friends and decided to get ready together as per usual. Your unconditional beauty always seems to surprise Harry no matter what. Your outfit makes his jaw drop a bit and his dick stiffens in his pants. He tries really hard to think about turn-offs, but with you standing in front of him looking as good as you do, nothing can come to mind. "Harry." You snap your fingers in front of his face.
"Sorry, what did you ask?" He questions, a blush creeping up his cheeks and to the tip of his ears. You stifle a laugh.
"I asked if you think I look okay."
"Yes, yes. You look... okay," He agrees. You narrow your eyes down at him.
"Just okay? I really want to look nice tonight. I seriously need to get laid. It's been ages," You cry dramatically. Harry's face deepens into a frown. "Hey, what's with the frown, you whiny pup?" You cup his jaw between your fingers so his cheeks smush and lean over him, giving the sadistic man a perfect view of your tits.
"Nothing, I'm fine," He lies through his teeth, his eyes looking anywhere but yours. You squint in dismay and slowly crawl your way to sit yourself on his lap. The sigh he lets out could almost be mistaken as a whimper. He thanks God that your sitting on his thighs and not a bit higher.
"I can always tell when you're lying, H," You whisper, your hands running through his hair to manipulate an answer out of him. He practically purrs from your touch. "Now, fess up."
"It's nothing, really. I just- I was just thinking about how I need to put myself out there. Don't want to be a 40-year-old virgin," He laughs bashfully.
Your stomach churns.
"Right," You sigh and move off him. Harry looks at you confused as you walk back to the bathroom.
"Hey, Y/N, did I do something?" He calls after you, following you into the bathroom. You finish the last touches with yourself and turn to look at the worried boy. Your face softens.
"Harry," You whisper, closing the distance between you two as you walk over to him. You wrap your arms around his waist and gaze up into his eyes. "You know I love you more than anyone, right?" You ask, sliding your hands up his chest. He nods in agreement, and you can feel his heart rate going a million miles an hour as you place your hand over his chest. "Say it," You demand.
"Yes, I know you do," He whispers, practically putty in your hands. Your hands slide up to cup his face.
"And you know that I would do anything in the world for you?" You purr, ghosting your lips over his cheek.
"Y-Yes," He stutters. Out of an impulse moment of desire, you stand on your tippy-toes and place a light kiss to the corner of his mouth. Harry practically moans, his hands flying to grip onto the sink behind you, caging you in.
"Good," You say, placing a kiss to his throat before abruptly pushing him away and grabbing your things.
"W-What?" Harry basically whimpers.
"C'mon, silly boy. We don't want to be late," You declare and grab his hand, dragging him downstairs and to his car to make him drive.
He's in for one hell of a night.
Harry could not have been happier. You literally had not left his side the entire night. You had dragged him into the bar, found your friends in a booth, and plopped yourself on his lap for the entire night. He didn't know what had gotten into you, but he wasn't going to complain. Barely anyone batted an eye at the behavior of both of you. Harry was getting antsy, though. He was itching to touch you. As sooon as he was about to raise his hands from your lower thighs to higher, he heard his name being called.
"Harry, c'mon, let's go get some drinks," His friend Armand suggested. Armand had already slid out of the booth they were all sat in and was waving Harry on. Harry almost whined when he felt you tug on his hair.
"You go on by yourself, mate," Harry answered, leaning himself into your neck since you were sitting sideways across his lap.
"C'mon you whipped man," Armand chuckled, grabbing Harry's shoulder and giving it a harsh shove. Harry's cheeks were flaming. He heard your angelic giggle and felt you slide off his lap. Immediately he felt empty.
"Go on now, pet," You whisper in his ear before pressing a gentle kiss on his cheek.
"Fucks sakes," He mumbles under his breath before getting out of the booth and moping to the bar alongside Armand. Once they reach the bar, the ordered their drinks, and Harry waited impatiently.
"Dude," Armand laughs, noticing how Harry was literally itching to get back to you.
"What?" Harry snaps.
"Hey, hey. Take it easy, would ya'?"
"Sorry, man," Harry lightly laughs.
"What are you going to do, H?" Armand sighs.
"What are you talking about?" Harry feigns confusion. Armand gives him a knowing look. "Okay, shit. I don't know. Every time I think I might have a chance, she says some friend shit, and I feel like we're back to-" Harry stops talking when his eyes wander back over to your table where he sees you hugging some man he's never seen before. An attractive man, at that.
"What are you lookin- Oh, shit." Armand stops. You're laughing loudly at whatever the man just said and playfully shove his shoulder. Harry's heart feels like it just got ripped out of his chest and stomped on repeatedly. "Dude-" Armand begins, but Harry cuts him off.
"It's alright. Always knew I wouldn't be enough, huh?" Harry laughs in self deprecation. On his left, he catches a glimpse of a girl who's been eyeing him since he got to the bar. He smiles and walks towards her.
It's now or never.
"Hello, my name's Harry."
Your eyes are searching for Harry everywhere in the bar, but it's no use. It's been twenty minutes since Harry and Armand went to the bar, and Armand came back about five minutes ago- with a suspiciously guilty look on his face- and said Harry had disappeared.
"I'm getting worried. I really wanted to introduce him to my cousin, Ben, but-" Your sentence gets cut off.
"Wait- who?" Armand interjects.
"Um, my cousin? He was over here while you two were at the bar. I told Harry we might see him tonight, and I wanted them to get along," You explain.
"Ah, shit," Armand exhales.
"What?" You pry, your eyes glaring at your friend sitting in front of you.
"Well, here's the thing," Armand begins with a guilty laugh. "We didn't know that was your cousin, and he got... upset."
"Are you serious? I literally showed him pictures of my cousin before we left. Where is he, Armand?"
"I think he's trying to... put himself out there right now," Armand explains.
Your heart drops.
You rise from the booth, hearing your friends shout for you, but you aren't paying attention to any of them. You're a woman on a mission, and nothing could stop you.
You search the dance floor, but to no avail. You're about to give up, but your eyes catch something you wish you could have never seen. Down the dark hallway that leads to the bathroom, you see Harry and a woman you don't recognize properly making out. It's like knives being plunged into your chest. And to think, you were going to tell him how you felt tonight.
"Hey, bitch, take a picture, it'll last longer." You're snapped out of your thoughts when you hear the most annoying voice in your life aiming in your direction. "Yeah, you. Are you deaf?" God, someone gag her.
"Y/N," You hear his voice in return. Your gaze settles on his hands that he still hasn't taken off of her waist. He seems to understand where your eyes have gone because he quickly loses his grip on her and backs away like she's slapped him.
"You know her?" The girl asks.
"No, no, he doesn't," You spit and turn on your heal, practically running away towards your table to collect your things. When you reach the table, all eyes are on your, and it's as if everyone is expecting you to explode.
"Y/N-" Armand whispers, still heard over the loud music of the club.
"It's okay," You murmur back. You're about to make your escape when you feel a hand on your shoulder. You turn and meet Harry's guilty eyes, flinching away from his touch as if you've been burned.
"Y/N," Harry's voice is flooded with emotion, but you don't want to hear any of it. I mean you really have no reason to be mad- it was never official.
"It's fine, Harry. You got what you wanted. I'm h-happy for you," The words seethe from your teeth.
"Are you seriously upset right now?" You hear from behind you.
"Harry don't-" Armand tries, but he's cut off.
"No- seriously. You have no right to be upset. You've been leading me on ever since I've known you, and when I actually thought I had a chance- I see you parading yourself around for some random guy I don't even know!" Harry is practically fuming. Tears are streaming down your cheeks when you finally turn around to face the dickhead. Harry almost feels bad.
"Are you done, or do you want to call me a whore and a tease some more?" You ask.
"If the shoe fits," He whispers in anger.
"Harry, what the hell, dude," All your friends are grumbling in anger against him.
"What?! What?! How am I still the bad guy?" He asks.
"Harry, do you remember this morning when you were at my house?" You break the moment of silence.
"Well, no shit, yeah."
You hate this side of him.
"We were on the couch, scrolling through my phone. Do you remember what I showed you?" You ask, your head cocking to the side. You're barely holding it together.
"No. Enlighten me," He answers, his voice reeking with sarcasm.
"You remember me showing you pictures of my cousin, telling you how he was in the area and we might see him?"
You visibly see the change in him- the shift back to his soft being.
"Oh, God-" He holds his stomach, as if he was about to get sick. And he does. He's scurrying off to the bathroom before anyone could say anything, and without hesitation, you're following hot on his tail. He's busting through the bathroom, you right behind, getting several questionable looks from the men at the urinals. He sprints into a stall and falls to his knees, you also to collect his hair and rub his back as he gets sick.
"Oh, Harry," You whisper, brushing his stray curls out of his face. Once he's done emptying the alcohol from his body, he's turning to look at you, and he crumbles.
"Fuck, I'm so sorry," He cries, his hands shielding his face as he brings his knees to his chest.
"Har, sweetheart, let's go home," You encourage him, but he doesn't move from his spot on the nasty bathroom floor. You have no choice but to move next to him and hug him into your chest, your throat tightening as you breathe in the girl's fruity perfume radiating off his body.
He prefers floral smells anyways.
"Harry, baby, c'mon," You mumble to him.
"No, no," He whimpers.
"I'll run us a bath, c'mon," You bribe him.
"Us?" He questions, head finally lifting from his hands, and you try your best to ignore his swollen, cheap lip-stick stained lips and cheeks.
"Yeah, let's go, babe," You motivate him, standing and reaching your hand out to him. He carefully slips it into your, giving you a squeeze before finally getting himself off the floor. He's practically clinging to you as you both exit the bar. Once outside, you slip your hand into the pocket of his pants to retrieve his keys. "I'll drive, 'kay?" He nods solemnly and heads to the passenger side of the car. You climb into the driver's side and start the car, revving the loud engine to life. You turn on some light music to fill the silence and start the drive to your house. You feel his eyes on you the entire drive but choose to not comment on it. About halfway through the ride, you feel his hand shakily lay on your thigh, gripping it as if to remind him you're there. You gently place yours on top of his.
Once you've finally placed the car in park, you get out of the car without saying a word. Your anger and annoyance of the situation is settling in, but it doesn't overcloud the commiseration you feel for him. He slowly gets out of the car and mopes to the front door, following you in your steps. You anxiously unlock your door and let the both of you inside. You throw your keys on your entryway table after locking the door. You kick your shoes off at the door, Harry doing the same, and you mope up the stairs. You don't hear his heavy footsteps following, so you turn around to see what he's doing. Your eyes meet his pitiful, puppy-dog ones, and you angle your head up the stairs, suggesting for him to follow you, and he does so slowly.
Once you finally reach your bedroom, you make your way to your bathroom and turn your tub faucet on- the tub that just barely will hold two people. You set the temperature and turn to see Harry cautiously standing in the doorway.
"You sure about this?" He asks, his voice not above a whisper.
You think about it for a moment, more to just be petty.
"Yeah," You whisper back, meeting his eyes. You both stand there awkwardly, suddenly not knowing what to do next, but then your eyes catch sight of the lipstick stains on his lips, cheeks, neck, and upper chest, and you instantly feel the need to get rid of them. You slowly walk towards him and grab his hips- hearing his breath catch- and place him against the bathroom counter. "Stay and brush your teeth while you’re here," You lightly command and go to retrieve a cloth.
You're glad to see Harry’s finishing brushing his teeth when you came back with the cloth and you wet it with the flowing bathtub water, making a mental note to keep an eye on the fullness of the tub. You reach past Harry and put the cloth in the sink before reaching to unbutton his shirt.
"This okay?" You ask.
"Anything you want," He answers. Your quickly flick to his before focusing back on what you were doing. You shed the shirt off his body and toss it carelessly into your room somewhere. The sight of his bare chest makes you want to worship him because, God, he's so beautiful, but then you catch one more glimpse of the tacky lipstick, and those thoughts are pushed to the back of your mind.
You reach past him and grab the damp cloth again and start washing him off. You start with his angelic face. You gently wipe the stains off his cheeks and then his lips, all while seeing tears drowning his eyes. His hands reach out to hold onto your hips, but you push them away.
"Don't touch me until she's washed off of you," You whisper, and his tears fall. He nods lightly. You squeeze his arm gently to let him know you're not trying to hurt him.
Harry feels the worst he's ever in his life. He can see the brokenness in your eyes, and it kills him to know he's the one that made you like this. He's always so soft and gentle with you- talks so sweet with you, and he knows he's scarred you. He acted like a jealous fratboy, and he's disgusted with himself- literally sick to his stomach.
Once you finish cleaning the last of marks off him, you use the towel to wipe his hands off before tossing it to the sink and leaning your forehead against his chest. He sighs contently and runs his fingers through your hair.
"Can still fucking smell her on you," You whimper agitatedly and remove yourself from him.
"'m so sorry," He whispers.
"I know. Just fuckin' hurts," You explain, and he nods in understanding. "I understand, Harry, I do, but I had literally shown you pictures of my cousin this morning! And, I know it seems like I've been leading you on, but I was just so scared of messing everything up between us. Like- if I told you how I feel, you wouldn't feel the same, and everything would just be weird," You explain your side. You genuinely do understand why he did what he did, but it's still inexcusable.
"I was just so angry. I was too busy gawking at you this morning to pay attention, and it's no fuckin' excuse, but I'm completely enamored by you, and it drives me crazy- makes me act crazy. I fuckin' blacked out," He explicates. You sigh and take his hand in yours, rubbing small shapes into his skin.
"I just can't get the image of you and her out of my mind."
Harry exhales loudly in shamefulness. He's about to say something when the sound of water splashing on the floor is heard through the room.
"Ah, shit!" You yell and run to turn the faucet off. Harry scurries to grab towels, both of you having to laugh at the audacity of the situation. You drain some of the water out and turn to face him again with a small smile on your face. "Guess we should get in," You laugh.
Both of you are staring intently at one another as you both start to shed clothes. You've both seen each other in underwear but never bare.
"Still okay with this?" He asks.
"Yes. Are you?"
The final confirmation makes you both strip down to nothing. Neither of you even feel the need to cover yourselves because you're so comfortable with one another. Your eyes drift to places they shouldn't, and they're immediately widening at the sight in front of you.
Harry is thoroughly gifted.
"You're a fucking temptress," He whispers in awe.
"And you, Harry?" You refute. Both of you take a moment to gawk. "Am I the first to see you naked, Harry?"
"Yes," He whispers bashfully.
"What a reward that is," You establish.
"Stop," He softly laughs, and you allow yourself to laugh with him.
"Uh- let's get in before the water gets cold," You suggest, and he nods his head in subconscious agreement. He anxiously holds out his hand to you, and you slowly put yours in his. It's familiar and warm and eases some of your worries. You wish you had more will power to stay angry with him, but the way he looks at you makes you crumble. You're sweet, soft boy is eating himself up inside, and you can see it on his face.
He steps in first, making sure the water wouldn't burn your beautiful skin and leads you in too. He sits down against the back of the tub and gently puts his hands on your waist to bring you to sit down, leaning against his chest.
"Is- Is this okay?" He asks, arms floating awkwardly in the air because he doesn't know what to do with himself anymore.
He doesn't ever want to hurt you again.
"Yes, Harry, it's okay," You sigh and lean against him. The hot water makes him feel even warmer than he usually is, and you relish in it. You try to make yourself comfortable, but you can't with how tense Harry is. You take a deep breath and take his hands in yours and wrap them around your stomach. "Breathe, H," You whisper and turn to the side, nudging your nose against his jaw. You feel him take a few deep breaths, and you're both sinking farther into the water as he relaxes. "There you go, sweet boy," You mumble and rub your hands against his.
"Can't call me that," He finally speaks.
"And why not?" You ask, turning your neck a bit to see his face.
"'Cause I'm not." He says so quietly you could barely hear.
"No, Y/N. I can't begin to tell you how sorry I am. I-" He pauses to take a deep breath. "I fucking made you cry," He chokes.
You pause for a moment, not quite sure how to respond because yes, he did say incredibly awful things and act out of line, but his feelings were valid.
"Yeah, never raised your voice at me like that before," You mutter.
"And I won't ever again," He answers, his voice growing stronger as does his arms around your waist. "Best thing that's ever happened to me, and I go and fuck it up."
You turn around so your straddling his waist. You notice he visibly blushes, and his hands are, once again, lost in the air. You stifle a laugh and drag them to your sides, giving them a squeeze.
"Yeah, you were an ass tonight," You comply, leaning in to kiss his cheek.
"The biggest," He whimpers in self pity.
"The meanest." You kiss his other cheek.
"Stupidest," He mutters, sighing when you place against the middle of his throat.
"But you want me?" You clarify.
"Need," He corrects. "Never needed or wanted anyone other than you. Didn't think I could have you, so I tried to settle for lesser."
"Much less," You softly giggle.
"Much, much. Didn't even smell good. It was like kissing a pineapple." You both laugh at that.
"Very funny, but I don't want to think or hear about her ever again," You sigh, resting the side of your forehead in the crook of his neck, and he brings his hands to gently slide up and down your back.
"Only person in the world for me. Only person ever," He mutters and kisses the side of your head.
And you both stay like that for awhile, just breathing each other in after so long of wanting until you feel something hardening between your legs.
"Um, Harry," You quietly giggle.
"What?" He asks, confused as to why you're breaking the sweet moment to laugh at him. You lift your brows to say 'really?' and quickly adjust your hips over him, so he knows what you're talking about. "Oh, fuck," He whimpers and stares wide-eyed at you. "Shit- I'm so sorry-" He hides his red face in his hands.
"What are you apologizing for? I'm flattered, babe," You say, still laughing.
"Then why are you laughing," He whines against his palms.
"Jeez, sensitive little thing," You exasperate and take his hands off his face, keeping them in your hands instead. He glares at your jibes and mutters something inaudible under his breath. "What was that?" You ask, taunting. Something shifts in his eyes, like he's done putting up with your jokes. And very suddenly, his hand leaves yours and is now wrapped around your throat. Your eyes are bulging out of your head, and your mouth is dropped open out of surprise.
"I said you won't be laughing very much if I just slipped it inside, huh?" His voice is condensing and so much like nothing you've ever heard him sound like before. "What? Nothing to say?" You almost want to laugh at how dominant he's trying to be. A smile slips, and you immediately feel his grip on your throat tighten deliciously. "I know you're wet. Even through the water, I know you're turned on. You know how I know that?" He questions.
"How, Harry?" You whisper, eyes drifting to his lips every few seconds.
"Because I'm your best fucking friend. Isn't that right, Y/N?" He laughs sadistically, and the heat between your legs grows.
"You're more," You say and grip his arm that's holding your neck. You run your fingers gently up and down his arm, trying to break his dominance, and it works.
"My precious girl," He whispers, eyes drowsier and heart beating faster. His hand moves to hold the side of your face instead, and now it's your opportunity to take dominance over him. Your hand now wraps around his throat, tighter than he was holding yours. A gasp slips through his submissive lips.
"Don't think that with a little bit of choking I'll be falling submissive to you. You're still very, very bad," You clarify. He whimpers and nods his head, lips puckered. "What's with the pout?"
"I want- I wanna-"
"What? Spit it out."
"A kiss," He whispers, face inching closer to yours.
"A kiss?" You laugh. "I don't want your shared lips anywhere close to my untouched ones."
"Y/N," He cries, face ducking into your shoulder. He lightly nips at the crook of your neck.
"Hey! Knock it off, wolf boy," You both laugh.
"Then let me fucking kiss you. I've waited so, so, so long," He whines, head hitting the wall of the tub in dramatics.
"Should've waited a little longer, and it would've been my lips on yours, not someone else, huh?" You taunt.
"Thought you wanted to forget about it," He complains.
"I do, but you shouldn't get off without any teasing," You explain. He huffs and nods his head. "C'mon, let's get out. The water's getting cold."
Once you're both out and dried off, you lead him into your bedroom and onto your bed. Neither of you bother to put on clothes as the sexual tension is high. You sit on the side as you watch him approach you.
"Y/N," He mumbles, standing above you with hunger and pleading in his eyes. "I want to touch you," He begs.
"Do you deserve to?" You question. He huffs a whine and falls to his knees in front of you. His head falls to your knees. "Harry-"
"Please," He begs, his hands circling your calves to keep a hold on you. You're at a loss of what to do. No man has ever actually gotten on his knees and begged for you. Your hands find his hair and thread lightly through it. He basically purrs and moves his head farther up to your thighs. Your breath shakes as you feel him breathe into your thighs. "Please," He begs again, drawing out the word longer this time. When he thinks he's caught you off guard, his head moves farther up, and his hands separate your thighs. You gasp and right as his tongue is about to make contact with your pussy, your grabbing his hair by the roots and yanking him away as far as he'd let. He's still incredibly close, and you can feel him panting against you.
"Nice try, slut," You breathe and tug on his roots again.
"Just let me please you," He pleads, voice gruff.
"Don't act like you're doing this just to please me. Know you're just a starved man trying to get what he wants," You correct him.
"Fuck it, so I'm selfish. I don't care," He says, his voice getting stronger. When you don't let up, he goes for what he wants again. He snatches your wrists in his hand and holds them against your stomach, and before you can shut your thighs, he's pushing his face in between them, finally getting what he's wanted for years.
"Harry!" You moan loudly, trying to get your hands from his hold, but it's no use. He won't let you win this time, and you submit to the pleasure he's giving you willingly. He feels you release your tension and smiles against you.
"Good girl. Just enjoy it," He mumbles and dives back in. He lets go of your wrists and spreads your thighs apart even farther, making you scooch back on the bed to give him more access. His tongue is everywhere all at once, and the noises he's making makes it seem as if he's enjoying it more than you.
"That's so fucking good," You moan as he sucks your clit into his mouth and nips on it gently. Having never done this before, he's going off of his animalistic desires, and it feels heavenly. He's just doing what his instincts tell him to. His tongue moves farther down to your soaking hole, and he pushes it in as far as it can go and circles it inside of you, his nose pressed into your clit as he shakes his head vigorously side-to-side. "Holy shit, you're insane," You cry and fall back against your bed.
"Take it," He grunts and somehow opens your legs farther.
"You're crazy," You laugh in pleasure and place your hands in his hair again. He's grunting and moaning, and the vibrations add to the bliss you feel. He laps around your entrance for a minute before going back to your clit and flicking it fast with his tongue. You almost lose it completely when you feel one of his fingers tease your entrance. Your eyes meet his, and you nod in silent agreement. He doesn't waste a second before pushing it slowly into you, his eyes widening at the feeling.
"Fuck, it's tight," He moans.
"Think about it being your big dick instead," You moan, and he whines. "Make me cum, and I'll think about letting you put it in," You stutter and relish in whatever he gives you.
"Fuckin' watch me," He grunts and doubles down. He suddenly adds another finger and doesn't give you time to adjust before rapidly pushing it in and out of you with his tongue still flicking against your clit.
"Fuck, baby." Your moans are uncontrollable, and you feel your stomach tightening in euphoria. It feels stronger than anything you've ever felt, and you try to push the crazed man away.
"Don't you fucking dare," He practically growls when you try to push him away by the forehead.
"It's too m-much," You moan and continue to try to slow him down with a weak attempt.
"C'mon, angel. You're about to cum. Just take it," He encourages you and gets back to work.
"H-Harry, I think I'm gonna-" You're cut off by a loud moan escaping your lips and the dam breaks. You're squirming away from him, but he doesn't let you go as you orgasm. You feel as though you see through space and time as you cum because has ever felt so good but so strong. He takes all that you give him and doesn't let up. Luckily, his hands now hold on strongly to your hips because the extra penetration was almost too much to enjoy.
He always knows exactly what you need.
His tongue slows as you come down, but it never leaves.
"Harry, please, let me breathe," You weakly laugh and once again try to push him away, but he grunts in return.
"Let me finish," You hear him mumble. His tongue moves to your leaking hole and licks up whatever he can find, letting nothing go to waste. "Tastes fucking incredible," He moans. "Can't believe you've been keeping this from me. Greedy woman," He slurs.
"Enough," You whine and move away from him, closing your legs. He groans and moves to kiss his way up your body instead. "You've done that before," You accuse him.
"No, just dreamt of it for so long," He corrects and kisses your cheek. You slightly spread your legs to let him lay on top of you. The feeling of his weight on top of you feels incredible. He allows you to calm down and continues to pepper kisses against you.
"It's your turn," You smile against his forehead and press a quick kiss to it before flipping you both over. You lay on the bed on your side, facing him and gawk at the sight in front of you. His dick is practically weeping, and your mouth waters in excitement. It's perfect. It's long and thick and incredibly hard. The biggest you've seen by far.
"Don't want you to do anything you're uncomfortable with or don't want to do," He whispers shyly, and you want to laugh at how quick he becomes submissive.
"Trust me, I want to," You assure him. "Look how pretty you are," You mumble and press a kiss to his jaw as you run your fingers lightly up and down his stomach. He blushes furiously and juts his lips out, aching for a kiss. You smile instead and gently run your fingers around his cock. He gasps in surprise and moans sweetly. You kiss all around his stomach as you begin to jerk him off slowly- really making him feel everything.
"It's so good, oh my God," He moans.
"Yeah?" You ask, and he nods his head, eyes clouded with submission.
"Let me put it in," He whimpers, and you laugh.
"So needy," You whisper and give him a harsh squeeze that makes him moan loudly. You're glad he's not shy about the noises he makes. It's so hot.
"What if it's just the tip?" He pleads. "I'll just put the tip in. Just wanna feel you- be close," He's babbling almost incoherently, and you shush him quietly.
"I guess that's okay. Just the tip, though," You remind him and lay on your back, signaling for him to lay over you. He does so quickly and takes his cock in his hand. He runs it all over your pussy to get himself wet and teases your entrance with the head. You squeeze his jaw in your fingers to grab his attention. "Just the tip."
"Yes, yes, okay," He rushes out. He meets your eyes, and you nod your head encouragingly. He breathes heavily before pushing just barely in.
Even the tip is a stretch.
"Oh my God," He cries into your neck, and you rub his back soothingly as you try to contain yourself. "Please, just a little more," He begs.
"Don't be greedy," You stutter, and this feels more like a punishment for the both of you. He groans and bites onto your shoulder to hold himself still. The primal need to sink into your tight, warm, wet pussy is high, and he doesn't know how much longer he can do it. He moves his hips slightly so the tip slides out. He rubs it over you again, slapping your clit lightly with it before pressing the head of it into you again. He pleases the two of you like this for a minute.
The thing is, his cock is so big it's hard to tell how much he's giving you. Even the tip is so thick that it feels like he's pushing a few inches in, so when you're suddenly gasping out because his pelvis is flush against you, it takes you by surprise. And it takes you more by surprise when you hear his loud moan after finally being all the way inside of you and then feel his heavy load spurting far into you.
"Holy fuck," He's moaning uncontrollably, and you're just laying there in awe. You watch as he orgasms and sit watching him until he comes down. You don't even have the heart to continue punishing him anymore as you see the tears running down his cheeks. You hug him into your neck and softly moan as he allows his weight to press against you. "'M'sorry," He whispers. "Want to make you feel good too."
"You've already done so, so good, Harry."
"No, just give me a minute. I'll be ready to go again," He assures you.
"Okay," You giggle and already gasp at feeling him hardening inside you again.
"Just run your fingers through my hair, angel," He whispers, and you follow his orders. He was right. You feel his cock hard as rock inside of you again in no time.
"You too sensitive, or can you keep going?" You ask, making sure he's okay to continue.
"Please, I can go all night," He says cockily, giving you a sly smile. He lifts himself up a bit so he can start moving in and out of you slowly and sensually.
"Oh, God, it's so good," You cry, feeling so full of him. "You're so big- fucking everywhere."
"I know, baby, just take it for me," He whispers lovingly and presses a kiss to your cheek. He's not sure if you still don't want him to kiss you, so he makes due.
"Harry, God, please kiss me," You whine.
"A-are you sure?" He pants. He's trying so hard not to cum again.
"Yes, yes, yes," You plead and cup his cheeks. He leans down, softly placing his lips against yours, and it feels like both of your worlds stop. He's still moving slowly in and out of you, and it adds to the sensuality of the moment. Nothing's ever felt so good, and both of you are both stunned by the intensity of the moment. He finally has to part for air, but you're whining and trying to pull him back. He notices tears running down your cheeks, and he stops his movements.
"Hey, hey. Y/N, are you okay?" He asks, voice filled with concern.
"So good," You assure him. "Just- it's so intense," You cry and wrap your arms around him.
"I know, sweet girl. I feel it too," He whispers, a tear leaking from his eye onto your cheek, and you both smile. He starts moving again when he has your consent, and it feels like the intensity is making you both start to approach your orgasms. He leans down to kiss you again and starts moving a bit faster.
"Harry," You continue to moan.
"Fuck, I love you. Can I say it now? My cock is deep inside you, so I guess it's okay, huh?"
"Oh, God. I love you too," You cry and feel his cock throb inside you. "I'm gonna cum."
"Me too," He whispers and connects your lips once again as you both orgasm simultaneously. It's like nothing either of you have ever felt before, and it makes it that much stronger.
He lies down on top of you once you've both finished. You're both panting heavily.
"I belong to you," He whispers and circles his arms around your waist.
"I'm yours," You whisper back.
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hugsandharrystyles · 2 years ago
my formal greetings ;)
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i’ve begun my journey as a writer on tumblr because i have too many ideas in my head that need to get out. i’ve been writing for a few years, so i promise i don’t suck. too much.
i will write for harry styles (obvi) 
requests are appreciated (i am open to write about a lot. *winky face*), but i am still new to tumblr, so my apologies in advance as i try to divert my way through technology. i am a young person in an old person’s body.
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