hugowilder · 18 days
Here's a little texture practice I have been playing with some time. It seems pretty good so far, might look better with a background/environment to boot.
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I won't lie, I'm not too certain what to do on Tumblr besides posting stuff to see what sticks. I figured posting some stuff would be better than just keeping this stuff to myself. Besides, not much point not posting stuff if I wanna do something with it some day.
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(original doodle)
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hugowilder · 27 days
"we would like to play a game. A little brain teaser if you will."
It spoke with the mannerism of a gentleman despite its insidious demeanour and its snake-like tail stalking me with bloodied grin.
"We have come with you since birth, and have followed you since that day."
"We are like you, shaped like you, but have no body or voice to say."
"We follow you through from sunrise to sundown, we'll follow you from your house and follow you to the park."
"but, when the night comes, you'll find it impossible to find us in the dark."
"what are we?..." Asked the tail, as it swerved and chatters with hungry delight.
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Recently, besides the homebrew work and me attempting to make fanart, I've also been making up a new interpretation for Sphynx's in d&d. There will be information on that when I finish this illustration but mostly, it's just a portrayal with an additional mechanic to them. Just a little tweak to make them a lil interesting at the table...
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hugowilder · 27 days
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Marjorie Meddle, Beldam of Lowall
A d&d character I thought of and likely gonna be in reserves for another campaign (whenever I can play lol).
Marjorie Meddle is the Red Crone who lives within the ruins of a town that time has forgotten about. Even the map makers, confident and dedicated to their works, seem to overlook this ruin whilst historians struggle to find the origin of the ruins that surround the Witches home. Nonetheless, whatever society or community existed in that ruin now houses the wicked, the wild, and Marjorie Meddle.
She says she hails from a town called Lowall, but many agreed this can't be true, There's no such town. Even fellow hags, who are always delighted to have fellow kin like Marjorie around, are bewildered by her origin. A red hag has never been recorded in beastiary's and Mrs Meddle fails to provide a proper story of her heritage.
Wherever she came from or whenever she did, there's one thing that's for certain, she lives for the moment and rides chaos by the reins. Whatever goal she has in mind or what the target is, she'll ride through hell for the fun of it just to achieve.
So, adventurers beware and a warning to all, there's no witch or wizard more lost in their own sauce than the Beldam of Lowall.
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This character was fun to draw and write about. I don't have their stats for your guys viewing or the reference to the Red Crone homebrew I'm working on but it'll likely be dropped sometime in the future for your guys viewing.
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hugowilder · 29 days
Well, here he is.
Oswald Chesterfield cobblepot.
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Albeit, I don't feel done with this just yet but if I don't post, then I will be in the dark perpetually. Not to mention, I'm working on a small bit of artwork to accompany the design I made for him. Why? Cause I love this lil dude.
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After the penguin, I might go after another favorite and then after that? I don't know, might leave it up to you guys maybe.
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hugowilder · 30 days
I haven't tackled this dude in a hot while.
One of my favorite Batman villains, the penguin also happens to be one of the most challenging characters for me to draw a design for. The challenge mostly came from the fact that I wanted to make it a distinct look from the other designs I've seen.
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The process for this dude was frustrating I had to admit. The last time I attempted doing a design for him was 2 years ago and even when I finished that, I wasn't satisfied with the direction i took with him.
I'm not sure why this body shape makes me like this design much more. Maybe because it deviates from the usual fat squat from some interpretations of the penguin. The more I look at it, the more it reminds me of Jason Pearson's illustration from the Joker Asylum comic. A favorite story of mine.
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Also, this doodle was made before I finalized a reference drawing for the final product and I don't know, I love it. The lil guy can't get a break with his trick umbrellas.
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Might post more concepts later in the future. Cya sometime... Maybe?
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hugowilder · 2 months
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hugowilder · 2 months
Finally, a follow up.
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I have been working on a selection of planetary themed factions and monarchs. More to come later.
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hugowilder · 5 months
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Finally, I got around to working on some head designs for my little monarch of Pluto.
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hugowilder · 6 months
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The most moist mage you'll ever meet. Hector Muzo was one of the first characters I made with this device and one of my favorite characters who has yet to return to my works. I might do a redesign for him later but for now enjoy his slimy glory.
"rejected by the university for his theories on chaos, Hector Muzo wishes to prove to them how utterly right he is."
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hugowilder · 6 months
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Picked up a short story called "The Bottle Imp". I haven't gotten too far into it but it certainly gave me an idea for a character I haven't posted just yet. However, it did make me draw this as a teaser for laters.
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hugowilder · 6 months
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King of the universe, tenebris, the dark hand over the cosmos.
This is the big bad of a game I'm working on inspired by Armello and King Richard the III.
I'll post more of the characters in this world and concepts later down the line.
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hugowilder · 6 months
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Halloween was a few months ago and it's one week till Christmas? Whatever.
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hugowilder · 7 months
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Bit of a bizarre first post but I have nothing else to share so... Here's this little stinker!
During the day I was attending to my hobbies, I was under the weather and having a bit of hell with an ulcer. I needed to distract myself so I did a rough draft of some pig you would see in Darkest Dungeon, give him some quick details and features to make him stand out.
After showing him to some friends, a pal of mine coined the name "Amboar" to work with the title I gave him.
A part of me thinks that this Hog is power hungry, always out and about seeking other creatures with ambition to feed off of. I might return to him later and give him arms or something.
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