hufflipuffli · 4 years
Ray Ban glasses 90%off will only need $24.99 and will donate $2.40 to COVID-19
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hufflipuffli · 5 years
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hufflipuffli · 5 years
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important reminders for when the bad thoughts creep back
step 1. use these phrases as a shield against the negative thoughts
step 2. repeat them until you can at least pretend you believe them
step 3. if you have access to a mirror please meet your own eyes and reassure yourself i promise this helps. deep breaths. i believe in you
(inspired by @dangostudy and @sheisrecovering)
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hufflipuffli · 5 years
WAIT. Not to be controversial but. What if I just enjoy life for what it is right now instead of stressing about what I’ve yet to get out of it. What if I choose to enjoy this time……I know that once it goes, I won’t get it back from anywhere
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hufflipuffli · 5 years
I'm starting to become more and more aware that I have a HUGE fear of intimacy.
If a guy flirts with me I freak out and hope that they don’t ask me out because if they do then they may want to kiss me and I can’t do that and if I can overcome that then later they are going to want to have sex and lord knows I can’t do that.
I never really understood how big of an impact it had on my life and relationships but I’m starting to and it scares me.
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hufflipuffli · 5 years
It’s ok if you, when sitting next to me, touch me like laying your hand on my knee or something. Just make sure you take your hand away quickly again. Because in the first two seconds of you touching me, I will be so happy and feel so loved that I could exploded and I feel a warmth roaming through my body. But if your thouch lasts, I’m going to panic. I’m going to feel uncomfortable and trapped, I am going to want to run away. It is going to consume my mind, so I can’t even talk to you for several more hours because I’ll feel trapped whenever you try to get close to me again.
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hufflipuffli · 5 years
No one rly knows me and no one probably ever will n that both comforts & terrifies me
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hufflipuffli · 5 years
I crave intimacy as much as I’m afraid of it.
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hufflipuffli · 5 years
My professor told me that she failed several classes and she still has her PhD. I needed to hear this and maybe soneone else does too.
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hufflipuffli · 5 years
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Express yourself however you feel comfortable.
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hufflipuffli · 5 years
If I had a project with a deadline, I would simply complete it before then
Rip to my past self but I'm different
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hufflipuffli · 5 years
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hufflipuffli · 5 years
When I was a kid I was genuinely horrified by the idea of growing up and I think a large part of it was the insistence by adults in my life that puberty would turn me into someone completely different. They were like “sure you don’t like make up and boys now but you’ll feel differently after puberty” or like “sure you think you wouldn’t want kids now but you’ll see once you’re older”
it’s like damn, stop invalidating kids’ personalities and listen to them and maybe you won’t be so shocked when they don’t transform into a new person later
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hufflipuffli · 5 years
girls look so good in boys clothes, breathe if you agree
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hufflipuffli · 5 years
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The sky was a painting tonight.
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hufflipuffli · 5 years
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hufflipuffli · 5 years
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Had to share this @WeHeartIt
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