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hubsab-blog · 6 years ago
“Why was my little chirpy nervous” I was astounded by her behaviour. She was never doubtful of herself except on the studies front. I quickly scanned if anything been said or done in my presence, which made her to doubt herself. I could not recollect any.
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hubsab-blog · 6 years ago
Let’s admit it,On many occasions we all have been through this state where we find ourselves Ignored. Contrastingly the closeness, attachment and quality of conversation has been declined between individuals in person.
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hubsab-blog · 6 years ago
When the world is dealing with Barbarism, Outrage and Inhumanity all around, Kiwi’s Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern’s Powerful Response to the Violence in her Constitutional Area is viewed  as a Refreshed Route which has won her millions of heart Across The Globe. In context of the recent Christchurch Attack in a New Zealand Mosque on Friday Afternoon which left 50 dead and 40 Injured, New Zealand Prime Minister’s Compassionate Gesture towards the Victims and the Whole Community has been Significantly Praiseworthy and Unparallel in the Country’s history.
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hubsab-blog · 6 years ago
The Moment one talks about Women Safety, All the Question Gets Redirected to Government and their Inefficient and Fruitless Steps taken on that front.
It would be a rash statement to cite, referring to the failure on the part of Government and State Bodies to control the increasing number of Torts every single day. Residing in a country with a population of 1.37 billion and expecting Government to be Policing every single individual is simply blather.
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hubsab-blog · 6 years ago
Reward or Recognition, what should be the practice for Motivation ?
Recognition  is Important in every field of life. Be it at Academics, Career, Relationships or Society. To motivate one to perform better different medium of Recognition is chosen.
Most of the time, the senior management is in dilemma as to which medium should be chosen to motivate the work-force. Should they be recognised by rewarding in monetary terms or handing over a certificate or a standing ovation or a combination of both. Most of us work for money. Yes I agree to it. Many of us work also to grow our status in our professional and personal life. At times we fail and at time we are our best self. And in between all these what keeps us going are the moments of motivation from team members, which we cherish.
Positive encouragement motivated them to work harder and think positive.A lot of times these kind of things are forgotten by us. We at times even forgot o show gratitude to someone  of distress who has helped us in times of distress. These small gestures are important and it impacts to accelerate the growth within the organisation. I truly appreciate and believe in this and I am sure most of us would agree to this. We always await for such appreciations and we get indebted to such actions,giving our 100% to the organisation. I have surely been driven by this and find this truly fruitful.
While appreciation works for some, Material rewards such as hefty bonus or gifts are important for someone. I believe, it only has short term impact and happiness and we are not left with any memory of what we did that amount of gift. But a certificate or medal or a badge always finds it’s place to create an everlasting memory.
Appreciation is a fundamental human need. People want to be respected and valued by others for their contribution. Everyone wants “a pat on the back” to make them feel good. When an employee is valued, their satisfaction and productivity rises and they maintain or improve their good work.
Although both the words “Reward” and “Recognition” are often used interchangeably, they differ from each other in many ways. Many elements of designing and maintaining reward and recognition systems are the same, it is useful to keep the difference in mind. A good employee is an asset to the company and organisations should strive to retain them which ever method works for them.
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hubsab-blog · 6 years ago
Ever Wondered Why You Liked Emojis SO Much
A picture is worth a thousand words---But Emojis…….That speaks Volumes
Emojis is a Japanese inspired word for digital icons that represents emotions
Since the launch of various Social Media Platforms,Emojis have become a real staple in digital communications.These little digital images only seem to be getting more and more popular so much so that they have earned themselves a dedicated day of significance #World Emoji Day.
That birthday cake emoji or those emojis of different face patterns, flags of every nation, fruits, transportation, sports etc etc……and there are emojis to effectively and concisely communicate every emotion and occasion in and around us.
We may perceive it as just a fun picture added to our sentence but the findings have showed that the brain processes ironic emojis in the same way as ironic language. Emojipedia founder Jeremy Burge says “Emoji are a great way to add personality to a text based conversation”.
It may be just a little picture but it conveys significant meaning in a sentence or sometimes even without it. They are the new short hand.
Spoken and signed languages evolved long before humans developed written representation of languages and carry that powerful role of enhancing or changing meaning through mechanisms like “intonation or gesture”.
Emojis broaden our view of communication. Words or sentences in combination of pictures or gestures are better interpreted. The patterns of our brain as per the studies, better reprocesses and re-analyses the content of the sentence when paired with emojis or relevant pictures. Furthermore they add the fun quotient.
It gives the same satisfaction and personal touch in our communication digitally as we would have in person. It can be labeled as the new cornerstone of modern digital communications.
Many start-ups and even established businesses rely greatly upon emojis to learn better about their helps them understand their consumer behavior, stay updated and act accordingly. It’s quicker than trying to explain through words.
The popularity of emojis around the globe is only growing. It can be understood by everyone as they have no language boundaries. When we send someone an emoji of a smiley face, the meaning behind it is same regardless whether one is American or Turkish.
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hubsab-blog · 6 years ago
Don’t Let “Phubbing” Crumble your Very Existence
Technically the Word Phubbing has it’s origin dating back to the year 2012.It is a combination of two words “Phone” and “Snubbing”  and by way of definition it implies “The Act of Snubbing Someone in Social Setting by Paying attention to the Phone than the Person”.
We are no strangers to this Phenomenon and have been leading our lives, as the new normal with the of advent of Smartphone.
Even though the polite purpose of technology  and various social media apps was to connect more and more people across the globe, unfortunately the motive got twisted and today that very Technology and Human Interaction are at odds.
Let’s admit it, on many occasions we all have been through this state where we find ourselves ignored. Contrastingly the closeness, attachment and quality of conversation has been declined between individuals in person.
This leads to an increased sense of fulfilment of Oneself from the Online Sources. Our lives have turned into an open book for everyone to read.
What Have we gained through all this??
Privacy ByGone.
Emotions Unattended.
One to One Interaction Nearly Dead.
Relationships at Loggerheads.
Here one can boast of the burgeoning numbers of Digital Friends on their Diverse Social Media Accounts. But have we questioned ourselves, Is That of any relevance in our lives personally??
Are we Seeking Contentment with the numbers of likes, and comments on our posts???
Does the Validation given Online, is the Assurance of our Self Worth??
These trends have only resulted in increased mental tensions, emptiness in our hearts and mind and a life full of Pretences. The sole purpose of technology which was designed to bring individuals together, has isolated us from the very same people.
Have we become so insensitive to understand how continuous engagement with the mobile, than with the person who is face to face is Utterly Disrespectful. Constant distraction from REAL LIFE INTERACTION. There has been a significant decline in the satisfaction levels we used to gain from INTERPERSONAL Conversation. Despite gaining friends in mammoth percentages digitally, we are heading more towards DEPRESSION. The quality time spend with our loved ones is in question. The etiquettes followed during Phubbing has Engulfed THE VERY REASON OF EXISTENCE as a family,as an individual in various Social Roles.
We are  Sinfully Disregarding our One on One relationships within and outside the confinement of our homes to avoid difficult conversation and uncomfortable reaction. The heightened need for attention and to gain a sense of inclusion, is resulting in actual physical pain in the brain. We are loosing on being Empathetic with the people around us. The very essence and key to mental health is being eroded.
In the process towards becoming more likeable online, our internal peace is crumbled. There is a deep vacuum inside. We pretend to appear the happiest person online, ironically we have turned low spirited and gloomy internally. In the visible and progressive trend to gain all the Recognition,It’s  been Predicted, our Interpersonal Interaction will sooner or later, evanescent. In the hunger and greed to “Have It All” and to acquire The Entirety, We have pushed ourselves to the brink of Atrophy.
Let’s Strive to Being our Real Selves. Our brains have been wired in a Particular way, let’s not intermingle in the process. A practitioner and believer personally that I am,of authentic and real time communication with people around me and renders deep emotional connect and soothes the soul. The sooner, The Better, if we fathom the long term consequences of compromising on the Emotional and Mental Health, on being addicted to Technology. Whatever we feel inside is Incongruent with how we act with others. We will not be committing a crime by being Genuine, Vulnerable and Compassionate. The Toughest Part is to be Someone, whom we  don’t Oblige With. And even more difficult it would be to Continue being the One, for a longer period and Return to Beehive once we are inherently frustrated with the Masks put on.
Take Charge before it’s too late to Reverse. Enable A technology Free Zone or atleast minimal Indulgence on Internet around you when you are through with your Work front.It WILL reap benefits in the long run.
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hubsab-blog · 6 years ago
Claim Your Me Time
Women have always been tagged as Multitasking…
I find this term as more of an unethical liability than a Compliment.
“You can’t pour from an empty cup”---The adage stands SO true. You’re not your best self in any sense, if you’re running on empty.
After the birth of my daughter, life took a 360 degree turn. As a new mommy, learning new life lessons, I found myself engrossed either taking care of my child or doing all the daily chores throughout the day. I couldn’t find time to devote for myself. Results---At the end of the day I was left completely drained out and exhausted.
It might seem normal to just sail through your routine, giving more than 100% to your responsibilities, but trust me at one point it is only for you to realize that you’ve  not taken a moment for yourself ALL day.
I’ve definitely been through seasons when this is the case.
But fear not! I’m here to help you to find those slots of ‘me time’ even in the most pack of schedules.
A one week holiday sounds fascinating but is still a temporary quick-fix. What’s really beneficial and sustainable is incorporating more ‘me time’ into EVERY day. The motive is to give yourself a break from the monotonous routine and engage in any affair which soothes your soul and ease our body and mind.
Book the first hour after waking up for yourself
If you have had a slot allocated just for you, the first thing when you wake up, sets the tone positively, you’ll feel energized, valued and will be more calm, no matter what happens in the day post your ‘me time’.
Exercising or Walking boost your endorphins, which keeps you in a better mood. You will also jumpstart your metabolism and burn calories. Not only it will keep you energized, but you will be healthier too.
Give yourself a chance to serve nature and get benefitted from them. Gardening is one hobby which I believe brings one closer to nature. The feel of soil, the leaves, flowers, the tranquil atmosphere lifts your spirit. Having plants around your house also  has the advantage of protecting you from dust and pollution. How peaceful it is to be around plants, more than merry.
Make a Schedule and Stick to It
Time Management should be done in a way to strike the right balance between personal, professional and your own self. It’s very important to know what are your priorities. Keeping a planner, agenda or utilizing your phone’s apps are great ways to keep track of your day.
When trying to figure out your priorities, look at the bigger picture and ask yourself, what’s more important in the long run. Misplaced priorities can  lead to bad results.
Don’t let social life take centre stage.Although it is necessary to fulfil your duties as a friend and neighbours,it is absolutely OK to save yourself sometime. Don’t be afraid to tell NO to your friends, neighbour  or relatives and overstretch yourselves with social commitment.
Don’t over commit yourself. Stretching  yourself too thin a few times in life, it isn’t a good feeling and certainly exhausting.When it comes to managing the balancing act this is the key component.
 Practice Mindful Eating
We lead lives that are crazy, busy, managing work, family kids, friends, social events and so much more. Because lives have become so busy, a lot of what we do on a daily basis is a routine and often requires very little presence in the moment.
Gulping down the food without even properly chewing or relishing has become a fad, which in no way is beneficial to the body.I had this habit of doing it unconsciously which led to my weight gain. But I now take extra-care of what goes inside my body in the form of food. Mindful eating is not complicated and it doesn’t require a whole lot of time. What it truly requires is your attention to the food which you are eating, the way it looks, the way it feels in your mouth and how it makes you feel.
For many of us, the aforementioned things may be too much to ask. But at a basic level, paying attention to the food you’re eating goes a long way in shaping your mind and body
At Work
·       Turn away from the computer when eating.
·       Take lunch and dinner elsewhere from your desk.
·       Don’t let yourself get overly hungry. Keep healthy snacks  handy with you  to help promote making better choices and will also help to promote energy throughout the day.
·       Plan ahead to bring healthy food with you. Compromising with junk food, or too oily and spicy outside food is not advisable.
At Home
·       Always eat together. All family members should be seated together at one place while having meals.
·       It creates a good bonding  and gets everyone in good tune.
·       Turn off TV and put away all electronic devices.
Overall tuning your food can offer many major pluses+++.
 Swap Social Media Sites for a Book
Facebooking,Tweeting,Whatapping,Instagramming,Snapchatting and similar other networking sites is very much in trend these days and it is a never ending process which can be done throughout the day.A dedicated time should not be allotted for it.To me these sites are a source of anxiety  rather than relaxation.I prefer a good book instead.
We get stressed at work,at home,in personal relationships,or countless other issues faced in daily life,it all slips away when you loose yourself in a great novel.It is a proven fact that reading helps to reduce stress,drain away tensions and allows you to relax.A well written book transports you to other realms.
And everytime  we read something, it fills our head with new bits of information and you never know when it comes handy. Knowledge equips you to tackle any challenge you’ll ever face.
The bonus would be reading more will help to sleep better too.
It is a win win for you. It can never let you down.
 I can assure you,if you follow these tips,you’ll forget how busy you are and you’ll start leading a more enjoyable and gratifying life.Having a full schedule can take a lot out of a person. Don’t be afraid to treat yourself with all the love,care,compassion and warmth because you are worth it.
Do write to me if you can add some more do’s and don’ts to the list.
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hubsab-blog · 6 years ago
Dubai Through My Lenses
Be prepared to get intrigued over by  Everything Superlative in Dubai.The Tallest,The Largest,The Shiniest,and The Most Expensive,Dubai is the second largest Emirate,of UAE.The Land of Sea,Sand and Sparkle all around,tops the list of Weekend Getaways in the Middle East.
Dubai’s Rich Culture and Warm Hospitality,makes it a perfect Holiday Destination for all age groups.The best season to visit the Ultra Modern Region is from November to March. Dubai Shopping Festival held during these months makes the City more alive and happening. The weather during these months are pleasant and suitable for all kinds of out-door activities.
Our’s was an Impromptu Vacay to Dubai.I guess that way your adrenaline rush keeps you on toes to get the most of holiday time.
Add These Spots To Your Bucket List  For Sight Seeing When In Dubai
Jumeira Beach
I have an undying fascination for beaches and can spent my entire life gazing at the vastness of sea and unending coatline.We spent half of our day soaking in the sun,admiring the clear blue waters of Arabian Sea.My little chirpy Soha had her time of life,swimming at the shore.
The un-interrupted view of the Icon if Dubai,Burj Al Arab, the buttery sand  at the beach and the mouth watering Arabian Cuisine accompanied by soulful Arabian music,was enough to hold us at the spot.It was an unparalleled experience.
Burj Kalifa
With 163 Floors, This monument holds the record to be the tallest in the world and an engineering marvel. Unless you are in hurry to move, give yourself time to fancy the amazing feat of engineering and architecture that this building embodies.
Dubai Mall
Indulge in the Shopping Spree and Treat Yourself with all the luxury brands of the World at the Dubai Mall.
Another attraction at Dubai Mall is The Dubai Mall Aquarium and Under-Water Zoo which is very  popular amongst tourists. The Aquarium is home to most diverse creations of ocean life. Knowledgeable staff present there, provides you with the valuable info on different kind of marine animals. The Dubai Mall Aquarium has been featured as the largest of it’s kind in the Guinness Book of World Records. We couldn’t take our eyes off complimenting the beauty of marine animals.It will set your heart to go and dive inside to meet those aquatic species face to face.
Well there are some experiences,you can enjoy without spending a Dirham at Dubai.This was one of them.
The next thing you can’t afford to miss at The Dubai Mall, is The Musical Fountain Show. With dimmed lights around the water body area and music to soothe your senses giving you a dose of pep,carried away by the day’s exploration of the sight seeing’s, is a perfect way to end your day.
From 6.30 in the evening till 9pm,our evening was spent snacking,dining and delighting ourselves at The Dubai Mall where this one of a kind Dancing Musical Fountain was our host on that stellar evening. You name it,and Dubai has to offer everything one can dream about.
Make sure to find you a spot where you can witness how brilliantly the lightings of The Burj Khalifa has been synced in accordance with the Music being played at the Fountain Show which gambles together, driving you to go fantasizing.
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