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traditional art but maybe one day 馃様馃様
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httpslotus 2 months ago
Abuse isn't suddenly okay because your abuser is ill. Abuse isn't suddenly okay because your abuser is traumatized. Abuse isn't suddenly okay because your abuser is in a really bad situation. Abuse isn't suddenly okay because your abuser has good intentions. Abuse isn't suddenly okay because your abuser is nice sometimes. Your abuser does not have to be a literal cartoon villain for their abuse to be wrong. They likely have some good traits or mitigating factors, but that doesn't mean you have to excuse and put up with their abuse.
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httpslotus 2 months ago
This time, headcanons for our lil stars
Dream haves trouble writting and reading, being trapped in stone for so long make him forgot about his basic abilities (reading, wrinting, even walking)
Blue is the most athletic one, he likes to bring at least one of his teammate to assist him in training (he even haves a room specilized for it at the Stars Sans' base)
Blue is the most realistic one in the group, being part of a timeline when he doesn't have an important role (like gardian or protector), he tend to be the brain and the balance between Dream's delusion of positivity and Ink non consciousness of person and fate (since he sees them as just concpet)
Ink haves BPD, when he uses his vials, no long after the last effect of it, he sometimes enters in a maniac episode and then after awhile he become empty and really tired, not lazy, just tired
Dream favorite dishes are mirabelle plum pie and poached pike (a medieval dish based on pike fish with a sauce made of ginger, cinnamon, saffron, vinegar, and wine.)
Blue is everything but chubby because of his daily training, making him fit
Blue and Ink know how to sew and knit thanks to time spend with Error (they even did some plushies and clothes for Dream and Error !!)
Ink is a [inseert music genre] and when he's alone, he likes to dance or just "wiggle" around listning to it, enven make in a better mood when he's down (Dream did use it multiple times to cheer Ink when he's down)
Dream, Ink and Blue know how to play instrument, they all have their own favorite, Dream being the violon, Ink being the flute and Blue being the drums and the bass, they sometimes play together !
(Human! AU) Dream would be an Albinos, while his brother, because of corruption would be the exact opposite, his skin would be as dark as his corruption (search for the model Nyakim Gatwech for more representation)
Dream tend to be quickly blinded by light because of his trapping in stone, so Ink always carries like a bandana so Dream could wear it outside, as surprise as it is, he still has excellent senses
Yeah there's less infos for the Stars, not gonna lie, i prefer the Bad guys so im truly sorry but hey there's still a lot !
As again, if anything comes to your mind about it, let me know it so i could add or modify my list !!
Lotus, out.
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httpslotus 2 months ago
Headcanons for my lil sillies !!!! (a lot for Dusty)
Even if he's really patient, Killer is like Dust, a sour looser (he just don't show it directly)
Dust likes to draw when he's having a seizure or a schizophrenic episode (helps him calm down and vent a bit), or when he's feeling really down
Dust likes to stay around warm places or objects when alone (like a fireplace, or a heating device, Horror, jk jk or not)
Nightmare's tentacles act on their own when he's tired or asleep, they tend to wiggle around and gather what they found around Nightmare's bed (often wake up pissed or freaked-out by it)
Horror doesn't like vegetable when they're not prepared into dishes , like he dislike carrots by themself but a corrot cake will be welcomed in his stomach ( after he healed from starvation)
(this one is too well-known) Horror, Killer and Dust haves a siblinds like relationship
Horror loves the sun, he loves lazing around under the sun heat
Horror garden a lot, it's like therapeutic to him, Nightmare encourages him a lot (fresh vegetables and fruits are the best to his taste)
Nightmare haves manic episodes, when under heavy feelings, thoses episodes changes his behavior drastically: he eats rotten things, become very hostile to everything and everyone and act like an animal (thinks of a ferous canine mixed with a snake)
Killer has multiple cats, one is called "Rainbow" (when he decided to follows Color to be better)
When with Farm, Horror is more talkative about his past and himself and how he hopes one day to become better (do it sometimes with Dust too but only when they're alone together)
Dust can bake, but he dosen't show it often, he feels really timid about it, Killer is aware of this so when they're together they bake, to "protect" Dust from self-shaming, Killer often says he did it)
Killer know wood carving and did lil sculptures of his mates (Dust, Nightmare, Horror and Color), he even did an inkwell for Nightmare's quill
Horror with the help of Dust and Nightmare, is learning how to read again and to deal with his dyslexia (traumatic du to his broken skull)
Nightmare is a tea-alcoholic, Dust a coffee addict, Killer a cappuccino addict and Horror is a cranberry juice / water addict
Dust, du to his time spend alone with no one to talk to (since he's trying his best to ignore Papyrus) became mute, only expressing himself through body language, onomatopoeias or sometimes (thanks to a lot of magic) wingdings. But maybe one day he'll be able do talk verbally again, stay tuned !
Nightmare can play instruments, specifically piano and violin, he tends to not show it too often because he sees it as a weakness because it makes him remember his past self playing with Dream
Well that's it for now, maybe I'll do some for the stars sans too but I'm not gonna lie I'm more stranger to them than to my sillies but I still got a lot for them too !
Anyways if anything comes to your mind, don't restrain yourself and share it with me, I'll be glad to read what you think !!
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httpslotus 2 months ago
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Here are some doodles I did in class, English is not the most important one haha don't worry I listen in class, I LISTEN
- Lotus, out
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httpslotus 2 months ago
Hello hello there, name's Lulu or Lotus (pick whatever you're comfortable with ^^) !
I'm not specifically new on this platform but let's just say this post is my first one as an artist and not just as a random people (I love random people, there're so silly !!).
Anyways just saying that my post will be about anything but more precisely about fandoms like Undertale, FNAF, sometimes transformers and many more !!
I'll draw for sure but most of the time it'll be about some Underverse ship or characters that I adore (mostly the stars sans, my oc, and bad guys) and some other it be about just my oc in general.
Feel free to ask for anything, I'll try my best to answer everything !!!
Until the future post, see you guys soon!!!
- Lotus, out
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httpslotus 3 months ago
All those headcanons gave me ideas for short comics, with your permission (if allowed I'll tag you in every piece of work) could I use your list to write one shots ??
headcanons/delusions that i have for the bad sanses part 86 because i'm not normal
(apologies for the length this post will be. I needed to write all of these down or I would explode <3)
(These can be general headcanons, found family, queer platonic, or poly if you want to interpret them in any way ^^)
All of them. Every single one is touch-starved.
Despite all being touch starved, all of them have different (typically negative) responses to being touched suddenly/without warning.
Killer's love language is touch, both giving and receiving (funnily enough).
He also has a habit of sneaking up on the others. This is half-unintentional, since he's light on his feet naturally and makes no sound whenever he walks.
For no coincidence at all, Killer also has been thrown the most by the gang.
He doesn't resent them for it at all.
Cross wears his old uniform (despite his initial dislike for the design) a lot. He claims its out of habit, but deep down, it's because it *proves* that he was worth something once. It's his accomplishment as a royal guard, and that's something that despite the bitterness of the job, he takes pride in. Yes, he still hates the design, and yes, he hates how complicated it is. But he also appreciates the attention to detail, how meticulous and organized you have to be to put it on.
If the last bullet point didn't emphasize enough, Cross has self-worth problems.
So does Killer, but he's accepted it.
Nightmare has a catacomb of trinkets and items alike that has grown sentimental value over the years. He visits there when he's feeling particularly nostalgic, usually in the quiet of the night.
Dust doesn't like seeing his own bones. Gloves, long sleeves, scarves, hoods, slippers and socks- nothing can show. It's probably because of all the dust that practically clung to him from all the people he's killed. It's stained his fingers, his knuckles, his feet.
Horror's eye can actually roll to the other side of his head if he tilts his head enough. No, it isn't painful.
Something very stupid that Horror does (rarely) is he stores small things in the hole in his head. Yes, that one can hurt if forgotten.
Killer has so many cats that it's a problem. Nightmare can't bring himself to make him get rid of any though.
Dust has trained a murder of crows in Nightmare's realm. They follow him in the trees whenever he goes out to walk, and he keeps small pieces of food from his dinners to feed them.
Cross cannot, for the life of him, hide whenever he feels embarrassed (and he feels this often).
Not to say Cross can't mask his emotions. You know, with all the royal guard training and all. And the trauma.
Nightmare suffers from chronic insomnia. He can't bring himself to relax enough to. Although, he doesn't mind mimicking the behavior when he naps with any of the guys, if only to encourage them to sleep.
Nightmare feels safer when sleeping near or with someone in his bed. I'd say its because he probably got jumped as a kid whenever he slept. They're all long dead, but do it enough and the body never forgets.
Killer always picks up small little gifts for the guys every time he goes out. He'll look at something and go "Hey, he'd like that", and nab it. Probably a behavior he picked up when Nightmare first brought him on, since he noticed Nightmare liked to collect things.
Cross's love language is receiving gifts and words of affirmation. (haha). Everyone has picked up on this already, and abuses this knowledge to no end.
Horror waits for everyone to start eating before he eats his own food.
Horror also always carries emergency snacks/food bags with him wherever he goes. Not necessarily for himself though.
Dust loves pancakes. His mood immediately improves if he eats them.
Killer has a large scar that never quite healed right.
Nightmare used to write with a feathered quill. Killer had gotten him a very nice fountain pen long ago though, and he's since abandoned the quill.
Horror has a garden in the back that Nightmare helps him out with. Horror was more interested in crops and harvest, while Nightmare was particularly fond of flowers and trees.
Dust, Killer, and Cross help out with the garden sometimes. They just don't maintain it as diligently as the aforementioned two.
Dust paints. Killer joked about it being therapeutic and artsy and shit, but Dust actually ended up liking it. He could finally express the mess inside his head without any words.
Dust has his own painting room in a part of the castle. It has lots of windows and art hung on the walls.
All the gang occasionally visit Dust while he paints, most simply sitting and watching the brushstrokes. The only one that has actually also drew in that room was Cross. Dust and Cross kind of bond like that.
Cross helps the most with cooking. Horror typically likes to be in charge of the meals/food in the house, but greatly appreciates Cross's help. He feels he's the most reliable, anyways.
Killer does whittling/woodcarving. He makes little figures, knives, intricate pieces, coasters, kitchen tools, etc. His favorite to make is little cat figurines though.
Cross's room is the most clean/organized/empty. Unlike the others, he didn't customize his room in the slightest (keeping the bare minimum of bed, dresser, shelves, etc.).
It is the MTT's mission to fill Cross's room with so many things. Dust gifts Cross paintings to hang on his wall. Killer places little wooden cats on his shelves. Horror places a secret snack stash for Cross, and continually resupplies it.
Nightmare can play a lot of instruments, actually.
Killer has begged on his knees (dramatically of course) to hear Nightmare play ever since he found this out (which was before any of the others even joined). Nightmare doesn't humor him though.
For the life of him, Killer cannot sing. It makes him so mad. Like, he's off-pitch, tone-deaf, off-beat.
Which is funny since I think all the others can sing very well. Horror hums in the kitchen sometimes, Dust sings quietly to himself in his room, Cross is too shy to sing but can, and Nightmare is just musically inclined.
Killer is a little insecure about it.
Okay, he's very insecure about it, but that doesn't stop him from belting out his favorite song like a fool. Like, he understands he's bad, and accepts that fact whenever he's feeling extra confident. But the times he isn't... yeah.
Horror likes it when someone naps on him. Free weighted blanket.
Dust often naps in the weirdest places. In closets, in the wedge between a table and couch, on a high-window sill.
Dust also has back problems. I wonder why.
(A personal favorite of mine: ) Nightmare keeps someone to his right/keeps his tentacles to the right of himself. Since he lost his eye, he has quite the large blind spot, hence why he compensates for it with one of his boys/his tentacles.
Nightmare isn't actually all that athletic. Whenever they all go out, he's always the one that gets left behind the most.
Cross has a habit of matching the walking pace of the person he's with.
Horror can pick up all of them. Very easily. With one hand. Not all at once, of course, but if Dust or Killer are trying to sneak some snacks before dinner, he grabs them by the scruff of their jackets.
Horror lets Cross eat snacks though (encourages it, even. Bro should probably eat more).
Nightmare is a tea-holic. He has a large supply of all of his favorites in the kitchen cupboards. He keeps medicinal ones in both the kitchen and infirmary. They have several kettles. He collects tea sets.
Killer is the best at making tea. Something about his attention to detail, as Nightmare puts it.
The only person that drinks coffee regularly in the castle is Dust. He needs it to deal with everyday bullshit. Coffee makes Cross, Killer, and Horror too antsy. Nightmare sometimes drinks coffee, but not often.
Both Horror and Dust hate it when you change the laundry detergent. They are very particular about the smell. They very much like the scents they chose, thank you very much.
I didn't even realize I was writing that much, but I guess I got pretty carried away, haha.
This was downright therapeutic though- I might to this again soon/some other time ^^
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