dogmon enjoyer
2 posts
kacey | he/she | currently attending uva academy | originally from alola [hearthands] (pkmn rp blog)
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houndoooms · 2 years ago
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houndoooms · 2 years ago
introduction post yayyyy
hiii i'm kacey but kace also works. currently a student at uva as the bio says, going through my gym challenge and attempting to get good at shiny hunting!! and now u all get to see my awful little children<3
i'm originally from alola and came to paldea for school a couple years ago. i have a couple pokemon i don't use to battle, most of which are from alola (i.e my lovely charjabug, pincer)
and here, the stars of the show, my team
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tadeo - houndoom, male, my son my child my one and only shiny <3 raised him from a baby and now we are codependent
wisp - chimecho, female, loves to wrap herself around my neck like a scarf. total goof
t-bone - mabostiff, male, family pet! a very active and stupid old man, got him from my dad
calcifer - dartrix, male, prof.-given starter, loves stealing all of my food like a demented wingull
phoebe - ampharos, female, a very sweet little lady who won't hesitate to kick your ass
munchkin - mudsdale, male, a miniature mudsdale!! teensy eensy weensy
as u can probably tell this is a pokemon rp blog. blanket unreality tw for everything, i tag as pkmn irl <3
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