hotter-than-hellx · 23 days
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hotter-than-hellx · 2 months
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hotter-than-hellx · 2 months
whatever it is you need good luck for, i wish you good luck. tests, job, home life, social life, mental health, physical health, love life. you name it. this post is wishing you good luck on all of that.
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hotter-than-hellx · 2 months
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hotter-than-hellx · 2 months
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hotter-than-hellx · 2 months
always the poet, never the muse
always the photographer, never the model
always adoring, never adored
always turning her head, never turning heads
so much love to give, no one to accept it
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hotter-than-hellx · 2 months
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This seems to be what I've learned.
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hotter-than-hellx · 2 months
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hotter-than-hellx · 2 months
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~ a soft feeling...~
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hotter-than-hellx · 2 months
Em uma floresta, um coral de pássaros ressoa pelas árvores, dentre eles, um assovio fraco se perde na miríade de notas
Em uma paleta de tintas inigualável, todas as cores do arco íris se espalham como se pudesse recortar um pedaço de qualquer canto do mundo, enquanto um pequeno tubo permanece lacrado
Em um jardim, flores belas desabrocham e balançam ao vento, perfumando uma casa com aromas de todos os tipos, enquanto uma pequena flor inodora desabrocha na rachadura do cimento.
Em uma galeria, várias obras se reúnem na paredes, contando histórias através de cor e formato e hipnotizando seus visitantes, enquanto uma pequena placa de bem vindos acumula poeira.
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hotter-than-hellx · 10 months
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From My Drafts
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hotter-than-hellx · 10 months
Too many thoughts. Make it stop.
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hotter-than-hellx · 10 months
I regret it so much that i didnt killed myself a long time ago.
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hotter-than-hellx · 10 months
I'm tired of being such a fucking disappointment
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hotter-than-hellx · 10 months
My depression grew in a tiny flower pot. Everyone took turns watering it. But after a while people stopped paying attention and stopped caring. So I started watering it myself until it grew big and tall. And I’m ashamed to say it is my biggest accomplishment.
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hotter-than-hellx · 10 months
I never thought I'd live this long, I only know that I didn't want to live at all
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hotter-than-hellx · 10 months
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188 notes · View notes