Just because you’re a nurse doesn’t automatically mean you know any of the shit that you’re talking about especially when you aren’t even specialized in psych/ mental health
-Sincerely another nurse
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So apparently this girl that I was friends with in middle school and absolutely adore and haven’t talked to in years is in my DBT group with me and I definitely don’t know how to feel about that
I start DBT today and idk how to feel about it
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I start DBT today and idk how to feel about it
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I need to get back to my low weight of 2.3 lbs I’ve really let myself go
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Starting off the day right with 1250 calories of cheesecake
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I found grapefruit flavored listerine (mouth wash) and it’s literally the solution to all of my cravings
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Where do you get your vitamins from? I need vitamins but idk where to get them from or what stores have them or what brands I should use
Honestly there’s a wide variety of what you can get or should get and I don’t know your specific vitamin needs but EVERYONE should take a multivitamin. If you’re assigned female at birth the best multivitamin is actually a prenatal one. If you’re assigned male just find a multivitamin that says it’s for men. Obviously some brands are better than others but they are significantly more expensive. I take the NEEDED prenatal vitamin, iron, magnesium and collagen all which are $50 for a 30 day supply which is obviously too expensive for a lot of people. If you’re in America any grocery store with a pharmacy (such as Walmart or smiths) will have them.
Just some tips when it comes to vitamins
-calcium and iron cannot be absorbed at the same time so they should not be taken at the same time
-Vitamin D and calcium work better when taken together
-Vitamins A, K, E, and D are fat soluble which means you need to eat something with a couple of grams of fat for them to be absorbed by the body
-Most people in the United States are deficient in vitamin D
-Don’t start taking random vitamins in their individual forms such as potassium magnesium unless you know for sure that you are deficient as too much will cause heart problems
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Turning off anon asks because if you want to call me a bitch and to kill myself and shit you should at least doing it from your account but you don’t want to do that because everyone would see that your actually just a terrible person because you’re mad at someone for posting something you don’t agree with
If you don’t like me or what I post block it and move on 🤷‍♀️
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You seem like a bored person who just wanted to stir up controversy and get ppl talking abt them if I’m being completely honest😭 like the type that gatekeeps ED’s and makes it unbearable for people to find comfort in a community where the mental illness is beyond lonely irl. Ik you hate yourself deeply but there’s no reason for you to then go on and make it worse for other people. If you’re letting your ED control how you see and feel about people -that are struggling in the same way -imma be so real, just end it 😭😭😭
I’m literally not gatekeeping anything I’ve literally said so many times that ever ed is valid even if you don’t need requirements to receive an anorexia diagnosis so I don’t know where you got the idea that I’m saying people can’t be involved in the community. I also posted the post with zero tags so if I really wanted to stir up controversy and get people to talk about me I would have added tags or posted it as an ask on that Ed confessions page. That post literally has barley over 100 notes and at least 15 of those are from me replying to comments so idk how that’s starting a controversy when there’s barely any notes on it 🤷‍♀️
And telling another person to just end it just because you don’t agree with what they said doesn’t seem very welcoming or allowing people to find comfort in a community so if your want to be a hypocrite you might as well be brave enough to say it without being anonymous
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Again it isn’t my problem how people are going to interpret factual information.
It is more harmful and invalidating to the community to just call any and all Ed’s anorexia instead of acknowledging and accepting that there is a wide variety of eating disorders at are all equally serious and equally harmful especially because majority of people know that they are not meeting the requirements for an anorexia diagnosis. Acknowledging people who don’t meet this criteria still have a serious condition even if it isn’t specifically anorexia is going to help validate more people than just calling anyone who struggles with food anorexic
I know I’m going to get some much hate for this but it bothers me so much see this stuff all the time on here
Anorexia Nervosa is a medical condition and like any medical condition it has certain requirements that need to be met to have the disorder!!!
OSFED (other specified feeding or eating disorder) is the diagnosis given to people who are severely impacted by disordered eating but do not fully meet the criteria for any of the 5 main eating disorders (anorexia, bulimia, binge eating disorder, rumination disorder or AFRID)
Just because you want to be anorexic doesn’t mean you are anorexic. You’re obviously sick and mentally ill but that doesn’t make you anorexic.
There are other eating disorders than anorexia just because you do not have anorexia does not mean you do not have an eating disorder!! And just because you don’t have anorexia doesn’t mean you are any less vaild in your struggles or experiences with Ed!!
It’s like trying to say you have brain cancer but the cancer is in your lungs not your brain. You STILL have cancer but it is not brain cancer.
The biggest dispute people have is that an official anorexia diagnosis requires a person to be underweight (BMI 18.4 or under)
Is there major health concerns that can arise from people starving themselves at a higher weight ABSOLUTELY. But that officially not anorexia. OSFED would be the official diagnosis.
But for now it is what it is please use proper terminology and stop diagnosing yourself with a disorder you don’t met the criteria for.
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As i literally said it is coded different from atypical anorexia which falls under ENDOS or OSFED is coded differently from anorexia nervosa because they are different and the difference is that one has a weight requirement that is an official thing that’s not my fault that’s how it is.
I’ve literally said that your Ed is just as valid and it doesn’t mean you’re any less sick. Sorry you can’t pick the diagnosis you want just to make you feel better about yourself.
I know I’m going to get some much hate for this but it bothers me so much see this stuff all the time on here
Anorexia Nervosa is a medical condition and like any medical condition it has certain requirements that need to be met to have the disorder!!!
OSFED (other specified feeding or eating disorder) is the diagnosis given to people who are severely impacted by disordered eating but do not fully meet the criteria for any of the 5 main eating disorders (anorexia, bulimia, binge eating disorder, rumination disorder or AFRID)
Just because you want to be anorexic doesn’t mean you are anorexic. You’re obviously sick and mentally ill but that doesn’t make you anorexic.
There are other eating disorders than anorexia just because you do not have anorexia does not mean you do not have an eating disorder!! And just because you don’t have anorexia doesn’t mean you are any less vaild in your struggles or experiences with Ed!!
It’s like trying to say you have brain cancer but the cancer is in your lungs not your brain. You STILL have cancer but it is not brain cancer.
The biggest dispute people have is that an official anorexia diagnosis requires a person to be underweight (BMI 18.4 or under)
Is there major health concerns that can arise from people starving themselves at a higher weight ABSOLUTELY. But that officially not anorexia. OSFED would be the official diagnosis.
But for now it is what it is please use proper terminology and stop diagnosing yourself with a disorder you don’t met the criteria for.
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Look it up, anorexia does not require a bmi lower than 18.5, and just because some people’s starting or current bmis are high does not mean they have some other ed. I totally get what you’re saying, and some people actually be coming on here to just “quickly lose weight” but other than that a high sw/cw/etc can still be anorexic. When i had anorexia my bmi was so high, then i lost a bunch of weight (i didn’t know i had ana) and still got diagnosed because yeah i had it, even tho i was at a relatively healthy bmi
The exact wording in all official literature is as follows
“Restriction of energy intake relative to requirements, leading to a significantly low body weight in the context of age, sex, developmental trajectory, and physical health. Significantly low weight is defined as a weight that is less than minimally normal or, for children and adolescents, less than minimally expected.”
Weight that is less than minimally normal = under weight and underweight = A BMI of 18.4 or below
In people under 18 they go off of percentiles instead of bmi which may cause exact bmi to vary but they would aril be defined as medically underweight they’re just using a different chart.
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I hate my job😭
(I only work two nights a week and get paid extremely well to literally just sit on my phone. I have to do maybe one hours worth of work if that during my 8 hour shift)
I’m just chronically exhausted and hate having to work graves
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I know I’m going to get some much hate for this but it bothers me so much see this stuff all the time on here
Anorexia Nervosa is a medical condition and like any medical condition it has certain requirements that need to be met to have the disorder!!!
OSFED (other specified feeding or eating disorder) is the diagnosis given to people who are severely impacted by disordered eating but do not fully meet the criteria for any of the 5 main eating disorders (anorexia, bulimia, binge eating disorder, rumination disorder or AFRID)
Just because you want to be anorexic doesn’t mean you are anorexic. You’re obviously sick and mentally ill but that doesn’t make you anorexic.
There are other eating disorders than anorexia just because you do not have anorexia does not mean you do not have an eating disorder!! And just because you don’t have anorexia doesn’t mean you are any less vaild in your struggles or experiences with Ed!!
It’s like trying to say you have brain cancer but the cancer is in your lungs not your brain. You STILL have cancer but it is not brain cancer.
The biggest dispute people have is that an official anorexia diagnosis requires a person to be underweight (BMI 18.4 or under)
Is there major health concerns that can arise from people starving themselves at a higher weight ABSOLUTELY. But that officially not anorexia. OSFED would be the official diagnosis.
But for now it is what it is please use proper terminology and stop diagnosing yourself with a disorder you don’t met the criteria for.
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How is your Orange mono going? 🍊
It’s going good!
I just finished day 4?? I think I can’t count I started on Wednesday, anyways the hardest part has definitely been drinking enough water and getting enough steps. I’m chronically exhausted and suffering from several health problems rn so it’s a bit of a struggle.
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to all the teenagers who think an 3d is a "lose w3ight fast" hack
to all the 13-14 year olds on here asking for tips on "starting out"
to all the moms thinking "this will just be for a bit to help lose the baby w3ight"
to all the 20 somethings falling into hyper r3stricted fad di3ts
please, im begging you, get out while you still can
having an 3d is not fun. it's not dainty or beautiful, its not a "lifestyle" or an aesthetic. we romanticize it on here bc its easier than acknowledging what we're going through. but it's hell. it's losing friends and relationships. it's CONSTANTLY thinking ab f00d, w3ight, what you can e4t and what you can't. it's never being able to genuinely enjoy your favorite f00ds bc the numbers jump out as soon as you try. it's constant guilt, either w yourself for e4ting or w your loved ones for not e4ting. it's constant lying. it's wanting recovery but also being terrified of it.
if i could snap my fingers and be "normal", to be able to "e4t intuitively", to be able to enjoy f00d again, i would do it in a heartbeat.
this is a lifelong disease that will never fully go away. you absolutely can recover, but the thoughts and urges will likely never fully leave. it probably sounds so hypocritical from an 4n4 blog, from someone who posts thinspø and tips. i am not here to judge; i will never try to force recovery on anyone, esp when i'm not even ready myself. but we are stuck in this hole w the ladder just a little too far to reach.
please do not join us.
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