horrornatural · 8 days
We need a sonwife fatherfucker revolution
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horrornatural · 10 days
I think when Sam kept Dean from flirting back with a waitress who was flirting with him it was a violation of Dean’s bodily autonomy.
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horrornatural · 12 days
being dean winchester is like the abuse you experienced is not only entirely your fault because you weren't a real child but also the reason you are now considered abusive to your brother as a default because of responsibilities you didn't ask for that the universe itself won't let you escape
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horrornatural · 13 days
dean smith getting a little woozy from not eating enough. dean smith checking his hip bones in the bathroom mirror and going down a size in the men's cut panties he wears. dean smith having to skip a meal before blowing sam bc having anything in his stomach while bobbing back and forth makes him feel sick.
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horrornatural · 13 days
anyway the only people with true clarity are dean multishippers. wincest and destiel are both real, drowley and deanbenny too.
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horrornatural · 13 days
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current popular perception of sam moodboard
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horrornatural · 15 days
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i'm sorry but they're so in love
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horrornatural · 15 days
Once again let me make a distinction:
I like Sam.
I HATE fanon Sam's guts. He is a pathetic forgery of a fine painting being presented as the original.
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horrornatural · 24 days
wait problem solved. according to my activity page someone just followed my main but i can't see the blog so they do have me blocked. did they forget or do they not want me to see them? wtf
i just got 100+ notes on main but my activity page is empty so either tumblr is glitching or someone who has me blocked is going through my blog...?
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horrornatural · 24 days
i just got 100+ notes on main but my activity page is empty so either tumblr is glitching or someone who has me blocked is going through my blog...?
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horrornatural · 1 month
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god bless rhonda hurley. for @spnficrecfest
JUST SO YOU KNOW, I WAS THINKING OF YOU by ficlicks rhonda/dean + sam/dean, 7.7k, nc-17 “If we’re friends then what’s my favorite color?” Dean lifts his head and looks around the bedroom. It’s a tiny room, smaller than the one he shares with Sam. There’s an old white four-poster bed pushed up against the wall with chipping paint and tiny butterfly stickers stuck to the headboard. Her dresser is covered with books, bottles of nail polish and hair clips. On the floor is a laundry basket with freshly folded clothes. Dean scoops up the pair of panties sitting on top and slingshots them at Rhonda. “Pink,” Dean says, crawling onto the bed next to her.
OH SO GOOD, OH SO FINE by deadlybride sam/dean, 7.5k, rated E Zachariah gave them their memories back, but he didn't erase what had happened in the time they were other people. Dean Smith made a mistake, and Dean Winchester--well. He's still living with it.
WITH AUTUMN CLOSING IN by deadlybride sam/dean, 15k, rated E Seven years have passed since then. Sam thought he let it go.
NOT THE GOOD THINGS, NOR THE BAD by deadlybride sam/dean, 20k, rated E Dean wavers in a grey area between being taken and giving in.
THE SECRETS THAT WE KEEP by bexgowen endverse cas/endverse dean, 9.9k, rated E It’s 2014. The Croatoan virus has taken over the world, and Dean Winchester’s brilliant plan to kill Lucifer has failed. Dean should be working on Plan B, but all he’s been able to think about since Zachariah tossed that 2009 version of Dean into Camp Chitaqua was the secret that the younger Dean revealed. The one they’ve kept since they were nineteen years old. The one about the panties.
YOU SAY, GO FAST (I SAY, HOLD ON TIGHT) by hearthouses sam/dean, 11k, rated E This is what Dean looks like blanketed in desert night air. This is what Dean sounds like humming along to Johnny Cash on the local radio station, his thumbs tapping out the rhythm of the song on the steering wheel. This is what will be gone in a few dwindling months. (Mid-Season Three: Sam and Dean take some time away from figuring out how to save Dean from his deal, and live for the moment.)
SYMBIOSIS by deadlybride john/dean, 2.8k, rated E Dean plans a surprise for his dad.
BEDROOM HYMNS by fathersalmon cas/dean + rhonda/dean + dean/baseball team, 8.9k, rated E 5 times Dean Winchester tried to deny his panty kink and the one time he didn't.
PINK AND BLUE by jemariel cas/dean + rhonda/dean, 4.9k, rated E "Would you --” Cas swallows, his voice low and yeah, that’s definitely his ‘I’m horny’ voice, the one that gives Dean the shivers. “Would you like to show me your favorites?”
HUNTER, KNOW THYSELF by imogenbynight rhonda/dean, 2.5k, rated M In which Dean sets up his bedroom at the bunker and remembers his night with Rhonda Hurley.
FRAGILE by dragonspell sam/dean, 3.4k, nc-17 Dean likes to pretend he's the stronger one. But Sam knows just how fragile Dean can be on the inside. Now he just wants the outside to match.
LOVE IN DISGUISE by sleepypercy sam/dean + dean/omc, 4.9k, rated E In order to catch a CEO that's been cutting out hearts, Dean reluctantly poses as a hooker. Sam never expected his brother to look so good in that skirt.
BLUNT by lesson_in_love rhonda/dean, rated R Rhonda Hurley. Dean always thought it was an awful name.
RED LACE by dragonspell sam/dean, 2.3k, nc-17 Dean never thought that Sam would go through with it. He’d thought it was just one of those things—one of the random bits of filth that dropped out of Sam’s mouth whenever he was in the mood.
OH SO FINE by valiant sam wesson/dean smith, 2.4k, nc-17 Sam Wesson really wants into Dean Smith's pants. When he finally manages to get him to say yes, he's shocked to find out that he wears women's underwear under those pressed suits.
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horrornatural · 1 month
spn fic rec fest day 2 - whump
under cut
tw non con
edit forgot to tag @spnficrecfest
deanbobby. dean loses his memory, sam disappears and bobby takes care of dean (kind of). love the moral ambiguity of sam and bobby in this fic, bobby's disturbing backstory and of course hurt!dean my sweet baby ❤️ and so gorgeously written.
i don't even know what to say. traumatised closeted dean haunted by the worst kind of experience with a shifter and his dad. i haven't read the most recent part yet but everything i have read has been fantastic and broken my heart which is exactly what i look for in fiction. make me sad.
deancain AU where criminals are punished by slavery. definite whump for dean but as this is kink day too this one... works on both counts for the heavy bondage/non con elements. it's also just so beautifully and eerily written and i revisit it often.
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horrornatural · 1 month
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FIC RECS for @spnficrecfest - august 1-3 specific era or season
i'm attempting to limit myself to just one small sample of the fics that could be recced in every category so that my list is more easily digestible. it's a given that many good fics will be left out but if we keep this up they will have their turn later.
specific era: early season 2 and the immediate aftermath of john's death.
elegy by deadlybride (sam/dean, john/dean) After their dad dies, Sam feels the need to get a secret off his chest.
won't you hide me by scotchbonnets (sam/dean, john/dean) Dean's simmering despair over John's death comes to a boil when he feels cornered by Sam.
tell me your heart will never change by amiwritesthings (sam/dean, john/dean) Sam sorts through the cassettes, Zeppelin I through IV, Seger, AC/DC, the Beatles one that almost never got played after Sam no longer needed a lullaby to go to sleep. Metallica, Black Sabbath. He picks up the last tape out of the box and – the bottom of it shifts, like it’s loose. Huh. Sam presses down on one side and the bottom pops up. There’s another tape in the small space beneath. It’s smaller, like one of those video camera tapes and Sam frowns. He can’t recall them ever owning a video camera.
one day like this by chinablue (sam/dean subtext, john/dean) Sam goes through his father's old photos.
till human voices wake us by ignipes (sam/dean) He can fix the car.
and the cold earth between them by leonidaslion (dean/ellen, john/ellen, john/dean subtext) In the aftermath of John's death, Dean is searching for a way back to his father. He still can't decide whether he wants to hug him close or punch him, but Ellen's own special brand of mourning seems to be just what the doctor ordered. If Dean can't seem to shake his father's ghost during, well… He's done more screwed up things.
we don't talk about it by apex__predator (sam/dean, john/dean) The first time you kiss your father, he licks his own cum off your face. The second and last time you kiss your father, your lips push to his and he stays still. Then, you wrap him up in cloth and set him alight.
hey dad speaking of driving by hansbekhart (sam/dean) The Impala shakes a little as Sam slams Dean into the side of it, his fist wrapped around the front of Dean's t-shirt.
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horrornatural · 1 month
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FIC RECS for @spnficrecfest - august 13-15 poly ships or rare pairs
i'm attempting to limit myself to just one small sample of the fics that could be recced in every category so that my list is more easily digestible. it's a given that many good fics will be left out but if we keep this up they will have their turn later.
sam/dean & others, various levels of consent.
it's not a question of want by dragonspell (sam/dean, john/dean, sam/dean/john) It's not a question of want; it's a question of need. So when John brings a hurt Dean back to the motel room at one in the morning after a botched hunt, Sam's going to do whatever's needed.
laying claim by bloodkisses (sam/dean, john/dean, sam/dean/john) Sam has no idea how he's ended up here, in bed with his father and his brother. All he knows is that Dean is his.
the air moves in by britomart_is (sam/dean, sam/dean/others) It's not about Dean. Really.
kissing in the blue dark by tebtosca (sam/dean, sam/dean/omc) Rick's not quite sure what to expect when he goes home with a couple of hot strangers.
vagabondage by rivkat (sam/dean, dean/omc, sam/dean/omc) A transient life means that sometimes improvisation is called for.
sloppy seconds by anonymous (sam/dean, dean/others) 5 times Sam gets sloppy seconds and one time he has Dean all for himself.
something deadly within arm's reach by trojie (sam/dean, dean/castiel, sam/dean/castiel) What's between them is a big, messy knot of control issues, and Sam needs Cas's help to cut through it all.
the shortest distance between two points by trojie (sam/dean, dean/castiel, sam/dean/castiel) Castiel watches over the Winchesters, which means he hears a lot of things he probably shouldn't, sees a lot of things he wishes he didn't, wants a lot of things he was never even meant to know about.
there and back again by deadlybride (sam/dean, dean/benny, sam/dean/benny) Benny came back with Sam from Purgatory, after the trials, and set up a quiet life in a cabin up in the Kentucky hills. Sam and Dean visit, sometimes.
you don't have to be an angel by amiwritesthings (sam/dean/mary) She feels her cheeks heat at the hazy memory of the night before, a drunken mistake if she’s ever made one.
in the valley of the shadow by fleshflutter (sam/dean/jess/madison) Their voices are pitched too low for Dean to catch the words but he figures it’s just girl-talk interspersed with the occasional soft, throaty giggle. He doesn’t think there’s enough in their heads for them to be saying anything important. Probably just dust and maggots.
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horrornatural · 1 month
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FIC RECS for @spnficrecfest - august 10-12 aus and crossovers
i'm attempting to limit myself to just one small sample of the fics that could be recced in every category so that my list is more easily digestible. it's a given that many good fics will be left out but if we keep this up they will have their turn later.
always-a-girl dean winchester
carmen and the devil by glorious_spoon (gen) John raises his daughters in the life.
you feel your heart taking root in your body by paxlux (sam/dean) Then, he can see again, she’s stepped away, taking her little hands with her.
everlovin' baby series by paxlux (sam/dean) This is like premeditated murder. This is like a crime of passion. This is like a suicide pact.
denial series by badbastion (sam/dean) This is another stupid game to her, Dee teasing her little brother. It’s a prank, it’s a game of chicken, just… upped uncomfortably to include sex.
you're the only one that's mine by riyku (sam/dean) Dean gets injured on a hunt and Sam has to patch her up. Things get a little out of hand.
bloodletting by adastreia (sam/dean) Sam's jonesing for blood. Deanna's on her period.
madonna by hellhoundsprey (sam/dean) Things used to be easier. This is on Sam.
my heart's staying put by grim_lupine (sam/dean) It's like Deanna’s been asleep for four years, traversing the highways of her life on autopilot, every joy and every pain muted and numbed. In the months since she got Sam back she's been coming to life slowly, with the pins-and-needles tingling of a deadened limb awakening.
take off my flesh and sit in my bones by oxoniensis (sam/dean) Tiny breasts, like sandcastles washed over by the tide, tan soft and warm like sand; body still bones and promise.
long as i remember (the rain been coming down) by phoenixflight (sam/dean) Deanna’s cycle had always been obvious to Sam.
buccaneer by deadlybride (dean/crowley, dean/omc, sam/dean) With a new Knight of Hell at his side, Crowley should be attending to business. Instead, he's focused on one thing.
the shout of heavy guilt by astoryandasong (dean/castiel) Sometimes you have to live the story.
as we go along and making it up by aesc (dean/castiel) The world didn't end, and sometimes that freaks her out.
like it's the end of the world by xxamlaxx (sam/dean, john/dean, dean/others) Fifty sentences that span pre-series up to the end of season 3.
everybody else's girl by mona1347 (sam/dean) Back when they were kids, Dee would hold and rock him, pseudo-motherhood awkward and too big on the little girl she was.
daddy's little girl series by amiwritesthings (john/dean, sam/dean, sam/dean/john) John and Deanna, through the years.
a simple motion by chinablue (john/dean, dean/others) But watching her - watching her is different. Watching isn't touching, and there's no law against that.
i'll be your mirror by chinablue (john/dean) The girl in his bed isn’t quite his wife, but in the glowy relative darkness she has room to morph.
the found song by necrotype (dean/rhonda, dean/others) It takes a long time to feel content (a disjointed story in five parts).
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horrornatural · 1 month
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FIC RECS for @spnficrecfest - august 16-18 casefics
i'm attempting to limit myself to just one small sample of the fics that could be recced in every category so that my list is more easily digestible. it's a given that many good fics will be left out but if we keep this up they will have their turn later.
a few of my favorite casefics
torch song by art_savage (gen, season 2) Children are disappearing in Durango, Colorado. Dean starts to take the case a bit too personally.
in reverse by sodakey (gen, season 1) After Faith, a job has the boys looking for missing hikers in Wyoming. While Sam worries it’s connected to what happened to Dean ten years ago, Dean wonders if Sam would be better off back in the world of normal.
red by big_pink (gen, season 1) Something evil is killing treeplanters in the forests of the Pacific Northwest, possibly the same predator that Dean narrowly escaped years before. How Grimm will things get before the brothers figure it out?
beatty, 1988 by kalliel (gen, preseries) There are hunts that go down smooth, just enough kick, relished and savored. Others are just a date and a name.
love like salt by kalliel (gen, preseries) The Winchesters revisit a ghostly snag in one of John's old cases. Meanwhile, Sam scrambles to mend their broken pieces, even as his world unravels around him. Dean just unravels.
flowers on a razor wire by jaimeykay (gen, preseries) The Winchesters find themselves grounded for several months when John is injured on a hunt, but no matter if they stay or go, a case always seems to find them in the end: a demon is threatening the town's children. 16-year-old Dean joins forces with a local hunter, whose belief in teaching Dean how to be the perfect hunter runs up against Sam's distrust and suspicion.
lovetown by nigeltde (sam/dean, s2) Spill your guts.
no birds today by whereupon (sam/dean, s3) Something's killing women in a small Nebraska town, Sam has boundary issues, and Dean's just trying to make peace.
from coast to coast by paxlux (sam/dean, s1) They've seen some unbelievable things.
cupid's got a gun by geckoholic (sam/dean, s4) Ever since hell, Dean's in no hurry to get that show on the road again. They've tried, and it doesn't work, too many bad memories from what's been done to him downstairs. A case that involves a cursed cross and a vengeful witch takes that choice away from them.
the old gods return by fleshflutter (sam/dean, s3) The envelope is waiting for them behind the desk of the motel when they try to check out. It's made of a thick, coarse brown paper and Sam can't stop touching the flowing script in black ink that's the only marking on it: Mr. Samuel Winchester.
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horrornatural · 2 months
johndeanna fuck or die where john makes sam watch
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