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I can see his fucking dickprint how can someone make me this horny at 7am
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Alcohol is my enemy
I thought it was my friend
That night that caused all this pain
Is unforgetten in my head
You think you did nothing wrong
But what else is new
It’s always about you
That night caused me so much pain
You saw me and took me in that way
I didn’t want it
But you wouldn’t take no
Alcohol caused me to be taken advantage of
But so did you
You said you loved me
And I believed you
But that night forever changed my life
You hurt me in ways
You’ll never understand
Because it’s always about you
The next time you get drunk
I hope you don’t do the same thing
To someone else that is innocent
He doesn’t deserve that pain
I hope you get consent
I hope you don’t take advantage
Of some innocent guy
And cause him the pain you cause me
Maybe that’s why I drink and smoke
To forget that night
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Love is, at its most basically part, trusting, caring, and forgiving. When you look more in depth, love is passion and looking out for someone. It’s putting their needs above yours sometimes. It’s the feeling you get when you see someone and can’t hide a smile. It’s the feeling you get when you laugh, but all you wanted to do was cry. Love is a double sided aspect. If you love someone, but they don’t love you, or vise versa, there is nothing. Love is knowing everything will be alright in a time of distress. Love is not always warm and fuzzy; it can be cold and dark, but in the end, it’s worth it. Love is feeling safe when you’re with the person you love. Love is when you think you don’t deserve to be as happy as you are. Love is not sex; it isn’t physical. Love is a metaphorical thing. Love can’t be hidden or overlooked. Love is strong. Love is going out of your way. Love is being honest even when it hurts. Love is not infatuation. Love is patient; it is kind. It overcomes all. Love isn’t always easy; it can be difficult. Love is one of the strongest and most important emotions. Everyone deserves love. Love helps us function. Without love, life is meaningless. Love is feeling whole. Love is feeling checking up on someone. Love isn’t drunk texts. Love can hurt. Love is permanent. Love is unconditional. Love is remembering the littlest details. Love is holding someone when they want to cry. Love is listening. Love is understanding. Love is respectful. Love is not a one night stand. Love is getting consent. Love is compassionate. Love is not limited. Love is not lust. Love is hurting when you’re apart from someone. Love is equality. Love is blind to age. Love is blind to gender. Love is blind to religion. Love is blind to race. Love is acceptance. Love is not judging. Love is needing someone in your life. Life is seeing all and thinking every flaw is perfect. Love can conquer anything and everything. Love has no lies. Love is never boring. Love is not uniform; it is different for everyone. Love is being able to read the person you love. Love overlooks flaws. Love is brave. Love is daring. Love is putting yourself out there. Lust can be mistaken for love, but there is no substitute for love once you encounter the real thing. Love is a hero. Love can take away the pain. Love never leaves. Love is forever, but always feels new. Love is doing everything to make someone else happy. Love is always being there. Love is found in a soulmate. Love is finding joy in the little thing. Love is noticing everything. Love doesn’t hurt others. Love does not change others. Love is a safe haven. Love is loud. Love is everlasting like an ocean. Love is reopening your eyes after what seems like forever and seeing your whole life fulfilled. Love is a song in your heart that can’t be silenced. Love is belonging. Love holds no secrets. Love is selfless, not selfish. Love is feeling complete and fulfilled. Love is surprising. It makes the hair stick up on your neck. It makes you tingle. You feel butterflies. Love is not jealous. Love is growing old together. Love makes you float. Love is never wanting to leave. Love is taking chances. Love is when two old souls meet once again. Love waits. Love steals your heart. Love is unbroken. Love is apologizing when you know you’re wrong. Love is real. And most of all, love is perfect in it’s own flawed way.
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I Though I Loved You
I remember
Sitting under the stars by the river,
Walking on the beach,
Oh how your touch made me quiver
I thought I loved you,
Oh I thought you were the one,
I thought I loved you,
The one I thought I’d love,
Until I was eighty one,
You were perfect to me.
I loved you straight out of high school.
Why could I not see.
That you were not really the one for me?
You were simply using me.
We were both settling.
Neither truly happy.
But a little knowledge is a dangerous thing.
I started to realize it just a fling.
I thought I loved you.
Oh I thought you were the one.
I thought I loved you.
The one I thought I’d love,
Until I was eighty one
But soon I realized
We were forcing it to work
And soon you tried to walk on me
Like I was dirt.
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i crave a love so deep the ocean would be jealous.
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The guy I’m crushing on has the most perfect ass tbh like when he walks in his tight pants you can see it all 
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I think about you a little more than I should.
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Falling For You
Seeing you smile,
Listening to you laugh,
Staring into your eyes,
Hearing your voice.
The more I get to know you,
The harder I fall.
Every time you look at me,
Whenever you talk to me,
I fall deeper and deeper in love.
I hope,
I pray,
I try,
To make you want me 
To make you love me
I want to feel your lips on mine,
I want you to hold me through the night
I want you take away your pain,
Your sadness,
Your agony,
I want to make you happy,
I live to see you smile.
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