In Memory Of Dr/Zero
11 posts
Currently in the planning stages of a Matsuda Yasuke Fan Week.
Last active 60 minutes ago
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hopegroundzero · 5 years ago
Please follow this blog for more week information! Sorry for all the trouble!
Hello Again!
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You haven’t forgotten me, right? Or maybe this is our first meeting. Who knows!
Anyway, it’s Magi aka @magioftheseas​ here in the midst of rEMAKING THE FUCKING DR0 BLOG BECAUSE TUMBLR SHADOWBANNED IT AND WON’T ANSWER MY SEVERAL PLEAS FOR THEM TO UNDO SO. I’ll try and reblog everything on that blog to this blog and then…delete the first one…probably?? bUT FOR NOW, HERE’S THE NEW HUB SPOT WITH ACTUAL GUIDELINES AND ACTUAL DATES FOR THE MATSUDA YASUKE FANWEEK 2020!!!
I said it was gonna be in March but then…stuff sure…happened! So, it’s gonna be in May instead. Specifically May 24th to May 30th! The prompts haven’t changed!
Even if you can’t participate, a promo is still nice! Thank you!
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hopegroundzero · 5 years ago
So a long time ago you said they would be a dr0 week. Could you please give me the the date? I'm super interrest in participating.
I’m so sorry for the wait! A lot of stuff happened at the start of this year and I ended up experiencing huge burnout which hindered my abilities. I’m still recovering, but I actually did manage to properly set up a blog for the weak!
Yeah this one...isn’t going to work because it’s shadowbanned. So like, the chances of a fanweek hosted on it having an even mildly okay turnout is dead in the water. I had to make another blog and it has all the information, including the dates!
It’s @hopegroundzero2 because yeah. Please check it out!
But to answer your question directly, I’ve decided that it’ll be the last week of May. :>
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hopegroundzero · 5 years ago
Soooooo... How long is long enough to wait for Tumblr to un-shadowban before giving up and just remaking?
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hopegroundzero · 5 years ago
Not a headcanon but I made this AU in my head where Izuru saves Matsuda but Matsuda somehow goes blind. Izuru hides Matsuda somewhere and leaves to do stuff for the tragedy whatever and Matsuda gets picked up by the Future Foundation eventually. In this AU, Matsuda eventually informs Makoto about the Neo World Program and maybe has a kinda angsty moment where he confesses his involvement with Izuru
Heheh, nice. I had a similar idea for my “Matsuda Survives” AU, but it wasn’t blindness. I do relish in all kinds of angst set in that kind of AU, though, so this is good.
Matsuda/Naegi interactions are such an interesting idea. Personally, I feel that the FF being HPA-focused would turn Matsuda off them like, a LOT due to his experiences with the HPA staff, and he’d have a tough time trusting Naegi even a little.
He might be a little willing to talk about Junko since Naegi at least knows her and this, in turn, can motivate Naegi into saving the remnants, since I mildly headcanon that part of why he’s so certain they can be saved if because he remembers how kind Mukuro had been.
Since I’m also into Miaya, I do like to think her vouching for Matsuda would be some Good Shit. Real Good Shit. I mean, canonically, they couldn’t have gotten access to the NWP from anywhere but Miaya, so I’m pretty sure she has her own reasons for wanting to help them. And since canon doesn’t provide shit, I’m gonna have to assume it’s because she worked with Matsuda and knows that he’s good deep down, just...very messy. Very complicated.
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hopegroundzero · 5 years ago
In response, Matsuda flips him off.
My headcanon is that Matsuda should give me birthday presents and stop flushing the mother's day cards I send him and also give hugs. He may keep his Izuru Kamukura Was A Mistake meme wall because it makes him happy. He should also let me get him a cat.
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“Maybe if a certain crypt creep would stop fucking chasing tanuki around after I’ve already told him to leave them alone, I would trust him with a cat. But I don’t see that happening, so your future’s not looking bright.”
“Also would you rather I burn the damn things instead? Also-also, maybe I’d be more privy to touching you if you took a damn shower regularly without me having to chase you with a water gun.”
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hopegroundzero · 5 years ago
My headcanon is that Matsuda should give me birthday presents and stop flushing the mother's day cards I send him and also give hugs. He may keep his Izuru Kamukura Was A Mistake meme wall because it makes him happy. He should also let me get him a cat.
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“Maybe if a certain crypt creep would stop fucking chasing tanuki around after I’ve already told him to leave them alone, I would trust him with a cat. But I don’t see that happening, so your future’s not looking bright.”
“Also would you rather I burn the damn things instead? Also-also, maybe I’d be more privy to touching you if you took a damn shower regularly without me having to chase you with a water gun.”
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hopegroundzero · 5 years ago
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Danganronpa Zero Pages from the 1&2 Artbook as requested by jemandthesingalongs Bonus Ryouko included.
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hopegroundzero · 5 years ago
Please fucking read dr0, my crops are dying and I’m crying.
Matsuda and Otonashi deserve so much better.
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hopegroundzero · 5 years ago
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Transparent Ryoko Otonashi & Yasuke Matsuda from Danganronpa/Zero scanned by me. 
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hopegroundzero · 5 years ago
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Yasuke Matsuda and Ryouko Otonashi drawn by Sasako Mitomo, artist for Killer Killer. SOURCE
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hopegroundzero · 5 years ago
Back to Zero
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Hello! It’s Magi aka @magioftheseas​! Welcome to my new dr0-focused blog that... I’m gonna be honest rn is more focused on my best boy Matsuda because there’s gonna be a Matsuda fanweek in a bit. Preferably late March. The prompts are already posted though if you want a headstart.
Haha. Head.
But I do want this blog to be friendly to general dr0 fans because no one else cares about dr0, certainly not Kodaka. Please share all your dr0 headcanons and lore! Let’s try and have as much fun as we can!
As stated, we and by we I mean I’m still in the planning process but I don’t really have a lot of patience so let’s just get a premature start. I’ll definitely be posting more, though, so please be on the lookout!
Stay sharp! And, uh, promo this blog, maybe?
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