I'm Anthony and this is my blog! I started as a Once blog but I'm sort of Multifandom now. Captain Swan is my OTP but love other Once ships too especially Snowing and Outlaw Queen. I also post a lot of Marvel stuff (everything from the comics to the shows to the movies) & pretty much anything else I'm into but I make sure everything on here is tagged. The other shows I mostly post about are SHIELD, Gotham, The 100, Supernatural and Lucifer!
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.

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A sexual assault survivor just confronted Sen. Jeff Flake, who announced he will vote to confirm Brett Kavanaugh: “Look at me and tell me that it doesn’t matter what happened to me, that you will let people like that go into the highest court of the land.”
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This is a brief survey dealing with abduction and human trafficking if you’re reading this please take a minute to answer a few questions about a very important issue.Â
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Good morning, Who are we cancelling today?
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Hugh Jackman and Dafne Keen accept the MTV Movie Award for Best Duo for LoganÂ
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America: Who We AreIs Who We Were
“If one can summon the spirits of one's ancestors, then they have never left, and the wisdom and strength they fathered and inspired will come to our aid.
James Madison; Alexander Hamilton; Benjamin Franklin; Thomas Jefferson; George Washington; John Adams:
We've long resisted asking you for guidance.
Perhaps we have feared in doing so we might acknowledge that our individuality which we so, so revere is not entirely our own.
Perhaps we've feared an -- an appeal to you might be taken for weakness. But we've come to understand, finally, that this is not so.
We understand now. We've been made to understand, and to embrace the understanding, that who we are -- is who we were.
We desperately need your strength and wisdom to triumph over our fears, our prejudices, our-selves. Give us the courage to do what is right.”
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By: Arabesque‏ - Tweet
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Reblog for Good luck🙏🏼
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“I don’t see how that’s a party”
game time!
every time you see this post you have to reblog with a different marvel quote (no repeats)
i’ll start: “i’m a god you dull creature!”
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America Needs To Remember It Greatness
Today the ongoing saga known as the Trump Presidency reached all new heights of absurdity I never expected. The truth is he has a talent for finding all new levels of depravity. As soon as you expect that you've hit rock bottom with his antics, he finds a trap door leading to some subterranean netherworld which somehow manages to be even worse.
Well at this new "rock bottom" we witnessed as the person who was elected to represent our interests abroad defended our enemy and insulted our country. We were attacked in 2016 by an extremely successful Russian active measures campaign. Voter rolls were hacked, propaganda was spread and it was used to great effect in order to sow discord in an already divided nation. When did people stop recognizing that neither Republicans nor Democrats are the greatest enemy of this country?
With the chance to confront our attacker who openly admitted that he ordered assistance in order to sway the election, the American President took the opportunity to serve as Putin's personal publicist. In the process of this groveling appearance the President went even further stating that Putin is on equal terms in the regards to credibility and trustworthiness as the American Intelligence Agencies that protect us.
As outlandish as these last 24hrs have been it seems in this basement netherworld which now makes the rockbottom we hit before seem like a pleasant memory, we were taken even lower. Anyone who saw yesterday's press conference could see very clearly the context in which each statement made to degrade the US and bolster Putin were made.
Now the President wants us to believe that this catastrophe was nothing more a minor speaking error? In simple terms asking the American people and the world who witnessed this calamity, this disturbing fiasco of depravity to believe his word. Essentially stating who are we going to believe? Him or our lying eyes?
It is quite clear where his allegiances lie, it is quite clear he has no sense of duty to his country or his people, and that the oath he took means nothing more than an ego boost. In wake of the attacks made by the Russian government, what we witnessed yesterday was an act of treason. I am glad to see people unifying and calling this act exactly what it was regardless of their political association.
At this point we are down the rabbit hole, through about five or six looking glasses but regardless, somewhere or another the public will find it's collective sanity. I hope there is enough people that love this country and will not follow their party to the front door of the Kremlin. Time will tell with the midterms only a few months away, but at this point the President's word is about valuable as a Confederate dollar. The fact that he would openly and unapologetically lie to cover his shameful act of treason at this point leaves me thinking
Is this the point where there's nowhere to go but up?
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Hey my fellow Millennials!
If you had the chance to have a job that would support a family of three with just your income, you’d never have to leave, full benefits, you could retire with a pension and the most you’d need is a high school diploma, would you still go to college?
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As of April, 59% of U.S. adults who are eligible to vote are Gen Xers, Millennials or “post-Millennials.” Yet if past midterm election turnout patterns hold true, these younger Americans are unlikely to cast the majority of votes this November.
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