honor-is-dead · 5 days
idk if if's been done yet but I desperately need to see fanart of adolin getting HEATED over dress to impress cause I know he would take it so seriously
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honor-is-dead · 22 days
Navani & Lirin conversation would be interesting, I think. Older parents of headstrong heroes. Both lost a son to war. Both think they should have prevented it. (Neither of them could have prevented it.)
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honor-is-dead · 1 month
I finished the animatic lol. Kaladin glows like a glow stick conformed
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honor-is-dead · 4 months
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"Nonsense! You cannot hold me back if he says the words!"
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honor-is-dead · 4 months
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I’m on a roll with the Stormlight Archive fanart. Time for Adolin Kholin!
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honor-is-dead · 4 months
a tiny compilation of stormlight vines :-) finished my way of kings reread and now I can't draw anything else
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honor-is-dead · 4 months
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thought this frame deserved its own post 💙 (stormlight vine animatics)
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honor-is-dead · 4 months
I love Stormlight because you can like make stupid news article titles from the events of them (light spoilers nothing too major)
Man Shatters Gender Norms - Learns to Read
Doctors discover that locking mentally unstable people in a dark room is bad!
Dead Sword Speaks to Man
Mentally Ill Soldier invents group therapy - does not attend
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honor-is-dead · 4 months
do you ever think Kelsier gets mad that he can’t wink anymore?
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honor-is-dead · 4 months
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They Sky is Mine, i claim it.
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honor-is-dead · 4 months
Coming across world hoppers in the cosmere is so funny because they'll be like "People here are so weird about women's hands. You should be normal about it, like me." But then they're like "Where I'm from we eat metal and worship a serial killer."
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honor-is-dead · 5 months
great question!
i will never be a dalinar apologist. plainly. do i think his arc is very interesting and well-written? yes absolutely. but i will never believe his past actions can really be justified.
and to those who would say i missed the whole point--no i did not. i love and appreciate the message of this series; everyone is redeemable, nobody is beyond hope
that is such an important virtue and one i wholeheartedly believe in
so here's the thing:
i can absolutely appreciate that dalinar has managed to grow as a person past what he was. but there will never be justification for his past actions
adolin himself does not forgive his father, but he still loved him (RoW; chapter 21)
i think the main reason people dislike elhokar was because his arc was never able to come to fruition. he had that robbed of him by the plot, and i think as a character he would be more accepted if he got to fully realize his growth
did i particularly like elhokar? no not really
but in a totally different way from dalinar
like elhokar was kind of annoying and very whiny, but most of that wasnt entirely his fault and more that of the adults that raised him
i dislike elhokar because he would annoy me if he were a real person. i dislike dalinar because he committed horrendous war crimes.
i do not dislike the two equally.
Hey Stormlight fans why are we so quick to forgive Dalinar for killing innocents- including his own wife, but when it comes to Elhokar, whose worst crimes were just being immature and incompetent- both of which come from not being ready to inherit the throne- he's unforgiveable?
Do yall actually think Elhokar is irredeemable because he let Moash's grandparents die?? If so then yall should really take a good long look at Dalinar's arc and compare it to where Elhokar is when he's swearing the First Ideal, because Dalinar at his lowest on the whole was far worse than Elhokar ever was
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honor-is-dead · 5 months
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Wobs that sound like they could belong on fake-wobs yet are 100% real
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honor-is-dead · 5 months
"Sometimes, people only seem determined upon one course because they have been offered no other options."
The Well of Ascension - Brandon Sanderson
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honor-is-dead · 5 months
stormlight archive and starwars both dare to ask the question of what if there was a sword that cut so so so so so good
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honor-is-dead · 5 months
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hes so tired
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honor-is-dead · 5 months
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I think about Navani Kholin I go 😳
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